MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 246 Forced marriage between the two countries

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Yan Xuan arranged for Yan'er to leave first, so she didn't worry about speaking. She said frankly, "You are distinguished. Yan'er is just a girl from Yun's family. , So take your heart, don't give her too much thought! "

Sooner or later Xuan Yuanyi will leave Sifang City, she is afraid that Yaner will have affection and be sad.

Looking at Yun Xixuan who was like a calf, Xuan Yuanyi smiled and said, "Little princess, you're wrong. My Xuan Yuanyi is in the Quartet City. It really is nothing. Where can it be distinguished? Really? Still afraid I'm not worthy of Miss Yun Er? "

The rules in Xuanyuan City are weird. Men are worthless but lacking.

"As far as I know, you are the person who the Sifang City Lord chose to marry the next City Lord. The daughter you were born is also the future City Lord of the Sifang City. Is n’t this status noble?" Xu Xuan asked with a sneer, It's a little displeasing that Xuan Yuanyi is lying to himself.

Xuan Yuanyi's black eyes flashed with surprise. Such a secret, even people in the Quartet City, may not know how many people are guessing how the next city lord will choose, and whom to marry. I didn't expect the news to go out. However, Yun Xuan Xuan knew, is this the secret hidden by the Yun family?

Xuan Xuan naturally knew that what she said was a secret from a previous life, but she didn't regret it. For Yun Yanyan, even if he was suspected by Xuan Yuanyi, he had no evidence.

"That ... you said before, before I didn't find you and your son, that was my mission!" Xuan Yuanyi didn't hide it, he was a straight-hearted enemy, and then there was a deep smile on his mouth. : "Now, the little princess and the princess have been found, even if I think, I believe that the owner is not willing, so ... Sifangcheng is not my mission in the future!"

Therefore, he has the right to pursue his own happiness.

He Xuan was stunned by what he said, and felt that he said something reasonable, and how did things feel completely different from the previous life.

In the previous life, Xuan Yuanyi found Shangguan Yan Lan, which proved the authenticity of Yu Pei, but did not take her back to the Sifang City. Instead, Xuan Yuanyi went back to take over the Sifang City. What is the difference between this time and finding himself and his elder brother?

"My elder brother and I will not take over the Quartet City," a big Yun family has already been a burden on their hearts, not to mention a hundred miles back.

If you add Sifang City, huh, she thinks that the following days can not be lived.

Xuan Yuanyi raised an eyebrow. Although she was a little surprised at what she said, she didn't directly refute it. She smiled and said, "You won't, aren't you still a son of a son? And the future child of the little princess, as long as it is yours Child, no matter which one, you can! "

Xuan Xuan opened her mouth wide and stared at him with a stunned expression, and found that her previous life was completely different from this life.

He ... even turned his attention to the child who was not his shadow yet. Is this a bit outrageous?

"In a few days, there will be news from Sifang City. I believe the little princess will believe what I said!" Xuan Yuanyi saw her with shock and did not rush to persuade anything, but also expressed her thoughts. "Miss Yuner deserves pity. I don't mind staying in Dongyan country!"

You don't mind, I do! Nima's, where do you come from, dare to stare at my sister ... Xuan Xuan's resentment in her heart, there is a kind of tangled thoughts about her own girl being abducted, although she thinks Xuan Yuanyi is pretty good.

Xuan Xuan is now uncomfortable looking at Xuan Yuanyi.

After Yun Tao's return, the Yun family's life was peaceful, and no one was looking for any trouble, but Wan Ji Shengyan was in trouble, because when he returned, his appearance attracted several eyes and made people sincerely want to calculate So ... trouble.

Both Princess Jimo of Nanyu Kingdom and Princess Wanxin of the Western Qin Kingdom expressed their love for Yan Shizi at first sight and wanted to marry him, even if they were uncles.

This reduced one's identity, the grand princess of a country was embarrassed, somewhat absurd, but secretly exerted pressure on Dong Yan country.

In the hall of Jin Mao, Yan Wanyan had no expression on his face, and all the people who watched the show showed a gloating expression. The King of Leisure and the King of West Qin had a sincere smile on the corners of their mouths, but what did the coldness in the deep eyes mean? They themselves understand. As for Jimo Lexi and Ram's heart, one is pretending to be noble and expressing nobleness, the other is smiling and smiling, with blushing and shy and touching, and the sight is hot and unbearable.

"The two countries and their relatives are related to the safety and security of the two countries. The princess of the Nanyu Kingdom is willing to reduce her status and be the concubine of Prince Yong's son, only for the peace of the two countries!" The king looked with a smile on his face, but he said something, It means that if Wan Yan Shengyan refuses, he will become an enemy between the two countries.

"Oh, the king ’s sister is fascinated by Shizi at first sight. If Shizi accepts the princess of the Nan Yu Kingdom, she will certainly not reject the princess of the West Qin Kingdom. This is the result of the joy of all three countries." It's not vegetarian. It is not a simple matter to run Yun Jiexuan on her own sister's ability.

If he and the leisure king just quit because Yun Yunxuan and Wan Ye Shengyan were in love, it would be too underestimated.

Originally Yun Xuan Xuan stood on the Yun family, a rich country, which had made them salivating and could not argue. Now, with the addition of an indestructible Sifang City, it is even more noticeable.

You know, in the past, everything in the Quartet City, even if they were rushing in the wind, would not necessarily be put in their eyes, so this time, they are definitely not willing to let Dongyan Guobei be in front of them, and they do n’t want to do anything Sheng Yan is the beauty with fame and fortune together.

Marrying Yun Xuan Xuan is tantamount to holding half of the Quartet City in his hand, even if he has no intention of everything in Dongyan Kingdom, he can get the Quartet City.

The emperor of the East Yan Kingdom is naturally better than anyone else. He wants Yun Yanxuan to marry Wan Yan Shengyan, so as to stabilize the East Yan Kingdom, and make the East Yan Kingdom the leader of the Four Kingdoms. However, he also hopes that the four countries will marry to avoid more wars. If Nan Yuguo had joined forces with West Qin Dynasty, East Yanguo would definitely have trouble.

As for the Bei Han country, no marriage was proposed, but I like to sit in the mountains and watch the tigers fight. No matter how people calculate, the best thing is the Bei Han country.

If there is a war, the northern cold country can take advantage of the fishermen.

"Yan'er, your personal relationship with the Lord Xuan County did not mention the trip, you see this ..." The emperor threw the problem to Wan Ye Shengyan, thinking about such a good thing as his emperor , He did not want to go directly to the decree.

However, Wan Ye Shengyan, if he directly issued the imperial edict, would displease Prince Yong. This was agreed after the death of Princess Yong Yong at the beginning. Wan Ye Shengyan's family affairs, he would not care.

Therefore, he has created a dilemma.

If he did not promise personally, he would directly issue the imperial edict to see who would oppose Wan Yan Shengyan and Yun Yanxuan.

"The Emperor Qilu, Prince Yong's Mansion returns: only marry a concubine, otherwise he does not deserve to be a prince in the palace, but can be degraded to a tartar ... There is no good life for the minister, "Wan Pusheng Yan said with a pouting expression," In the future, the minister has to rely on the Xuan County Lord to support him, but he does not know what the two princesses who will become the chamber will look like. " , "

The mother-in-law has the right to sell the house, and he is very willing to do so to see if the two countries can have so many ideas.

If you want to take Xuaner from your own hands, why don't you think about how much happened between you and Xuaner, now you want to step in, don't think too good.

"Brother Huang," said Mo Lexi, shouting dissatisfaction immediately.

"Yan Shizi, that's for the peace between the two countries. Don't be too capricious!" Wan Ji Ling Xuan did not want Yun Jiexuan to marry Wan Ji Shengyan, thinking that Wan Ji Shengyan would be his greatest danger in the future. So pretending to be a severe reminder.

"If King Xuan is willing, please welcome the two princesses into the house, anyway, do not grab the position of Princess Xuan," Wan Yan Shengyan smiled easily, "for the peace of the two countries, I believe King Xuan will not Excuse me! "

There are a few women in the backyard of King Xuan Mansion, and if you add a few, it will be lively. I believe King Xuan will be very willing.

"You ..." Wan Xun Ling Xuan was ridiculed by Wan Xun Shengyan's eyes and opened her eyes. He wants to marry the princesses of both countries more than anyone else, especially if they don't have the right position of concubine-if he knew that the banquet of the Four Kingdoms was so lively this time, he would not be willing to establish the princess so early.

The marriage between the two countries has added a princess, and in the future, there will be one more country's help, which is much better than any Yun Yanxuan.

Unfortunately, they are focusing on Wan Ye Shengyan, which has nothing to do with him. In disguise, he was telling him that Wan Ye Shengyan was better than him, and his true prince was no better than him.

"Yan Shizi, although Lord Xuan County has a distinguished status, the princess is not bad. If you are willing, you can let the Xuan County Lord give someone hands, and don't insult the Princess at will!" Jim Mo Yan was not willing to be a concubine, But he was in danger and could only endure it. At this moment, seeing Wan Yan Shengyan not only put himself in his eyes, but also let himself be let out. This shame is unprecedented. How to teach her to take this breath.

Insult Xuaner, **** it! Wan Ye Shengyan's dark eyes flashed a coldness, and then sneered: "Xuan Jun is the person in the heart of Ben Shizi, and won't let people take his life!" You, distinguished, in What do I think?

Jimo Lei widened his eyes inconceivably, was shocked by Wan Yan Shengyan's words, and was extremely envious of Yun Xuan Xuan, even a man so affectionate.

However, a deep jealousy also came to her heart. She was dissatisfied with Yun Yunxuan. A business woman is happier and better than her, so she was more grudged and wanted to get rid of Yun Yan. After Xuan, Wan Yansheng's heart will be himself, so he is more determined to enter the Prince Yong's Mansion.