MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 270 Affectionate

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Under Wan ’s teasing, Wan Xuan let people arrange washing, replaced her heavy wedding clothes, put on a red wedding dress (a kind of dowry), and then ate with Wan Mingmei For some things, it's not too early to let Wan Ermei settle down, and she is waiting for Wan Ye Shengyan.

When Xuan Xuan was drowsy, Wan Yan Shengyan was drunk and entered the new house with the help of Xiao Yan. As soon as he saw him in, Yinger quickly saluted and went out.

"These people are deliberately trying to get me drunk and not make me happy tonight!" When the door closed, Wan Yan Shengyan with a drunk face immediately woke up.

"Did you not drink?" Xu Xuan asked curiously.

When he entered the door, the smell of the wine on the wall made her almost unbearable.

"How can I not drink it, but before that, I took the medicine prepared by Jin Niang for a long time to prevent being drunk, and then asked King Rui and others to help me stop the wine, presumably your elder brother was carried tonight Going back, "Wan Ye Shengyan saw Yun Tao who was coming after another, and he didn't know whether he wanted to get drunk in his heart or was drunk.

Xu Xuan said for a moment, and she said a little bit in her heart, "Then let him get drunk for a long time, lest the acacia fall into the bones, there is no cure!"

After looking at the grooming, he took off his head full of jewellery and jade, without any makeup on his face. Wan Yan Shengyan felt that Yun Yunxuan was the most beautiful.

"You only know that your elder brother's acacia is in the bones, but do you know that my mind is the same?" I walked over and sat beside her, whispered in a low voice.

Rao had several close contacts with Wan Yan Shengyan, but after listening to his words so affectionate, Xuan Xuan's face was stained with a blush, which was more beautiful than the rouge.

...... (following content, parents will fill their brains to avoid being harmonious, hehe!)

The next day, Xuan Xuan woke up with her sore body, facing Wan Yan Shengyan's scorching gaze, she couldn't help but shyly said, "Don't you turn around?" Although she was groomed last night, Still feel sick.

"Xuan Er, you and I are husband and wife, what else is there to cover up?" Wan Yan Shengyan looked at her gaze and could be raging.

This kind of gaze made Xuan Xuan feel weak and not angry with him. She could only say softly, "We have to get up and greet our father!"

Wan Yan Shengyan didn't care about this, but just thinking about her tiredness, she finally let go of her and told others to come in loudly ...

Yinger and Luliu waited at the door for a long time, so when they heard the sound, they brought hot water, took things, a group of people came in, and the Xuan Xuan who watched was red from the head to the feet. He seems to be caught doing bad things.

"Yinger, you stay with Luliu, the rest go out," she really did not have the courage to lift the quilt, so just come out.

When Wan Yansheng saw this, knowing that she was shy, she waved her hand and let the extra people quit.

"Waiting for the world's concubines and grooming," Wan Minsheng was not so troublesome. He served himself and moved very quickly.

"Luyan, let me put hot water behind the screen," she would be uncomfortable if she didn't freshen up quickly.

"Yes," Green Willow pursed and grinned.

When Xuan Xuan was groomed and she sat in front of the mirror and asked Willow to dress herself, she saw two old ladies coming in, and after asking her to greet her, she went directly to the bed and opened the quilt. The white papaya stained with red, which proved the most innocence, appeared immediately, and the cheeks were not red.

Wan Ye Shengyan knew that she was unwilling to dress up again, so she said that her father and his elders would be in the palace, and everyone else would have to go to the palace to see them.

When Xuan Xuan heard this, he felt his thoughtfulness in his heart. It wasn't easy at least. At least he wore the most precious and precious, no worse than a jewellery full of people.

"There is almost no one in Wangfu. The father said, after I became married, I will give you the middlemen in the palace. Do n’t be afraid of you. If someone bullies you, even if you tell me, I will be the master of you. Yes! ”Wan Ye Shengyan took Xi Xuan out of his yard, and assured her that she didn't want her to be a little wronged.

Xuan Xuan thought about the situation of Yun's family, shook her head and said, "Leave the matter of giving to Meier. She is the county master, and she will also be the mother-in-law. No one in the palace will give her this. When I come back, I will teach her, so that when she marries in the future, she wo n’t be bullied because she does n’t understand the reward! ”

She really likes Wan Wanmeier. After all, this girl has helped herself many times, and she always feels a bit lost.

"Well, you can discuss with Meier on your own. I don't care about the feedback!" Seeing that Meier gets along well with Xuan'er, he is happier than anyone else.

Xuan Xuan gave him an angry look and saw that the hall was about to arrive, and he was not arguing with him.

"In-laws, please greet the father, King Jin'an!" Xuan Xuan stepped forward with Wan Ye Shengyan, kneeling in front of Prince Yong, and respectfully offered tea.

"Okay," Prince Yong did not have any trouble. He took the tea cup and drank it to the sky. Then he picked up the meeting ceremony on the table and said with a smile, "Hurry up, don't you help Shi Zifei?" An eyeless thing.

"Thank you, Father," Xuan Xuan took the meeting and was lifted up with a smile.

"Well," Wan Yanmeier shouted joyfully when she saw her. "You gave a meeting gift last night, so you don't need it!" Seeing that she brought something to herself, she hurriedly stopped it.

"It's all my family. I like you, so I should give one more!" Xuan Xuan gave her a set of exquisite heads and smiles, and Prince Yong was even more satisfied.

This daughter is the only girl in Wangfu. Although she is a niece, because of the small population in Wangfu, he also attaches great importance to this daughter. If Yun Xuanxuan didn't like Meier because of her small family spirit, she would take her less seriously.

Now, seeing what she said and doing, she was naturally happy. As for the identity of Yun Xuan Xuan-he did not disdain or dissatisfaction, after all, the son can marry, can find someone whom he likes and cares about, it is no longer easy. This emotional torture, he has experienced most of his life, why not need his son to experience.

Besides, the Manchu family is already a royal family, and if you climb up, you really can't find anyone.

Seeing Yun Yunxuan like this, Prince Yong rejoiced and said that he would give the Fuzhong to Yun Yunxuan. I believe she is not superficial. As Xuan Xuan told Wan Ye Shengyan just now, she refused the kindness of Prince Yong and said that she would help Meier learn to feed. In this case, the two fathers and daughters were stunned for a long time.

"Well, this isn't working. Where can my daughter's family feed under her mother's control?" Wan Yanmeier was the first one to be unwilling to agree, thinking that it would ruin her feelings with her.

"Meier, listen to me." Looking at the nervous Meier, Xuan Xuan said earnestly: "You also know that although he entered the palace, he said good things to your brother, Yun family has been for so many years It ’s me who is looking after, and want to let go at once, that is impossible. As for the middle school in Wangfu, I am thinking of you marrying someone in the future, and I am sure to be a mother-in-law. You will be pinned down by yourself, and you will be disadvantaged in the future, so it ’s much easier to become familiar with the middlemen in the government first, and then go to someone else ’s house in the future! ”

Wan Yanmeier was blushed by the words of a married woman, and looked helplessly at her father, not knowing what to answer.

"Meier, you are a good one, remember it well!" Prince Yong finally agreed, and knew that he was good to Meier. The only things that are taught are superficial things, but the things that really blend into the big family are not the same. .

For such a temperament as Meier, whoever enters a large family in the future will only be bullied. Although Prince Yong's Mansion is a royal family, it is impossible to control his married daughter every day, so he is grateful Yun Yunxuan's decision.

This daughter-in-law is really married.

Prince Yong agreed, Wan Wanmeier would naturally not refuse, Xuan Xuan was a little relieved, at least for now, without having to bear Prince Yong's mansion on her body, she could breathe.

The wedding day is naturally sweet, especially those who can't find the difference. Wan Yan Shengyan took advantage of this opportunity to occupy Yun Xuanxuan's time all day, even Wan Yanmeier could not get close. She made her angry and said that her elder brother was too bad. Not a man.

However, where in her heart did she know that she had been guarding Yun Yanxuan for so many years, but she had to be disciplined because of the etiquette and ethics, so now she really wants to marry someone and let go.

"Look at you, take Meier away." For his hegemony, Yun Xuanxuan felt helpless again, thinking about how the cold and ruthless mask man now became so sticky.

"She wasn't mad, she should be bothering us, I'm sorry!" Wan Yansheng said cheekily, not at all how shameful she was.

"...," the wind was messy.

"Xuan Er, there will be a palace feast in the palace after three days of returning to the door. The situation is blurry now, and the emperor is not satisfied with which prince is more satisfied. Although Prince Yong's Mansion has no military power, it will inevitably be pushed into it. At that time, the Yun family will also be involved. "He was worried that someone would deliberately make trouble or calculate Xuan Xuan, so he took the lead to remind her.

Even if she knew she was clever and capable, the pickled conspiracy in the palace kept coming up, and she was afraid that Xuan Xuan would not care.

"From the moment we married you, we knew that the Yun family would be connected to Prince Yong's Mansion. The elder brother was also clear. There was no stopping. He was fully prepared for this ..." Hesitated, she was lonely again Said: "Big brother thinks that the cause of death of father and mother may be more deeply involved, maybe it is the Yun family who is involved in Prince Yong's house!"