MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 361 Late night

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Since she was a child, she grew up in Jinyiyushi without any grievances. Everyone is telling her that as long as she grows up, she will be married to Xuanyuan Yi, and the leader of the Quartet is her, so she has been working hard Always wanted to grow into a woman who can match Xuanyuanyi.

But when she did, when everyone said that, Xuanyuan Yi changed, and even her successor's position changed, so she was frightened and couldn't face it all.

"Between Sifang City and me, you make a choice!" Xuan Yuanyi knew that he was cruel, but if he didn't do this, he would always be entangled, and he couldn't get the peaceful life he wanted.

Facing Xuanyuanyi's coldness, Xuanyuanya shook her head and said that it was difficult to accept: "No, this is impossible, you and Sifang City should belong to me ..." After that, she set her eyes aside to watch the opera On the same Yun Yanyan, the words were murderous: "It's her. It's because of her existence that it makes you change your heart. Forgetting that Sifang City is your home, you shouldn't be here at all. . "

There is no answer, but the most direct answer has been made, to how much relief Xuan Yuanyi.

"Ya'er," he blocked the sight of that cannibal, and calmly looked at her. "If I can't help you become the owner, will you still be able to tolerate me in your heart? You're so entangled in me It ’s just because of the words of the city ’s owner that you refuse to give up. And do you really love this way? If you love someone, even if you give up everything, you will feel happy, just like me, who gave up Sifang City. Everything, willing to stay in Yun's house, just for a Yunyan! "

There are no affectionate vows, just need to do it silently, you will know how deep my love for you is.

Yan Yan's eyes flashed a touch, but she never spoke, especially at this time, as soon as she spoke, she would make people crazy.

"Nonsense, as long as we are together, everything in the Quartet is ours, and we can have everything, isn't it love?" Xuan Yuanya found that what she knew and said to Xuan Yuanyi was completely different, let She was more apprehensive.

She likes the look of the city master when she orders others. It is unique and so high that she has always felt that she can only overlook everything when she stands at that highest position, so she would rather give up everything than give up.

However, you must be married to Xuanyuan Yi to qualify for this. But Xuan Yuanyi cruelly wanted to choose between him and Sifang City. Isn't that driving himself crazy?

He knew that his mind was still doing this, he was really cruel to the end.

"But I don't like it, I just want to live a peaceful life!" Xuan Yuanyi resolutely answered, saying that he had never made a joke.

Xuanyuan Ya shook her head and refused to accept the fact. She stared at Xuanyuan Yi and said, "You have never said this word before leaving Sifang City, but since you met this woman, you It's changed, you don't even know yourself. Only by killing her can you find the original you, "

"Xuan Yuan Ya, how dare you!" Xuan Yuan Yi heard the words, no more polite, and immediately drank vigilantly.

"I have lost everything without you, so why am I afraid?" Xuan Yuanya said with a cruel and indifferent smile on his mouth: "Xuan Yuanyi, don't forget, people in Sifang City are not allowed to kill each other. If you Do something to your family, you should understand! "

"So then, the people in Sifang City did not recognize Xuan Yuanjin as a person in Sifang City at all?" When Xuan Xuan arrived, she just heard this sentence, and the chill in her voice could be conveyed to the hearts of everyone.

"Who are you?" Xuan Yuanya looked proudly at the woman holding her hair in front of her, with a look in her eyes, not as hostile as Yun Yanyan.

"Yun Xuan Xuan," I don't know who my enemies are, so it's so easy to come to the door, stupid, or too self-righteous?

"Yun Xuan Xuan?" Xuan Yuan Ya thought of her side, a flash of chill flashed in her eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Okay, I won't go to you, you come to the door automatically,"

"Well," Yan Yan and Yan Xuan both laughed at them, and the two sisters laughed out of no coincidence, scorning others and mockingly said, "Girl, have you made a mistake? This is the Yun family, it is my family. Yes, I ’m going back to my own home. Can I get you here?

I don't know yet who delivered it.

"You **** it," Xuan Yuanya thought that she would lose step by step because of Yun Xuan Xuan. If it wasn't for her appearance, how could Xuan Yuan Yi and Yun Yan Yan be related, so as soon as they were angry, they brought Those who are looking for themselves should come here to kill ...

"If you really do it, you are denying the existence of the little princess. If Xuan Yuanyan took it back, did you not take it to heart?" Xuan Yuan Yi saw Xuan Yuan Ya and started to stop, and quickly interrogated.

Yun Xuan Xuan is the kind of person who treats you well to her, and she will treat you well. If you are not good to her, she won't care who you are and she will fight back. At present, she has no feelings for Sifang City. The test of the owner will only make Yun Xuan Xuan even more loath to Sifang City. If the person Xuanyuan Ya brings to hurt Yun Xuan Xuan, the consequences will be more serious.

He was afraid Yun Yunxuan would be angry and ruined the city of Quartet.

"Listening to her nonsense, Sifang City has been standing for so many years without any problems, so she just said a word. Xuan Yuanyan's fool believes that she treats us all as fools?" Xuan Yuan retorted sharply, staring at Yun Xuan Xuan's eyes had the determination to kill.

"Oh," Wu Xuan teased, looking at Xuan Yuanya who was full of vigor, and said coldly, "Frightened, you just don't do it," so that she could have a better excuse to find trouble in Sifang City, didn't she?

"Damn you," Xuan Yuanya pushed Xuan Yuan Yi away with a stimulus, and killed Yun Yan Xuan. From the beginning, she knew that the woman in front of her had no martial arts. As soon as she hit it, she would disappear in front of her, and all the dangers to herself would cease to exist.

"Presumptuous," Yun Yanxuan stood still without moving, but secretly Wan Yan Shengyan was furious and dared to start at his daughter-in-law, it was really terrible.

When Xuanyuanya felt a strong murderous spirit coming towards herself, it was too late, and when she felt the death mask on her head, someone pulled her behind, and then she avoided the danger. That sharp edge, otherwise what the consequences would be, she dare not imagine.

When she saw the indifferent man who stood out next to Yun Xuan Xuan, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she remembered the humiliation she had suffered, and some embarrassed questioning: "Who are you? Dare Against me? "

"You start at his wife, does he still protect you?" Yun Yanyan saw her brother-in-law so powerful and could not help but applaud.

Such men make people feel dependent!

Xuan Yuanyi heard Yun Yanyan's envy and was very dissatisfied. She reached out her hand and held her in her arms. The sour feeling disappeared a little.

Detecting Xuan Yuanyi's dissatisfaction, Yun Yanyan grinned, not tossing him. Along the way, his care and life support, he sees in his eyes, such a man, he was willing to give up.

However, as Xuan Yuanya said, he gave him the best choice. He didn't want to restrain him because of himself and made him regret his whole life.

Both sides show affection, one is his lover who has been with him for more than ten years, and the other is a man who has made himself stunning, so Xuan Yuanya completely forgot the danger of the talent, and immediately angrily pointed at Wan Yuesheng and questioned: "She Is it your woman? "

This kind of jealous questioning made Xuan Xuan wondering, looking at Wan Ji Shengyan and whispering, "Do you know her?" Why did she feel that way?

Wan Ye Shengyan also got dark because of such ambiguous questioning. "I don't know," he answered without thinking, his face was full of disappointment, as if he would provoke him for a while, he would look like him, see Xuan Xuan pouted and smiled.

"Then why did she ask such a weird question?" Xuan Xuan was not afraid of dying to spread salt on the wounds of her, and stretched out her hand to poke Wan Yan Shengyan's heart, "It's like I stole you, let's Wasn't it a bright and righteous marriage? "Sifangcheng, lack a man?

"Sister, you don't know. Women in Sifang City have a high status. Any man you like can grab it. You can be careful of your brother-in-law," Yun Yanyan looked at Xuan Yuanya's gloomy appearance, and then stirred up, To stimulate people to death.

In Sifang City, although she was well protected by Xuan Yuanyi, she was also bullied by Xuan Yuanya and suffered a lot of grievances. At that time, in order to protect Nianer and Xiaoshizi, she endured.

But now, it's really a bit difficult to return to Dong Yan country and let her endure.

She is not impatient, she is not arrogant, but she only knows how to let and let, and enters, and knows how to judge the situation. She does not blindly think that she is everything.

"It's the Sifang City, but it's not Dongyan Kingdom," Wu Xuan teased, and looked at the couple in robes behind Xuanyuan Ya, with a cold indifference in her eyes.

"What about Dongyan country, this princess doesn't believe it. With a man, the emperor of Dongyan country will become the enemy with Sifang City?" Xuan Yuanya said again and again without knowing her life, she didn't know what she was now. surroundings.

Looking at Xuanyuanya's idiot and recklessness, Xuanyuan Yi didn't even want to open his mouth.

People in Sifang City have their own pride, and they can only be used in Sifang City. However, this is the first time that Xuan Yuanya has not been out of the city. She thought that the Quartet City is invincible, so she looked down on Yun Yanyan and Yun Xuanxuan, and despised everything. Send Wan Yan Shengyan as a chip.

I am afraid that the emperor of Dong Yanguo agreed, and Wan Ye Shengyan himself would not agree.

Xuan Yuanya's words were tantamount to humiliating Wan Zhen Shengyan, and listening to Yun Xuanxuan's ears was the same harsh.

Her own man, of course, must be protected, so she pulled Wan Yisheng Yan who was about to kill, raised her head slightly, looked at Wan Yisheng and said with a sweet smile: "You said, if King Rui is superior, let's send a quadrangle Cheng gave him, did he like it or not? "

In front of the Sifang City, such scornful words were really trampled under their feet.

"Yun Xuan Xuan, you are wanton!" Waiting for Wan Yan Shengyan to speak, this time angry at the man in the robe behind Xuan Yuanya, a bit old, it seems that there is something famous.

Just before it was Xuanyuanya he saved.

When Xuan Yuanya made troubles and humiliated Yun Yanyan and others, they stood by and waited. When Xuan Xuan exited and slandered the Quartet City, they couldn't stand it. This idea was really **** unpleasant.

"A bunch of self-righteous stupid people, the Yun family still allows me to be wanton, what are you guys like?" Wu Xuan mocked angrily: "Do you think you can get in and out easily when you reach the Yun family? People who hurt me, scared When my sister and little nephew arrived, did I just let you go so easily? "

Until this moment, those talents thought that when they entered the Yun family, they were just talking about nothing, and they were not surprised at all, so they began to guard in secret.

"Yun Xuan Xuan, you are the little princess of Sifang City. If you humiliate Sifang City again, your mother ..." Someone said in a timely manner and wanted to use filial piety to persecute Yun Xuan Xuan, but did not know that Yun Xuan Xuan was not a particular person. What a logical person.

"Shut up, now I admit that I am the little princess of Sifang City? Just now? When Xuanyuan Ya started, I told you directly that Sifang City has nothing to do with me. You are indifferent. It ’s too late to say this now. "Xuan Xuan didn't give any chance at all, and I interrupted the possibility of others making articles with her mother in a cold voice, and commanded sternly:" Do it! "

As soon as she said, the murderous spirit that emerged from the Yun family could cover these people. Seeing this, Wan Xunsheng was afraid that she would hurt the innocent Xuan Xuan, so she quickly took her back and protected her and did not end.

Xuan Yuanyi did the same as Wan Yan Shengyan, but frowned at the besieged people in the field, and finally understood a sentence: if you don't do it, you won't die.

"Yun Xuan Xuan, how dare you!" Xuan Yuanya's scream was drowned in a fight, then Hua Rong cope with it, without the arrogance of talent.

"Idiot!" Wu Xuan left the two words lazily, discussing with Wan Yisheng Yan: "If Sifang City really gave this woman, is it possible to exist?" Even if he didn't do it himself, the Sifang Under the leadership of such a self-righteous woman, the possibility of attacking other countries may still occur.

"That's a matter for others," he said, and he would never let it go.

The two didn't care about the fight in the field at all, and they were chatting freely while talking about the sky. They also meant that you and me wouldn't help but want to spit blood.

The man in the robe probably knew that the situation in front of him was that the Yun family had been planning for a long time, and they waited for them to jump in and get out of the net.

He looked around and knew that only by catching Yun Xuan Xuan or Yun Yan Yan could he have a chance to get rid of such a situation, and even turn passive into active, so he closed his eyes and avoided a dark guard directly. Shot at Yun Xuan Xuan, and thoroughly annoyed Wan Yan Shengyan.

"I really thought that there was no one in the Yun family," Wan Yansheng Yan shot, without mercy, and the momentum that erupted was stronger than anyone.

On the other side, Xuanyuan Ya saw that there was no one around Yun Xuan Xuan, and secretly broke away from the entanglement of the Dark Guard, and rushed to Yun Xuan Xuan, wanting to come to the dark, but saw Yun Xuan Xuan was standing from beginning to end. The obvious ridicule was revealed, making Xuanyuanya even more angry and faint, even the last point of reason was gone.

"It's stupid," Xuan Xuan saw Xuan Yuanya blocked by Yinger, commented sharply, took a few steps backwards, and continued to wait and see.

She knew exactly what her shortcomings were, so she would not easily die. Doesn't Xuanyuan Ya think about it carefully? Would Wan Yan Shengyan be so relieved if there was no one around her? Will the Yun family be so relaxed?

Yun Xuanxuan's disdain and contempt made Xuan Yuanya unacceptable.

She is the most sought after in the Quartet City. No one dared to show her a face around her, so at this moment, Yun Xuan was stimulated by the fuss, and the shadow shot very quickly. She was taken down, embarrassed, and knelt down on the ground, without any height.

"Yun Xuan Xuan, I'm going to kill you," when did she suffer such grievances.

Wu Xuan just glanced at her, gave her a good look, and then continued to watch the fight in the field. When Wan Yan Shengyan was fighting with the man in the robe, she just became a tie, and she couldn't help but worry He couldn't help but set his eyes on Xuan Yuanyi, who was in love with Yan Yan, and felt that this guy was a bit obstructive now.

Probably I felt a dissatisfied look in Leng Yan, Xuan Yuanyi finally raised his head, saw the scene in the field, and saw Xuan Yuanya had been caught, then basically there would be no problem, so no Willing to shoot.

As soon as he shot, it was more trouble.

After all, the people in Sifang City could not fight with everyone, so after fighting for a while, all of them were taken down, and even the man in the robe was taken down by Wan Wei Shengyan under the help of the dark guards.

"Yun Xuan Xuan, you dare to treat us like this, you don't regret it!" A long sword was put on the neck of the captured robe man. At this time, he didn't know what he was insisting on. Crying and laughing.

"What do you think I should regret?" Seeing everyone caught, Xuan Xuan stepped forward and approached him, asking with all his spare time.

The man glared at her fiercely, and didn't say it directly.

The victor should have the victor's generosity, and Xuan Xuan did not care about him, but pouted at him and smiled and said, "You think you have offended you. The position of Sifang City Lord is not mine ... Or you would threaten the current city lord with death threats to force her to disqualify me from succession, right? "

Seeing others blinking, she seemed to be guessing right, and she continued to hum: "Do you think what I just said is threatening you? Sifang City is in my eyes, fart is not, I am at all I did n’t pay attention to it. As long as you do n’t come to provoke me, I ’m definitely not in the Quartet City. However, in order to choose the most competent city owner and the Yun family as a chess piece, you have to let me weigh it. How do you deal with Sifang City? "

Pouting and moistening, I felt that I had said so much at once and was a little thirsty. When she was about to say something, a cup of tea appeared in her face. She turned her head and looked at it. It was Luliu, a thoughtful girl, who couldn't help pouting and smiled. After drinking a cup of tea, she weighed the words. Sentence, said slowly: "I, the grandfather who has married Dong Yanguo is already a royal family. My elder brother, if he hopes, the king of the northern Han country is him, compared with a small Sifang city When I got up, I still felt that the Quartet City was a little bit worse, so I think it is best to win the Quartet City and give it to the future new emperor of Dongyan Kingdom as a gift. You, the self-righteous, ran to Yun's house for three days and two ends. The Yun's house is like the backyard of your Quartet city, which is annoying! "

Before, the people in Sifang City thought that Yun Xuan Xuan was just talking casually, but now she said so carelessly, they made them think she was serious, and she really had a plan to destroy Sifang City.

Falling in Yun Xuanxuan's hands, she is not rare in the Quartet City, which makes these people helpless and don't know how to deal with this unscrupulous woman.

If Yun Jiexuan is a rare city in the Quartet, they must be offered. After all, to get the Quartet, they need their help.

But now, things are not the same as they planned, how to go?

In addition to Xuanyuanya, several people are silently looking at each other, understanding each other's meaning with tacit understanding, and looking for a breakthrough.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Xuan and others understood that Xuan Yuanya was still a pawn. People simply used her to probe and didn't take her to heart.

This poor girl can only be exploited so thoroughly that she will be sympathetic.

These people are from Sifang City, naturally they have to be sent back to Sifang City. Xu Xuan didn't want to be a good person. People were jumping around, and she kindly even covered the fare so that they could go back comfortably.

All of them, including Xuanyuan Ya, were detained and only one martial art was said to be the youngest and the youngest. Xuan Xuan wrote down a lot of conditions, let people take it back to the owner of the Quartet City. As for the people who promised not to agree, it is not her business.

The Yun family have great careers and don't care about opening more mouths. The big deal is to waste some food.

Xuanyuanya came from Jinyiyushi, so after being arrested, she made various requests. However, the Yun family who took care of her directly sealed her acupuncture point. Now even Yunyan Yan can hit her. It was useless to make her violently run. She could only eat coarse tea and light rice every day, and she stunned within a few days, without the pride of the past.

Xuanyuan Yi has no feelings for Xuanyuan Ya, because after she was detained, she asked to see Xuanyuan Yi, but others were unmoved, and said something that made her taste good for her, let her remember long, I don't know how to die in the future.

In this way, people will not even talk.