MTL - The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts-Chapter 25 September 20 cloudy (on

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"Fred is a liar!"

When Zhu Yi got up, she looked at her entire back and roared.

She was worried about when she would form a cocoon all night, and she didn't know when she fell asleep in a daze. The ball was flying, and a group of Slytherins were mocking her wildly.

"Isn't it great that you didn't turn into a butterfly? Your nimbus 1700 is saved!" Angelina said, rubbing her eyes. She actually also slept very late, but she didn't dare to say that it was because she was curious about how Zhu Yi planned to form a cocoon, haha!

Juey lifted the quilt, took out the broomstick and hugged tightly: "Even if I become a butterfly, I won't give my baby to Fred!"

Angelina couldn't believe it: "Merlin, are you actually sleeping with it?"

Ju Yi rubbed her face on the broom and said with a look of infatuation: "I'm cultivating a relationship with it."

Angelina rolled her eyes, this girl was helpless.

Juey kept stressing with Angelina when she went downstairs that she would not forgive Fred easily!

"I will never forgive him! I will ignore him today, no, tomorrow! Don't say a word to him!" Joey and Angelina entered the auditorium and saw The twins were still swearing as they waved, and when she sat down at the long table, she deliberately chose a seat two vacant from Fred.

Fred pulled away a second-year boy who wanted to sit next to Jue, and said with a smile, "Hey man, here's my spot."

"You weren't..." The boy didn't seem to wake up, but he was placed in another position by George, who was following him in a daze.

Juey turned her face away from Fred, who was smirking with his face on his back, what a laugh! snort! I will never talk to you!

Angelina lip slaps Fred "she's mad".

Fred nodded, bumped Joey with his shoulder, and said, "Hey, Joey, Charlie said the Quidditch selection will be coming soon."

"When?" Zhu Yi immediately turned his head and asked excitedly.

Fred grinned and asked deliberately, "Aren't you angry?"

Juey quickly put away his smile, took out his wand and wiped it, saying, "The tickle spell I practiced recently has not been tested by anyone."

"Alright, alright, I'll say it!" Fred carefully held down her wand and surrendered, "Charlie said after school on the 20th."

"Oh hoo! That's great!" Zhu Yi jumped up excitedly, not even realizing that the wand in his hand was taken away by Fred.

She felt that a great Quidditch player was about to be born, and her name was very loud, Joie Forrest! Hey, hey hey hey!

Oh, why can't she bring a broom to class, she already thought about it less than an hour apart!


The Nimbus 1700 can only help Zhu Yi to get a lot of chatter at the beginning of this year, but it can't help her avoid Professor Snape's venom in the potions class.

"Maybe some people are holding a broom head instead of a knife, and her brain can only be about the size of a bird flying in the sky."

When Zhu Yi cut the roots of hellebore away again, Professor Snape finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Zhu Yi really wanted to fly the knife directly to Professor Snape's face, but she didn't dare. She only dared to vent her anger on the remaining hellebore. It can be cut into exactly the same two millimeters long!

The twins and Angelina want to help her, but according to past experience, it will only get worse, maybe a few people are "P", and Zhu Yi will add several more articles paper.

Professor Snape never showed mercy to Gryffindors.

"Professor, I think I can be the classmate of Forrester's classmate, maybe this way she can learn more useful knowledge."

When Zhu Yi was in a daze, a cold female voice sounded. She looked up in surprise to see which warrior dared to give such a suggestion that would never be allowed at this time. It turned out to be Fumira!

Professor Snape was obviously also very surprised, but he was not as harsh as Gryffindor, just looked at Fumira who raised his hand with a scrutiny, and mocked: "If you Whatever you think you can save Madam Forrester's stupid brain."

"Yes, Professor."

Fumira immediately stood up and packed her things, she ignored the contemptuous eyes of Lv Fannie at the same table, her back was straight, she came to Zhu Yi with her own things, and then Carefully arranged things neatly in the open space of the table, which is in stark contrast to Zhu Yi's messy stall.

"Hey, something is not right with you today, don't you want to be friends with me all of a sudden?!" Zhu Yi's face was frightened and resisted, she didn't want a charming lady to be friends, they It's more comfortable to hurt each other!

Fumira glanced at Zhu Yi contemptuously, and said coldly, "You are not qualified to be my friend."

"That's right! I'm just trash and don't deserve to be your eldest lady's friend!" Zhu Yi said cheerfully, "Hoo, scared me to death!"

Fumira snorted coldly, picked up the small silver knife with a delicate handle, and cut her remaining hellebore seriously.

Zhu Yi glanced at her, and her eyes almost fell. Merlin, does this girl have a measuring ruler in her hand? ! The little grass roots that were almost as thin as a hair came out from the next section of her small silver knife, terrifying! Zhu Yi looked at the scattered grass roots of different lengths on his table, and he was about to die on the spot.

Juey decided not to fall into the name of Gryffindor, so she cheered up, held a hellebore tightly between her thumb and forefinger, and held a knife in the other hand, gritted her teeth lightly Cut lightly. "Pfft", it flew again... Zhu Yi felt that her sweat was about to fall!

Suddenly, Fumira, who was next to her, pinched a handful of chopped grass roots and placed it on Zhu Yi's table.

"Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to be bounced by what you cut." Fumira said with a straight face without looking at her.

Awkward Slytherin. Zhu Yi murmured inwardly, but still couldn't hold back his grin.

"Shut up, you're laughing so ugly." Fumira's voice was a little stiff. She didn't really want to be friends with this fool, she stressed to herself in her heart.

"Okay, my eldest lady!" Zhu Yi really didn't expect this nemesis to help her, haha! That's the charm!

Professor Snape saw the communication between the two people, but he kept silent unexpectedly. Go at a glance.

With the help of Fumira this time, the last sneeze potion actually got an "A" from Professor Snape, which is really unprecedented!

When the get out of class was over, Zhu Yi was about to say thank you, but Fumira left the classroom with the other Slytherins with her chin high and her schoolbag in hand.

"What an unpleasant character!" Zhu Yi muttered as she hurriedly packed her things.

If Professor Snape is the most eccentric Slytherin teacher at Hogwarts, then Professor Black must be the most eccentric Gryffindor teacher at Hogwarts.

And the Potions class and Defense Against the Dark Arts class that Gryffindor and Slytherin have been taking together are the stage where the two professors perform all kinds of unreasonable favoritism.

"Raise your hands! Raising your chin doesn't make your spells more precise! You, you need to have a clear mouth shape, why, it's your diamond collar that restrains your throat Yet?"

Sirius is teaching everyone armor spells in the classroom. He will use various small attack magic to test everyone's practice results. He laughed and cursed at Gryffindor, and was extremely sarcastic at Slytherin.

"What are you staring at me for? Isn't your dean doing the same to other house students in class?" Sirius tapped the Slytherin boy who was glaring at him with his wand.

"You are a professor, you should not avenge your personal revenge. If you are dissatisfied with Professor Snape, you should go to him directly instead of **** us off." Green Fanny stood up angrily and said.

"Oh, I don't have any dissatisfaction with your dean, this is my teaching style, just the same as your dean." Sirius said with a smile, "You didn't raise your hand. Slytherin will deduct 10 points for speaking and not following classroom discipline."

"You—" Lv Fanny still wanted to defend, but was pulled back by Fumira, she broke free from Fumira's hand, took out the handkerchief and wiped it hard, as if the other party was dirty same thing.

Juey thinks Sirius is doing too well, all the time Gryffindors have been so angry in Potions class that Sirius has bounced back to Slytherin, really, too cool!

Although the Slytherins are quite complaining about Sirius, but I have to admit that he still has a lot of real skills. All he's taught so far has been practical defensive spells, and Charlie says he's even teaching their senior Patronus spell, which is a tough spell! Learning this will definitely get you extra points on the O.W.L exam!

So no matter how bad his attitude towards Slytherin in class, no Slytherin wants to leave his classroom. And Slytherin, who has always admired ability, slowly respected him in private, which made Professor Snape's face even darker.

These can't have any impact on Zhu Yi, what she wants to do most now is to hurry up to the day of the Quidditch team selection! And that day is coming soon!

"Today is a memorable day that will go down in history!" Zhu Yi was standing on the edge of the Quidditch pitch with her twins and Angelina on a broomstick, waiting for her assessment.

"How?" Angelina asked with a smile.

"Four great Quidditch players will appear soon, and the entire wizarding world will know our names!" Zhu Yi said proudly with her chest raised. Well, it smells like Slytherin!

"Oh! That's right! Hahahaha!" The twins and Angelina laughed in approval.

That's right, all four of them signed up for the test, Jue and Angelina wanted to choose Chaser, and the twins wanted to choose batsman.

Now a second-year boy is taking Charlie's assessment, and this year is Charlie's last year at school, and he is very anxious.

"Are you an idiot! Throwing your Quaffle into the opponent's ring is not your own!" Charlie roared from above, his red hair looking like he was about to explode.

"Oh, Charlie really broke his heart for the team this year." Fred sighed looking at the sky.

"Two batsmen, two chasers, and one seeker are all graduating, do you think he is in a hurry?" George said, his left hand wanted to touch on Jue's shoulders.

Fred quietly squeezed between George and Joey, separating the hand. George didn't notice at all, and took the opportunity to put it on Fred's shoulder.

The author has something to say:

Writing about HP is to generate electricity for love, hahaha!


The first love in my heart must have been warming up slowly and then bursting out suddenly. So the rhythm will be slower, anxious babies can go to see other texts, there is always the rhythm you like! mwah!

Read Patriarch is Taking Concubines Again!