MTL - The Villain Has Something to Say-Chapter 4

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This boundless spiritual power fills the entire space, and it is so powerful that it condenses into the sea, and every disciple who is on the scene can't lift his head. Only Luo, who stood in the center of Gaotai, slightly raised his head, as if he had been used to such a terrible pressure, and his eyes condensed and looked into the distance.

People have not arrived, and the voice first arrived.

After the vast golden sword passed, a white figure finally appeared.

The long black hair is tied with the simplest white jade crown, and the white robes are sewed with complicated and strict lines. The broad-sleeved shirts are set against the blue sky, dazzling and looking forward to the heart. . He stood on the top of all beings, staring at the group of people at his feet with calm and indifferent eyes, and finally his eyes stopped slowly on the high platform.

Luo gradually swayed his head, separated by hundreds of meters, one in the sky, one in the ground, staring at the man.

As if I had missed the time of thousands of years, Luo gradually gazed silently, and the man looked at him indifferently. After a while, the **** print that was thrown out of the palm of my hand seemed to be burning up. Luo gradually raised his hand and made a bowing ceremony. He solemnly said: "Master."

Xuan Lingzi stood in the clouds and gently said: "Yeah."

The Taihu Mountain Yufeng Peak is the first person to cultivate the true world. At the age of fifteen, he built a base, he was a 28-year-old, and he was a 56-year-old. Now he has been practicing for only three hundred years, but he has become the only monk in the whole world who has entered the sacred period. He has only 5,000 years and is the only one. A monk who hopes to fly into a fairy.

When countless disciples saw Xuan Lingzi, they both opened their eyes in surprise, and even the newly-introduced disciples looked at the man with disbelief. But they only looked at it for a while, and they timidly removed their sight.

That is the pressure of the gods, but they will be scared when they look at it for a while.

Among these disciples, the most exciting thing is Li Xiuchen. He was ecstatic to see the noble sage of the white robes, although he could not watch for too long, but his heart was too excited to make himself: the mysterious spirit came! Xuan Lingzi wants to accept him as a disciple!

There is no floating expression on the face of the cold and handsome, and the black spirit seems to have not noticed the disciples around. His eyes were tightly locked on his disciple's body. The golden sword pattern on the forehead radiated a faint golden light in the light of the sun. The long eyebrows were fine, the nose was like a knife, and the lips were very light, as if it was really elegant. The dusty immortals are generally awesome.

Xuan Lingzi looked at the apprentice on the high platform carefully, and Luo gradually cleared his head and kept silent.

After a while, Xuan Lingzi’s scorpion shrank and suddenly moved to the high platform.

His appearance made the sorrow of Luo gradually clear the heart. Xie Zikai quickly shouted a few words "Uncle of the Black Emperor", Xuan Lingzi gently beheaded him, and he quickly walked down the high platform, and did not dare to stand with his genius.

"How can you not look up?" Xuan Lingzi asked indifferently.

Luo gradually cleared the posture of the bowel, and did not answer.

Qing Jun’s double eyebrows condensed into knots, and Xuan Lingzi looked down at his own stubborn apprentice. He whispered and asked: “Because the teacher just left the customs, I heard that you are preparing the peaks of this new introductory disciple. Bigbye, your flying sword has been reshaped, don't want to see?"

Luo gradually cleared his head and did not have a slight reaction.

This situation made Xuan Lingzi frown, and he did not seem to understand the question of where his own thoughtful apprentice was. He just wanted to ask again, and suddenly he heard a surprise cry from the audience: "Sir! I am Li Xiuchen, I admire the Sage for many years, I hope to worship under the Lord."

Xuan Lingzi did not seem to hear the general, he tied his hands behind him, still looking down at his disciples.

For a long while, the powerful and fierce pressure was as heavy as the sea. All the disciples who were close to Gaotai were all scared and pale, and even Li Xichen, who was still screaming, was astonished and sweaty. The white master who was in the center of the pressure was even more oppressed, but he kept biting his teeth and did not make a sound.

Xuan Lingzi sighed heavily and took back the pressure: "Return to Yufeng."

Luo gradually cleared his head in surprise and looked at each other and asked strangely: "Master?"

At this time, Xuan Lingzi discovered that when he was the one who had always kept this ritual, his eyes had become red. The face of the elegant and beautiful face was full of dense sweat, and the broken hair was stained with sweat on the face, which was a bit less scent, but more of a kind of shocking beauty.

There is no reaction to this, and the mysterious look is indifferently decapitated: "Go back and show you your new flying sword."

Luo gradually became overjoyed and immediately responded: "Yes!"

Said, Luo gradually cleared the follow-up affairs of each peak to the next disciple, ready to go back with his master. Who is expected to be at this moment, then Li Xiuchen actually ran to the side of the high platform, looking up and sighing: "Xuan Lingzi Zun, the disciple wants to worship Yufeng, and enter your door!"

As soon as this words landed, the audience was a strange silence.

Luo gradually cleared his face and disappeared instantly. He clenched his fingers and nailed his nails into the blood print. The original blood marks were already scarred, but once again the puncture caused the blood to seep out again. The pain of piercing the flesh and blood also made Luo gradually clear his eyes and looked at Li Xiuchen.

On the surface, Li Xiuchen is a sincere and serious look, but his heart has already been excited.

After entering the door of Xuan Lingzi, after entering the Yufeng Peak, he can get the careful guidance of the first person in the comprehension world. He will build a base at the age of twenty, and he will be a forty-year-old. These may not be as good as the black spirit, but he is so thick! Congenital is not enough, he has a golden finger, this first step is to find a good master, and then you can go further and further!

Great, although this time Luo is a bit strange, but the mysterious spirit is still here, he can still worship Yufeng.

Under the joy, Li Xiuchen did not notice the things on the high platform.

I saw Xuan Lingzi wearing a cold white robe, and the golden sword in front of him was shining. He looked down at Li Xiuchen and then turned to look at his own child. His look was cold and his voice calmly asked: " Gradually clear, Yu Yufeng began to accept the apprentice?"

Suddenly heard this, Luo gradually cleared his body, and the hatred of the heavens in his heart dissipated. He looked at the man with astonishment, and all his reason disappeared at the moment.

Under Huihui's daylight, the man looked at himself with his indifferent eyes as always, and said such a sentence, it was buried in the bottom of his heart, and the bitterness and sorrow that had not been erased for two lifetimes suddenly seemed to have eased a few points.

Luo gradually cleared his mouth and found his voice hoarse when he spoke.

"...Master, no."

"Let's go."


All this happened too fast. Li Xiuchen looked at the mentor and the disciples in a wrong way. After a long time, he did not return to God. When he reacted, the two men had already disappeared on the mountain with a golden light, leaving only standing. Li Xiuchen, who is looking forward to Gaotai’s face, and a lot of teachers and brothers who are looking at him.

"Yu Yufeng does not accept the apprentices for many years. How can this newcomer think so?"

"I heard that the uncle of the Xuan Lingzi was the only disciple of Yu Yufeng. Now that Yu Yufeng has a master, he thought he could still go in?"

"The rules of Yu Yufeng's apprenticeship are so high. This person is completely ineligible. The uncle of the mysterious spirit is the root of the super product, and the brother of Luo is also. This person seems to have no root bones at all. How could he be a mysterious teacher? Uncle looked into his eyes."

Li Xiuchen's eyes widened and looked at the direction in which the two disappeared. When he was taken to Yan Mingfeng, he was in the room where he was assigned, as if he had no soul. He said: "No. It may not be impossible... How could this be? How could this be? In the end, what went wrong? Where... 咦?洛渐清?!”

Thinking of this, Li Xiuchen was like a thunder. After a while, he screamed: "Yes! That little girl should be killed by the Thunder. Why did Luo gradually appear suddenly! And today, why is Luo gradually clear? The shot hurts me! Luo gradually clears the Luo gradually clear... Is he also wearing it?! The **** Luo gradually clears, who are you?!!!"

Li Xiuchen’s snoring Luo gradually disappeared and he did not hear it. He returned to Yufeng Peak with Xuan Lingzi all the way, but he saw two simple and simple bamboo houses. Around the bamboo house is a dense bamboo forest, and the blue bamboo is gently swaying in the wind, making a sound of squeaking.

After returning to the bamboo house, Xuan Lingzi took out the long sword from the Nayong.

"This sword is three feet seven inches long and weighs three hundred and twelve kilograms. It is made with the Wannian Xuantie, the Millennium Thunder and the low-order four-product Lei Dan, which you brought back. This sword is fast at speed. Leading the Thunder to fight against the enemy with you is a magic weapon of the earth's order." Speaking, Xuan Lingzi handed the sword with one hand and handed it to his own children: "It is gradually clear, and since then it is your magic weapon, for It takes a name."

The blue-colored swordsman shimmered slightly, and the sharp and sharp sword front seemed to pierce the air, but was temporarily sealed by the mysterious spirit with spiritual power. The blade was trembling, as if he would not succumb to the small bamboo house. The mysterious spirit kept holding the hilt and waiting for the take-up.

However, Luo gradually cleared the sword and kept responding.

In the last life, he called this sword a chasing.

Master asked him strangely why he took such a name. He said: "This sword is fast at speed, and it can chase the speed of sound, so it is chasing."

At that time, Master gently decapitated, no more questions, but only he knew the meaning of the name.

Taihua Mountain Yufeng peak main, the road number Xuan Lingzi, the real name is silent.

Chasing the sound, chasing the end is the speed of sound, or no sound?

Looking at the sword, Luo gradually cleared his heart and pain, and after a moment he took the sword. The sword that was still screaming was suddenly in the hands of Luo gradually clearing. The sword had a blue light flowing through it, and the long sword also issued a low-pitched voice.

Xuan Lingzi looked at the scene with satisfaction and understood that the sword had already recognized the Lord. However, he did not think much more, and he listened to his own whisper: "Master, it is called Frost."

Xuan Lingzi was shocked and looked up to Luo to gradually clear. After half a mile, he asked: "Why?"

Luo gradually whispered a smile, said: "Thunder shocked electric scattered, snow splashing frost floating. Since this sword can lead to the Thunder, then it is called frost floating." Luo gradually clear the voice just fell, the long sword also shivered, It seems that he should be with him.

Luo gradually smiled and looked at the sword, and then he planned to turn around and go to the bamboo forest to test the sword. When he just turned around, he heard the clear and indifferent voice of Xuan Lingzi ringing behind him: "Get clear, you... Hey, what happened to your hand?"

The next moment, an icy hand suddenly pulled Luo's wrist and pulled him back.