MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 315 Liang Fei

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"Hehe, go back and tell your father that this palace is very good, and now you are waiting to see the Queen's end," Liang Fei did not take extra precautions against her inconceivable fifth brother, but said with clear eyes. In her eyes, she has the greatest expectations for many years. She can't wait to tell the world now that she is the biggest winner in the entire harem. "When the palace arrives, she must kneel in front of the palace to let her know how much grievance and oppression the palace has suffered over the years!"

Listening to Liang Fei's concubine, Shi Hongzhen didn't interrupt. After she finished speaking, she found a place to sit, pouting with a gentle smile, and said, "Madam, why do you know why King Rui died? Can't find it, Wan Ye Shengyan's life and death are unknown, and Prince Yong was seriously injured in the palace? "

Liang Fei had been under house arrest before, so she didn't know the specifics of these things, but she felt that God was helping her son, and she was happy. Now, when he heard his weird brother asking so strangely, he looked at him hesitantly, what he thought of, and asked in horror: "... what did you do?"

"The mother-in-law has been so smart for so many years!" Shi Hongzhen acknowledged and smiled brilliantly.

"Why?" Liang Fei was shocked, regardless of her etiquette, and stepped forward to ask: "Shi Hongzhen, do you know that what you do will involve the entire historian, and it will destroy the Nine Clans. Do you know?" It was questioning, but the voice was in my throat, and I didn't dare to raise it a little, so I was afraid to alarm the people outside.

"I naturally know," Shi Hongzhen didn't even give her a look, but said coldly, "It's just that my mother's questioning made me sad. This is what your son ordered, for the sake of You're upset ... "

"Why ... what?" Liang Fei took a few steps back, her face pale in shock, she was not a fool, and she knew exactly what this meant, and could not help but pleaded: "Fifth brother, sister, please, Xuan'er Say, don't be impulsive. King Rui is dead. No one can compare with him, so that he must be stable. That position will be his own sooner or later. If he loses his calm, the consequences ... "

"The consequence is that King Xuan bears insults. He can't lift his head for a lifetime, and is getting farther and farther away from that position," Shi Hongzhen took her word and answered calmly.

"So ... So you must ..." Liangfei nodded, but she suddenly thought of something, seeing a weird fifth brother in front of her, she froze all the words and stared sharply. Focusing on him, trying to see what was on his face, he found that the five younger brothers who hadn't really cared for more than a decade were no longer the gentle boys in her memory.

"Five ... Five brother, what do you want to do?" Liangfei desperately calmed herself, looking at the calm and calm person in front of her, asked with a trembling voice.

"What?" Tilted his head, and Shi Hongzhen's eyes flashed with doubt, seeming to be questioned. "Originally, to eliminate all the troubles, King Xuan led the Shijia army to force the palace, and the plan of the Historian will easily get everything from the Wanxian family, including the most hopeful position of King Xuan ..." With his The words were spoken sentence by sentence, Liang Fei's face turned pale, and she couldn't even stand.

For her, although she was expecting her son to sit in that position and even thought of the most drastic means, she just thought about it and shrank when she really wanted to do it, so now she heard the news and shivered. Can't control it at all.

"Unfortunately, after the Historian eradicated everything for King Xuan, King Xuan stopped and wanted to be the well-behaved King Xuan and waited for the emperor's approval. That was not to treat the Historian as a stepping stone. You know, the Historian risked The danger of destroying the Nine Tribes moved the Prince Yong's Mansion, killed King Rui, and did everything impossible, but was thrown away in the end, so Madam, do you think the historian will be willing? "Since she was asked to die, let her Dead understand.

"Why did you do this? Xuan Er became the emperor, and he will respect you. You are his greatest support, and Ting Ting is the queen of the East Yan Kingdom. Historians are rich and glorious. No one can match it. Did she think that all this would be enough for historians to work hard for Xuan'er.

But who knows, all this is just appearance.

Shi Hongzhen moved his body a bit, and mocked and said, "That's the Historian's big room, not the Historian's five room ... Madam, at the beginning, you strongly opposed me to marry Guanyuan as the wife, and after knowing Shangguanyuan's ability later, You can't remember mocking me, do you remember? "

He is a vengeful man who remembers everything firmly, and none dare to forget it.

Liang Fei heard the words, an incredible flash of light flashed on her face, and looked at the person in front of her, exclaiming: "Fifth brother, are you crazy? Shang Guanyuan has been dead for so many years, how can you deal with someone who doesn't matter What about the historian? Do you know that if you do this, it will harm the entire historian? "Even her Xuan'er was implicated by him.

"It hurts, it hurts, there is nothing to be reluctant to do," Shi Hongzhen's face didn't even have a twitch, as if everything he said was nothing to do with him. "At that time, several older brothers prevented me from pursuing my own happiness. Insulted me, saying that the young lady of the Historian must be of famous origin, and definitely not a person like Shangguanyuan can attach to it ... It was just that the emperor ordered his sister to enter the palace, so he cannot be ashamed of the Historian. "

"Oh, unfortunately, Shangguanyuan not only has the ability, the status is even more honorable than the mother-in-law, it is the historian who looked away, otherwise, why is Xuan Wang struggling, with the support of Sifang City, I am afraid Can't you get in that position? "He wouldn't let go of the people who insulted him to keep up with Guanyuan.

Anyone who owes him, sorry for him, will return in revenge, so that everyone knows what will happen if he offends him.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

"Crazy, lunatic," Liangfei said when he heard that he was doing it just for the sake of the past ...

"It's crazy, sister, you don't know. I lost my mind when I lost Shangguanyuan, did you know?" Approaching her, Shi Honglie whispered in her ear: "Remember that I appeared late at night In your palace, is there such a big mouth on your feet? But I have been resentful to the emperor for many years, and want to enter the palace to stab it, but it failed, so I reluctantly hid in my sister's palace and only told my sister. I did n’t have access to the palace, so I could n’t enter the palace, so I went to see my sister in this palace, but I was treated as an assassin, but I did n’t know that I was the real assassin! ”

Liang Fei was so shocked that she couldn't even say anything. The man who reached out and pointed at his eyes simply issued: "You ... you ..." The complaint, but couldn't say the helplessness and panic in her heart. .

"At that time, my sister entered the palace. Everyone in the historian objected to me marrying an official, and felt that she was unworthy. Therefore, I was not willing to enter the palace to ask the emperor to grant marriage. At that time, who would dare to disagree? The Emperor refused to meet me even for the sake of the town government, and directly wiped out all my hopes ... Hey, sister, can you say, can I not hate? "He owes everything to him Get back one by one.

"You buried so deeply," she remembered the events of that year. After all, Shang Guanyuan's brilliant and dazzling attention attracted and regretted many people, including historians.

They all thought that Shi Hongzhen would not be able to accept it, but found that he had reconciled with the Guanyuan, and even became friends with Yun Zheng. This aspect was difficult to accept but has always existed. Until now, people still talked about Shangguan. Yuan's marriage, did not know that such a scourge remained.

"If it isn't deep, how can you fulfill your wish?" He has received all kinds of accusations today.

Looking at the expressionless fifth brother, Liang Fei suddenly thought of something, she trembled a little, her face changed and asked: "You ... why did you tell me this? Are you not afraid to tell the emperor?"

"Oh," Shi Hongzhen didn't annihilate her hope immediately, but explained word by word: "Xuan Wang wants to take advantage of the fishermen, mother, do you think the historians will sit still? Only the mother is his weakness, In order to stimulate his anger and lose his calm ... so the dead will not reveal any secrets! "

"No," screams stuck in her throat, and Liang Hong's acupuncture point was stopped by Shi Hongzhen. She shook her head in horror. Her eyes were filled with disbelief, and she felt that the historian would not treat her like this. She is her father's only niece, a concubine who brought infinite beauty to the historian. How could her father be willing to get rid of her?

As if she knew what was in her heart, Shi Hongzhen approached her and said slowly: "The elder sister may not know, the father is also very reluctant. He even begged me, but unfortunately, a few brothers only have power in their hearts and have long forgotten the elder sister. Okay, so my sister will be a historian. I won't let my sister go too painfully. "

Liangfei struggled, her eyes were hazy, and she walked very blindly. After all, she knew so many things, and did not know the final result. Especially for her death, she still has to stimulate her only son to do nothing. She has too much unwillingness.

But in the end, she still did not struggle to close her eyes, there was no trace of pain, so that she could not see how she died, but when she died, there were tears in the corners of her eyes, and it was only herself who knew the meaning. .

Shi Hongzhen reached out and wiped away the tears in the corner of her eyes, then sighed slightly, and made a complete preparation before turning away and treating the palace as his own home, without a trace of pressure.
