MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 110 Jun Xinwu heart

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Open a fireworks in the sky and die on the ground.

The disciples screamed and chased the trajectory of the fireworks, but they always had to take a step back. They could only greet the corpses of their companions lying in vain, and they were sprayed with a gray face by the fireworks.

The nine lights don't feel annoyed. It's not enough for him to die a little thing like a disciple.

He has not seen him for a few months, and he has missed his brother.

Tonight, the wind is too big, and the tides are blowing, and the pharynx is like a ghost that is not very clear. The fireworks splashed snow and struggling to cloud, revealing a cold moon like a pig iron.

Jiuzhi lamp walked from the shadow of the lamp to the moonlight. When he thought of how many years ago, he was lying in the arms of his brother in the Yuan Ying ceremony, crying and asking him to kill himself. At that time, he had already hoped for all his life, and the brothers did not speak a word. They jumped out of the high platform and left from their own glory. They broke into his heart, shouting, whispering, small. Light, don't die.

He lived like a brother and lived for many years, but the real nine lights have already died in the day of the demon.

What he deserves in these years, what he deserves, is a fluke for him.

But his only hope, the only one that supported him to live, is to come to see him now, even if he is a brother who meets with his sword, he is also really happy.

When the nine branches of lights were in a daze, the eyebrows were soft, and the sharpness of the air was taken away by the eyelashes. It looked like a stunned, unconventional teenager.

Someone bullied him and put on his clothes: "Mountain, go back. It's too dangerous outside."

He snorted and raised his hand to slap the robe.

He was so skinny, his wrists had only a thin weight, and his sleeves slid down when he raised his arms, revealing his wrists. There were several old scars on the top of the linen, and there was a trace of a knife on the arm. Everywhere was beautiful and beautiful. Really raw, cut into the veins and flesh.

The disciple retired in a respectful manner, and the nine branches of the lamp walked toward the temple in the direction of his retreat.

It is probably because of the wind. The lights in the temple don’t know when it’s gone. The nine lights seem to be unaware, and go straight inside.

The disciple followed closely, and in his hand, he slammed a long gun in his hand and bowed in his hand. In the sudden wind, he slammed into the heart of the nine branches.

However, when the tip of the gun was half a foot away from his back, the nine lights returned to the half body, and a soft gold aura came out of the palm, and the gun tip was smoothly connected to the palm!

The disciple exhausted the power of the whole body and made a roar of hatred.

But his gun can't get in.

Jiuzhi Lan has a pair of eyes like a cold star. He looks at the person who is still gnawing his teeth and says, "Zhou Shixiong, I haven't seen it for a long time."

In a word, he waved his hand, and Zhou Beinan, who was armed with a gun, was hit by a spiritual force and planted a ladder. When he fell to the ground, he was forcibly stripped from the body.

The body was just in the Jindan period, too fragile, and was shocked by the impact. It was red and white and scattered into the mud and tofu brain of a beach, and the mouth of Zhoubeinan has also produced blood. , a drop dripped to the ground.

Zhou Beinan was on the ground, and his chest was in a mess. He spit out the blood in his mouth. The gun body was pinched out by him, and it was difficult to support it. It was actually standing still.

Jiuzhi Lan looked at him with a negative hand: "Zhou Shixiong changed six or seven skins today, all of whom are senior disciples. I want to take the opportunity to mix with me."

Zhou Beinan was undecided, but there was a little anger in the eyebrows.

He did have this plan, but the search in the day was too strict, and he could not find the opportunity to start. After he robbed several skins in succession, it was also extremely depleted. Only when he got into the night, he found the line. opportunity.

"How do you know that I am..."

Jiuzhi lamp is carrying hands, and a lonely shadow casts a long step. Just looking at the five senses is really a dignified and cool person: "The body will not breathe, it is a big leak. Besides, but all the four disciples are high-level disciples, no one. I don't know if I have only Wen Xuechen on my side for many years, no one dares to give me a cloak."

Nine branches of light do not mention warm snow and dust, but when I heard this name, Zhou Beinan was almost violent, and the blood of the tomb, the yellow sand and the entire cave was revealed: " don't mention snow dust!"

He shouted and shouted with hatred, like a vomit, and his voice was so loud. With his voice, a short shot came out of his sleeves, rushing like a raging fire, but he was understated and blocked by nine lights. It's as easy as ash.

Compared with Zhou Beinan's killing attack, the previous sentence is more like the Jiuzhi lamp.

He frowned slightly: "What happened to him?"

Today, he has repeatedly imagined the situation of Wen Xuechen and concluded that it is safe.

Brothers, even if they have won Wen Xuechen, care about their past friendships, they will not do anything to him, but seeing Zhou Beinan’s feelings of pain, he has a moment of fluster.

...What happened to Wen Xuechen?

Zhou Beinan did not answer. He only used a pair of blood-containing eyes to keep an eye on the nine lights. I wished that the thick eyelashes would be turned into a sickle, and the pieces of the front were cut into pieces.

This silence reminded the nine lights, he no longer pursued this matter, went two steps to the next step: "The brother has come, why are you coming?"

Zhou Beinan dumb voice: "My sister's hatred, I have to personally report."

The Jiuzhi lamp has taken another two steps: "I know that Zhou’s brother is not the character of hiding in Tibet. Brother Zhou is afraid that the brothers will come early, fight with me, lose the chance of enemies? So you will choose At this time, take risks."

Listening to his arrogant analysis, Zhou Beinan’s heart suddenly flashed a slight hunch.

Jiuzhi lamp came to the south of Zhoubei, not far away, bent down, and did not smile in the eyes, but revealed a special kind of qi, but in such a situation, the anger is more than a killing: "Zhou Shixiong, you have been waiting for the opportunity. I am waiting."

Zhou Beinan’s throat is cold. Where do you still know what the Jiuzhi lamp is?

- This person has been waiting for the whole day, waiting for the moment he sent it to the door!

If he is in his hands...

Before Zhou Beinan, he was only prepared to die again, but he completely forgot that if he really fell into the shackles, he would die, and they must be passive!

Thinking about this, Zhou Beinan supported his body, which was shocked and numb, and tried to move backwards. He secretly stupidly stupid, and he was incompetent.

In the wild, I have been a dark ghost for thirteen years, and I have been squandered by half of my spiritual power. He has never been too lean in cultivation. Now it is useless to see a knife and a gun!

When Zhou Beinan regretted it, he made up his mind.

He is rather dying and will not drag everyone down. In addition, the predecessor of the snow dust is swaying there. If this spirit is placed in the hands of the nine lights, it is better to be tossed by him.

When he tightened his hand in his hand and was screamed by blood in his ear, he suddenly felt a shadow in front of him.

A bamboo-sharped fan with blood stained a clear moon in the air and kept him behind him.

Zhou Beinan was a sigh of relief, as if time had returned to thirteen years ago, he was lying in the dark celestial crater, between the survival and the death, and he was most reliant in the groggy area except for the blood relatives. The name of the person: "Where..."

But unlike the one that was 13 years ago, this time he got a response.

"North-South." The person in front of him leaned back half of his face and asked softly, "North-South, can you stand up?"

A small but unusually warm palm sticking out from behind him, worried and nervously grasped him: "... Are you injured?"

The soft voice called Zhou Beinan’s voice also softened: "How do you know that I am..."

"Jun's eyes are my eyes, my heart is my heart." The master of the palm whispered, "From the time of Nanzu, I swear to myself, and never call you injured."

Pointing at the intersection of the palms, the essence of the rushing out, instantly filled his body and heart together.

... At least this time, he is not alone.

When Xu Xingzhi came, he was strongly targeted by the Yuan Yingling. The Jiuzhi lamp was forced to retreat back to the stage. The spiritual power stirred him to sway, but he really rejoiced: "Brother, You came."

There was fire in his eyes, and Xu Xing’s eyes were ice.

The magical disciples chased the doorway of the fireworks along the trajectory of the fireworks, and they saw Xu Xingzhi’s confrontation with Jiuzhi’s lamp, and the anger of the corpse of the companion’s body broke out instantly.

I don't know who is screaming: "Kill them! Revenge and hate!"

This kind of screaming is not worthy of Xu Xingzhi's return. Instead, Lu Yuji, who helped Zhou Beinan, turned his face and kept a close eye on the group.

In the eyes of the Taoist people, although this weak young man wears an ugly face, but the deterrence is extremely low, and it is still a little funny, even if he adds a weak and even gun, the ghost repair is not enough. Obviously, it is much better to cook than the suffocating Xu Xingzhi.

Then the anger of the disciples had a clearer venting point: "...kill him!"

The disciples who have been chasing along the road, together with the sound of the sound, have hundreds of people.

Zhou Beinan’s strength was slightly reduced, and he was in the middle of a gun. He was about to go up with this group of people. Lu Yujiu took his hand and shook a few times. He walked a few steps forward and raised his hand. Ghost face.

This mask has been worn for thirteen years, as if it has become part of his face. If he is in combat, he is more accustomed to wearing this mask, hiding the white and clean child's face, and playing with this ugly appearance. .

His thin lips started, and he scorned a few curses. In his arms, he fluttered and floated in half space, and his eyes also showed fox-like blue light, clear and clear, such as jade, such as jade .

As his mourning speed accelerated, several light spots, such as heavy rain, fell to the public.

Initially, a group of fine light is like a sly, not a sudden flash, a group of ghosts gushing out, gradually figurative, each person's forehead is burning with a line of purple moiré, each person's eyes are burning hot hatred.

Zhou Beinan and the Magic Road crowded together.

He looked at the ghosts of the day and found a few familiar faces in it.

Lu Yujiu sighed: "What is the solution?"

The lead of the solution is far and wide: "In!"

"Clean valley, set up, demon!"

On the other side, Jiuzhi Lan and Xu Xingzhi are still facing each other.

Xu Xingzhi clearly said that Lu Yujiu’s current strength is not easily suppressed by the Jiuzhi lamp, so he does not care about the battlefield behind him, and the Jiuzhi lamp seems to be completely unintentional, only watching Xu Xingzhi, the daytime Contains light.

Xu Xingzhi transformed the "quick pen" into the raging fire used by Lushan in the past, and turned to the shoulder: "What did they say? Revenge and hate? Are you also saying this?"

"Not worthy." Nine branches of light should be faint, "The brothers hate far more than us. They don't know things, they are damn."

Although I have experienced it once in thirteen years ago, I am still standing opposite the child I raised and raised. I still call Xu Xingzhi’s heart hurt. He tries to turn the sadness and anger of the heart’s stagnation with a sneer. It is also delaying the time and waiting for Meng Zhongguang to arrive.

However, the Jiuzhi lamp did not give him too much time.

"Is the brother brother coming to kill me?"

Xu Xingzhi’s cold voice is right: “What do you think?”

The Jiuzhi lamp seems to have not understood his problem, and repeated this question again: "Is the brother to kill me?"


The voice did not fall, Xu Xingzhi faintly felt that something was wrong.

He looked up with a horror, and the Jiuzhi lamp was gone. Instead, a girl with a goose-yellow shirt stood in the wind, and the clothes fluttered, which was like a dream of returning from the wind. .

Xu Xingzhi’s meditation: “Hey...”

After the condensate, the deep sorrow and anger filled the heart of Xu Xingzhi, causing him to heat his throat: "Nine lights! Give me the truth!"

The Jiuzhi lamp did not listen to him at all, and whispered slowly: "Kill me, my brother."