MTL - The Two-Faced Side Character Fantasizes that I Love Him Everyday-Chapter 12 deal with

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   Chapter 12 Dealing

  The air was quiet for a while.

  Wen Ran suddenly snorted, she crossed her arms and said, "Who told you to lie to me just now, what's wrong with me lying to you?"

   He sighed, "I did something wrong just now, Ran Ran, don't be mad at me."

   "Well then, you can't lie to me anymore."

   "Okay, I won't lie to you again."

Only then did Wen Ran look satisfied. She no longer walked in procrastination, but followed behind him at a normal speed. At the same time, her hand on the back was quietly forming a seal. Now The only thing she can be thankful for is that she is not good at swordsmanship, but she has some talent in magic.

   seems to be to take care of Wen Ran's emotions. The man walking in front said, "Don't you want to break up with me? Why did you come to such a dangerous place to find me again?"

  This person has been watching them secretly since the beginning, and he has no reason to ask this now except for information.

  Wen Ran also told the truth, "I want to break up my engagement with you, because I don't think I deserve you, and you deserve a better girl."

   "But you still came to me."

   "Because aside from the marriage contract, you are still my senior brother, and you have saved me, so I can't leave you alone."

   "So, Ran Ran just has a brother and sister relationship with me?"

"you can say it this way."

   "But I think, you are the girl who is most worthy of me."

They walked to an open area. The stone walls here were lit by candlelight, and there was a path leading to the stone platform in the middle. Water was on all sides. Against the background of the candlelight, the sparkling waves and the damp and cold water vapor spread in the air. Depression.

  The strange thing is that there are carved beams and painted buildings here, and it seems to be a big house that has not been completed.

The fire in the man's hand was extinguished, and he turned to look at her with a gentle tone, "You will come to find me in such a dangerous place, and my heart is naturally moved greatly. People are not plants and trees, so who can be ruthless? Ran? Ran, I don't want to break the engagement with you, and even more, I want to be your husband and wife."

  Think about it, a handsome guy who is as gentle as jade, looks at you with affectionate and focused eyes, and speaks such sincere words of confession to you, how can I ask which woman in this world can not be tempted?

  Wen Ran felt that she would rather listen to Shen Wu's yin and yang words from time to time, and she didn't want to see this person pretending to be affectionate and hypocritical. She took a step back and said, "Senior brother, have you forgotten Qin Susu?"

The name    was not mentioned by anyone who entered the jungle, so when Wen Ran mentioned Qin Susu, the man needed to spend some time thinking about how to answer the question.

   "At this moment in my heart, there is no woman in this world that can compare to you." His words can be applied to any occasion.

He slowly walked in the direction of Wen Ran, his tone was even more gentle like water, "Ran Ran, there are only us here, no one else, I know you have me in your heart, why don't you be bold? The truth is all revealed.”

  His voice had a strange magic power, and Wen Ran's mind fell into chaos for a moment. She seemed to be yearning for something in her heart, which made her whole body tremble.

  The man had already approached her at this time, "Ran Ran, show me all your desires to appreciate, don't restrain yourself, you will get the greatest happiness in your life."

   (end of this chapter)