MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 115 Technology Dad Dad (5)

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Su Yan lived, and his niece hugged Mo Linqing's thighs and watched him with vigilance. The sleek eyes of the little milk cat were fierce.

Just now, didn’t you still kiss him hotly? He also put his mobile phone number back, and now he wants to go with him, just...? ? ?

The squad was a little nervous. She grabbed her father's leg with both hands and tried to climb up. She said, "If you don't go, the sound will be with you."

Su Yan: "..."

Mo Linqing lowered his eyebrows and hugged the corps. He was born two times and cooked. He wouldn’t feel uncomfortable when he held it for a few more times. He naturally held the man on his arm and looked at the squad: "You must know that he You may come out at any time, you will go back and wait for two days to pick you up."

Mo Linqing rarely said such a long paragraph, when he spoke, he still didn’t have the cold feeling of the early winter.

The group had a pair of star eyes. After listening to Dad’s words, he held a little fat, and wowed, “Oh, the sound is really nice!”

Mo Linqing: "..."

The nature of the dog was undoubtedly exposed, even Dad said that he did not listen carefully.

Su Yan took a slap in the mouth, but Mo’s family would raise a child. What kind of brainwashing would be used by his niece, how can a child be so sticky? What's more, it's still awkward.

Su Yan never admitted that he was a little embarrassed.

How can a little uncle become a jealousy?

A phone rescued Mo Linqing and Su Yan.

The telephone was called by the institute. A project that Mo Linqing applied for was down. She was very optimistic about the project and asked him to immediately lead the team into the laboratory.

Once the project is established, it is impossible to leave the institute without research, and let alone take the baby.

The group’s tears and sorrowful reluctance to say goodbye to Dad in one step and three, but also to his side, Yin Yin said: "Dad, you must be careful of bad father!"

Su Yan car loaded a safety seat, hugged the dumplings and asked: "What did the sound say to your father?"

The mood of the group is somewhat low. "Say, I will think about him."

Outside the car window, Mo Linqing did not know when to stand outside, knocked down the window, handed in a storybook, and looked at Su Yan with indifferent eyes. "At night, tell a story."

Su Yan: "..."

The old Su family has not raised a three-year-old kid, and the children in the family are all big. The youngest is ten years old. Su Yan’s son is twelve years old. He is a married woman who is a strong woman. The younger daughter Su Shi is also ten years old.

On the contrary, the body of the body of the regiment was late because of the military school's later participation in the army, so the group was the smallest, and the younger brother was many years old.

When Su Yan’s car arrived at the Sujia Gate, the sun had just set, and the children came back from school. The entire Su family was there, and the old couple took the family to pick up at the door.

Su Yan stopped the car and got out of the car and took out a small red-eyed scorpion from the back seat.

The squad was wearing a small yellow man's bib, and a small short hair tied with two shofars. A small fat face was rounded because of his unhappiness, and several eyes of the Su family looked at it.

Mrs. Su’s wife has always been an elegant old lady. At this time, she saw the group and couldn’t help but step forward and reach out to her son. “Come here and let the cuddle.”

Su Yansheng couldn't love to hand the group to Lafayette, and the old man of Su also came over. He also took off the reading glasses and wiped it again. He carefully looked at the niece and saw her chubby being well raised. I was laughed at by no signs of abuse.

"Sui Bao, I am a grandfather, remember?"

In most cases, the dumplings are still very polite, even if she is not happy now, and she tries to pout. "Grandpa is good."

Su Yan touched the head of the scorpion and smiled: "Our voices are screaming, even my cell phone number is back."

Su’s father blinked, “Really?”

He smiled and asked his granddaughter, "Why are you carrying the number of your sister? Just take your grandfather, when will you call the grandfather, and grandfather will give you the title."

The three children are there, and the ten-year-old boys are standing side by side, watching the little cousin, the cousin is really small, a small group, as beautiful as a doll.

They got together and rushed to say hello to the group. "Sister, I am the big cousin Su Lin!"

"I am the second cousin Su Quan."

There is also a 10-year-old boy who follows his two small cousins ​​and keeps his head down.

The group greeted them one by one. "I am a voice, my brother is good."

The two little cousins ​​have a bright eye, and the sister's voice is also good, soft like a dumpling.

"Walk, go in and talk, Sui Bao, Grandpa has prepared a beautiful little room for you, like the little princess on TV."

The enthusiasm of the Su family made the group relax a lot, and the disappointment of Dad was also lighter, not so sad at first.

When the meal was finished in the evening, the dumplings had been able to play with the Su family. She stood on the rug and crossed the small fat waist. It was very sulky and carrying the phone number of the Su family.

A few of the Su family made the group suddenly stunned.

This is a joke to say that the group is so thick, the number of the 记住 is remembered, and the others’ notes are not remembered?

Who would have thought that the group had raised its small head and was very confident that "the sounds are all back, and the grandfather’s awkwardness is remembered."

So the Su family lined up and listened to the group to recite the phone number.

After listening to it, the two little cousins ​​sweared: "Sister... great!"

They can't carry so many numbers, and it's already tired enough to go to school. Back to so many numbers, it's a headache to think about it.

The squad’s small head is high, and she is of course amazing!

Dad is so powerful, as a father's little baby, the sound is very powerful, can't lose!

This small appearance can make the Su family two rare, calling the corps in the arms of the baby, Su Yan also turned the gun. Fire to two sons, "Your cousin is only three years old, it will carry the mobile phone number, What about you? Your dad, my cell phone number, is it familiar?"

Two little cousins: "..."

Su Shi did not come back. Her son lived in the Su family after the holiday. The boy of about ten years sat in the small corner of the sofa and was indifferent to the excitement of the other side.

He doesn't talk, and it's hard for others to notice him.

The scorpion was sharp-eyed and curiously asked: "This is also my brother?"

Mrs. Sue only noticed the grandson and smiled and said: "That is also the cousin of the sound, the son of your little sister."

The group had a little head and said that she knew that there was a small phone call in her directory.

Mrs. Sue brought the boy over. "Su Guoguo, come over."

The boy heard the blank of the name of the name for a moment, and shook his head slightly, sitting there and not moving.

The old lady sighed and refused to force him. The child was shocked when he was a child. Later, his parents had a bad relationship and divorced. His situation was more serious than at the beginning.

The dumplings didn't know when, smashed the past, kneeled on the sofa, and looked at him with his head.

Just as Su Guoguo lowered his head, the eyes of the two men were right.

The squad took the lead and looked at him curiously. His eyes were no different. The clear and black pupils were purely curious. "Go brother, why don't you talk?"

The boy's eyes narrowed, his head moved to one side, his mouth opened, and there was no sound, so he closed his mouth again.

A pair of small hands on his hand, soft, the group hands hold the hands of the fruit brother, smiled and said: "Okay, I am the sound, fruit brother."

The dumplings know too much about the feeling of being left out. The children in the community used to look down on her. They didn't play with her. The music always played with themselves and silently envied them.

The sound is that this fruit brother is the same as her before, although she does not speak, but her heart must be very sad.

Su Guoguo groaned, looking at the little fat hands holding his own, his head was invisible.

Here, the interaction between the two children is seen in the eyes of the Su family. They are still a little surprised. The fruit is usually not rational, that is, the relatives of their elders are the same. The little cousin who just met can actually let him nod.

This is a good thing, a few adults smiled and watched.

Su Sheng suddenly remembered something and said: "Forgot to say, Sui Bao's memory is so good, it must be a small genius in the future."

The Su family are all engaged in education work, and they are naturally very keen. Mrs. Su said: "What you are saying is that the music will be read early, and the family will also have a small genius."

At this time, the two little cousins ​​lay their guns again. As the son of the Secretary of Education, the grandson of the old Su family, these two books are not good at all, and they are typical of school.

Su Yan took a look at his sons. "In the future, let the sound go to Beijing University to attend a small study, where the environment is good and the family is familiar."

This is the consent of the two old people. Su Yan’s wife is also a teacher of Jingda University. However, she teaches college students. At this time, she laughs: “Is the voice guardian now Professor Mo?”

"With Professor Mo's family, IQ has also inherited him."

Although Mo Linqing was not recruited by Beijing University in the past, he is now in Beijing University and will occasionally open a lecture without feelings.

It’s a nominal colleague with Su’s mother.

The night sinks into the water, a man sitting on the empty living room sofa, he lowered his head slightly and took the fairy tale book in his hand.

The cold and cold voice of the Qing dynasty read a paragraph, put the story book in the palm of your hand, and turned around in a careless manner.

I don't know how long I have been sitting. Mo Linqing got up. Before I entered the room, I looked back at the small powder bed in the corner. The childish little dolls were still placed on the bed. I usually lay in the little girl who was telling the story. Not there.

There is no such thing as an urgent project to do. Mo Linqing’s first time to lie is to compile such an excuse to take away the small sticky people.

He had to figure out what happened to the z virus. Did the person do something when he was unconscious? What did he reveal to the child?

Otherwise, how can a three-year-old child understand the virus? Also know that her "bad father" is going to do bad things?

The Institute of Biopharmaceuticals has brought in a group of newcomers, all of whom have just graduated from doctoral students and two outstanding graduate students.

The two graduates are not very old, about twenty-five years old, a man and a woman, looking like a couple, the relationship is very close.

Most of these interns were in the team of Mo Linqing. They didn't ask him to bring people, so let these people give him a shot and watch.

Mo Linqing has no important projects in his hand recently. Apart from routine punching, most of the time is in the private experiment of his office.

So that the people who just came in did not have the opportunity to learn from Professor Mo, and even the people did not see a few faces.

Lin Tang had repeatedly smashed in the cafeteria until very late, and did not see that person, the neuropathy that would destroy the world in the future.

The author has something to say: Hey... Kavinka is more serious, a headache for a day, and a little later! Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast out [rocket gun]: fat one o1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: ghosts, cockroaches, 22,920,433, take medicine today, Yi Nan;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

100 bottles of ice; dong, I am afraid that it is a devil 50 bottles; Mo Yanyao 30 bottles; Xiaxia 26 bottles; cats and cats 22 bottles; lotus leaf mint ~, yuki 20 bottles; Zhang Yacong, Xi Moyao, smile like me, Lazy 18, willing to ask 10 bottles of arbor; 9 bottles of Cyclosium; 8 bottles of 筱冰凌; 6 bottles of instant; 5 bottles of Qinghuan; 4 bottles of soft; 3 bottles of Philippine Changya; Xiying, 0021, 38531685,饕餮, there are 2 bottles of sugar; Yiyi, Qingzhi, 泠风君, 茗茶naphthalene, paulownia, Qingzha, Nanze one, idle cloud light, 22564961, Jingyueliu, tea naphthalene, red beans. . . . , wolf, green cloud, Rhodiola, Luna, 32127344, shallow bottle of ink rhyme;

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