MTL - The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby-Chapter 29

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The teacher's expression turned petrified for a moment. He carried the overweight cub and ruthlessly broke his perception of himself as "soft and toot".

"You are not soft, you are chubby, where is your class teacher?"

Under the inquiry of the physical test teacher, the young teacher Lily stood up. Teacher Lili stretched out her hand, ready to take the cub back to the class: "Ning Zai is a kid in our class, he is a very obedient and great cub."

Teacher Lili's praise did not make the physical test teacher feel pity for the little fat cub. The physical test teacher grimaced and handed the little fat cub over with a cold snort. .”

Teacher Lily: "..."

Teacher Li Li showed a tangled face: "I can't do this kind of thing in a week to lose weight. When I lose weight, it takes at least a month."

Physical test teacher: "That's one month. Next month, if he dares to crush my scale, I will ask him to invite parents."

Teacher Lily's expression became more complicated.

She did know that the chubby cub in her class was sent by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Not many people know about this matter, and the physical test teacher in front of him is obviously not aware of it.

If parents are really invited, it is likely to be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, or His Majesty the Emperor.

Last time in the arena, His Majesty the Emperor bent down to take away Ning Zai, and everyone else just thought that His Majesty the Emperor was rewarding the little cub. Only Teacher Lili could tell at a glance that His Majesty's intimacy with Ning Zai obviously meant love.

The chubby cub, Ben Cub, who was being discussed about his weight by the two teachers in turn, lowered his head in frustration at some point.

He sniffed, and there was a strong grievance in his little milk voice: "Mr. Lily, is Zai Zai fat?"

Teacher Lily: "..."

Teacher Lili looked embarrassed. She really loves the cubs so she works here. For the cubs, she takes good care of them most of the time. She will be strict unless the cubs are too naughty.

But the little chubby boy in front of him is not skinny at all. Not only is she skinny, but the look of her drooping little face is not to mention how pitiful she is.

Teacher Lili was speechless, and the physical test teacher whose scale was crushed looked down at the little cub: "You crushed the scale, you said you are fat or not."

Little Fat Zai looked at the broken scale, and said with tears in his eyes, "Zai Zai is fat."

The physical test teacher saw that he finally corrected his mistakes and was serious about himself, so he nodded with satisfaction: "In the next kindergarten life, you need to exercise more, especially the cub mech class, it will still be useful for you to lose weight."

As the physical test teacher said, someone gave him a new scale, because the previous scale obviously couldn't be used for this little chubby cub.

The person in charge of finding the scale searched for a long time, but only found an old antique scale in the corner of the kitchen. This kind of scale is said to be the scale used for weighing on the ancient earth at first. A weight is placed on one end of the scale, and the object to be weighed is hung on the other end.

The physical test teacher really knows how to use this old-fashioned scale. He skillfully puts the weight on, and then hangs the little fat cub on the other end.


After the weighing was over, the chubby cub was taken into Teacher Lili's arms again.

Due to the slowness of the weighing scale, many children have noticed the situation here. In the Green Grass class led by Teacher Lili, all the other children knew about Ning Zai's overweight.

The Green Grass class is the lowest class in the small class of the kindergarten. Although it is the bottom, the children in this class are generally relatively young, and the children are also very friendly.

Huo Lin personally chose this class for Ning Zai.

Teacher Lili held the overweight cub in public and gently coaxed it. After coaxing, she put the cub among the children.

"Ning Zai, play with the other children for a while, and we can go back to class after all the children are weighed."

Teacher Lily said, rubbed his head, and then walked to the front to see other children.

Ning Zai, who was placed among the children, was still downcast. Just as he lowered his head and looked at the small leather shoes on his feet, a small hand stretched out towards him.

"Ning Zai, here you are."

A kid with pigtails handed over a beautiful candy wrapper: "This is my favorite candy wrapper, for you."

The kid with the braids got a head start, and the other kids also sent presents to the frustrated Ning Zai. Some children said out of conscience: "I don't think Ning Zai is fat at all. The teacher must have made a mistake in the test."

What this child said made the children who wanted to agree with it a little bit tangled. After all, Teacher Lili said that children should not lie.

There is a teacher in the kindergarten to look after her. Huo Lin, who is in the next-door campus building, knows that the teacher will be very responsible, at least the cub will not be bullied.

But knowing it intellectually, it is inevitable that Huo Rin will be worried emotionally.

His seat was alone, and no one was sitting with him. Seeing his tense face at the moment, the rest of the class also became tense.

A small note began to spread quietly.

"What's wrong with him? Is his mental power about to lose control?"

"I think he just wants to lose his temper. We have to stay away from him."

"I heard that he sent two of his classmates to the hospital last time. It was terrible. Will he beat us?"

"If he really hits us, we can't beat him."

The small note was passed around, but Huo Lin was the only one who avoided it.

Huo Rin didn't care either, he was just waiting for school to be over now. When school is over, he can see Xiao Zai Zai, who has been in class all morning alone.

Classes in the school were still going on, but in the palace, the conversation between Zhanxi and Ludwig did not go smoothly.

Even if Ludwig has already put forward very bluntly: "When did you know that Ning Zai can cure mental power problems?"

Zhan Xi didn't know how his cub was exposed, but he only killed one thing: "Your Majesty, Ning Cub is just a little cub, how could he heal mental power?"

Zhanxi bit him to death and refused to admit it. Seeing this, Ludwig sat down in front of him: "Your mental power is in turmoil. Ning Zai calmed down your mental power in front of me."

"Your Majesty may have misunderstood. It wasn't Ning Zai who calmed down my mental strength. It was me who was conscious and adjusted myself—"

"Marshal Tang En also saw it."

Ludwig's words stopped Zhanxi's explanation suddenly. His hands clenched the quilt under his body, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

Marshal Twain of the Federation is no stranger to him. He has heard of frequent accidents with this lord's mental power. If he can't find a cure, he can only wait for death.

If the other party saw it too...

Ning Zai will become very dangerous.

At this moment, the strongest thought in Zhan Xi's mind was to take Ning Zai away. Neither Ludwig nor anyone else could be trusted.

Ludwig seemed to see his thoughts: "I advise you not to think about taking Ning Zai away, he is the safest only here."

"Outside the empire, there is no shortage of lunatics with unstable mental strength. Without my protection, you and Ning Zai will be eaten to nothing."

Ludwig's words are not hyperbole.

Tang Enneng didn't choose to take Ning Zai away after meeting Ning Zai, but it wasn't because of kindness. It is impossible for a guy who can sit on the position of marshal to be soft-hearted.

Tang En gave up Ning Zai because Ludwig was there.

Listening to Ludwig's words, Zhanxi clenched his fists tightly. He knew that Ludwig was telling the truth, but he couldn't believe Ludwig.

The atmosphere was deadlocked silently.

Ludwig sat in front of Zhanxi, without any impetuous expression, he knew what answer Zhanxi would give him in the end.


A few minutes later, Zhan Xi closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he had already made a decision: "Your Majesty, Ning Zai is still very young, please protect him."

Ludwig said lightly: "I will."

With Ludwig's guarantee, Zhan Xi finally revealed the situation of his own cub. He told Ludwig everything from the original spaceship, to the outbreak of the Zerg on the deserted star, and even the member of the poisonous spider he met a few days ago.

Ludwig listened quietly to everything he said.

"Ning Zai can't use his healing ability frequently, otherwise, something will happen to his body."

"Your Majesty, I can't do such a great thing by trading the safety of my own child for the safety of others. Now I just hope that you can keep the secret for us. I want Ning Zai to grow up safely like an ordinary child. .”

"I promise you."

Zhanxi didn't expect Ludwig to be so talkative, so he took the opportunity to make a few requests. For example, letting Ning Zai live in the palace is too eye-catching, and he wants to take Ning Zai to live outside the palace.

Now, thanks to the royal family, Zhan Xi has the status to live here legally. Since he could live in, he naturally couldn't bring his cubs, eat, drink, and live in the palace, like two royal rice bugs.

Ludwig was silent for a moment this time, but still nodded.

His nod brought a smile to Zhan Xi's handsome face.

After talking about these things, Ludwig said: "I will send my confidants to investigate the spaceship where Ning Zai was in that year. If there is any news, I will let you know."


Zhanxi said that he would move out of the palace, so he would naturally choose a place where he could live next. Ai Wei was very reluctant to learn that he was going to take Ning Zai away.

She came to persuade, but failed to persuade.

Zhan Xi doesn't have the temperament to eat soft food, besides, he still has selfish intentions, he wants to settle down here a little bit, and then find a way to bring other people from Desolate Star.

Seeing this, Ivy had to compromise and said: "I will live with you in the house. I heard that you still want to open a shop? What kind of shop do you want to open?"

Zhanxi also has plans to open a shop, but he hasn't visited the site yet, so he's not sure what kind of business is safe.

He hesitated to mention his favorite entrepreneurial project: "I want to open a steamed stuffed bun shop. I have checked the price of Baiwuxing. The flour of Baiwuxing is very cheap. I will grow and order vegetables myself, so the cost is also low. When I sell buns, I can also give Ning Zai some buns, he likes buns very much."

"Okay, I'll help you find a suitable shop."

Ai Wei was very efficient, and she quickly looked at several houses for Zhanxi. Because she wasn't sure which one Zhan Xi would be interested in, she looked for several places directly.

These houses, without exception, were all very close to the palace.

Zhanxi had nothing else to do except recuperate his injuries. After seeing the specific pictures and videos of several houses, he chose one after deliberation.

Seeing that he had chosen, Ivy asked him, "Do you think this house is the most satisfactory?"

Zhan Xi: "..."

Zhan Xi nodded his head, but in his heart he thought that this was the cheapest place.

He doesn't have much money in his hand, and he has to do business and raise cubs in the future, so there are many places to spend money. He has to spend the money frugally.

Time passed little by little.

At noon, Ning Zai and Wagner went to the door and waited in line for the adults to pick them up. The kindergarten closed earlier than the elementary school next door. When Huo Lin came out, the two cubs had already been picked up by Auburn in the car.

The two cubs sat side by side in the back seat. The car seat might be a bit high. After Ning cub sat down, his little feet couldn't reach the floor mat.

Seeing Huo Lin coming in, Ning Zai, who likes to cling to his brother the most, was still looking at his leather shoes, he didn't even raise his eyes, and he didn't even call his brother.

Huo Lin felt something was wrong.

He sat down, and while skillfully picked up the ignorant cub, he asked Wagner with his eyes: "What's wrong with him?"

Wagner looked at the curly-haired cub with red eye circles, and he said honestly: "Ning cub may be a little sad."

Huo Lin: "?"

Huo Lin was stunned: "Why is he sad?"

Could it be that he was bullied on the first day of school?

Wagner told Huo Lin all about what happened in the morning: "He broke the scale, and when he tested his mental strength, he couldn't measure it at first, but after a long time of testing, he could only measure a little bit."

"Other children in the kindergarten laughed at him, saying that he was the fattest cub in the garden, or the most vegetable cub in the garden. The children in our green grass class didn't laugh at him, but there were too many people who laughed at him. Can't finish it."

Huo Lin: "..."

Huo Lin could feel that as Wagner told these things again, the head of the little cub on his lap drooped even lower.

"Ning cub."

Huo Lin held the cub in his arms, lowered his head and coaxed: "It's their fault that they laughed at you. Don't be so sad, they don't deserve to make you sad."

Huo Lin coaxed all the way, and finally, even Wagner said: "Next time I hear someone say you are fat, I will swell his face and make him as fat as you!"

Ning Zai who was comforted: "?"

It seems that something is not right.

They coaxed all the way, but when they returned to the palace, Ai Wei and Zhan Xi took turns to hug him. The two adults coaxed the cubs, they were more experienced than children.

When it was time to eat, the little cub, who was wearing a bag of rice, had been completely coaxed.

Xiao Zai Zai was holding a round spoon, and before eating, he still asked Ivy cautiously: "Auntie, Zai Zai is not fat, is it because the kindergarten scale is too brittle?"

Ivy nodded without blinking: "Yes, didn't we measure it just now? We use our home scale, which is not heavy at all."

Although Ai Wei talked about coaxing the little cub, in fact, when preparing lunch, she still told the chef in private: "Ning cub was overweight when we weighed today, and he was still being laughed at by other children in the garden. Fat. The next meal should be a little less fat, but not too light, or he won't like it."

The head chef and Ning Zai have established a deep relationship that is unknown to outsiders since they worked in the dining room.

Now that he heard that Ning Zai was being laughed at, the head chef's face became tense: "Don't worry, I will definitely cook some delicious and weight-loss meals next time!"

Right now, Xiao Zai Zai, who is about to eat a diet meal, asked Zhan Xi after he finished asking Ivy. Zhan Xi is an old father who dotes on his cubs. When asked, he ignored the hand that was crushed by his cubs yesterday, and said calmly: "Our cubs are not fat at all. I don't think our cubs are overweight. It's beyond cute."

After asking his father, Xiao Zai Zai continued to look at Ludwig.

In Xiao Zai Zai's eyes, Ludwig would not lie. He looked at Ludwig eagerly, and the little fat on his face fell into Ludwig's eyes, making Ludwig silent for a while down.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xiao Zai Zai asked the elder brother next to him to hug him off the chair.

Wearing a bag of rice, he ran to Ludwig and hugged Ludwig's calf: "Uncle, pick up the cub."

He wanted Ludwig to check whether he was serious or not.

Ludwig: "..."

Ludwig was glanced at by Ivy.

The next second, he picked up the weight cub with one hand, against his will and perfunctory: "Not fat."

The little cub, who was confirmed by the whole family to be not fat, finally sat back in his seat contentedly. Holding the round spoon in his hand, he began to scoop up the rice.

Life in kindergarten is naturally not as easy as when I was not in school.

Ning Zai tried his best to adapt to the school, and at the same time, Zhan Xi's injury was almost healed. After talking to the people in the palace, he went to the newly bought house with his son.

The house is not big, with a pavement in front, and the father and son can live in the backyard.

Jian Ning is not picky about where he lives, whether he lives in a desolate star or a magnificent palace, as long as he can live with his father, he will feel at ease.

"Zai Zai, when Dad builds the shop in front, we can start business. Dad will make a lot of money by then, and let us, Zai Zai, live a good life!"

Zhan Xi was planning the blueprint for the future, and his emotions were surging.

Jian Ning, who was hugged by her father, was in her arms, and suddenly realized a question: "Dad, are you going to cook for me in the future?"

Zhan Xi kissed his soft little cheek, and replied: "Yes! Dad has read a lot of recipes recently, and I'm sure he can cook you a lot of delicious food."

Jian Ning: "..."


I'm going to eat the meal made by my father again.

The father and son lived together for a few days. At noon that day, Wagner brought a cub with a feeding bottle around his neck again.

Huo Lin was still following Xiao Zai Zai.

As soon as he came in, he looked at Ivy and Ludwig. After reading it, he ran over, sat on Ivy's feet, raised his chubby face, and said in a pitiful voice: "Auntie Auntie, can I have some food for Zai Zai?"

Ivy: "???"