MTL - The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby-Chapter 34

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Just when the strange insect rushed towards him, Zai Zai, who had just stepped on his little leather shoes dirty, took a step back reflexively without blinking his eyes.

next second.

Zhan Xi grabbed the worm's head and pierced the other's forehead with a short knife. The worm opened his eyes and fell to the ground unwillingly.

The retreating cub poked his father's calf, reminding him: "Dirty."

The blood of the Zerg is mostly green, but the blood of the Overlord is red. The human form of the king worm is no different from humans in appearance, but their body structure still has some Zerg signs, which are completely different from humans.

In every area under the jurisdiction of the empire, there are detection equipment installed at the time of entry.

Zhanxi listened to Baby Cub's reminder, and let go of the bug in his hand. He frowned, feeling something was wrong: "Strange, why are there still live insects here?"

Ludwig personally led a small number of troops, but Zhanxi knew this army. Wherever they were in the past, the battlefield would be cleaned very clean, and no insects would slip through the net.

"Ning Zai, Wagner, go back to the spaceship and wait for me."

Realizing that something was wrong, Zhan Xi stuffed the two cubs onto the spaceship. After he put Zai Zai back into the spaceship, he turned on the automatic protection system.

"Daddy, hug the cub!"

After watching his father lift himself up, he turned his head and was about to leave. The little cub on the chair was not happy, so he jumped down, trying to hold his father.

Zhan Xi stopped and said seriously: "Zai Zai, it's dangerous outside, you wait here, Dad go and look around."

Xiao Zai Zai looked at him eagerly, not wanting to let go.

Until Zhanxi said: "Father went to find Uncle Lulu, it would be very inconvenient if I held you and Wagner in my arms."

Xiao Zai Zai: "..."

Hearing this, Xiao Zai Zai finally let go of his hand reluctantly.

Zhanxi bowed his head, kissed him, and coaxed him softly: "Our baby is the best, dad will be back soon."

Seeing that Wagner was also watching, Zhan Xi smiled, and leaned over to kiss this boy who played with his family every day.

Wagner's little face was a little red when he was kissed.

After coaxing the two cubs, Zhan Xi carefully checked around the spaceship with a dagger in his hand. He's checking to see if there are any live bugs here.

After this inspection, he really found a dozen or so.

Zhan Xi, who has lived on the deserted star all year round, is very good at searching for the existence of bugs or killing them.

Time passed little by little.

The two cubs on the spaceship had nothing to do. They pressed their limp faces against the glass window and looked out: "It's so broken outside."

Lanou star used to belong to human beings, but this planet is not the territory of the empire, but belongs to the autonomy of the planet. After being invaded by the Zerg, this originally beautiful planet became more and more dilapidated and gloomy.

The first instinct of the Zerg is to reproduce, and they have produced too many offspring here.

Disgusting bugs don't know how to build planets, they just know how to breed as many offspring as possible, and then plunder more land.

The two cubs looked outside for a while, feeling bored.

Coincidentally, the star machine that Zhan Xi left for Xiao Zai Zai rang at this moment, and the avatar displayed when he called was the photo of the little prince.

The photo of the little prince was taken by Xiao Zai Zai who loves to take pictures.

The phone is connected.

When Jian Ning saw his brother on the other side of the phone, the little milk voice was very happy: "Brother!"

Huo Lin didn't expect him to answer the call, and was a little surprised: "Ning Zai, why did you ask for leave? Where did Uncle Zhan take you?"

After school at noon, Huo Lin found that Wagner and Ning Zai didn't go to school at all. He asked Teacher Lily to find out that the two cubs had asked for leave.

Huo Lin, who was worried about Zai Zai, made a phone call in the car before returning to the palace.

Jian Ning was stopped by his brother, and he tried hard to think about the place name. After thinking for a while, he finally replied: "In Lanlan!"

He didn't remember the three words "Blue Ou Xing", he only remembered the word "Blue".

Huo Lin frowned, unable to figure out which place this blue represents.

The two chatted for a while, and Huo Lin saw that Xiao Zai Zai was safe and Wagner was playing with him, so he gave a few more words of advice.

"Zai Zai, did you bring your schoolbag when you and Wagner went out?"

"Papa brought it."

Jian Ning didn't want to take the schoolbag with him at all. Before he left, he secretly wanted to throw away the schoolbag, but his father found out in time and brought it back.

Huo Lin saw that he was carrying a schoolbag, so he arranged a little homework: "You and Wagner don't play too crazy, by the way, listen to your father and don't run around outside."

Jian Ning nodded.

When the phone was hung up, Jian Ning still didn't want to do his homework. He dug out the photo album on the star computer and looked at the photos with Wagner: "Look! The vegetables I grew!"

Wagner leaned over, looked at Cai Cai in the photo, and asked, "Is it delicious?"

Jian Ning thought for a while: "Dad didn't do it well."

Having been raised by the chef of the palace for so long, Xiao Zai Zai is now able to distinguish what is delicious and what is not.

But even if Dad's cooking is not delicious, Xiao Zai Zai will always eat it up. When he didn't come to the palace before, the little cub who lived on the deserted star would eat himself to the bone.

"Is this you."

Wagner recognized the smaller Ning Zai, and besides Ning Zai, there were photos of other people: "Are these all your uncles?"


Jian Ning's chubby finger pointed at the photos and introduced them one by one: "This is Uncle Da, this is Uncle Dobby, and this is Uncle Ling Qi."

When referring to Ling Qi, Wagner suddenly said, "He's so pretty."

Ling Qi doesn't grow a beard like Zhan Rao and the others, and his facial features are all good-looking that cubs will like when they see them. Wagner, a little face control, likes him very much.

Seeing that he liked it, Jian Ning flipped through several photos of Ling Qi: "There are so many!"

Ling Qi is good-looking, among the photos taken by Jian Ning, Zhan Xi is the one with the most number, and Ling Qi is the second most. Ling Qi took photos from every angle!

And no matter what the angle of death is, Ling Qi's appearance can completely withstand it.

The two cubs looked at the photo together and lost track of time. In the end, the sound of their bellies made them put down the computer.

"Zai Zai is hungry."

Jian Ning lowered his head and touched his belly, then turned his head and said.

When he said that before, Dad or others would take him to dinner. But Wagner, who was sitting with him right now, looked at him and said, "I'm hungry too."

Jian Ning: "..."

Only then did Jian Ning realize that Wagner was on his spaceship.

He got up from the ground and greeted Wagner with the attitude of a small boss: "Come on, let's go to eat together!"

There is food and ingredients on the spaceship.

Jian Ning didn't know how to cook, so he took snacks to eat. While picking up snacks, he even turned over the milk powder jar that he hadn't finished drinking.


Zai Zai, who carried out the milk powder jar, had bright eyes: "Daddy hid the milk powder here!"

Wagner has given up breastfeeding a long time ago, and he is not interested in milk powder.

But looking at the shining eyes of the little cub in front of him, he was still a little infected: "Do you want to make milk for me?"

"don't want."

Jian Ning shook his head and taught Wagner earnestly: "We are children, and children cannot pour water."

Hot water is needed to make milk powder, and Zhan Xi was afraid that his little boy would touch the hot water, so he gave him a safety lesson early on to prevent him from touching the hot water.

"Pour milk, it's dangerous!"

The cub, who firmly remembered not to touch hot water, sat on the floor holding the milk powder jar. He fetched two spoons and handed one to Wagner.

"for you."

After dividing the spoons, Jianning opened the jar vigorously. The dry milk powder in the jar can also be eaten directly. He has eaten it secretly before.

Each of the two cubs took a spoon and began to eat milk powder.

Not long.

Dry milk powder was spilled everywhere, and a lot of milk powder was stuck on the faces and bodies of the two cubs.

"Good time!"

Ning Zai, who was holding a spoon, ate the milk powder with a satisfied face.

After a while, Ning Zai, who was full of food and drink, looked in the direction of the door and frowned: "Daddy hasn't come back yet."

Dad said just now that he will be back soon!

Ning Zai, who missed his father, walked to the door and wanted to open it. But Wagner stopped him: "Your father said, we can't go out."

"Cough to find Dad."

"stay home."

Wagner is very principled. He promised Uncle Zhan that if he doesn't go out, he won't go out in one step. Not only did he not go out by himself, but he also dragged back the cub who was about to go out.

"I want daddy!"

"Your father will be back soon."

During the dispute, the two cubs even had a fight. After the fight, Jian Ning turned her back to Wagner angrily, and refused to talk to Wagner.

Time passed little by little.

Zhan Xi who was outside saw the unconscious imperial soldiers on the ground. The bodies of these imperial soldiers were wrapped in a layer of cocoons, but they could still breathe in the cocoons.

Zhan Xi's heart sank, and he picked up these cocoons.

Some soldiers in the cocoon can still be rescued, but some soldiers in the cocoon have been sojourned. The reason why the Zerg invaded the human land so frequently was because they could live in the human body, and use the human body as a warming bed to give birth to their eggs in the human body.

The Zerg mainly rely on the insect mother to lay eggs and increase their companions, but the number of insect mothers is rare after all. In order to make the race stronger, these insects will always have various dirty tricks.

The bugs near the spaceship were cleaned up by Zhan Xi. He mobilized his mental power net to surround the spaceship layer by layer. As long as there are bugs approaching, he can find them immediately.

The worms also have mental power fluctuations, but the worms' mental power waves are different from theirs.

Zhan Xi's mental power net is opened, so that once a bug close to the spaceship is detected with a mental power wave, it will be attacked by his mental power.

"Wake up, Your Majesty!"

Zhan Xi tore open another cocoon, and after seeing the soldier inside who hadn't had time to be sojourned, he shook the other's arm violently, trying to make him wake up quickly.

But the one he was shaking never woke up.

He searched for several in a row, and finally, he woke up one: "The king worm, the new king worm is here. His majesty's mental power is rioting. In order not to affect us, your majesty entered the depths of the Lanou star..."

Zhanxi heard him talking about the new king worm, and his mind was a little confused: "The king worm appeared here? Did the king worm make His Majesty's mental power fluctuate?"

"The new king worm... has no spiritual power, but is very aggressive... very good at camouflage."

The awakened soldier was still talking intermittently, he firmly grabbed Zhanxi's arm, and urged: "Go, hurry back!"

When Zhanxi heard him say that there are not only new king worms here, but also that the new king worms have no spiritual power, his mind buzzed and he exploded.

He thought of the spaceship he had wrapped in a mental net.

After thinking about the cubs in the spaceship, Zhan Xi's hands were shaking. He tried his best to stabilize his emotions so that he would not lose the chain at this time.

"I'll take you away first, back to the empire, you can-"

Before he could finish his words, a huge hole was drilled out of the abdomen of the soldier who was being held by him, and an insect that crawled into his stomach at some unknown time pierced his stomach and moved towards Zhan Xi rushed to the door.

Zhan Xi quickly dodged and stabbed the bug to death.

After stabbing the bug to death, he stopped walking, but turned around and ran towards the spaceship. The mental power net wrapping the spaceship has been quiet so far, but a wave of panic emerged in Zhan Xi's heart.

He didn't have time to think at this moment, how much disaster this unheard of new king worm would bring to mankind.

He just wants to see his little cub now!

on the spaceship.

The little cub who had just finished fighting with Wagner, with milk powder on his white and tender bun face, was lying on the window, looking out again.


After crawling and looking at it for a while, the little cub called out to Wagner: "Come quickly."

Wagner: "Hmph!"

Wagner, who had just been pinned down by the little chubby cub and almost suffocated to death, was still whimpering. He took the little fat cub calling him now as a gesture of goodwill, but he planned to hum two more times to forgive the cub.

After a few seconds.

The little boy with his fat face pressed against the glass called him again: "There is a kid outside, come and see."

Upon hearing that there were children outside, Wagner retorted without even thinking about it: "Impossible, there can't be children in this place."

As he spoke, he leaned over to look.

Seeing this, he was stunned: "There are really children!"

The children outside looked a little younger than them, and the children had already seen them, and after smiling at them, they walked towards them crookedly.

The author has something to say:

Ning Zai put up a small radar!