MTL - The Village Doctress-Chapter 178 Partner with him

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After Gospel Lin shouted several sons, he realized afterwards that the man was immersed in his own thoughts.

Seeing his face cold, his frowns look so beautiful, beautiful men are beautiful men.

Gospel Lin touched her little face with jealousy. Although she hasn't opened up yet, her appearance is not bad, but she looks better than this man when she grows up, right?

Lin Gospel looked up at the sky.

"Huh?" Huang Fujin saw the girl shouting at him a few times, he responded to her again, and he was a little dazed.

What was she going to say to him, and how could she stay in front of Lengyue?

Huang Fujin looked far away, and under the cold moon, the tree shadow mother-in-law, autumn insects hissed, and the cold was getting heavier, and she really wanted to send her back.

"What did you just say to me?" Huang Fujin asked her, looking at her like a misty apricot eyes again, Huang Fujin thought it was right to turn her out and walk, watching her silly Silly, the things in his heart that are deeply inhumane are not so important.

"Ah!" Lin Gospel saw him with a pair of phoenix eyes staring straight at her, could not help but panic, what happened?

Lin Gospel, Lin Gospel, you are not really a 13- or 4-year-old girl. You are an adult. Do n’t think about what you should n’t think.

"Oh, I want to ask you, do you know that rouge gouache is available to civilian women in Beirong?"

What a silly question? There are several women in the world who don't love beauty. As long as they have the ability, whoever buys a rouge gouache to dress themselves?

Their Beirong women loved beauty as much as the women of the Great Wei Kingdom, and even more loved beauty than the women of the Great Wei Kingdom.

Because Beirong women work hard in the wind and frost all year round, their skin is more prone to rough and chapped skin. If you do not need some rouge gouache to maintain or retouch, people look very old.

Who wants to show the old man himself?

But she answered her seriously: "Beijing women prefer to use rouge gouache than Dawei women. Because of the harsh wind and frost in Beirong, people in Beirong are easily destroyed by wind and frost. So as long as they have a little money, they will buy some cheap and easy to use. Face cream or something. And those aristocrats, big businessmen use it regardless of men and women. "

Another thing he didn't say is that Bei Rong women are so enthusiastic that they fancy a man to confess directly. In order to get the man he loves, he will also look better.

"Then I understand that the most essential thing for Beirong's women is facial fat, right? Also, do family men with silver also use facial fat, right?" Lin Gospel grasped the point at once.

Huang Fujin nodded, "Facial cream can maintain the face and hands, and the price is not very expensive. Most people can buy a box and two boxes for women and daughters at home. But in general, many civilians still can't afford it. From that price. "

This Gospel of Lin understands that even the wealthy Dawei has poor people who cannot afford to buy fat powder, such as Sister Lin Fen.

Not to mention that Bei Rong did not have a wealthy Wei, and the poor had more.

I ca n’t eat enough food. What kind of fat and powder do I buy?

But she wants to understand that as long as the price is lower, more people can buy it, won't it?

Seeing her eyebrows pondering, Huang Fujin was curious. The girl asked what these were doing? Could it be possible to get the idea of ​​doing business in Beirong?

If you think about it, although he has a large area, he is not rare. The people in Beirong have a lot of children and have cattle and sheep. They all have people.

If this girl wants to do business in Beirong, it is really a way to make money. Dawei people are more afraid of death, and there are fewer merchants who do business in Beirong. To stay in Beirong, I was afraid that the family would be robbed by Beirong after being found out.

There is a more important one. Both Beirong and Dawei have issued decrees that impose heavy taxes and fees on customers who do business in the other country, so businessmen in the two countries are unwilling to take root in each other's land and do business.

In addition to Qinglian County, the only boundary Wei Wei agreed with Beirong.


If this girl really wants to do business in Beirong, he will naturally protect him, and those heavy taxes and fees will not be levied on her.

Huang Fujin thought that Lin Gospel, who was a human being, could also think of it, so she knew more and more how she chose.

"My son, aren't you doing the candle business?" Lin Gou suddenly changed his face and stared at Huang Fujin's handsome face with a smile, as if he had a lot of silver on his face.

Huang Fujin hesitated. He already knew how many faces the girl had, but it was the first time she saw her face in front of him.

With small calculations in her eyes, there was a smile on her face that sold you and you gave her money.

Does she really have the courage to count on herself?

Well, why is he expecting something?

In private, Huang Fujin had already made a plan in advance, no matter what Lin Gospel and his request, he agreed to her first.

I'll talk about it later.

"My son, I have a good business that I want to do with you. Are you interested?" Lin Gossip smiled, and his eyes were cramping.

She couldn't see the man's mind, so she coaxed him first, reaching out and not smiling.

"It's not tired to laugh like this?" Huang Fujin saw the small smile on her face pleated, and stretched her hand to the right without touching the reason, Lin Gou's flattering smile instantly shattered.

Her face froze.

Huang Fujin shook his head in a good mood.

She didn't want to take advantage of him, she just wanted to do business with him, which was good.

Huang Fujin was very satisfied and very satisfied.

"Don't you say that you want to do business with me? I'm just short of money now. What do you want to do?" Huang Fujin saw that she was still standing in the night breeze, and turned and stretched out her hand, Nothing to do, go. "

Gospel of Lin returned to God, the temperature on his finger still remained on his hand, and a strange feeling rose quickly in his heart.

Is it Beirong's sturdy folk style, do men not care about men and women giving or receiving prostitution?

Lin Gospel wanted to experience Beirong's customs and customs.

But thinking that I still have something to do, I immediately gathered my mind and cleared my throat. I said, "All I want to do with my son is the business of facial fat, but my facial fat will be better. Dedicated hand grease for your Beirong people! "

Huang Fujin said that he did not understand the professional terms in Lin Gospel's mouth, but it did not prevent him from understanding the meaning in Lin Gospel's words.

Gospel Lin is telling him that she wants to make facial and hand grease suitable for Beirong people.

What does hand fat look like? He was really curious.

But it sounds pretty good. As for what she can't do, she has to toss. He is now being deprecated. It's okay to accompany her toss and toss.

Gospel Lin is still waiting for Huang Fujin's response, but Huang Fujin raised an eyebrow, and a dark smile flashed in the dark eyes, "You first talk about what you plan to do."

"I have a recipe, but I need to make a raw material for candles. I can't buy it in large quantities, nor can I find the source ..." Lin Gospel said quickly, his eyes flashed, and he concluded, "But my son, your people are going to make candles. It's not a problem to buy me that kind of raw material!"

Huang Fujin looked at the little girl who flew under the moonlight, and her heart moved, and it seemed that something was breaking through.

"What are the raw materials you need?" Huang Fujin asked.

In fact, if that's the case, she wouldn't have to cooperate with him at all, wouldn't it be a matter for him to ask someone to help her buy the raw materials she needs?

Why bother pulling him up, letting him partner together, and then giving him money?

Huang Fujin asked in this way, in fact, Lin Gospel did not know the name of stearic acid in this space-time, but only knew that when making candles, it was added to enhance the softness of candles.

She talked about the role of stearic acid in making candles. Huang Fujin was still surprised, but he knew that.

"You are talking about powdered sugar."

"Icing sugar?" Lin Gossip laughed a little. I didn't expect that stearic acid was called Icing Sugar in this spacetime.

"Well." Huang Fujin didn't seem to hear the surprise in her voice, explaining: "That is thinner than white sugar, so it's called powdered sugar." Lin Gou thinks about it too.

"Can you buy a lot?" Lin Gospel asked urgently.

"Yes, yes, but I want you to promise me a condition." Huang Fujin's eyes were dark and he stared straight into Lin Gospel's eyes.

Gospel Lin trembled. The man didn't mention the conditions early, but he didn't mention the conditions later. When he was sure he could provide her with stearic acid, don't count her!

"Ah, you said."

The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the earth, and listened to him first.

Huang Fujin suddenly tickled her lips and looked at her and said, "Rest assured, I won't pit you." After successfully seeing Lin Goshen's relaxed expression, he said in a tone, "Last time I heard you talk about beans, my side I also sent people to Beirong to collect a lot of beans. Beirong is cold, and most of the places to the north are winter. According to your method, the people here will make fresh broad beans and soy sprouts and mung bean sprouts. Come and sell it, please give me some recipes for these dishes. "

If you want Beirong's civilians to pay for it, you must be able to cook these dishes in a delicious way, otherwise people won't make them, and who will buy them.

Gospel Lin sees him as a recipe for cooking, isn't this easy?

"This is simple. I will write ten or eight for you when you go back. You can rest assured." Lin Gospel agreed.

"There is no red seal for you," Huang Fujin said.

"Don't your red seal." Lin Gospel followed his steps.

Since he said not to give the red seal, did she still say so stupidly to him.

"But I ordered the powdered sugar you ordered to buy it for you, not your money." Huang Fujin slowed down and waited until she caught up with him, he suddenly turned around and said: "You said that you want a partnership business, you Do it yourself. "

For the good intentions of Huang Fujin, Lin Gospel was anxious.

How does that work?

She thought about doing that business with him in order to borrow his way in Beirong, although he didn't know what his origin was.

"My son, I am very sincere. Besides, I want to partner with you, it is not without my consideration, I intend to pay for my money, my son is responsible for helping me sell in Beirong." Lin Gospel honestly said.

After hearing the words, Huang Fujin smiled a little, finally telling the truth.

According to her, this is also a benefit for both sides, and he has no reason to refuse, isn't it?

He had to think about it. The industry in his hand had not yet involved rouge gouache. Since she was going to do it, she would now go to various cities in Beirong to buy shops and run the rouge gouache business.

When she's done, she can sell it directly to the shop under his estate.

Gospel Lin analyzed the pros and cons for Huang Fujin, and finally heard a sentence as he wished, "Then you can do it as you wish."

After the two had finalized their willingness to cooperate, Lin Gospel felt that what he had done recently was really a godsend, and he thanked all the bodhisattvas and gods very reverently.

Huang Fujin sent Lin Gospel back to her yard.

Lin Goshen crept open the door and went in. Fortunately, the family was asleep. She twisted a cold water pad and wiped her head and face. She lay on the bed with satisfaction.

Maybe all the plans came to fruition. Maybe it was tired to accompany Huang Fujin on a moonlit walk. Lin Gospel slept soundly this time.

Waking up the next day, she received a letter from Huang Fujin pressing her dressing table with a wooden comb.

The above said that "sugar powder" had been obtained for her and was thrown in the yard of a new house in her town.

Gospel Lin remembers that he didn't tell the man that he bought a house?

But it ’s normal to think about it. If he is willing, who can let those subordinates find out?

No longer thinking about it, Lin Gospel stopped and told Grandma Li that she had something important. She had to live in a town house for a few days first, so that she and Grandma Qin should not worry.

Grandma Li was really worried that a little girl was living in a town house, and she wanted to accompany her, and worried that Grandma Qin could not bring two children by herself.

After all, Xiaobao Beckham has been in trouble for more than three months.

It is also unrealistic to bring the child to the house in the town. After all, the child is still drinking breast milk. When he is in town, he cannot find a suitable breast-feeding mother to feed the children.

Grandma Li urgently thought of having Sister Lin Fen go with her, but was rejected by Lin Gospel. What she was going to do needed to be kept secret, even Sister Lin Fen couldn't tell now.

Grandma Li couldn't bear the gospel of Lin, and after giving a lot of advice, she finally let go.

When Gospel Lin reached the door of his house in the town, the moment he took out the key and opened the door, the sixth boy flashed into her yard with a slender woman wearing a black cloak.

The Gospel of Lin has experienced such things several times, and he is no longer in a hurry. When he sees that he is an acquaintance, he will become the sixth child.

"Girl, this is Lady Yue, who is best at adjusting fat and making incense. The son ordered me to send her to the girl. If the girl has anything to say, she can tell this lady!" The sixth explained quickly. .

The mother-in-law also gave a gift to Lin Gospel and said quietly, "Give me the girl!"

Can Huang Fujin send her specially? Lin Gospel knew very well that this lady Yue was afraid she might have a chance.

She couldn't afford the gift of a master who was good at fat-changing, and the Gospel of Lin immediately returned.

Lady Yue smiled softly, then looked up and looked at Lin Gospel carefully. Lin Gossip took her hand and took her into the room with a smile.

This house has been inhabited for a long time, and it has a staleness, but fortunately, she took the time to clean up a few days ago, and it looks clean.

Thinking of coming to the guest, always drink tea, but now she is here alone, and no one helps to boil water and pour tea, which is very inconvenient.

Fortunately, the sixth boy will become smart again and said to Lin Gospel: "Girl, I'll help you and your mother-in-law burn some water to drink. This is the snack that the master and the grandpa let you bring."

Seeing Lao Liu changing the trick, he seemed to be offering a packet of snacks, and Lin Gou sighed. It must have been the order of the man. Knowing that she was going to live in a new house today, no one around her had helped her think and arranged .

He also gave her the big treasure of Yue Niangzi.

Gospel Lin thanked Lao Liu, and she sat there to talk with her. The lady looked at the house with a smile and praised, "This house is really nice, big and bright. I heard Lao Liu said that the house was The girl bought it herself, and she really has the ability and vision. "

Lin Gospel was humble, and the two started to talk about business.

In the early morning, Lady Nirvana heard what Lin Gospel wanted to do from Lao Liu's mouth. She was very shocked at the time, and was somewhat disdainful. What good thing could a little girl from the 13th and 4th make?

It is not easy for everyone to talk about lipid-lowering and powder-making. Even if they are talented, they can hardly achieve anything without a good master. How can the master believe that little girl?

However, Lady Yue just thought about it in her heart, she didn't dare to show it, and she didn't dare to say it. Her identity was more than a star and a star compared to those who had a lot of weight in front of the son, that is, she was lucky and was Call back to help this little girl.

In fact, Lady Yue had already made a plan before coming. If Lin Gospel really can't handle this matter, it's a big deal for her to jump up.

But it's just a matter of preparing a few facial fats, and these are not difficult for her.

But when she heard Lin's Gospel idea, her mind changed immediately.

Lin Gospel said that she has never heard of the methods of making fat powder, even before in such a place where the dragon and the tiger crouched.

This subverts her long-standing belief ...

Seeing that Lady Yue did not believe, Lin Gospel was not anxious and not annoyed, anyway, let's talk about it anyway. At this time, what you pay attention to is seeing is believing.

Anyway, after Gospel knew that she was under the man's subordinate, he did not hide her mind.

Anyway, as long as the man wants to know, how deep can she hide and keep it tight?

People want her life to be as simple as searching for things.

"Mr. Lin, to tell you the truth, the slave family originally worked in the Caizhizhai Zhiwei Bureau, that is, to help Caizhizhai prepare new fat powder. Not to mention that all the fat powder slaves in the world can make it, but they cannot make it. There are only one or two of them, but the method you said has never been seen before, as well as the materials you want to use ... The slave family has never heard of fat powder! Girls, be careful! "

In fact, the lady Yue was afraid that Lin Gospel would not follow the normal steps of preparing fat powder, and what danger would hurt her, so she reminded her.

Gospel Lin just smiled mysteriously, "I know Yue Niang's kindness, but don't worry, I'll see it later."