MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 7 Memory backtracking

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There is no movement, and the two black eyes like the cold star stare at Meng Zhongguang.

Meng Zhongguang revealed some doubts and ordered: "...go faster."

Qu Chi still did not move.

Xu Xingzhi reacted more quickly than Meng Zhongguang: "This time I didn't protect me, I don't deduct your sugar. It's not an example."

Meng Zhongguang: "..."

Qu Chi said with joy: "Really?"

Xu Xingzhi affirmed: "Really."

Qu Chi's figure changed and immediately disappeared in front of Xu Meng.

In a flash, there were a few screams of anger and weakness in the mountains.

Sending away Qu Qu, Xu Xingzhi looked at the only one who had a sigh of gas on the ground, and said: "Is this person coming to me?"

Only when Meng Zhongguang and Xu Xingzhi were left, the former showed an unusually innocent look, carrying his hands, as if the mud on the ground had nothing to do with him: "...Yes."

Xu Xingzhi.

That being the case, it is alive and fucking.

After Xu Xingzhi’s silence, Meng Chongguang cleaned up the face of Shura’s face just now, and carefully walked over to Xu Xingzhi’s side: “Senior brother... Was I just a little reckless?”

Just now, I didn’t change the color and smashed the big wolf dog of the bones of the people. When the face was wiped, it was replaced with a puppy. When I saw this situation, Xu Xingzhi’s heart was very embarrassing.

Meng Zhongguang is a character in his own writings. When Xu Xingzhi was originally set up, he wrote a big stroke, bloodthirsty and irritating, and these were all set by himself as the nature of Meng Zhongguang.

After all, I still complained about Xu Xingzhi, so Xu Xingzhi not only did not fear him, but also had some faint pain in his conscience.

...Sorry for the son, it is 爹 that makes you like this.

Moreover, in the wild life for more than ten years, Meng Zhongguang is accustomed to the days when you are dead or I am dead. Nowadays, people are invading the ground and it is not difficult to understand.

Besides, they suddenly came to catch themselves, fearing that they would use their own to deal with Meng Zhongguang.

If you are caught, the situation will not be better, and it is possible to die in their hands.

In addition, the kindness of the enemy who is actively bullying the door is not in line with Xu Xingzhi’s usual style of acting.

To say the degree of cruelty, yesterday I used the original dagger to kill the razor monster, and the technique is not good enough.

However, Xu Xingzhi can understand that the original master who brought Meng Zhongguang from a young age can not understand.

Xu Xingzhi made a look of indifference and kicked the face of the beast with the toes: "Leave him a life, I am useful."

Immediately, he did not move quietly, stepping away from Meng Zhongguang.

Behind him, the light in Meng Zhongguang’s eyes faded, his fingers tightened, and there was deep remorse in the light.

. . . If it wasn’t for the confidant who hugged his brother in front of him, he wouldn’t be out of control, and he’s so hot and broke his image in his brother’s mind.

Meng Zhongguang silently packed up his bad mood, heading towards the sky, and screaming again.

Summoned, the bone girl quickly appeared in the bamboo forest on the other side.

She hid Xu Xingzhi and walked slowly to Meng Zhongguang.

Meng Zhongguang whispered a few words with her. She said "yes", she sank her head and lifted the garbage-like hideman and walked toward the tower.

During the period, she never had any eye contact with Xu Xingzhi.

Xu Xingzhi also did not look at her thoughtfully, but turned his eyes to Qu Chi is cleaning the woods of the remnants and pondering his own heart.

... Xu Xingzhi does not intend to assassinate Meng Zhongguang for the time being. Therefore, surviving in the wilderness has become the top priority of Xu Xingzhi.

He remembered very clearly that "the knowledge of the world" told him that Meng Zhongguang, a group of people, was planning to escape from the wild, returning to the present world and making revenge.

In the wild, there is no more than a group of people.

What are the other branches, where are they distributed, and the size of the forces, Xu Xingzhi is not aware.

The most important thing is, where is this wild entrance? How can you escape from the wild?

Xu Xingzhi’s heart is clear that it’s too awkward to appear in the wild. Zhou Beinan suspects that he is a spy, and it’s just a matter of reason. And Meng Zhongguang is willing to take care of himself, with all kinds of trust, and 80% is stunned by the brotherhood and brotherhood of the past.

If you take these questions and ask Meng Zhongguang without authorization, once you have caused his suspicion, it is your turn to be pressed by the broken bones on the ground.

All in all, Xu Xingzhi needs a reliable source of intelligence.

In front of this, it is the source of intelligence sent to the door. It is reliable and unreliable, but it is better than nothing.

When the bone girl left, Meng Zhongguang also turned back to Xu Xingzhi and asked me tamely: "The piece of wood is mine, can my brother be familiar?"

...... Really, staring for a long time, Xu Xingzhi really feels a bit familiar.

In the original broken memory, it seems that there is such a red-hot redwood forest.

This redwood forest is like a certain point in the memory of Xu Xing. It was originally a piece of memory of the size of copper coins. It gradually enlarged and became clear as time went by.

A sudden vertigo suddenly came to the fore, and instantly paralyzed the five senses of Xu Xingzhi.

Xu Xingzhi was actually standing unsteadily and fell backwards.

In the middle of the sigh, he heard someone yelling at his brother, one after another.

Like a huge seesaw from the huge sea of ​​knowledge, a complete picture appeared in the mind of Xu Xing.

... This is also the first time that Xu Xingzhi has obtained a complete piece of information from the broken memory of the original master.

In the autumn of the redwood forest, the mountains are covered with ripe red persimmon.

The mountains are stretched out, named Lingqiu, and the mountains are like beautiful beauty peaks, which are arranged in layers.

Clouds converge at the end of the day and at the end of the river. A boy is sitting in front of a piece of bluestone at the source of the stream.

He used a scribble to make a long coat, holding a fist-sized, scented fruit, and snoring, like a wild berry.

A spiritual force rippled, but the boy was unmoved, and he continued to bury his head and slowly bite.

At the end of the wind, two of the early Tianchuan disciples drove the Xianbing and fell in front of the boy.

The disciples of Tianchuan should be consistent and easy to identify. The blue background is matched with a gilded cloud shoulder and sleeves. The end is gorgeous and incomparable.

The reason why they can be judged to be the first-class disciples is that they all hold a white oak rifle in their hands, instead of the high-grade disciple of Tianchuan, the steel rifle with the evil bones.

In the face of the boy, both of them frowned.

One of the taller disciples pointed him at the tip of a long gun. He was extremely welcome: "Where did the floating jade fruit in your hand come from?"

The boy wiped the juice from the corner of his mouth and pointed to the west.

Another short man suspected: "Let Chuuri have a different animal name '颙', floating jade fruit is its favorite food. This fruit is one year, the number is not more than one hundred. '颙' as a treasure, who Dare to compete with it, '颙' will inevitably absorb the blood of his body before he will give up. ... Who are you, can you compete with '颙'?

The boy slowly took a bite on the fruit and mixedly said: "I want to eat, it won't give me, I will grab it."

The tall man looked at the boy and found that in addition to his exquisite beauty and beauty, he did not have the slightest aura. He looked like an ordinary child, and he did not feel a bit disdain in his tone: "Hey, great tone."

The short man poked a tall arm and motioned him to see the boy's feet.

The taller one looks at it and can't help but **** a cold air.

Five or six floating jade fruit was put into a string by a vine, wrapped around the boy's ankle, and swayed, and the two eyes were hot.

Seeing the situation, the tall man immediately softened his attitude: "This little son?"

The boy glanced at them and took care of the nutrients of the floating jade fruit, sweeping the soft and juicy flesh into the mouth.

The tall man is not willing to ask for this unfortunate child who does not know where it came from, but considering the current situation of the two, he has to suppress the anger: "... son, we are the disciple of Tianchuan. I don't know if you can hear The name of 'Ying Tianchuan'?"

The boy is undecided and does not answer.

When the short man picks up his words, he holds a gun and holds a fist. He is respectful and respectful: "There are four divisions in the world. We should be one of Tianchuan. Every two years, we have to hold a tribute to the East Emperor. The sacrifices were sacrificed to the Eastern Emperor. Later, the sacrifice ceremony developed into a four-door competition. - If you can get the most sacrifices in a limited time, you can become a sacrifice to the Emperor of the East Emperor; if it is a preliminary If the disciple can get the same sacrifice, he will have the opportunity to enter the inner door and become a disciple..."

He pointed to the floating jade fruit on the boy's foot, and his eyes could not help but reveal a greedy look: "There is a floating jade fruit required for the sacrifice in the hills, but our brothers and brothers are not enough spiritual strength, and they dare not easily walk '颙' The site. This little son, can you divide our floating jade fruit into one?"

As soon as the boy lifted his leg, a floating jade fruit was removed from the vine and was just falling into his hand.

He wiped the fruit, and the milk said, "This fruit is not as good as the rumors. But I will not give it to you."

The tall and the short two frowned: "Why?"

"I don't like you." The boy took a bite of floating jade fruit, and his voice was clear and fluent. He had a kind of innocence and arrogance. "I grew up in the mountains since childhood and I don't know much about etiquette, but I At least know that if you really have something to do, you should beg for me, instead of standing in front of me."

The two are discolored.

"Do not toast and not eat fine wine!"

The boys stopped paying attention to them, jumped off the bluestone and walked on the water.

Only a moment, a gun flower polished, slammed, across the neck of the boy.

The gun was forced to point, the boy was not afraid, the beautiful peach-like eyes swept over the two, with a bit of contempt: "This is my fruit, I don't want to give you."

The tall man with a gun stop didn't listen to him, and ordered the short man: "Go, bring his fruit."

The short man bent down and made a wish.

The boy licks his lips and licks his fingers.

At the end of his eyes, there was a red cinnabar flashing away, and the cinnabar on the forehead was brightly lit.

There are sounds in the cellar below, as if there are countless strange snakes floating underneath, and the floating soil on the ground is also up and down. It seems that there will be any monsters coming out at any time.

The short man squatted and inserted it into the soil with a white oak pistol to stabilize his figure. He panicked: " ‘颙’ coming?”

The tall man bites his teeth: "Quick hands! Take the floating jade fruit and let us go!"

The short man stretched out his hand, but he heard a spiritual whistling in the air. A three-inch flying knife with a fire broke through and pinned the short sleeve and flew his body straight. , nailed his whole person to a nearby redwood tree!

The boy couldn't help but squint, and the tightly attached index finger and thumb were immediately separated, and Zhu Guang at the end of the eye and forehead disappeared.

He looked around and looked for the owner of the flying knife.

The short man was nailed and unable to move. He panicked and slammed the flames on his sleeves. The tall man immediately withdrew the rifle and pointed to the void: "Who? Which is the king..."

The word "egg" has not yet been exported. He was also nailed into a sleeve by a three-inch flying knife. The body flew up and slammed into the trunk of another redwood tree. The long gun in his hand fell and fell on the boy. In the mountain stream on the side of the body.

The two men tried their best to break the sleeves from the flying knife, but the spirits were tightly sewn between their sleeves and the trunk. They couldn't even pull the sleeves off.

The tall man was so frightened that he screamed and asked: "Who?"

His tail sounds shaking with difficulty.

After a long while, a swaying snoring came from the tip of the deep jungle: "...I am your conscience. You haven't talked to me for a long time, I am very sad."

The tall man is already out of the normal state and screams: "Who is there to pretend to be a ghost? If you have the ability to get out! Hugh to be a blame!!"

Before the blaming person rolled out, dozens of three-inch flying knives flashing with aura spurred out from the forest, slammed into the trunk, and made a small body stroke with the blade. .

When the two men were fighting in the battle, a white shadow descended from the forest.

The hands are empty, hands are standing, a frosty white coat, wearing a black silk gauze cap, long hair is simply pulled up by a twilight hair band. He tipped his feet and fell in front of the flowing stream.

A hexagonal bell is attached to the wrist of the person, which is the source of the bell ringing.

Just now, the two men who were still angry and confessed to see the appearance of the people were even more timid than before. "... Xu... Xu brother?"

The boy stood curiously in the creek and looked up at the young and handsome young man.

The young man, who was called "Xu Shixiong" by the two, walked to the side of the river without hesitation. He explored his right hand and reversed his palm. He grasped and accepted the blade of the tall and low brothers and then flew back to him. In the hands. The shape of the blade melted and turned into a bamboo fracture fan.

He shook his fan and shook his eyes.

The curious light in the eyes of boys is getting stronger.

The tall and low brothers fell from the tree and fell to the ground, raging and smashing, and the face was as dead.

The short cuffs were scorched in a fire. He hid his hands and hurriedly pleaded: "Xu brother, don't misunderstand, we just saw that the child has floating jade fruit, so I want to control him. ......"

The young man walked over to the boy's side and looked down and saw the floating jade fruit on his ankle with vines.

Xu is a young man who is too beautiful, and the boy is somewhat ashamed of him, hiding his feet and hiding it.

The young man picked a brow when he saw the precious fruit that was casually strung together.

He was very bold and casually touched the boy's soft hair, and patted him and asked the tall and short two people: "I ask you, is this child ‘颙’?”

The boy's lips were pumped, but he resisted the discomfort of being touched, and he did not move.

The tall and short people are afraid to breathe.

The young man patiently asked again: "I ask you, is this ‘颙’?”

The tall man replied with a false voice: "No..."

The young man scorned the dress with a slight scorn, released the boy, walked into the stream, walked to the side of the tall and short, and bent down to ask: "He is not '颙', what do you want him to do? In, it is the things of others. Are you good, pointing to the neck with a gun? I ask you, is this really 'to' or to grab?"

The short man is crying out: "Yes, it is grabbing..."

The young man's face was condensed, and the fan was slammed together. He used the fan handle to photograph one of the two disciples' heads. He scolded: "Grab, grab. The things that grab people's homes are really promising. Is Zhou Beinan teaching you this way?" ”

The author has something to say: the brother's diary: somewhere in a certain month of a certain day, a small light and light that is harmless to humans and animals, happy.

Dim light diary: Somewhere in a certain month of the year, the future wife sent the door to the door, happy.