MTL - The Venerable Swordsman-Chapter 2976 : Small view!

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who is it?

Under the gaze of both sides, a dozen terrifying powerhouses suddenly appeared in the sky!

And when they saw the leader, Ye Xuan and the King of Sin were stunned again!

And after the sin king was stunned, his face instantly became extremely ugly!

Because the person at the head is the profiteer!

Oh shit!

That profiteer has brought people back!

A trace of unease and panic rose in the sin king's heart!

And Ye Xuan's expression became weird!

This profiteer actually brought someone back to kill!

After the profiteer appeared, he glanced at Ye Xuan, and then looked directly at the King of Sin. The King of Sin was just about to speak when the profiteer suddenly angrily pointed at the King of Sin, "Hack him to death!"

Everyone: "..."

Hearing the profiteer's words, the strong men behind him charged directly towards the sin king.

There was a ferocious look in the eyes of the sin king, "Kill!"

The strong man behind him was about to make a move, and the profiteer suddenly pointed at all the creatures behind the sin king and roared, "I see who dares to do it! Today, it is a personal grudge between me and the sin king, whoever dares to do something, my secret business will be destroyed. His body!"

Hearing this, the expressions of those gods changed drastically in an instant!

In this world, even if they are killed, they are not afraid, but if the body is destroyed, it will really be over!

And the forces behind this profiteer have the ability to destroy their body!

So, everyone stopped moving!

Seeing this scene, the face of the sinner changed dramatically, "Do you want to rebel?"

At this time, the strong man of the profiteer had already rushed in front of the sin king.


In an instant, the sin king was directly beaten into the endless dark time and space, and soon, the sin king was beaten by the group!

Totally beaten!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan and Boundless Lord looked at each other with shock in their eyes!

The more than a dozen people brought by this profiteer are terrifyingly powerful, and every one of them is a powerhouse at the level of a **** king!

Boundless said solemnly: "The real world is more terrifying than we imagined!"

Ye Xuan nodded.

Now it seems that this sin king is just a small character in the real world!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan frowned deeply.

At this time, in the endless dark time and space, the sin king has been completely suppressed and beaten, and he has no power to fight back!

If you continue like this, you will be beaten to death!

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the end of the starry sky, "That's it!"

That's it!

The voice fell, and the profiteer's eyes narrowed suddenly. After a moment of silence, he waved his right hand, and the people he brought stopped suddenly.

At this moment, the sin king not only was smashed physically, but his soul was also gone!

At this time, the profiteer suddenly looked at Ye Xuan and gave Ye Xuan a wink!

Ye Xuan immediately understood and immediately killed him! In the distance, the King of Sin's expression changed dramatically. He was about to retreat, but Ye Xuan's sword had already pierced his brow!


The sinful king's soul trembled violently, and in the eyes of everyone, Qing Xuanjian directly and quickly absorbed the sinful king's soul!

But at this moment, a terrifying breath suddenly came from the depths of the galaxy!

Ye Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, "Boundless, carry it!"

The corners of Wubian's mouth twitched slightly, but he still rushed out, punching into the depths of the starry sky.


As the loud noise resounded, the Boundless Lord was directly blasted hundreds of thousands of feet away by this powerful force!

And the next moment, a black light has rushed into the body of the sin king!


In an instant, the Qingxuan sword in the sin king's body was directly shaken and flew out, and a mysterious force dragged the sin king to the depths of the galaxy!

Ye Xuan opened his palm, and the Qingxuan sword appeared in his hand. He looked into the depths of the galaxy, and the sin king had disappeared!

In the field, those gods also receded like a tide, and they turned into white lights and disappeared into the depths of the starry sky.

Ye Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was about to chase. At this time, the profiteer beside him suddenly said, "Stop chasing! They are no longer in this world! You can't catch up!"

Ye Xuan looked at the profiteer and asked, "Can I go to your real world?"

The profiteer shook his head, "No!"

Ye Xuan was puzzled, "Why?"

The profiteer thought for a while, and then said: "I don't know how to tell you, anyway, you can't get to our world!"

Ye Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, "That is to say, you can come here at any time, but we can't get to your place?"

The profiteer nodded, "That's it!"

Ye Xuan was silent.

The profiteer glanced at Ye Xuan with a complicated expression, "You are a bit slippery, but you are okay! No matter what, you saved my life before, but now, we are both cleared!"

After speaking, he turned and left!

Ye Xuan suddenly said, "Wait!"

The profiteer turned to look at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I'm going to ask a question!"

The profiteer nodded, "Ask!"

Ye Xuan said: "You just said to kill their body, that is to say, you can kill their body, right?"

The profiteer nodded, "Yes, because my body is in the same place as them."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "That is to say, if you want to kill you, you can only go to your world, right?"

The profiteer said solemnly: "It was originally like this, but now I think that maybe there are people in your world who can kill people in our world!"

Ye Xuan opened his palm, "This sword?"

The profiteer nodded, he glanced at the Qingxuan sword in Ye Xuan's hand, and said, "Can I take a closer look at this sword?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Yes!"

As he spoke, he opened his palm, and Qing Xuanjian flew to the profiteer.

The profiteer held the Qingxuan sword and looked at the Qingxuan sword in his hand, his expression gradually became solemn.

Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of the profiteer, and at this time, the consciousness of the dozen top powerhouses beside the profiteer directly locked Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan frowned, the profiteer suddenly waved his hand, and the dozen top powerhouses immediately stepped aside.

The profiteer looked at the Qingxuan sword in his hand with a complicated expression, "This sword of yours can break the rules of our world. The owner of this sword must be a very, very scary person!"

After speaking, he paused, and then said: "The person who made this sword is the master of the Dao Pen?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "No!"

A look of surprise flashed in the profiteer's eyes, "No?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "It's not him, it's someone else!"

After a moment of silence, the profiteer said: "It's not the master of the Daobi pen. I never thought that in your world, besides the master of the Daobi pen, there are people who can jump out of the rules..."

Ye Xuan was a little curious, "Is the master of the Dao Pen from our world or yours?"

The profiteer shook his head, "I'm not very clear about this either!"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "You don't know?"

The profiteer nodded, "We suspected that he belonged to our world, but there is no evidence. Moreover, if he really belonged to our world, he would not be able to fight against us with you! But..."

Speaking of this, he paused, and then said: "My personal intuition is that he should be on our side, because he knows our side too well! If it wasn't for his help in that battle, your world would have been lost. It's over!"

Ye Xuan was silent.

The master of this avenue pen is really becoming more and more mysterious!

The profiteer returned the Qingxuan sword to Ye Xuan, and then said: "Although we are enemies, since you saved me before, let me give you a piece of advice, you are very strong, and, with this sword, the people on our side I will definitely not let you live! Someone stopped me just now, which can already prove that they have the same attitude towards you! Therefore, it will not be long before they will start targeting you, and then it will not only be the king of sin. Powers! Other powers will definitely come here to kill you. So, my suggestion is to ignore the people behind you. Hurry up and hide yourself. The powers of our world will kill you, but they will not kill you. Absolutely, escape this catastrophe, and it's over!"

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "This is being raised as a pig!"

The profiteer glanced at Ye Xuan, and said, "Anyway, take care! Also, the sin king is just a small character, and now, you have successfully attracted the attention of the big guys above! So, your future troubles will be Big, big!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Thank you!"

The profiteer nodded, then turned and left with the strong men beside him!

Ye Xuan glanced at the profiteer, and after a while, he opened his palm, a sound transmission appeared in his hand, and his eyes slowly closed, "Xiaoguan..."
