MTL - The Top Beast Master Reborn In the End of the World-Chapter 307

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Fang He, "It's unbelievable, they don't even want their own beastmasters? Who can they show?"

Lou Xingrui, "Maybe he is leaving the capital base, so you don't care about the people who stay in the capital base?"

Fang He was very angry, "Is it because all that should be taken away have been taken away, right? All of them have been taken to the T city base, and the rest in the capital base is equivalent to giving up all?"

The letter sent by Fang Jiangqun and the others this time was about the situation of Ma Yan, Zhou Dong and Wu Han who stayed in the capital base and did not take them away.

Unexpectedly, the beastmasters of Ansai base really succeeded, and not one or two succeeded, the three remaining beastmasters, basically Each kidnapped more than five beastmasters.

The one with the least has six beastmasters, and the one with the most abducted ten! It's too good, how did the three of them do it? This adds up to more than twenty beastmasters! Are they really willing?

Thinking of taking it away."

"And these beastmasters who were taken away may have betrayed the Fang family before. After the three of them left the capital base, they may feel that they will be targeted at the capital base in the future."

Fang He, "So it was so easy to be poached by the Ansai base? If this is the case, then after we stop this group of people, we can't just kill them."

Lou Xingrui, "What are you going to do?"

Fang He, "Some of them may be planning to use this excuse to leave the capital base to live in other bases, and some just need to go down a step and go to a base without Fang's home."

"This Ansai base just appeared in front of them, maybe they were all attracted by the beauty of the Ansai base they described, so I decided to go and have a look."

Lou Xingrui, "Then now..."

Fang He, "This number is too much, there are 24 beastmasters who have been dug away, and the three beastmasters in Ansai base are 27 in total, but Fortunately, although there are many beastmasters, the beastmasters abandoned by Ma Yan and the others are relatively weak."

Lou Xingrui, "It is indeed possible, then I will be responsible for blocking their retreat, your mutant animals will rot in front, so that they will not have a space to escape."

Fang He nodded, "Okay, just do it like this, I hope this matter can be resolved satisfactorily."

Lou Xingrui, "If you can't tell who should be killed or not, just use Ah Chou."

Fang He, "Anyway, the Ansai base's beastmasters are not a pity to die, and the rest depends on the situation."

Blue Sky sent the letter back today, which means that Fang Jiangqun said that they left the capital base at noon yesterday, which means that they have left the capital base for more than a day from yesterday to now.

Fang He counted the time, "So many beastmasters must have a rest at night. According to the speed of the previous beastmasters, it may take four days to get here. Bar?"

Lou Xingrui, "Wouldn't it be better for Lantian to visit from time to time? Did you see their current position when you came back with the letter?"

Fang He nodded, "Knowing the current position, if we are really hungry at this speed, it may take us five or six days to meet them, and this speed is slow enough."

Lou Xingrui, "It's okay, we have time now."

Fang He nodded, "That's right."


Fang Heyou sometimes can't see his little cuties, but fortunately, the black glass cat is always by his side, as for Erha and Baihu, they are now like enemies It's like fighting every day.

Of course it's impossible to say that you killed me and I killed you. It's just that some people really fight. Fang He even brings Lou Xinrui to watch every day, and every time he sees it, he feels amazing .


In this way, day by day, Fang He and the others finally waited for these 27 beastmasters from the capital base, or Lantian is about five hours away place to find them.

Fang He, "Get ready, Xing Rui."

Lou Xingrui, "It's ready, just wait for them to step into our encirclement."

Fang He, "Well, my little cuties will come too, and they will all be hidden under the vines woven by your mutant plants. These vines can isolate the breath, which is really convenient."

Lou Xingrui, "Let's go, arrange these places first, and then you can start directly."

At this moment, someone in the group of beastmasters said, "My little flower seems to feel something bad, it is very uneasy, there may be a strong mutant animal in front of it, or it may be It's a mutant plant."

"In that case, shall we detour?"

"Just kidding, we have twenty-seven beastmasters here, do we still need to be afraid of one or two mutant animals? If it is a mutant plant, it's two things."

"It's better to take a detour during the insurance period. We are going to the Ansai base. If there is any loss on the way, it will be bad. What do you think?"

"What way to go around? Do you know where to go? Do you know where that thing that I don't know is a mutant animal or a mutant plant? It will take a long time to find it, and we are all delayed on the road. It's been a long time, let's go quickly, there are so many of us here with mutant animals, that thing may not have the courage to shoot at us, let's go, don't waste time."

"I thought so too. I just walked right away. If I take a detour, I don't know where to go, and I don't know how much time it will take. I don't want to sleep in the wild anymore."

In the end, the minority obeyed the majority, and they decided to move forward and not stay here, and this was exactly what Fang He thought, they stood in the distance and watched the group People and mutant animals walked into the cave they had arranged little by little. There was a large depression nearby, which they had prepared a few days ago.

Fang He watched them all walk into the pit slowly, then smiled, "It's time."

"Ah! This is a mutant plant, what's the matter, the road behind is blocked and there is no way to go! No, we are ambushed, hurry forward!"

Husky, and the other is the mutant white tiger.

"My God, is this being ambushed by mutant animals and mutant plants?"

"Do you have any brains? There are beastmasters and spirit masters ambushing us here. Looking at such a large battle, it is estimated that the number of beastmasters and spiritual masters will not be small."

"What should we do? This kind of combat power is several times ours, can we still survive?"

"What can't survive? Let's rush forward, the mutant animals are in front, our mutant animals unite and attack the defense line of the mutant animals in front, and then everyone will ride on their own. The mutant animals rushed forward at the fastest speed."

time, brought them outside the encirclement.

In the end, they saw Fang He and Lou Xingrui standing here, especially Fang He was holding Ah Chou in his arms.

"You are Fang He and Lou Xingrui!"

Fang Ho! Of course they knew who Fang He was. He was the eldest young master of the base family in the capital, so they said...

"Hey! What is this going to do? We've all left the capital base, what do you want?! Can't we go to a new base and start over?"

Fang He blinked and nodded, "Yes, as long as you have to answer a few questions for me."

The other party was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously, "What's the problem?"

Fang He, "What is your specific reason for going to Ansai Base?"

"What else could it be? Of course, I have to live in a different base. The person said that the Ansai base is a newly created base, a base belonging to the beastmasters and the spirit masters, and life there will be very difficult. Freedom is fun."

Fang He, "Anything else?"

It's so cool, it's still the Ansai base, you can play casually."

When Fang He grabbed the second question, the rest of the people reacted, maybe Fang He really didn't intend to care about them, but he didn't let go of anyone who would kill others at will people.

So as long as it is their turn to answer a little bit better and more beautiful, lest they die like the first person with no flesh left.

It's just...they didn't think about why the person just told the truth without even thinking about it, and the second one also repeated the same answer, and the second one died.

The people behind thought that the second person didn't react, but when everyone said their true thoughts were all dead, the rest of the people reacted.

Weird! To say that the first, second, and even the third did not respond, what about the latter? The people in the back aren't always stupid, are they? But they all told the truth!

There must be a quirk in it, so what is this quirk? It must have something to do with Fang He, maybe it has something to do with the unknown mutant animal in his arms!

"What are you holding in your arms?"

Fang He touched A Chou's fur, "It's cute, don't you have them too? Mutated animals."

"It can control us to tell the truth, right? No? You have mind-controlling monsters!"

Fang He twitched the corner of his mouth, "So what? Die all."

How does this work? They all glared angrily at the person who spoke just now, and then looked at Fang He very flatteringly, "Young Master Fang, I'm not that kind of person, I really just want to live in a different base, don't worry, I will never say it, and even if I say it, no one will believe it!"

Fang He blinked and did not speak.

Someone quickly flattered, "Young Master Fang, you have a lot, just give us another chance, what he said just now was right, no one would believe it if he said it. Yes, and it was the last three people who told us how the Ansai base was so good and how it was suitable for us, so we went with it, and we didn't think about it so much!"

Fang He, "If that's the case, then I'm giving you a chance. I hope some of you will survive. Of course, I won't release water."

The result is that the person who said good things just now did not survive, but to his surprise, there was one who survived, but this was not the beastmaster who left the capital base, but the one from Ansai The beastmaster who departed from the base to the capital base.

"You...was forced to join the Ansai base?"

This beastmaster stood a little bit nervously not far away, and witnessed the death of the twenty-six beastmasters just now, and now he and Lou Xingrui's fear has reached peak.

"Yes...Yes, I didn't do it voluntarily. It was my friend who said the Ansai base was good. I happened to offend the senior management of the base at that time and was being targeted. He said that he could accompany me. , go to Ansai base together, he is also a beastmaster, I thought that the road would be much safer if the two were together, so I didn't refuse, but I didn't expect..."

Fang He, "I didn't expect to be controlled after I went to the Ansai base. Every time I go out, I have to leave some mutant animals in the base, right?"


"This time I went to the capital base to do a mission, they left the ten mutant animals I originally accompanied in the base, I had to do as they said, but I don't like Ansai at all base."

Fang He nodded, "If that's the case, what base do you want to go to?"

The capital base may not work.

If I go and give up them, Wu Shang will definitely kill them, I... I can't bear it."

Fang He blinked, "You mean Wu Shang? The ruler of Ansai Base is called Wu Shang?"

"Yes, that's the name, I heard it called before, Wu Shang..."

Fang He blinked, Wu Shang, that's right, that's the name, for so many years he almost forgot that person's name, that Royal Spirit Master...

Although the strength and strength are not comparable to Lou Xingrui, the Yuling Master who can compare with Lou Xingrui can still be ranked first in the country.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Wu Shang to control the Ansai base. Of course, to control the entire base, there must be no way for Wu Shang alone. He must have found a group of Like-minded good friends created this Ansai base together.

As time goes on, this Ansai base will only get stronger and stronger, so Fang He can't help but worry, it is not very reasonable for such a base to exist.

"What's wrong? Master Fang knows this Wu Shang?"

Fang He nodded, "I've seen it before, but I haven't spoken to him. He probably doesn't know me."

But you must know that he is Fang He of the S city base.

After all, Fang He’s interaction with him is in the past life, and I have never seen it in this life except the previous one. To prevent the influence of Ansai Base, just kill Wu Shang. ?

Impossible, one Wushang died in Ansai base, and more Wushangs will definitely appear in the future. After all, Wushang does not represent himself, but represents all the followers. He thinks the same as the beast master or the spirit master, and there are definitely not a few such people.

Fang He gave up the idea of ​​destroying the Ansai base. If the Ansai base always existed, they would still be able to find people. In each base, adding chaos to each base, thinking about it like this, it seems that the existence of Ansai base can also be allowed?

But Fang He will never allow them to dig their bases recklessly. Of course, people have been notified that each base has preventive measures, but the final effect is definitely unknown.

Fang He, "Are you going back to the Ansai base?"

Fang He, "If this is the case, then you can go back with ten mutant animals. After you go back, you say that you and the other two people have both exposed their identities at the capital base and were attacked by them. Intercept, everyone else is dead, you are the only one who escaped with the ten mutant animals left, stumbling back to the Ansai base along the way, you can find opportunities to bring out your mutant animals, we have always Here, when the time comes, you can come and take your mutant animals, but you must not have anything to do with the Ansai base."

His eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that he really had a chance, "Thank you, thank you, Mr. Fang!"

Fang He waved his hand, "I hope you don't tell the people at Ansai Base about our affairs, by the way, come here first!"

The other party followed Fang He with such trust, and when he came back to his senses, he saw that there were only ten bruised mutant animal companions beside him, and there were still A few hours away.

"Hurry up! Hurry back to the base!"

When he returned to the base, the people at the Ansai base were all surprised, "You're back? You're not dead yet? What the **** is going on?!"

"They are all dead! We exposed our identities at the capital base, and they all knew, and as a result, they assassinated and killed us and captured both of them. I took the few remaining A mutant animal escaped..."

Everyone sighed when they looked at his scars and the few mutant animals left.

"My God, I didn't expect people in the capital base to be so cruel?"

"Too embarrassing, fortunately I was not assigned to the capital base before, it seems that the capital base and the S city base cannot go, these two bases will kill all the Ansai base's imperial beasts teacher."

"Is the capital base also abandoned?"

Soon someone came to him to inquire about the capital base.

He said in great detail, "Most people in the capital base know the existence of the Ansai base, and they all know that the Ansai base will send people to various bases to dig people, so the capital base In fact, the base has been prepared for a long time. When we first arrived at the capital base, we didn’t cover it up. It was five people together, maybe they were eyeing at that time.”

"So that's the case? How did they do it?"

"The five of us work together, two go to Fang's house, and the remaining three go to the other three, so I don't know when the two in charge of Fang's house died. I only know that my mutant animals secretly overheard that they were going to attack at night, so I ran away with the mutant animals in advance, and notified the other two people through the mobile phone information, but they didn't seem to escape, even if I left the capital base, I was chased by them on the way, and I was able to come back alive in the end, maybe I was lucky..."

He has always said this answer, and every few hours someone will pick and choose to ask some repeated questions for several days in a row.

status was reduced to the lowest level.

But one thing is okay, that is, he can take the mutant animals he left in the base before to go out hunting.

For the first few days, he was honest, until five days later, he once again took his mutant animals out to hunt, this time no one was watching and following!

He walked farther and farther, and finally left the Ansai base quietly, and found Fang He at the previously agreed place, "What? Did it succeed?"

"Thank you, Mr. Fang, I succeeded."

Fang He, "If you don't have a place to go, just go to the S city base, now only the capital base and the S city base are places where Ansai base does not dare to send people, other They may continue to send people to the base, and you may be out of luck and still meet them."