MTL - The Village Doctress-Chapter 221 Touch porcelain

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Liu Qin asked carefully, but Lin Gospel smiled indifferently: "A friend."

Liu Qin blinked, apparently disbelieving. He went to some gossip and looked at Lin Gospel's eyes and asked, "Really? How do I feel like it?"

Gospel Lin glanced at him and said with a smile: "That's my brother."

It's hard to tell the truth from this. Liu Qin was even more puzzled. "Isn't your brother the cousins ​​of your uncle's house? I don't think that looks like it."

Although Liu Qin concealed his emotions very well, he was unavoidably a little impatient. Fortunately, Lin Gospel was busy reconciling, not paying much attention.

Seeing him smashing the casserole to the end, he had to get in his ears and send him: "Tell me the truth, he is a Beirong businessman, and the snow melting cream was made by him. I also cooperate with him. In the business of snow melting cream, you can help me hide it. "

When Liu Qin heard the words, it was almost as if he had been split by thunder, and he opened his mouth and asked, "Gospel, are you so brave? Do you dare to do business with Beirong people in private? Or the snowmelt business?"

After Liu Qin said it for a while, he heard that the Xuerong cream was selling very hot in Beirong! Those who sell in Qinglian County also live, forcing the big merchants who specialize in the rouge gouache business at Dawei have to sell their facial fat at a reduced price ...

"Brother Liu Qin, so I'm not hiding from others. You can't tell anyone, I just told you." Lin Gospel fools him.

Liu Qin nodded again and again, at this time he felt a little relieved. He knew how much Lin Gospel loved silver. Since he could get on the Beirong merchants to earn the money from the snow melting cream, he would certainly not let it go.

As for how Lin Gossip knew the young Beirong merchant, Liu Qin could not continue to ask even if he was confused.

He also knew in his heart that the relationship between him and Lin Gospel is at best a friend. If he asked more, wouldn't he tell him, if Lin Gossip annoyed him, it would be difficult.

So he closed his mouth with interest and stopped asking. But in the end there was still a little hesitant.

He was about to say goodbye to Lin Gospel. Lin Gospel remembered that the old house was going to do a running-water table for Lin Dalang, so he called him again, "Brother Liu Qin, I need you to help me. Didn't my brother in the lobby pass the exam? My grandma wants to ask me to help with the three-day running water table. You do n’t have the time to see me. I want to ask Master Tie to send an apprentice to my grand's home to help with the operation. I have money. "

Liu Qin was surprised at first, and asked her with a stare, "Oh, this is weird what you said, it's just your cousin, why your grandmother wants you to help me run the water table? Isn't it? What about their elders? "

Gospel Lin's mouth slipped, and there was something funny: "What do you say, my grandma thinks I have silver money."

Liu Qin said, "I have never seen anything like this." After a pause, he relaxedly said, "Okay, I'll go back and tell the old iron about this. The scenery is definitely beautiful for you .It's just that you don't leave the silver. I'll say hello to the large kitchen. We will help you out with Liu Ji Restaurant when it comes to the ingredients. "

"Hey, that's not okay. Why do you want the restaurant to come out?" Lin Gospel said as soon as Liu Qin was overwhelmed and stopped.

Liu Qin has restored his usual appearance as a slinger, smirking, "Come on, I said it was from our restaurant, but it is exquisite! We can use the excuse to show cousins ​​to Xiu Cai cousin, in this case, our restaurant is all round. It's because it's not easy for you to be a little girl, do you understand what I mean? "

Liu Qin frowned and looked at Lin Gossip.

Gospel Lin laughed and nodded again and again, "I understand, I understand."

Liu Qin was a clever person. He understood from Lin's gospel in a few words. Her grandparents had ulterior motives, so she proposed that the running mat be assisted by their Liu Ji Restaurant.

Lin Gospel didn't have to think about it, and knew Liu Qin's kindness. Since he was going to help, she was just impatient to take care of the Lin family's old house, so she agreed.

As for the original promise of running the water table, it was only by running the water table that Li Zheng and the three clan elders put pressure on Mr. Lin on the day when the table was opened.

On the early morning of the second day of December, Lin Gospel arranged business matters, and returned to Hulu Village with Feng and Lin Fang.

Back to Hulu Village, he didn't even enter the house and went directly to the old house of Lin Family.

Once at the Lin's old house, Lin Gospel was attracted by the rows of tables and chairs in front of the Lin's old house.

Count it down, there are a dozen tables.

This is much better than the scene of the Liangshui mat on the second room.

Lin Dashan pours out a bucket of water and pours out. When he sees Lin Gospel and Lin Feng and Lin Fang humming behind him, he ignores them and walks to a small smelly ditch in front of the old house.

Lin Fang was so uncomfortable with Lin Dashan's look, he scorned his lips and said, "Huh, what, I feel that Uncle's eyes have grown to the sky, and I don't know how vigorous he is."

"Today is the happy day of the old house, you girl say a few words." Feng's glared at Lin Fang, in fact she was uncomfortable, she just shouted "child uncle" just now, and beat him After the greeting, who knows that he didn't see her, he didn't even point his head.

The Gospel of Lin is nothing like a man. Anyway, I have seen that the personality of Lin Dashan is also cold and ruthless. Isn't it that he can't get along with people like him?

"Mother, gospel, Fanger." Lin Fen was also carrying a basket of scallions at this time and was going to pick them out, just seeing them and hearing Lin Fang's complaint again.

She gave a cold glance at Lin Dashan's direction.

Disdainfully said: "Come on, don't get to know him in general. There is a talented son who doesn't know how arrogant. The eldest son of the Liu family brought his master of the restaurant to help early this morning. I specifically said that it was in the face of the gospel. Uncle and uncle, as well as Xiao Tao and Xiao He, said that the eldest son of the Liu family came from the talented face of Dalang Ge. "

"Uncle Uncle has always been so cheeky, don't you not know that sister." Lin Fang rolled her eyes.

Gospel Lin shook his head with a smile. "Okay, let's go in. It's not too early for us to get back today. I'm afraid that milk will cause trouble to the second uncle."

Lin Fen stunned in the old house and said furiously and helplessly, "Oh, milk, she has complained for a long time, saying that my mother can't see a big room with a bad stomach."

"Well, you all go to get the shallots. I'll take a look at the big kitchen." Feng said nothing in his mouth, and his heart was still uncomfortable, but he was afraid that the two daughters who were getting stronger and stronger would take the lead for her. Caution: "Fener Fanger, listen to both of you. No matter how unpleasant your milk is, you must bear it. This is a great event for the old house. Don't because our own room is not good, it makes people Look at the joke. "

Lin Fen and Lin Fang reluctantly agreed. After Feng's entered the door of the old house, Lin Fang spit out his tongue and smiled ironically: "What are we going to do on our own house? Hasn't the head of the room been seen as a joke long ago? Isn't it all big room trouble? "

Lin Fen appeared in his eyes, sneering: "It is also strange, this big house is like a ghost that stays together. One thing is done and another thing is done. Anyway, it is haunting our second and third bedrooms. Now. "

For Gospel Lin's complaint, Lin Gospel deeply sympathized.

Fortunately, she is really ready to go to the county side. It is better to stay away from the old house.

But what about Lin Fen and Lin Fang?

She looked at the two sisters. Their parents certainly didn't want to stay away from their homeland, which was a bit difficult ...

The three were squatting on the ground while talking, while peeling off the old skin and old leaves of scallion, they heard Zhao's high-pitched cursing.

The three turned around and looked towards the door of Lin's old house. Feng's face was embarrassed and he stepped back to the door. Zhao's belly was lifted. Lin Xiaotao and Lin Xiaohe pushed her out of the door while helping her.

Lin Xiaohe and Lin Xiaotao sisters also stared at Feng Shi with a grim expression. Feng Shi saw Zhao Shi as a big belly and backed up again and again.

"Feng's you have a bad stomach. You are not happy to see Dalang take the show, are you? You have to say that the eldest son of the Liu family came to help our family run the running mat on the face of Lin Gossip's girl, your eyes. Are you blind? Get out, get out of my hurry ... "Zhao continued to curse. When Lin Fen and Lin Fang saw their mother-in-law being forced to be so embarrassed by the Zhao family, they threw the scallion in their hands to the ground, and they got up and ran to Feng's Go by.

Lin Gospel shook his head silently. Why is this Zhao more and more like a crazy dog, and it is not necessary to be pregnant when he is pregnant?

"Mother, we are rolling, why do you stick your face to someone's cold butt?" Lin Fang held Feng's arm and stared at Zhao's coldly, sneer: "Uncle, your eyes are blind, your heart I ’m blind, and my ears are deaf. Now the gospel is here. Let the eldest son of the Liu family come out and say, in whose face is he looking?

Because of this time, Lin Fang was arranged by Liu Gospel to Liu Qin as a deputy. She has a flexible mind and works diligently. She works well with Liu Qin and is familiar with Liu Qin. There is no pressure to bring up Liu Qin.

"That's good, then please ask Grandpa Liu to confront me!" Who knew that Zhao could not see the coffin and did not cry, and he asked Liu Qin to confront him.

Gospel Lin really did n’t know how Zhao ’s brain grew, and she did n’t know where she came from. She glanced sharply at Zhao and asked her coldly: “Uncle, today is a good thing, you Do you have to do everything to make good things a joke? "

"Well, I'll invite Grandpa Liu here!" Without waiting for Zhao to say, Lin Xiaohe immediately let go and let go of Zhao, and Lin Xiaotao saw that Lin Xiaohe was going to invite Liu Grandpa, and was attracted by Liu Qin's identity and appearance. Lin Xiaotao was startled, and also let go of Zhao's, hurriedly: "I'll go too!"

Zhao's original focus was on the two daughters. Both daughters suddenly let go of her, and she would fall to the threshold of the door behind her when her center of gravity was unstable.

Zhao's screamed in horror, but Lin Gospel didn't think so much. A lunge rushed up, reached out, grabbed Zhao's arm, and held her.

Seeing that Lin Gospel was holding her, Zhao's eyes murmured, not only did not thank Lin Gossip, but his lips twitched strangely, and then he sat on the threshold of the door, two hands grabbed Lin Gospel Thighs.

As soon as Lin Gossip wanted to pull his thigh, he heard Zhao crowing his throat and shouted, "Save, Lin Gossip is going to kill! She pushed my big belly and wanted me to die ..."

Gospel Lin looked at the clown with an open mouth to slander her Zhao, and thought, "Is this touching porcelain?"

"Uncle Madam, you are a dog who bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know people's hearts! Obviously it was Xiaotao and Xiaohe who let you go. You almost fell. The gospel rushed to help you. Instead, you bite and said that she was vital. You, what about your conscience? "Lin Fen saw that Zhao's slander Lin Gospel hurt her, the corners of his lips twitched.

Lin Fang also scolded Zhao for having no conscience.

But Zhao's bite and killed Lin Gossip to kill her. After such a disturbance, many people who came to help in the old house came to see the excitement.

Even Lizheng and the three clan elders were alarmed.

Originally, Li was sitting in the hall of Lin's old house with the three elders of the family, and accompanied by Lin Qin with Father Lin.

This time, Liu Qin didn't have to go to Lin Xiaotao and Sister Lin Xiaohe to invite, and came out with everyone.

When he saw Lin Gospel being held by the fat woman with a big belly sitting on the threshold, his eyebrows were raised fiercely.

The chubby woman looked cunning, and seemed to have lost her appetite. He really wanted to kick her.

But the occasion was not right, and he was only angry.

"Li Zheng, what's going on?" Liu Qin looked at Li Zheng with the anger in his heart.

Where did Li Zheng know what happened, he came out with him too, but since Grandpa Liu asked, he had to look at Zhao with a cold face and asked, "Zhao, what on earth is going on? What? The gospel is that your niece can still harm you? "

"Master Liu, uncle Li Zheng, don't listen to my uncle, it's her ..." Lin Fang ran to Liu Qin and Li in front of him and told Zhao about the frame of the Gospel of Lin once and for all. .

Not to mention Liu Qin, everyone in Hulu Village felt that Zhao was afraid of being given something dirty to his upper body, otherwise how could he do such a thing?

What good can she do to frame the Gospel of Lin?

Liu Qin's face was very dark, and Li Zheng was panicking.

Although Lin Gou and Liu Dagong do business in partnership, in his eyes, if it is Liu Dagong who is really the master, if people in Hulu Village want to go out to work and hang out for food, they still have to look at Liu Dagong!

Therefore, when Li Zheng was obviously unhappy to see Grandpa Liu, he glanced fiercely at Zhao's, thinking that this stupid woman was more than enough to fail!

Father Lin was also buzzing with qi's brain at this time, looking at Zhao's eyes as if looking at the dead.

Can Dalang have such a good reputation? Even if he had a good reputation, it was ruined by this Zhao ...

But Zhao ’s dead duck yelled, “Do n’t be fooled by the two girls in the second room. They have always been Lin Goslings, of course, they are helping Lin Gospel to speak!”

After listening to Zhao ’s resolution, there were those idle men who saw the liveliness and did n’t think it was a big deal. They said, “Lin Dalaizi said the same. Who knows that the two sisters Afen and Afang are good and the gospel? Everyone hears the gospel ... "

"That is, that is, the second house still has those large tile houses set up with the help of the gospel. Can we not face the gospel of Lin?"


After listening to the chattering words of these idle men, Zhao became even more suffocated and said fiercely: "I know I don't speak well and offend Lin Gospel, but she can't want my life and my baby in my stomach. Is n’t it? It ’s too poisonous ... ”

Since being framed by the Zhao family, Lin Gospel has not spoken. Until now, she had a cold smile on her lips and looked at Zhao family and asked: "Just because you don't speak well, I want you and you The life of the child in the womb, do you treat me as a fool or when everyone is a fool? "

"Yeah, my dad didn't speak nice to me, and I asked for my life?" Liu Qin saw that the Gospel of Lin finally spoke, and he immediately supported her.

When Li Zheng and the three clan veterans saw Liu Qin, they immediately agreed, "Yeah, yeah, this Zhao family is really a woman's fool."

Gospel Lin squatted down, looked up at Zhao, and looked at her and asked: "Uncle Madam, I'm really curious, what do you think, to frame me like this? You know, you are pregnant, if you weren't I'm here to pull you, it's really possible that you will be killed if you fall. "

Zhao remembered the danger just now, and she was afraid for a while, but she was not grateful to Lin Gospel at all. She only knew that the old man and they went to Lin Gossip that day, and wanted her to take silver every year for Dalang to read. Already.

Therefore, she had to find a way, she had to force Lin Gospel to bring money to Dalang for examinations!

Since the old man couldn't do anything, she had to come by herself.

God gave me the opportunity today, and let Lin Gospel bring it to her. How can she let it go?

At this time, Mr. Lin also felt a bit of Zhao's thoughts, his old eyes flashed, almost instantaneously, he decided to stand by Zhao's side.

"Cough ..." Father Lin coughed twice and suddenly looked at Lin Gospel and said, "Gospel, although your uncle has mixed up a little, she will not think of such a method to vilify you, is it your uncle? Mother said you were unhappy, but you ca n’t help but get kicked by your uncle inadvertently? ”

The implication of these words is that Lin Gospel has reached Zhao, whether intentional or unintentional.

As soon as Father Lin's words came out, the onlookers took a breath.

It's not true that Mr. Lin's family has done this. If he said that, even if Zhao was okay, then the gospel of Lin would have a mean notoriety. Who would dare to marry her in the future?

When Father Qin said such a thing, the corner of his eye picked up, and there was a sigh of suffocation in his eyes.

Is this old Lin family confused? Or is it intentional? Either way, he felt bad for Lin Gou ...