MTL - The Top Beast Master Reborn In the End of the World-Chapter 310

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Fang He shook his head, "What are you chasing? It's fine if you don't meet, it's been a night, although you can't go very far with people, but it's quite troublesome to catch up, forget it. ."

"Anyway, there should be no Ansai base in the W city base in the future. After all, to enter the base, you must check the identity information of the beastmaster."

Lou Xingrui, "The S city base can also be used in this way, and the capital base should also be available now. The capital base basically belongs to the Fang family."

Fang He nodded, "I think so too, I'll borrow the communicator of the W city base when I go back, so that they can also use this method to confirm the beastmaster who came to the base or Where did the Master Spiritualist come from?"

The two of them were hunting outside, and when they were chatting, they saw a group of mutant animals walking towards them about a few kilometers away. It looked like there should be one Beastmaster.

Lou Xingrui, "He came to the W city base."

Fang He, "How come from that direction? The W city base is close to the national border, and that direction... If it's not from the safety zone made up of small towns and villages over there, then it's from abroad. here it comes."

"It's too far, I can't see clearly, I'll use the blue sky to see."

As a result, the good guy is really a foreigner, and the beastmaster in front is opening the way, followed by a group of ordinary people, and there are beastmasters on both sides and at the end.

Lou Xingrui, "Ning Hao has a headache now."

Fang He, "It's really a headache, it's obviously coming to the W city base, what's going on, it's not a problem for so many beastmasters to set up a safe zone by themselves, why come across the country to our side?"

Lou Xingrui, "Will you go back and ask?"

Fang He nodded, "I still have to ask, this is too strange, I'm afraid they have other purposes."

When they saw that it was almost time, they walked back. When they returned to the W city base, they happened to meet this group of people near the gate of the base and were being inquired by Feng Chuan.

Feng Chuan's serious face a little bit better after seeing them, "You two, are you back?"

Fang He nodded, "Well, what's going on? So many foreigners...what's the situation?"

Feng Chuan, "I'm also asking, but there seems to be no one who can speak our words. Now I told the boss, the boss will find someone who knows foreign languages."

Fang He blinked and sneered, "I don't think they don't understand. If they don't want to come out and communicate with us, they should be locked out and wait until they are willing to communicate. Say it again."

"Do you really think that if we don't communicate, we will settle them first? Just kidding..."

Feng Chuan thought about it too, "If that's the case, lock them out first, now it's too late to take care of yourself, where is there any extra energy to manage foreigners."

The people standing outside watched them in shock as they walked into the gate, and then closed the base gate in front of them.

They looked at each other, and finally realized how unwelcome they were here. After they couldn't communicate with each other, they decided to rest outside the gate for a night, and they would definitely open the door tomorrow.

Feng Chuan turned around and left after having the door closed. Before he had gone far, he saw Ning Hao who had brought a translator near the door. Both of them were slightly taken aback when they saw each other.

Ning Hao, "What's going on? Why is the door closed? Did those foreigners attack?"

Feng Chuan, "There is no attack, just..."

He simply repeated what Fang He had just met and what Fang He had said, "Actually, I feel the same way, it is not easy for us to maintain the current life by ourselves, and the outsiders count. There are thousands of them. This is a heavy burden. They even cover up their communication with us. I don’t think there is any need to give them a good face. Even the connections between the various bases in the country are not good. It's close, the relationship is not good, let alone outsiders, I think it's better to lock them out first."

Ning Hao patted him on the shoulder, instead of accusing him, he said, "You did the right thing, it's not easy for us to maintain the status quo, how can we have extra energy to manage outsiders?"

"If those ordinary people really accept it, they must provide accommodation, food, etc. in the early stage. These things are not available anytime, anywhere, even at the base."

The two walked back while talking. Before leaving, Ning Hao arranged a lot of beastmasters and soldiers near the gate. There was even a spiritual master on duty. , in case they forcibly break in at night, then there is no need to be merciful, and they should be killed directly.

Keep warm together.

The beastmasters gathered together and muttered, not knowing what to say, they did not find some mutant plant vines quietly approaching them in the night, or from nearby them A head quietly emerged from below the ground, eavesdropping on what they were saying.

After more than an hour, these whisperers slowly stopped communicating and gradually all fell asleep. Lou Xingrui opened his eyes at this time, "This group of people..."

Fang He blinked, "What's their purpose? Or why did they come to our country?"

Lou Xingrui, "I don't know, what they talked about just now was how to make this base accept them, and they thought of a lot of ways to exchange women, labor, or use They came here to earn sympathy, but they didn't talk about why they came here and why they came here."

Fang He was a little angry, "The purpose is very clear, just want to live in the base, go to bed first, and see what they do tomorrow, if you still pretend not to understand or speak, Feng Chuan and the others will definitely keep them outside, but I think they are so close to the base, even next to the base wall and gate, I always feel that it is not very safe, let's talk to Feng Chuan tomorrow."

Lou Xingrui, "Well, go to sleep."

When they came to the gate of the base the next day, they happened to see Feng Chuan here, "How is it? Are people outside willing to communicate?"

Feng Chuan sneered, "Where do you want to communicate? They just gestured with us, and then pushed a group of women out, seeing that the gestures were for us, a big joke, our base lacks women ?!"

Although the base does not say that there are many women, at least there is no shortage of them, and they are the most scornful of transactions like this, why don't these people hurry up?

Fang He, "They are too close to the base wall and the gate. If there is a sudden attack, it is easy to fail to respond. If you can, remember to stay far away, it is safer."

Feng Chuan nodded, "I originally planned to do the same, it depends on whether they are willing to communicate today. You told me that yesterday, and I secretly paid attention when I was talking to them today. The expression of someone in the back is wrong, and it changes with what I say, obviously I can understand it!"

"Hmph! Do you really think that everyone else is a fool, and they are all playing with them? I think, it must be that our country gave foreigners a good impression before the end of the world, and they are all now At the end of the world, do you think we will help them unconditionally and without compensation? It’s really whimsical, I’ll drive them away a bit later.”

Fang He, "Remember to let us know when you wait for the action, I carry my mobile phone with me today, and then I will take my mutant animals to watch outside to ensure that they will not have abnormal movements. "

Feng Chuan smiled, "Thank you, Fang He!"

Fang He waved his hand, indicating no need, then glanced at Lou Xingrui.

The ground near the resting place of a large group of people outside the base suddenly arched from bottom to top. Before they could react, they saw the ground crack directly, and then there was a dense green The vines came out.

Just when they panicked and ran away and screamed at each other, they found that these plant vines did not attack them, but went over them and entered through the wall, and then caught two people and some mutants from it Animals come out.

The two fell to the ground, and the surrounding mutant animals were also put on the ground, and then the plant vines retracted to the ground again, only the uneven ground remained to prove that what they saw just now was not fake of.

Fang He and the others saw that the gate here was closed, but they didn’t want to go out through other gates, so they simply used this simple and rude method to get out of the base. Feng Chuan was shocked.

Fortunately, Feng Chuan responded quickly and did not attack the base as a wild mutant plant, otherwise it would be fun, Fang He took out his mobile phone and looked at the complaining text message sent by Feng Chuan, Fang He was a little uncomfortable Nice to go back.

Fortunately, Feng Chuan is not a person who will be entangled because of this trivial matter. He will soon let him go without saying much, but he just looked at the surveillance and found that outside the base gate This group of people was quite frightened by Lou Xingrui's actions just now, and they all walked away.

This saves him from opening the gate of the base to drive them away, just have a good communication with them on the base wall, communicate with a gun!

Feng Chuan stood on the fence, shouted at the people not far away, and then shouted, "Go further, or we will shoot!"

Just after he finished speaking, there were dozens of soldiers with live ammunition by his side, and the black muzzles of their hands were aimed at the people outside.

The other party obviously did not expect such a thing to happen. They were thinking about how to win sympathy before, but it seems that it doesn't work now!

They don't accept sending beautiful women, do they want men? Or send the child directly? But today's children are a drag, they don't want it themselves, let alone other people.

So it didn't take long for them to go far, and they didn't stop walking until the soldiers on the fence put away their guns, but they found that the soldiers on the fence didn't go far, and It is standing on it, and these soldiers who are on guard will change the guard every once in a while, which is really not letting them get close to the base.

Now they can't sit still anymore, just when they were discussing what to do, Fang He and the others came back from this direction and happened to pass by them.

At this moment, Fang He was stopped. Of course, it was not a strong stop, but was stopped.

"Hello! How are you?"

Fang He and Lou Xingrui stopped and looked back, and saw a very strong blond man with a height of 1.9 meters standing on the side, looking like a fitness trainer...

Fang He, "Call me?"

"Hello, my name is Stinger... We are from there, we want to find a place to rest and live, and we will help the base bring a lot of prey!"

"We really need a place to live, we walk a long way, we are very tired, we have a lot of women and children, and the elderly..."

Fang He, "Why are you here?"

He was stunned for a moment, and then said a little disappointedly, "Our home has been destroyed, there are many wolves there, tens of thousands, we have encountered tens of thousands of wolves! But this Not all wolves, there are more we don't know, there are hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, and we have no base there."

"We don't have a base and are all destroyed. These wolves have eaten a lot of people. We all encountered them on the way to escape. We just wanted a safe place."

Fang He blinked, hundreds of thousands of mutant wolves? Is this a joke? Where do so many mutant wolves come from? The number of mutant wolves in Fang He's own hands is probably only about a thousand, but there are actually hundreds of thousands in their country? !

If this comes with them to their country, then there is a base here that can support it?

Fang He, "Mutant wolves? Hundreds of thousands of mutant wolves? Did you bring them here?!"

He understood what Fang He said, and waved his hand quickly, "No, no, they occupied their own territory and didn't follow us. We managed to escape, and they didn't follow."

Fang He felt a little better when he heard him say this, "If that's the case, then you guys just wait, I'll go to the base and talk to them and give you a chance to communicate with him, can you let me He promised to let you in the base, then it's up to you."

"Thank you, thank you friend!"

Fang He and the others returned to the base, repeating what the man said just now to Feng Chuan, and then said, "As expected, there is something that can be said. Come in."

Feng Chuan, "That's not it! But... are they true? If it is false, then there is a conspiracy. If it is true, then this W city base may also be in danger. "

I don't care much about radiation, "Is it true, I'll just let the blue sky fly over to see it, so that back and forth a day is enough, it doesn't need too much."

Feng Chuan was a little embarrassed, "That's so troublesome for you."

Radio waved his hand, "It's okay, everyone is their own, I just let the blue sky fly over to see if the number of wolves is as exaggerated as he said, by the way, you first Go out and talk to him and don't let them in until Blue Sky is back."

Feng Chuan, "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who lets people into the base casually."

Fang He immediately let the blue sky fly in the direction they came from, and Feng Chuan went out to communicate with them. That person named Stinger just repeated what he said to Fang He. once again.

Feng Chuan, "If that's the case, then wait outside, we need to confirm whether what you said is true or false, if it is false, don't blame us for being rude already."

Stinger, "How do you confirm?"

Feng Chuan smiled, "You don't need to worry about this, just wait, there will be results tomorrow, you still stay outside today, remember, before you confirm your safety Don't get close to the base, or don't blame me if the gun goes off."

Of course what Feng Chuan said was true, not a lie. If they were really close to the base wall at night, the soldiers would definitely shoot.

Stinger can also understand that the current situation is not as good as he imagined, but he really did not lie, so even if they really have the means to confirm the truth, he is not afraid.

"Okay, can you tell me when you confirm? There are many women and children among us, and some old people. They have walked a long way and are very tired..."

Feng Chuan, "Yes."

After returning to the base, Feng Chuan recalled what Stinger said just now, and thought about his expression. It really didn't look like a lying expression, and when he heard himself say that there was a way to confirm what he said When it is true or false, there is no guilt, so the hundreds of thousands of mutant wolves he said may be true!

Yes, but to face hard steel with hundreds of thousands of mutant wolves, that is courting death!

However, Feng Chuan felt that the hundreds of thousands of mutant wolves over there must have their own territory. Unless they were wolves driven out of the territory, they would not leave their territory at will.

So there is a high probability that there will not be a large number of mutant wolves coming here, but the preparations that should be made are still not less, even if it is a few, there are dozens or hundreds of mutant wolves. It's coming, and it's not a small threat.

Fang He didn't go out the next day, and Lou Xingrui didn't go out either. Fang He closed his eyes during the day and shared his vision to see what he saw in the blue sky. Here is a dense pack of wolves!

I saw no less than 100 wolf packs during this day, and the largest wolf pack had more than 5,000 members! The one I saw the least was six or seven hundred, and that wasn't all. There were other wolves in other places, and Fang He even saw a lot of people being chased and killed by the wolves.

Of course, I also built a small safe area to resist the wolves, and even saw people digging holes. Of course, they may have established an underground safe area. All in all, the hundreds of thousands of mutations that Stringer said Wolf, it's true.

Fang He let the blue sky fly back, then opened his eyes and saw Lou Xingrui sitting aside.

"How? Is it true?"

Fang He nodded solemnly, "It's true, I saw hundreds of thousands of mutant wolves, and each wolf group has a particularly large territory, and the living space of human beings is squeezed by them. There are almost none, and the territory of other mutant animals is mixed in the middle of various wolves, and there is almost no survival territory for human beings."

Lou Xingrui, "It's actually true?"

Fang He nodded, "Yes, and it doesn't look like it was caused in a short time. It should have gradually eroded the territory of humans from the beginning. Now the whole country seems to have become the territory of mutant wolves. Yes, there are many other groups of mutant animals in the territory, but all that are allowed to stay are the prey of the wolves."

Lou Xingrui, "In that case..."

Fang He, "I'll be honest with Feng Chuan, but I still don't welcome that group of people. I hope Feng Chuan and the others have a good way to deal with this."

After Feng Chuan heard the news, his tone was a little dignified, "Will these mutant wolves come?"

Fang He, "When Lantian went to observe, I found that these wolves have their own territory, and there is no sign of coming here, it seems that they will not come in a short time. ."

Feng Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine since this is the case, I'm relieved."

The madman hung up the phone and contacted Ning Hao.

"Boss, what they said is true, do you want them in?"

Ning Hao, "I didn't clean up a neighborhood near the gate of the base and come out. This neighborhood is vacant. Let's arrange for them to live here. Let's do this first. As for what to do next, Just wait a while and see if they can integrate into the base."


Feng Chuan, "Okay."

If Ning Hao didn't like the nearly thirty beastmasters, he wouldn't let this group of people in. Thirty beastmasters, no matter where they are placed Not a small amount of power, I hope to integrate into the W city base.

Feng Chuan and the others have already prepared a community near this gate and the surrounding wall in advance. This community was unoccupied before, because it is close to the base wall, the rest of the base is sufficient It was occupied, so this place was vacant.

I didn't expect it to come in handy now.

Feng Chuan opened the gate of the base and walked towards them, "Stinger?"

Stinger, "Hello, thank you, we… can we go in?"

Feng Chuan nodded, "Yes, but you must abide by the rules of our base."

Stinger immediately laughed when he heard that he could go in, "No problem, of course we will follow the rules, thank you! Thank you very much."

Feng Chuan waved his hand, "Listen to me first, and then tell them when I'm done. If you don't want to abide by the rules, just stay outside and can't bring it in, you know?"

Stinger nodded, "No problem, no problem!"

Feng Chuan, "I will come in with me later, we have prepared a community for you, there is no one else in this community, only you, someone will arrange for you to move in later, but it cannot be damaged after moving in Anything must be kept clean and hygienic, water and electricity can be used for you temporarily, but you must make up the arrears in the future.”