MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 53 a greedy

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Xu Xingzhi’s body was first and foremost awakened by the waist, and the soreness of the death called Xu Xingzhi was produced by the waist and then was put together by grass and grass. The illusion of a violent wilderness.

Immediately, the poem broke into his mind, like a giant hand grabbing an ice scorpion into his head and vigorously tumbling. Xu Xingzhi’s headache was sore and squeaky, and he only wanted to drink his mouth to pour out the dark fire burning in his chest.

Who wants him to just make a move to get up, one hand will hold his rocky stiff waist muscles, and scorned twice: "Brother, what do you want?"

One of Xu Xing's mouths felt that the exhaustion of the whole body had spread to the muscles of the neck, even if it made a sound.

He can only concentrate the statement to a minimum: "...water."

"I will give you down." Meng Zhongguang got up.

"No need." Xu Xingzhi barely pushed his hand away. "I got up and walked."

"I help my brother."

"No need."

The voice did not fall, and Xu Xing’s legs, which wanted to get up, almost fell to the ground, so that a pair of strong arms tightened his waist from the side in time.

"The brothers can't walk the road, but they don't obey." Meng Zhongguang smiled and smacked it up, and slammed the tip of his tongue to the inside of the auricle of Xu Xingzhi. "I will give you a fall. However, if the brothers are really thirsty..."

Xu Xingzhi made a hot, hoarse smile from his throat, turned his head, and blocked his mouth.

Meng Zhongguang was caught off guard and was directly kissed by Xu Xing.

The continuous low and grievances are called the others to sound, as if Meng Zhongguang is the one who is in the disadvantaged. However, only the two people who are engaged in the war know that the two are equally divided, the low-lying enjoyment and pain, and the faint Some advantages.

After a few lingering, Xu Xingzhi seems to have found a way to go home for his lips, the disordered heartbeat gradually subsided, and the headache was relieved.

When he was a little breathless, he picked up his tongue and pressed the opposite tooth. He took Meng Zhongguang out and he was able to retreat from his body: "...very sweet."

Meng Zhongguang has been addicted to the addiction, and he is not willing to let go of Xu Xingzhi’s neck: "More."

Xu Xingzhi was ridiculed by his demeanor Jiao Lijiao, but on the face was a serious: "Pour water."

Meng Zhongguang was anxious, and he and his hands and feet hooked Xu Xingzhi, and he said: "Heavily light."

Xu Xingzhi stared at him: "I am thirsty."

Meng Zhongguang unwillingly let go of his hand and walked out a few steps. He suddenly turned and rushed back. He protected Xu Xingzhi’s back of the head and pressed him heavily on the bed. He once again smashed Xu Xingzhi into a misty and cool cold-toothed face. Middle: "No, I can't help it... The light can't help it... The brothers have spared the light, ah?"

Xu Xingzhi had no strength under his body, and he had tossed for a while for a while, only then barely lifted his trembling knees and gently pressed against Meng Zhongguang, licking his soft body moment, one arm was in his throat. With the wooden hand to prop up his body, Meng Mengguang overwhelmed his body, his fingers pressed Meng Zhongguang to kiss him with a slightly red lips, up and down, the language threatened: "... I want to drink water ""

It’s not enough to kiss Meng Zhongguang, and the committee has been bent to pour water.

Xu Xingzhi looked to Meng Zhongguang's back, his eyebrows were wrinkled, but his mouth was not raised consciously.

... obviously only spent a month with him in the wild, but it seems that he has known for a hundred years, whether it is a joy or a kiss, it is like a lot of times, it will fit together.

If it wasn't for the sake of reason, and tried this once, Xu Xingzhi would not think that he would be so skilled in this kind of thing, and he would not be self-taught.

It’s like a fire encounters dry firewood, it only burns up and there is no second way to go.

Xu Xingzhi wants to indulge in this kind of familiar sea of ​​desire, not to think about the previous things, not to think about the poem that made him sick, and refuse to think about the nine lights, the indus and the father. All kinds of entanglements, but have to think over and over again, thinking that he is exhausted.

In the past, there was a scale in front of Xu Xingzhi. On the left is Meng Zhongguang’s life and his conscience. On the right is his father and sister.

On both sides, one after another, against each other, Xu Xingzhi swayed in the left and right, difficult to choose.

However, now he has a voice in his head telling him that there is a possibility that one side of the chip will never exist at all. The right side of the scale, from beginning to end, are two horrible phantoms.

This kind of cognition has too much impact on Xu Xingzhi.

Looking back, Xu Xingzhi discovered that there are too many things to be suspected besides the year of "Tianding Sixteen Years".

For example, he has no memory before the age of five.

He still remembers everything he saw when he woke up in bed when he was five years old.

The afterglow of the twilight slowly moved on him, and the warm red light wrapped him into a dense, silkworm cocoon.

Xu Xingzhi only felt that the headache was going crazy, and the internal organs were tumbling, but soon a middle-aged man sounded like a jade: "...when you woke up?"

To this day, Xu Xingzhi still remembers the violent panic of a blank in the brain. It seems to have died once, and the soul has been forced to return to the world.

It seems that he noticed that his eyes were wrong. The man picked up his weak and trembled body from the bed and slowly patted it. He whispered in his ear: "Small screen, what's wrong? Don't you know it?"

At that time, Xu Xing thought, is this what?

Before...has he been jealous?

But for a moment, he was felt the inflammatory infection that was forcibly suppressed in the man's voice.

His heart was softened, and he was not willing to let the middle-aged man of this kindness and gentleness disappoint, and he exhausted his strength. He tightened his arm with the left arm that could still be lifted up: "...hey."

The man shuddered and then hugged him in a madness, and his arms were locked, so that he could barely breathe: "It’s good to come back, come back... I will take care of you forever, won’t let you Leave me..."

Xu Xingzhi’s headache seemed to have been cut off by his head. At the same time, he always felt that it was not right. It seemed that there was some imbalance in the body.

He tried his best to hang his neck and found that his right wrist was wrapped in a thick white cloth. Originally, there should be a right hand position, which is already empty.

Probably because the head was too painful, Xu Xingzhi did not feel the pain in the wound. Nahan looked at the broken hand with his head: "... my hand..."

"I will be your hand in the future." The man smashed the railroad. "Small screen, I will take care of you by my sister and my sister....Sister, come over."

The three-year-old girl waited outside the door, and as soon as her father called, she turned into the house, pinched the skirt, and stared at him with red eyes.

Xu Xingzhi was impressed by the eager and restrained eyes of the children in front of her eyes, and she endured a headache and slowly showed her a smile.

As far as he knows, when he was playing, he was accidentally thrown off the palm of his right hand by the knife and fell into disability.

After nearly three months of rest in bed, Xu Xingzhi’s feet fell, and the poplars took a spurt and made a bud, and lived easily.

He found that he would learn everything, and he would read the book and throw the pen and throw the pot.

He is a playful person, and his father has never been tied to him because he was a child when he was a child. Since the age of twelve, he has been wandering around, making friends, swimming in the mountains, drinking and singing.

Life knows everywhere, it should be like Feihong stepping on the snow.

However, Feihong always has a place to live in.

No matter how far he goes, he just has to go back and there is a place where a tiled house and a candle are in place.

This was what made him feel at ease.

It wasn't until he wrote the book in a bored mile that everything changed.

He always believed that it was the knowledge of the world that brought him into a nightmare. But now he suddenly realized that he seemed to wake up from a long dream.

...what is true, what is false?

Although the mirror flower water moon is ridiculous, but the flowers in the mirror, the water in the moon, the distant relatives, how do you know which side is true, which side is fake?

Xu Xingzhi put himself tightly and leaned on the bedside to drink a few mouthfuls of water from the hand that Meng Zhongguang handed the cup, and then barely pressed the bite to suppress the beast that bit his heart.

Meng Zhongguang put down the cup and tried the forehead of Xu Xingzhi with his forehead: "Fortunately, the brothers burned back."

Xu Xingzhi did not answer, a pair of black eyes straightforward and boldly stared at him.

Two straight and beautiful noses are lightly attached to one place, and the heat flow exhaled from each other flows to the other's cheeks after a brief intersection.

Without a few round trips, Meng Zhongguang was a little flustered to avoid the line of sight. He wanted to leave the side of the bed. Xu Xingzhi’s eyes were fast and his knees were on top, and Meng’s clothes were crushed to death.

"What to do?"

Meng Zhongguang’s breathing is already ups and downs, and his head is biased away: “The brothers are high-ranking, the waist is not good, I can’t...”

One of Xu Xing pinched his chin and blocked all the words he was about to say.

When Meng Zhongguang’s dizzy watery eyes looked at Xu Xingzhi, he saw Xu Xingzhi smile and opened the quilt. The white trousers had a roll of trousers, revealing a slender leg.

He raised his chin: "...roll in, do things."

After obediently rolling into the quilt, Meng Zhongguang groped and came to Xu Xingzhi, whispering his ear and excited: "Brother, you seduce me..."

"Less nonsense. Why do you like to hug behind you? Who taught you?"

"Isn't it a brother?" Meng Zhongguang's tone was extremely wrong, like a small milk dog who didn't grab milk. Hey, "I don't remember the brothers? When we first time, the brothers didn't cooperate at all. My face is too awkward to do, and I want to go to the back.... Later, it was so murderous, it hurts, let me get out. I cried, you didn’t yell at me..."

Xu Xingzhi couldn’t help but listen to his tone. But very quickly, he did not have the strength to laugh, his face was white and fiddled by Meng Zhongguang.

"The brothers are really, very tight..."

Xu Xingzhi's cold sweat surplus: "You are too **** you are out... ah..."

"No, please." Meng Zhongguang grabbed Xu Xingzhi's mouth. "...they will hear it."

Although the joy of Muchi is memorable, Meng Zhongguang simply regrets the intestines after returning to God.

He was forgotten and lost his mind, and he let others hear the voice of his brother.

He will never make the same mistake again.

He hugged Xu Xingzhi and slammed the quilt out of a snow wave.

Xu Xingzhi looked at the top of the bed with disappointment.

In the collision of the dead, he can confirm that at least the person behind him is not a dreamer who will leave at any time, which makes the seemingly calm, but actually full of flustered Xu Xingzhi inexplicably.

In addition, Xu Xingzhi did not mind to admit that he was so eager to sway that the stimuli of his heart trembled from the body to the heart.

In the next few days, Meng Zhongguang and Xu Xingzhi rolled all over the corner of the Southern Beaver Palace.

They are not in a hurry to do something, and the key fragments can’t be run there. Xu Xingzhi’s heart and heart, and Meng Zhongguang’s madness for a long time.

One day, he was idle, dragging his steps and turning around, but he saw Tao Leisure and Qu Chi in a corridor.

Tao Yuxi was on the side of Qu Chi, and he was writing something on the ground. Qu Chi learned to smear his movements, and the two looked very harmonious.

Tao Yu was very sensitive. When he heard the foot sounds, he turned around and saw Xu Xingzhi. He immediately stood up in a panic and did not speak. His face was already red: "Xu, Xu brother."

Xu Xingzhi's cloaked, Meng Zhongguang's robe was a little longer for him. The corner swayed slowly with the wind under the porch, and it became more and more his body tall and thin.

Qu Chi looked up and said hello to Xu Xingzhi, and then imitated Tao Yu, a pen on the ground with a circle.

Xu Xingzhi came over and wanted to sit down on the steps of the gallery. The pottery action lifted the waist of Xu Xingzhi and pulled off his robe. He folded two stacks and placed them on the steps.

He is docile: "Shu brothers please sit down."

Xu Xingzhi is also different from his politeness, and he sits down: "You are considerate."

After sitting down, he took off his warm robe and put it on the shoulders of the pottery.

Tao leisure was a little scared, and he shoved a few times. Xu Xingzhi snorted, and he accepted it with a blushing face. He fingered his belt and crept: "Brother, I will warm you first. When you are cold, I will Still with you."

Where Xu Xingzhi cares about this, smiles and swings his hand: "Let's talk again.... What are you doing?"

Tao is shyly: "The song brother is pestering me, asking me to paint him with sugar gourd. Since I last told him, he remembered it."

Qu Chi couldn't hear that they were discussing himself. He was painting his candied fruit with one heart and one mind. However, when Tao Wen's warm eyes fell on him, he seemed to feel something. He looked up and smiled.

The five senses of Qu Chi are all born in the word "Feng Wen Er Ya". The eyebrows have their own colors, only contact with his eyes. Tao Yu is embarrassed to hang his head, and the fingers on the knees are stretched tightly. .

Xu Xingzhi had some playfulness. After hitting the pottery with his elbow, he deliberately whispered in his ear: "You and him are Taoists?"

Since these days and nights, Xu Xingzhi has been watching with a cold eye. He only feels that Zhou Beinan and Lu Yujiu, Qu Chi and Tao Yu are both unusual.

But this is not unusual. In the wild, there are people who can be accompanied, and it is fortunate and even embarrassing. This group of people are all men of **** temperament. In this wilderness, the difficulty of long nights, why bother to accompany themselves is a man or a woman.

Unexpectedly, Tao Yu’s eyes widened and stuttered: “How can Xu’s brother think this way? I, my brother and my brother, are in the sky, not in the sky, how can I dare to think about the brothers?”

Tao gossip is very nervous, but extremely sincere. This is called Xu Xingzhi.

Tao Xian looked to Qu Chi, seeing him and turning his back to the two to start writing seriously. In the dawn of dodging, he dared to release the endless wave of admiration: "I have never seen a gentler and better than the song brother. At the time of the world, I always thought about the fact that the song brother used a hundred Lingshi for me to change the sugar gourd. Especially, I couldn’t say a few words with the song brother..."

At the beginning, he used two strings of candied haws to blackmail the culprit of Qu Chi 100 Lingshi.

When Tao Yu talks about Qu Chi, the symptoms of stuttering and shyness are swept away, and the eyes are full of tenderness and tenderness.

"When I grew up, I left the tea house and went around with my baggage to find out where the brother of the song was. I was young and I really didn't remember which of the songs was a fairy. It took two years. I was in the past, I only thought that I could go under the door of the song teacher and look at him from afar. I am satisfied."

Xu Xingzhi thought, a string of candied fruit, a few warm words, let the child remember for so long, his life, presumably also really sad and pitiful.

Xu Xingzhi has always been soft on this kind of child, and he reached out and touched the soft hair of Tao.

Tao Xiu apparently did not adapt to the physical contact of such relatives, and the frightened puppy seemed to shrink back.

Xu Xingzhi does not mind his instinct to avoid this, and grinned: "Tao leisure, when did you become a disciple of Danyangfeng?"

In these few days, Xu Xingzhi’s paper was drunk, but his head became clearer and clearer.

The memory of the original Lord has no signs of recovery. Seeing the truth is close at hand. Xu Xingzhi’s attempt to escape is useless. It is better to help Meng Zhongguang to get the key, return to the present world, find nine lights, ask him in person, that one "The nine branches of lights are in the empty window, and the seeing of the phoenix tree in the mirror." What is the matter.

At the same time, he also wants to get more news from these people. Although everyone knows different things, if they can complement each other, they may also piece together a rough truth.

Tao Xian thought for a moment: "Tianding four years in March and the third day."

"You remember it clearly." Xu Xing was happy.

Tao Xian smiled sadly: "How can I remember it? When I went up the mountain on the third day of March, the peach blossoms were just right; at the beginning of March, the peach blossoms of the mountains fell, and the song brother became this pair. Look like."