MTL - The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven-v3 Chapter 56 small town trivia

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【War court and knee pillow, Austria's destiny】【】

Bavaria, near the Alps.

Mrs. Sophie took Maria to Posenhofen, a castle away from the hustle and bustle. But it's more like a farm than a castle.

Madame Sophie's younger sister, Ludovica, lived here, and at first she hated this poor country and her incompetent brother-in-law.

Of course, Mrs. Sophie did not come here to find a future wife for Franz. After all, in her eyes, the girls born to Ludovica were as stupid as her, and they were of no help to Franz. The most important thing was their identities. Too low, not equal to Franz at all.

But Lady Sophie comes more often than in history, mostly because Franz does a lot of what she's supposed to do, and does it better.

Mrs. Sophie has nothing to do, so naturally she only has two ways to show off her baby and visit relatives. Although Franz also found some things for her, such as makeup and fashion design, it was still not enough to kill her time and energy.

Lady Sophie preferred her daughter Maria to her four sons.

So poor Maria had to fight with Mrs. Sophie all day long.

Of course, little Maria really likes to be with girls of the same age. Although Nana (Princess Helen) is only one year older than her, she always takes care of her like a sister.

As for Sissy, although she is two years younger than her, she is even naughtier than her.

This was the first time Maria knew what it meant to be naughty, which, after all, was her prerogative at Schönbrunn Palace.

But Maria still likes her cousin very much, and she will share with the two sisters whatever good things she has.

Such as toothpaste, lollipops, small skirts, small toys, jewelry... Among them, Franz asked her to bring the toothpaste. After all, he didn't want to see Princess Sissi with two rows of small yellow teeth like in history.

In fact, as early as the eighteenth century, the British industrialized the production of tooth powder, but the response from the market was not good. People still don't like this cumbersome and inconvenient dental care product.

In history, the French invented the metal hose in 1840, but it was not until 1893 that the Austrians put toothpaste into the hose to make the first toothpaste in the modern sense.

In this life, Franz tinkered with the metal hose in 1837 in order to improve the steam turbine.

The use of metal hoses to make modern toothpaste is just a by-product, but it was only then that things like toothpaste really began to come into the public eye, and gradually transformed into daily necessities.

From the invention of the metal hose, to the invention of toothpaste with chalk as the abrasive, soap as the cleaning agent, and glycerin as the humectant, and finally put it into the metal hose. Franz merely advanced the process by fifty years.

Ludovica still admires his sister very much. After all, although she is the king's daughter, she married a collateral clan.

Mrs. Sophie married the Habsburg family, the second in line heir to the throne of the Austrian Empire, and her son may even inherit that ancient and huge empire in the future.

Although there were rumors in the early years that Archduke Franz Karl was an idiot, over the years, the Grand Duke has not only won the smartest doctor in Vienna in the Park Debate, but also proposed many major events that changed the destiny of the country. People liked to call him "The Silent Franz Karl."

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【War court and knee pillow, Austria's destiny】【】

(In this era, people tend to think that doctors are the smartest people, because it was very difficult to get a doctor's license at that time, and it was a highly respected job, although most of them could only bloodletting and feeding people to drink opium...)

Although Ludovica's own husband has the title of Duke of the Commoners, this is not a compliment, but an irony. As a duke without any position in the court, he doesn't abide by the rules and etiquette, and hangs out with commoners all day long, which is simply a disgrace to the family.

The scenery of lakes and mountains on the shore of Lake Starnberg is indeed beautiful, but Ludovica prefers to live in the city in a beautiful way.

Many people have commented that Ludovica is a peasant woman without any ambitions, but this is not the case. It can be seen that she is very dissatisfied with the status quo just because she did not hand over her children to servants according to the customs of nobles in this era, but educated herself.

But meeting a husband like Duke Maxi is enough to make any housewife despair. Duke Maxi, the father of Nai Nai and Princess Sissi, is an all-around athlete who climbs mountains, rides horses, fishes, plays music, and can recite a few limericks.

But Duke Maxi is not a good nobleman. His accounts are in a mess. He only cares about pleasure and criticism every day without taking any responsibility. He has children with many lovers and often brings them home.

This made the relationship between Ludovica and her husband very bad, and of course no woman would accept such an embarrassing situation.

So Ludovica pinned her hopes on the next generation, and she hoped that her daughters could marry into good families.

Nana is okay, Sissi is too naughty, I am afraid it will be difficult to marry into a good family, Mary (born in 1841) is too young...

Of course, Ludovica is actually very self-aware. She doesn't think her daughters have any hope of marrying her sister Sophie's eldest son, but fortunately her sister has many sons, Maximilian, Ludwig, and Victor Jr. They are the goals of my daughters.

Although Mrs. Sophie understands her poor sister's intentions, her children are the family's political assets, and their marriage must be a political transaction.

But perhaps out of sympathy for her sister's misfortune, she still promised Ludvika that one of her sons would marry their Mrs. Sophie would give Ludvika The Dovica family brought some food and clothing items, not just Maria's toys, of course, but also some skirts and clothes designed by the former.

As well as the underwear and cosmetics, perfumes and other things designed by Franz, these things make Ludovica unable to put it down.

Because of being married for so many years, her husband has never bought her a dress.

It's just that she can't accept that Franz can design underwear and cosmetics. It is hard for Ludovica to imagine that a boy is interested in such things, but after thinking about the history of his family and the Habsburg family, it seems that there is nothing impossible...

On the other hand, a major event happened on the European continent. The Netherlands announced that it would join the German Customs Union.

Although this incident had long been expected by various forces, it still caused an uproar when the news came out.

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【War court and knee pillow, Austria's destiny】【】

After all, this means that the German Customs Union will become the largest economic entity after the United Kingdom and France, and its growth rate is far faster than that of Britain and France.

This matter was strongly opposed by Britain and France, but King William II of the Netherlands was very firm this time, and the others joined only the German Customs Union, not the German Confederation.

So the French made concessions, and the British, who saw that the situation was not good, chose to make concessions because they did not want to be isolated anymore. What is unexpected is that the biggest obstacle for the Netherlands to join the German Customs Union is actually Prussia.