MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 297 I miss you

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However, because of the fact that Nan Yuguo couldn't eat Dong Yanguo, they fulfilled their agreement with Wan Ling Ling Xuan, dragged King Rui, and continued to attack every day, but they did not face it directly, just delaying their time and consuming them. The patient patience and the demand for grain and grass allowed Xuan Wang to seize the opportunity to win the hearts of the people and return to Beijing one step earlier than Rui Wang, so that he could get the opportunity.

This step-by-step calculation is really extremely painstaking.

"Why?" Xuan Xuan vented her hatred for Wan Xuan Ling Xuan II, and after being unwilling to step into the camp, Wan Xuan Ling Xuan still led her away. "Wan Ling Ling Xuan, in this life, I will never let Yun's family be at your mercy again. Your ambition will die with you!"

"Brother, can Princess Baili provoke war again?" Since it is going to be chaotic, let everything be chaotic.

Hundreds of years of rejuvenation need to be a hundred wastes to be revitalized, need to eliminate those unfavorable factors, need to master military power, so this may be a better opportunity, if used well, the Northern Han country is her, and no one can take it.

Yun Tao looked at the eager younger sister and froze for a moment, knowing that she was provoked by the letter sent by Wan Ye Shengyan, so she lost her sense and said such a thing.

"Xuan Er, the issue of war is not easy to say. If Bei Han country provokes the war again and loses, how can Chuner face the people of Bei Han country?" Bei Han country is different from other countries. It was so poor that they lived next to each other. War would only make them worse.

This time, it had nothing to do with the Northern Han country, but because the King of Wings had to count hundreds of miles to rejuvenate, he provoked the war with the East Yan Kingdom and joined hands with Wan Ling Ling Xuan to mutually benefit.

Xuan Xuan knew that she was selfish in doing this and totally disregarded the safety of the people. However, she had a bigger shadow in her heart, and she was afraid that things from the previous life would be staged in this life, so she must stop it, even if it was no longer possible.

She would rather bear all the sins herself, rather than want the events of the previous life to happen again, and watch her beloved loved ones, loved ones, and friends die because of the ambitions of Wan Ling Ling Xuan.

"Isn't there a way to war?" Xuan Xuan sneered at the corner of her mouth, mockingly saying, "Wan Ling Ling Xuan asked Nan Yuguo to drag King Rui, then we let Bei Hanguo drag his historian, let Wan Xun Ling Xuan's anxious jump is not acceptable-and all the food in the Bei Han country is produced by the Yun family, so that the Yun family ’s influence in the Bei Han country can be relied on for the dispatch of the Spring Festival, just as my little aunt gave it to the future aunt A meeting ceremony, "She would rather destroy the Yun family than let the Yun family fall into Wan Ye Lingxuan or others' hands.

Yun Tao's eyes blinked, and he felt a sense of uncertainty about Xuan Xuan.

In the past few years, he was in the Northern Han country. I do n’t know how Xuan Xuan supported the Yun family, but he felt that the Yun family did not fall into the hands of others. It was strange and a little weird. In his perception, the Yun family It has long been wiped out by those desperate people in Beijing.

And Xuan Xuan, a ten-year-old child, supported the entire Yun family so stiffly, and even did not let grandma and uncle and others help.

But now, he actually found a strong and powerful trend from Xuan'er's body, more honorable and domineering than the true long princess who reborn in Baili.

What happened over the past eight years?

Why did Xuan'er, who was originally cute, become what it is today? He once asked, but the answer he obtained did not have any trace to find. Is Xuaner just like a very different mother?

"Brother, I would rather the Yun family be destroyed in my hands than the Yun family fall into the hands of others!" Seeing him silently wondering what he was thinking about, Xuan Xuan spoke again, with a firm tone and a touch of touch Absolutely.

Yun Tao also feels a burden for the Yun family, because the three of them are unwilling to bear-but, give up rashly, don't say that parents who are worthy of the spirit of the sky, are those who help the Yun family, The wholehearted old people can't bear it, so the Yun family cannot give up without being helpless.

Yun Tao considered it carefully and finally nodded.

Xuan Xuan was afraid that her elder brother couldn't tell the story, so she told Yun Tao that she would write a letter telling Baili to rejuvenate. As for what decision to make, it was up to her to threaten her.

What she wants to say is about something she knew in her previous life, knowing that because of her rebirth, she changed the fate of all people. At this time, Baili Rejuvenation was already the king of the Northern Cold Country, and Wan Lingling Xuan has mastered the entire East Yan Kingdom. But today, they are still struggling on that road, and they certainly have no future.

Because Dong Yanguo was trapped and the Three Kingdoms were under siege, the whole New Year was not as lively as in previous years, and the capital city looked much depressed.

Because of Xuan Xuan's shot, Baili Huichun finally made up his mind and took the wing king's military power as the reason for the defeat of the wing king. When Wan Ling Ling Xuan was about to return to the class, he was again tangled at the border. , Gave him a surprise, forced to stay in the north to cope, but felt inexplicable.

He wanted to find Wing King and ask, what happened?

However, the King of Wings was placed under house arrest by the Emperor Baili, and Wan Ling Ling Xuan could not find him even if he had searched all over, and because he was not in the East Yan Kingdom, he had no choice but to help.

Thinking that he should be on his way back to Beijing at this time, he should return to Beijing earlier than King Rui, get the affirmation of his father, and achieve his purpose sooner.

However, because the North Han country once again set up soldiers, he was unable to breathe out, and could only bear it stiffly-and because of the problem of food and grass, he could not send soldiers as he did before.

The troops from the Bei Han country trapped Wan Ling Ling Xuan. On the other hand, the Nan Yu country sent troops also trapped Wan Ling Ling Rui. The two were considered equal and no one benefited.

"I'm sure I want to do this," Wu Xuan said firmly, watching everyone's disapproval.

"Well, it's not safe for a woman to go to the border," Wan Yanmei said anxiously, thinking that the elder brother's most uneasy thing was she, if you really let him go to the border alone, then what else? what! ?

"Meier, I'm not alone, I have a child to protect them, and I'll be fine." Xuan Xuan looked at a few people who disagree, how can they make them understand that they have to go to Wanli Reason for Sheng Yan.

"That won't work," Wan Yanmeier shook her head and refused to say, "Big brother can't bear to bully you even in the capital, how can you let you suffer from the thousands of miles of travel?"

"Xuaner, Meier is right. If you have any problem, write to Yaner directly, why bother to go by yourself?" Prince Yong also disapproves. If something happens to your daughter-in-law here, your son It ’s not crazy to be crazy.

"Xuaner, what the grandfather said is that if you have something to send to the Dark Guard, it is better than you taking someone with you and suffering from turbulence," Yun Tao also disagreed. Although Xuan Xuan's skill was good, but In order to leave Beijing to go to the battlefield, he disagreed 11 million.

She is the only relative who is connected by blood, and if she ever happens again, how can she be worthy of her dead father and mother?

Everyone, you persuaded me, and let Xuan Xuan reach out his hands and rub his temples, some helplessly showing a bitter smile, and explained why he was determined to go there.

"Father Wang, Meier, elder brother, it's not Xuan Er's waywardness, but I have to go there, but I have a reason to go!" Xuan Xuan saw everyone wondering, and explained seriously: " The letter from the small county owner said that because of the unreasonable stalemate of Nan Yuguo, which was extremely costly, it has attracted the resentment of the people in Nan Yu Guo, but the prince insisted on the queen's party feathers, and the war continued ... Therefore, I must go to the frontier, , I also want to go to the Nanyu Kingdom-to take back all the forces of the Yun family! "The last word, with a domineering sternness, made the three hearts tremble.

The Yun family is a businessman, but when a businessman fights, he is the best to use.

Prince Yong looked at the weak surface in front of his eyes. His bones were comparable to the daughter-in-law of a man. He felt a weird feeling in his heart. He felt that this daughter-in-law was in the position of a superior for a long time, and he was even more imposing than his old husband. Sharp.

And Wan Yanmeier, looking at such a decisive killing cricket, completely crippled, I don't know what to say.

What about Yun Tao? Because I knew it before, knowing that the frontier battles have been going on, I found that Xuan Xuan ’s powerful momentum hidden in the dark bottom of her heart bursts out again and again, and it ’s worse than every time. I ca n’t help but want to listen to her. Ordered and felt that everything she said was right.

"The Yun family has also been in the Nanyu Kingdom for more than ten years. If they rashly withdraw ..." Yun Tao wondered where her bottom line was.

"The chaos is Nan Yuguo, which is only good for Dong Yanguo," Xuan Xuan interrupted his words, with a cold cold light under his eyes. "Nan Yuguo wants to swallow Dong Yanguo and see if they can protect it first. Be yourself. "She feels that only by doing so can she break the deadlock between Rui Wang and Nan Yuguo, and then let Rui Wang return to Beijing first and seize the opportunity.

This time, even if she did nothing, she would do it.

Looking at Yun Yanxuan who was determined to the end, everyone suddenly felt that she couldn't help but refute.

In the end, they agreed to Yun Xuanxuan's departure from Beijing, but the number was dispatched by Yun Tao, secretly and secretly, how much was even Xuan Xuan himself did not know.

As soon as she was out of Beijing, Xuan Xuan had only one command.

Along the way, it can be said that it is wind and food to sleep, and Xuan Xuan has not enjoyed the treatment she should have as a concubine, only to reach the frontier earlier and meet people who are in her heart.

At this time, he was discussing with King Rui to face Nan Yuguo's next attack. Is it better to be active or to wait passively Wan Wan Shengyan? I do n’t know at all. The person I miss in my heart will soon appear in In front of myself.

"Nan Yuguo is so deadlocked that this war will not be resolved in ten years." After spending some time in the frontier, he experienced a **** experience. Rao is a gentle and elegant king. He also revealed a little domineering and fierce. No one in the capital can see it.

"Then do you mean to attack? You are so angry?" The purpose of Nan Yuguo is to drag King Rui. They are all very clear, but if they really attack, it is okay if they do. King Rui not only has to accept the censure of the emperor, but also is accused by the people, which is extremely unfavorable to the way he will go in the future.

"Bang," King Rui struggled from side to side, unable to settle in his heart, so he slammed the table fiercely, and yelled, "Damn!"

"Don't be too anxious. The dispatch of troops by the Bei Han country once again has blocked Wan Zhen Ling Xuan's way back to Beijing. Maybe you can return to Beijing earlier than him." For Bei Han's temporary betrayal, Wan Wu Shengyan was surprised, thinking about what went wrong with Wing King's deal with Wan Ling Ling Xuan, and he was trapping Wan Ling Ling Xuan there.

Now, in the whole scene, the most comfortable one is probably General Meng Yi.

Then the Western Qin Kingdom saw that the Nan Yu Kingdom really did something against the East Yan Kingdom, so it immediately blended in, but it was not a tentative attack like Nan Yu Kingdom, but it was real, so General Meng Yi was not a vegetarian, he was ruthless. The fierce counterattack, the heartfelt hit, was envious of everyone.

Unfortunately, even if the Western Qin State retired, General Meng Yi could not help them. After all, stationing in the fortress is something that every general must do. The consequences of such an unauthorized departure cannot be assumed by anyone. of.

"Who knows what's stupid hiding in his bones? The only thing we are better than him now is that we don't have to worry too much about the grain, but we are afraid that it will continue. The grain is not enough, and even the stability of the army has become a luxury!" He led a soldier to fight, but as prince, he understood what was most important.

This team was not led by his hands. He was naturally dissatisfied with his young King Rui, especially those veteran generals who depend on the old and sell the old. After finally conquering those old guys with Wan Ye Shengyan, now they have to face the pain of fighting and not fighting, how can they not be bothered.

If you win, you win, but if you lose, you lose. Without fighting, the Nanyu Guotun soldiers demonstrated, occasionally yelling and cursing, so that the frontiers could not be quiet. It was a successful drag on King Rui's footsteps, so now fighting or not fighting has become the most painful choice.

"Grass ... you don't have to worry too much, the Yun family will think of a way," Wan Yan Shengyan said this, his tone was a bit uncertain, and he didn't know how long the Yun family could sustain it.

Wan Ye Ling Rui looked up at Wan Ye Shengyan, sighed slightly, and whispered, "The entire East Yan Kingdom was killed by Wan Ye Ling Xuan!"

Persevering in the end will only make everything in Dongyan country return to the poorest time, and the Yun family will not have the glory of the past. Then Dongyan country lost this battle.

Tangled here, Yan Xuan quickly slashed, and finally, exhausted and almost unable to hold on, she arrived at the main city where Nanyu and Dongyan were at the border, which is where King Rui and Wan Yanshengyan are now. Twilight.

"Take a night off, and see the next day's grandfather tomorrow," said Xuan Xuan, letting the people who followed her secretly breathe a sigh of relief, thinking of using this face to see the second half of the grandfather, they had to be scraped off before they died. skin.

These days, Xuan Xuan is desperately on the road, no worse than Yinger and others, completely supporting the twilight city, and let everyone look at this original little girl.

They thought that if Shi Zifei was going to Mucheng, it would take at least several months. After all, not everyone who was esteemed and accommodating could adapt to the pains of wind and rain. But along the way, Shi Zifei insisted on clenching her teeth, not even shouting a word for "bitterness", and they really admired them.

Lying on the bed of the inn, although hard and uncomfortable, Xuan Xuan felt that she was about to fall apart. Lying down made her feel more comfortable.

Too skinless and didn't even eat dinner. After freshly bathing, Xuan Xuan lay down and fell asleep, no matter what dangerous place he was in.

"I'm really here," the next day, after drinking Xuan Xuan's two bowls of porridge, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, the only one when she came all the way.

"Master, you have to rest first, slaves contact Master Shi, and let Master Shi come over here," Ying Er said sadly that his eyes were full of dark circles.

Xuan Xuan opened her mouth and didn't want to agree, but she thought of a woman who rushed into the barracks, but it would cause unnecessary trouble. She nodded and said, "Don't alarm others," she just wanted to see Wan Yan Shengyan, and then Discuss her decision. As for the others, she doesn't want to be alarmed.

"Yes," knowing that the master didn't insist, Yinger breathed a sigh of relief, and after Lu Liu took care of the master, he turned and left the inn, and went to the barracks.

Outside the city of Mucheng is the battlefield. Everyone's faces walking on the street are shining with dignity and hurried steps. No one wants to delay half a minute.

Seeing such a situation, Yinger's mood was extremely heavy. I wondered if the purpose of the trip was successful.

Wan Yan Shengyan followed King Rui, just paying some attention, and did not steal any limelight from King Rui, nor would he give any orders at will, so he was only a dispensable person in the barracks.

When he saw the contact signal that he was familiar with, he was shocked. He wondered how he could see such a signal here, but he didn't delay a little time.

"Say hello to your grandfather," Yinger said immediately when he saw the person in front of him.

"Yinger?" Seeing the person who should not be here before, Wan Yan Shengyan's eyes became sharp immediately, and he asked sharply, "Why are you here? Is there something wrong with Shi Zifei?" Yinger was To Xuan Xuan herself, as a last resort, she will not leave the capital.

Unless Xuan Xuan is in trouble and others cannot solve it, Yinger will come to Mucheng to report.

Seeing Shi Zi's nervousness, Yinger breathed a little, and then said, "Don't be nervous, Shi Zifei did not have an accident, but ... came to Mucheng,"

"Come to twilight?" Wan Ye Shengyan's eyes widened sharply, and he asked displeasedly, "What about people?"

"The inn not far away," Shi Ziye was still angry.

Wan Ye Shengyan threw her a displeased look with warning in her eyes, and then hurried forward, not even giving a word.

Yinger looked up at the sky with a headache, thinking that the master had persuaded the people in Beijing. I wonder if she could persuade the world grandfather. Her ultimate goal is to go to Nanyu Kingdom!

I thought to myself that she didn't stop her footsteps. She didn't catch up with her. She couldn't find her master and went straight to herself. She couldn't bear the anger of her.

Running all the way, one night's rest is definitely not enough to make up for, so when Xuan Xuan finished her meal and waited for Wan Ji Shengyan, she stumbled back to her room to rest, waiting until Wan Ji Sheng was angry and angry. When I arrived, when I saw that my face was thin and covered with wind and dust, Yun Yanxuan was gone, and there was nothing left.

He waved his hand to let everyone in the room go out. He didn't even wake up Xuan Xuan, but took off his coat and lifted the quilt to hug her.

In my sleep, I felt the familiar and safe taste. Xuan Xuan wriggled a little, and the corner of her mouth overflowed with a sweet smell. All the anxiety and struggle disappeared at this moment, and she fell into a real sense. Slumber.

Opening his eyes, the black eye was introduced, letting Xu Xuan froze for a moment, glanced up blankly, and immediately put on a pair of dark eyes, a bright smile immediately, whispered softly: "Yan "I miss you!"

Thousands of words, not as good as that sentence, Wan Yan Shengyan's heart was beating, looking at the delicate woman in her arms, her heart softened completely.

"I miss you too," hugged her tightly, trying to crush the bones in her heart, unwilling to let go for a moment.

The two felt together after a long separation, listening to each other's heartbeat and feeling that everything was so good.

After thinking about it, but the anger should still be anger, so Wan Ji Shengyan thought that she was traveling thousands of miles to Mucheng, her face was not very good.

"Is there anything I can't tell the secret guard or Yun family to do? I have to come by myself. What should happen to me on the way? What do you want me to do?" Wan Yan Shengyan's tone was severe, expressing him Is really angry.

He Xuan pursed his lips and wanted to say something, but in the face of his anger, he shrank his neck and never dared to speak.

If he told him that he had come to Mucheng just to see him, she was on the way to Nanyu Kingdom, and he was not afraid to hang himself for a fight! ?

Thinking of that picture, Xuan Xuan couldn't accept it.

Wu Xuan didn't know, she didn't open her explanation, she was very guilty, so Wan Ji Shengyan stared at her with her eyes closed, and after looking at her several times, she asked Yinyin: "Xuaner, you What else did you hide from me? "That way, it just didn't help me.

Swallowingly, he looked at Wan Xishengyan with an unsmiling glance. He Xuan pursed several times before he said, "I want to go to Nanyu Kingdom!"
