MTL - The Trembling World-Chapter 1329 Beheading

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While the two fleets were in close combat in space, Liu Qian once again carried a hydrogen bomb, sneaking on the surface of the planet, looking for another place with extremely violent energy fluctuations, blowing up another place of the three-body civilization. Dock.

The encounter in space soon ended, and the Galactic Fleet generally smashed the defense fleet of the three-body civilization and rushed to the planet where the three-body civilization was located.

"A lot of information was received and it was launched from the planet." The robot reminded Liu Qian.

"what's the message?"

"The information written in their language is accompanied by a lot of analytic instructions, and I can already translate it into." The robot answered Liu Qian.

"Oh? Let's hear it." Liu Gan estimated that the three-body civilization should be frightened and wanted to negotiate with Liu Qian.

"Hello unknown unknown civilization. We are a peace-loving civilization. For some reason, you suddenly assembled a large number of fleets to attack our planet ..."

"Although we are at a disadvantage now, the war continues, and when we feel that we may be extinct, we will take a stronger counter-attack measure, which will lead to both defeats and you will not get any benefit."

"The reason you are here is nothing more than resources and technology. According to our speculation, it is impossible for the resources on this barren planet to enter your eyes. Then there is only one possibility. Want to get our Technology. "

"We have discovered through your war with you that your nuclear fusion technology is still in its infancy, but our nuclear fusion technology has been studied to the intermediate stage. If you can obtain our nuclear fusion technology and cooperate with your materials technology, it will let you Space warships have greater maneuverability, and even the possibility of sailing in the universe with curvature. "

"We don't have to use war to resolve our differences and needs. We can use peaceful exchange to achieve our goals."

"If you are willing to give us your materials science and technology, we will exchange to you the science and technology of our controlled nuclear fusion, which will be a big leap in science and technology for your civilization."

"Of course, the details of the negotiations can be further scrutinized, but our friends from the aliens can temporarily stop such detrimental warfare and then start a peaceful negotiation with us that is beneficial to both parties?"

"Negotiate with me?" Liu Qian finally understood what was going on after listening for a long time.

"Negotiate with them? I can translate your language into theirs and send it back to them." The robot asked Liu Qian.

"Negotiations? Talk about a yarn! I was scared, and I was about to exterminate the seed. I thought of negotiating with me? You said to them: either surrender or perish! If you don't surrender within ten minutes, the next hydrogen bomb will be on them Another densely populated area detonated! Then detonated a hydrogen bomb every ten minutes! Until the planet was blasted into a sieve! "Liu Qian severely rejected the other party's request to negotiate.

"The planet cannot be blown into a sieve, at most it will be blown into a lot of meteorites ..." The robot corrected some of Liu Qian's scientific cognition errors, so as not to sneer at the words of the opponent's civilization.

"This is an exaggerated rhetoric. In order to make them afraid, understand?" Liu Qian was speechless.

"Okay ... but ... you said more than just one sentence?" The robot pondered for a while and raised it to Liu Qian.

"Just as I said, how about you? Just follow the translation!" Liu Qian rolled his eyes several times in his heart.

"Okay, I'll translate your words and tell them." After the robot confirmed that it was okay, it used a communication system of a master-class battleship to convey Liu Qian's words to the three-body civilization.

In Liu Qian's view, the three-body civilization can only surrender now. Without surrender, they have only a dead end. Now he completely controls the initiative of the war.

But the scene that surprised Liu Qian very much happened ...

The planet's orbital defensive weapons, hundreds of turrets facing the Galaxy fleet, were united together at a certain moment, and together they formed a huge ... sphere of light? Shot with a thunderbolt at the master-class battleship Liu Qian just sent out!

Although this master-class battleship has a very thick, strengthened shell that can withstand the close-range explosion power of hydrogen bombs, it was instantly penetrated by the huge light sphere through the hull, and then a violent explosion occurred from the inside!

"I rely!"

Liu Qian yelled, this is the first time that he lost a master-class battleship in this war. You must know that every master-class battleship needs at least one year to be manufactured and strengthened. In time, Liu Qian only caused ten master-class battleships to come. For every loss, the Galactic Fleet is equivalent to losing about 10% of its combat power!

"You know how good we are? Sit down and negotiate!" The three-body civilization immediately sent a threatening message to Liu Qian.

"All to die!"

Liu Qian yelled ~ ~ immediately commanded the Galaxy fleet to attack the orbital defense system of the three-body civilization planet frantically. Under the powerful firepower of the Galaxy fleet, satellite orbital turrets were dismantled and blown up. After a while, the planet ’s orbital defense system was taken apart, and four master-class battleships took hundreds of division-level and thousands of ordinary-class battleships to kill the planet.

Once inside the planet's gravitational range, the planet's orbital defense system lost its effect, but there were still a large number of turrets on the planet's surface. At this time, it was also a million guns, firing various weapons at four master-class battleships. .

After the attack of the opponent ’s huge photosphere weapon, Liu Qian immediately understood the trap that the opponent had just set. They pretended to negotiate with Liu Qian, but they were looking for Liu Qian ’s flagship ... The galactic commander they imagined was Battleship.

So the moment they received the communication signal sent back by Liu Qian, they launched the strongest attack of the orbital defense system, the light ball, and instantly destroyed the master-class battleship that Liu Qian sent the communication signal.

This level of high-power attack can only be launched only by combining the turrets of the planet's orbital defense system, and the preparation time is very long. It is hoped that this beheading operation will paralyze the galactic fleet's command system.

Obviously, they were wrong. The commander of the Galactic Fleet ... Liu Qian, the shuttle-type exploration ship in which they are located is so much more advanced than them. They ca n’t see or touch them. no effect.

To explain, "Shudder World" has no intention of ending.

In addition: for the new book "Future Playground" for collection, recommendation tickets, nod! thank!

…… (To be continued.)