MTL - The Villain Just Wants To Make Money-Chapter 150 Star War Prisoner Marshal (3)

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The author has something to say: complete


I'm sorry that I wrote it all night, one is because the number of words in this chapter is relatively long, and the other is because my cat didn't come back overnight. I couldn't find it after searching for a long time. I was very flustered. I don't feel very well now. If you haven't come back, you have to look for it again. I have filled up more than 4,000 words here. Maybe it will be too late to update on the 21st. It depends on whether I have posted the leave application or not.

Feel sorry

"In order to prevent sneak attacks, the transition shielding system is turned on at the junction of the two empires. Although space jumpers are often set up near large planets to meet the needs of daily transportation, it is impossible for large armies to teleport. thing."

The entire interstellar map on the screen was visualized. Xie Gu stood in front of the screen and tapped his finger in the air. Immediately, a red line cut the entire map into two halves.

He pointed to the map that was divided into two pieces, and many of the otherwise bright patterns of galaxies were dimmed.

"These are all extremely prosperous planets, not to mention large-scale troops. Even if the transportation of laser guns exceeds the limit, they will be found by the eighteenth generation of ancestors."

Molly sat on the main seat, her face was obviously sleepy, but she still listened carefully.

On the two sides of the long table, there were different men and women, different from the nobles who were waiting in the hall before. These people all looked firm, many of them were still wearing military uniforms, and of course there were people wearing noble clothes. But their eyes are extremely sharp, and at a glance, they know that they are not ordinary people.

One of the strong men said a little puzzled: "Master Marshal, what are you telling us about this? You want us to go behind the enemy and attack?"

Another woman with a cold face sneered: "Or is the Marshal trying to persuade us not to do useless work against the Galaxy Empire?"

Her eyes were angry and her expression was very vigilant. She obviously knew that Xie Gu had agreed to surrender.

The strong man said angrily: "I don't believe that the marshal is such a person! Fan Qiao, don't talk nonsense here!"

Just a day ago, Molly issued a summoning order to these people—most of these men and women were frontline sergeants, and a small number were ministers or nobles of the Vast Sea Empire, who had followed Molly to the frontline before, and a few were Appearing here through mental projection, these are generals stationed on other battlefields, and they have been told not to leak secrets.

After everyone gathered, Xie Gu and Molly cut off all the signals from the outside world to prevent the possibility of monitoring.

Then Xie Gu said: "The Vast Sea Empire is about to surrender to the Galaxy Empire."

As soon as he said this, all the people present exploded, and many of them were going to fight with Xie Gu, and some angry and puzzled red eyes questioned Molly, if the external signal was not cut off in advance, causing those The generals who came here through projection technology could not leave on their own.

However, some calmly quickly saw the clue - if you really want to surrender, why would you call them here and quietly kill those who are fiercely opposed to yourself?

Xie Gu didn't roar loudly or anything, just pushed the head of one of the most troubled generals into the conference table when he was the most emotional - fortunately now that medical technology is developed, conference tables are also special, otherwise this is the case. It's a real murder scene.

After Xie Gu took out the therapeutic apparatus and threw the person in, he turned around and asked the others indifferently, "Have you calmed down?" and saw the big brother with a dent in his head and Xie Gu, who were wearing military uniforms that symbolized the rank of a marshal. Everyone was shocked, and then reluctantly sat down again.

Then Xie Gu showed this star map, and then explained it calmly.

However, it is obvious that most people are still unconvinced by Xie Gu and Molly who proposed to "surrender", and Fan Qiao is just one of the most unbearable.

Hearing Fan Qiao's questioning, Xie Gu narrowed his brows, and then looked at Fan Qiao calmly: "General Fan, I remember that you are the Third Army of the Vast Sea Empire, and you have always been in charge of the army. You can't be more clear about the situation on the battlefield. Since you joined the army, has the number of casualties and battle losses increased or decreased each year? Are the soldiers’ training slack? How is the morale? And what about the Galaxy Empire that we are fighting against?”

Fan Qiao's face showed the same struggling look that Molly had at that time.

Xie Gu's expressionless face also had a sneering look: "Then if we go on like this, are we more likely to be wiped out by the Galaxy Empire, or are we wiped out by the Galaxy Empire?"

Fan Qiao gritted her teeth and said, "But then you can't just surrender like that!"

"Squatting down is just to get a better take off," Xie Gu said, "I never said we would admit defeat."

He sighed, and his face gradually became firm: "You are all loyal and patriotic Hanhai people, and that's why Your Majesty called everyone here, because you are trustworthy.

"Surrendering Xinghe is just an expedient measure. After so many years, even if the interior of the vast sea is more rotten, the skinny camel is bigger than a horse. We are almost the same as the territory of the Galaxy Empire. It is impossible for them to swallow it in one bite. This is our chance to counterattack and annex the Galaxy Empire.

"And if we simply declare our surrender directly to the whole galaxy, there will definitely be many people and soldiers mutiny, but we are all from Vast Sea. Isn't this kind of cannibalism just in line with the intention of the Galaxy Empire?"

Xie Gu pointed to the star map again: "Instead of wasting our internal waste, it's better to target the Galaxy Empire. This is what we should do."

Fan Qiao finally calmed down when she saw the justice on Xie Gu's face: "What does this have to do with what the Marshal said before."

Xie Gu said: "Ed of the Galaxy Empire is a good slut, nothing to be afraid of, but Lian Rong, the commander-in-chief of their army, can't be fooled, he will not easily believe us, and he will not let us be in his eyelids. We will develop military strength below, and our plan does not allow him to stay with Ed, so at this time, some people must make sacrifices.

"One month later, we will start negotiations with the Galaxy Empire again, and then the Vast Ocean Empire will become a vassal to the Galaxy Empire. In order to attract Lian Rong's attention, and for our plan, someone must lead the army to falsely defect and cause riots in the interstellar range. Deep into the empire like a sharp knife, but because these people are facing Lian Rong's pursuit, as long as they are caught, they will die."

He took a deep breath and seemed uncomfortable: "Although you may not believe me, this plan still requires your life to fill, but this is the plan I can think of with the least sacrifice."

His right hand hit the position of his heart: "The waves of the vast sea will never subside."

This is the national motto of the Hanhai Empire, and every Hanhai person remembers it, and it is more suitable to use it as a closing sentence here.

Fan Qiao was silent for a while, then stood up and lightly beat his left chest with his right hand: "The waves of the vast sea will never subside."

Everyone present stood up and beat the heart.

Xie Gu looked at the others and said, "If anyone has concerns, they can raise it now, I won't kill you, but for confidentiality, this group of people can only live in a fixed place until our If the plan succeeds, the Vast Sea Empire will be restored, or if it fails, Your Majesty and I will die."

The strong man immediately said angrily: "Master Marshal, what do you and His Majesty think of us? We will always be from Hanhai!"

Fan Qiao also nodded: "I am a soldier, it is my honor to sacrifice for the empire, you just need to say what to do."

Xie Gu mentioned before that there is a transition barrier at the junction of the Vast Ocean Empire and the Galaxy Empire. It is impossible to achieve a space transition here, and even if you make a space jump from other places to the Galaxy Empire, it will be detected, so Obviously the conventional method will not work.

Xie Gu said: "Teleportation is easy to handle. The two empires have long battle lines, but not all junctions have troops stationed and jump barriers. At that time, you can pass or jump directly from there. As for the location... "

The star map on the screen went dark in many places, but there were still large, connected open areas that were lit.

He pointed to the lighted places: "These can be chosen at will. All teams must act separately to avoid being caught in one sweep."

An old man asked in a hoarse voice: "These are all very remote areas, and there are few barren star fields inhabited by humans. What's the use of us here?"

Xie Gu asked back: "Why is it useless? It's not that there are no humans in the desolate star field, and their concept of empire is even more indifferent. As long as we can bring enough benefits, they will help us, and there are only such remote areas, The Galaxy Empire will not notice where we are, it is the best camp."

"Recently, I'm studying the culture of the ancient earth," Xie Gu hooked his lips, "The flower growers used to have a tactic called encircling the city from the countryside. The countryside is similar to these barren star fields. It is remote and economically backward, but Compared with the cities, that is, those prosperous star regions, the enemy's ruling power is weaker, and as long as it is managed properly, it may not be impossible to win."

He paused, his eyes slowly glanced at everyone: "My Majesty and I will also try our best to trap the high-level officials of the Galaxy Empire to create more favorable conditions for you. After that, I will exchange new communication marks with you and keep in touch at any time. "

In Universal Era 3461, the thousands-year-old history of the Hanhai Empire and the Galaxy Empire came to an end.

On the main battlefield where the two countries were at war, the leaders of the two empires officially met. In addition to the two imperial emperors Molly and Ed, the military leaders Xie Gu and Lianrong were also here, as well as several accompanying ministers. The specifications are extremely formal. After the private talks during the day, there will be a formal dinner in the evening. At that time, the entire interstellar can watch the broadcast, witnessing the two empires shaking hands and making peace... No, it is the scene of the Hanhai Empire bowing its head.

Yes, now all the stars know that the Vast Ocean Empire has taken the initiative to propose a peace to the Galaxy Empire. Although there is no very accurate and authoritative news that the Vast Ocean Empire will be dissolved automatically, it has been passed on to this point. The Vast Ocean Empire is obviously weak. On the one hand, according to the estimates of politicians, politicians, nobles and commoners from all sides, the most likely outcome is that the Vast Sea Empire will be downgraded and become a vassal of the Galaxy Empire.

In fact, from the meeting between the two sides starting at nine in the morning, the two empires were indeed wrangling over this matter.

"We didn't say that at the beginning!" A white-bearded minister of the Galaxy Empire slapped the table and roared.

Probably because the development of science and technology has replaced a lot of things for a long time, and there was a long period of human civilization desolation before, which led to the division of inheritance, Xie Gu felt that these ministers in this world lacked a lot in eloquence. The table stared and turned over and over for a few words, and there was nothing new. It was really not very good at fighting.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Then what did we say at the beginning?"

The minister said angrily, "You said you would persuade the Vast Sea Empire to surrender and become a minister!"

Xie Gu said: "I persuaded, otherwise what do you think we are talking about now?"

"But the terms we are talking about are too biased towards your Vast Sea!" The minister was furious, "Even now, the governance of the Vast Sea Empire still belongs to you? You are not allowed to do anything with your royal family and nobles? transfer?"

Does it look like a defeated country? !

Xiegu knuckles tapped the table in a hurry, and his eyes became cold: "What? Do you think you can't accept it?"

The minister nodded affirmatively: "Of course!"

Xie Gu smiled and withdrew the hand on the table: "If this is the case, you can continue to fight."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out the hand that was still recovering, and then directly pressed the head of the white-bearded minister on the table: "Anyway, we are willing to surrender, and I am not violating the treaty, but this If we go to war again, Han Hai will not hold back any more, and it will definitely exhaust all resources and manpower until one side destroys the country."

Xie Gu's hand moved down slightly, changed to strangle Whitebeard's neck, and then pulled the person closer - similar to the gesture of wiping the table with a rag, and then pressed close to Whitebeard's ear, his tone was gentle, but his eyes kept steady. Locked Ed who was sitting across from him.

"But in this case, your Excellency is afraid that you will have to be the first person to sacrifice for the Galaxy Empire."

He was clearly threatening the Whitebeard, but Ed had a chill all over his body, and even began to regret why he had to go to the front line in person. The emperor probably died faster than anyone else.

Lianrong stepped forward to block Eddie, and asked Xie Gu in a cold voice: "Marshal Xie Gu, what do you mean? Is my Galaxy Empire afraid of you?"

Xie Gu loosened the white beard, turned to lean back, but stopped in front of Molly without a trace, with a bright smile on his face: "Just kidding, what is Commander Lianrong afraid of?"

Lianrong looked at Xie Gu with sharp eyes, but did not answer him.

"Commander-in-chief doesn't believe me?" Xie Gu's tone was slightly hurt, "I admire Commander-in-Chief Lianrong very much."

Lian Rong only regarded Xie Gu as bragging and not drafting: "Marshal really knows how to joke."

Xie Gu said with a smile: "I really appreciate the commander-in-chief."

As if afraid that Lian Rong would not believe it, he emphasized: "Really, I like to eat lotus paste stuffed dessert the most."

Lian Rong's face darkened.

He looked around, and sure enough, everyone present was laughing, even Ed and Molly! Xie Gu didn't hold back, because he smiled very directly.

"Anyway, these terms are nothing to the Galaxy Empire, right?" Xie Gu returned to the business after laughing, "I hope His Majesty Ed and the Commander-in-Chief can consider it clearly, after all, everyone should not be willing to break out any unpleasant things. right?"

He took out a handkerchief out of nowhere and started wiping the table vigorously.

Whitebeard, who had just escaped from the claws, quickly moved his **** and seat to the outside.

"I don't know what His Majesty Eddard thinks?" Xie Gu looked at Eddard again.

Eddie suddenly received Xie Gu's words, and he didn't think about it for a while.

The Vast Sea Empire has put forward a lot of rules and regulations. Generally speaking, the Vast Sea Empire can publicly declare its surrender and surrender, but at present, the territory of the Vast Sea Empire is still under the governance of Vast Sea's royal family. Nobles and ministers' award powers, etc.

In addition, the Vast Ocean Empire can now accept the supervision of the Galaxy Empire, but the Galaxy Empire cannot kill or imprison the current Vast Ocean Empire high-level, unless the other party has violated the law.

It’s too much, everyone is willing to be a minister, but if it’s not too much, this clause almost turns the high-level officials of Hanhai into the uncles who come to Xinghe to eat, drink and gamble. If there is frequent communication, the influence has to be extended to the Galaxy Empire. Eddie was obviously still thinking, but Xie Gu urged softly: "How is Your Majesty Eddie thinking?"

He didn't stop wiping the table, and the sound of rubbing sounded like a countdown to the fall of the sword of Damocles on his head, forcing Eddard to be anxious. : "The emperor agreed!"


As if something fell suddenly.

Of course, Lian Rong could see what kind of scheming Xie Gu was playing - Xie Gu kept urging, and kept repeating the action of rubbing the head of the white-bearded minister just now, wasn't he implying that Ed would agree? After all, this clause does not seem to be a problem on the surface, but once agreed, there are too many loopholes that can be drilled.

He almost hated the iron and looked back at Ed. He was about to open his mouth to save one or two, but Xie Gu first touched his palm and laughed: "His Majesty Ed has the demeanor of an emperor! I thought you would listen to one or two. Listen to what Commander Lianrong has to say before deciding!"

Eddie laughed when he was thanked, and he didn't care what Lianrong had to say. After all, he was the emperor!

Xie Gu was about to hand over the drafted contract. Molly had signed her name and put her handprint on it before. Now it was handed over to Ed, who also made it one by one without any ambiguity. The diplomats of the two countries at the scene immediately posted the contract on the star network, and people all over the star can view the contract online.

This is the contract between the empire and the empire. It is the highest-level agreement in the entire interstellar space. It is more formal and more effective than the one signed by the bones. After all, if Xie Gu violated the contract, he would suffer a loss of reputation, and even more serious would mean losing his life.

But if the contract between the empires is violated, the empire will face the collapse of interstellar credibility, and the entire national system will be paralyzed and collapsed because of this. Since the era, no country has dared to openly tear up such a contract.

And this is what Xie Gu wants.

Because the contract was immediately announced on the Star Network, he didn't even have to send a signal, the generals who had already led the "defection troops" and were ready would receive the news, and the whole operation had already begun.


There was a loud explosion outside.

The people who were sitting in the hall of the starship that was parked on the mid-boundary line immediately stood up - most of them were really startled, but Xie Gu and Molly were just pretending.

The sound of the explosion outside was not small, but it could not reach this starship with a tight protective layer. I just stood up and panicked because I didn't know what happened. After all, this place is still at the junction of the two countries. It is normal for a battle to break out. But now they are negotiating peace!

Although Molly was aware of the situation, she was also a little panicked—this is a major event that affects the survival of the entire country. Although she is the queen, she is only a young adult. It is indeed a bit beyond her to take risks with Xie Gu to do this. At this moment, he naturally grabbed the hem of Xie Gu's clothes and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Xie Gu raised his eyebrows, knowing that Molly didn't have such good acting skills, and now this little bird Yiren's appearance is probably her true character, but this is indeed the effect he wants.

So he turned around and held Molly's hand with great tenderness, and successfully performed a "I'm strong even though I don't know anything" marshal: "It doesn't matter, I will protect you."

Ed looked at the two of them and felt his temples throbbing. He knew that Xie Gu and Molly were getting engaged, but when he looked at Lianrong, whose first reaction was to ask the bodyguard, Ed Can't help but feel dissatisfied: shouldn't the first reaction of ministers, especially the top commander of the military, be to protect the king?

At this point, Lianrong doesn't have so many twists and turns. He has been speechless due to Ed's behavior today. When something happened, his first reaction was to understand the situation instead of protecting Ed, saying something outrageous. , he wished Eddard died sooner so he could be famous for accomplishing his goals.

However, after hearing the report from the guards a moment later, Lianrong immediately abandoned his thoughts of being a lord murderer, and turned to look at Xie Gu coldly.

The guard said that there was an army mutiny in the Vast Sea Empire. They first killed a lot of comrades inside, and then took advantage of the chaos to break into the army of the Galaxy Empire, blew up a arsenal of the Galaxy Empire, and then drove the starship away.

Drive the starship and run.