MTL - The War of Resistance-Chapter 6 1st loot

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"Third brother", Li Fushun, who was leading the gun, heard a familiar voice calling himself, it was undoubtedly Shang Zhen.

When he turned around, he saw that Shang Zhen was already holding a rifle.

"Huh?" Li Fushun asked in a daze, "Where did you get this gun?"

"I picked it up on the ground when I ran out of the house." Shang Zhen replied.

It turned out that Shang Zhen was holding a Japanese Type 38 rifle, that is, a 38 large cover.

"What's the use of this gun? Have you got the bullets?" Li Fushun asked as a veteran.

"Huh?" Shang Zhen was stunned.

This is only the second time he has touched a rifle.

Shang Zhen was a soldier just the day before yesterday, and he really shot him at that time.

It's just that he is a recruit, and no one can give him bullets if he can't shoot.

It's just that before he figured out how to use the gun, his rifle was confiscated and put into storage!

Because he was not familiar with it, Shang Zhen never thought of touching the bullet box from the fallen Japanese soldier.

What's more, it was impossible for him to touch the bullet box from the Japanese army.

Not to mention that the bullet box was strung on the belt of the Japanese army, the Japanese soldiers blocking their house were just knocked down by them with bricks, and they did not lose their combat effectiveness.

"I just think their guns are longer, and they can stab each other long enough." Shang Zhen argued in a low voice.

Shang Zhen's defense made Li Fushun look at him in surprise, as if he didn't know his god-brother.

Shang Zhen at this time has given him a new feeling.

Previously, a platoon of them was blocked in the house by Japanese soldiers, and they didn't have any weapons to fight.

If the Japanese soldiers rushed into the house, they would face the bayonets with their bare hands, and they would surely suffer heavy casualties.

But how could Shang Zhen think of taking the kang up and hitting the Japanese soldiers with bricks?

The situation was critical at that time, so Li Fushun naturally had no time to praise Shang Zhen.

But this time?

Li Fushun is a veteran, he has seen Japanese soldiers, of course he knows that the 38th cover of the Japanese army is about ten centimeters longer than the rifles used by the Northeast Army after the bayonet is installed.

But Shang Zhen must have seen Japanese soldiers for the first time. How could he tell at a glance that the Japanese soldiers' rifles were longer than our Chinese's?

"It's useless if you don't have bullets, it's just a fire stick!" Hou Wangshan, who had also finished receiving his weapon, squeezed over and said.

"Let's just throw it here. If it can be used as a trophy in normal times, it's a lost battle now. What's the use of just having a gun from a Japanese soldier?" Li Fushun finally said.

"Oh", Shang Zhen responded.

He looked at the Japanese gun he picked up with regret.

Poor Shang Zhen doesn't know even now that even if he picked up the 38th cover of the Japanese army, it can't be called picking up, but in military terms it is called "capture"!

How can it not be used without bullets?

In his heart, Shang Zhen did not agree with what Li Fushun and Hou Wangshan said.

He vaguely felt that the rifles of the Japanese soldiers were longer than the rifles of the Chinese, so when the two sides stabbed each other with guns, the long guns would of course take advantage of it!

Of course, even now Shang Zhen doesn't know that the two sides stabbing each other with guns is called bayonet fighting or hand-to-hand combat.

He looked at this newly picked up rifle with regret.

The rifle of the Japanese army is very new, even under the dim light of the armory now, the bayonet of the rifle still glows faintly.

The bayonet was straight, in the shape of a knife, and the blood groove on it looked black.

Shang Zhen instinctively felt that the steel mouth of this bayonet should be very good.

But just when he was about to put the gun down, his heart suddenly moved, and his hand groped for the muzzle of the gun.

After a while, when he touched a small button on the gun head, he found that the bayonet moved.

Shang Zhen pressed the button with one hand and pulled out the bayonet with the other. Miraculously, he removed the bayonet!

Shang Zhen's brain is not stupid. If he was stupid, how could he think of breaking down bricks when the Japanese army blocked the door?

In this respect he owed his brains to his father's inheritance, for his father was a carpenter.

Carpentry is a craft.

In ancient times, traditional Chinese carpenters did not even have an iron nail, but they were able to combine furniture together, and it was durable. How could it be possible without ingenuity?

Shang Zhen directly threw the rifle on the ground, took his newly assigned rifle in one hand, and ran out with the bayonet in the other. While running, he also looked at the bayonet in his hand.

It is said to be a bayonet, but in Shang Zhen's eyes, it is no different from ordinary knives, and it also has a handle.

There is a circular collar on the top of the handle, and a forward-curved hook on the bottom of the handle, like the guard of a Chinese knife.

Although he just fumbled to remove the bayonet from the gun just now, he also figured out how the bayonet was attached to the gun.

The upper collar is put on the muzzle of the rifle, and there is a groove on the back of the knife handle that is stuck on the convex groove on the base of the rifle bayonet, and the button he fumbled to press is the small mechanism for how to remove the bayonet.

Although Shang Zhen didn't learn half of the skills of his father, who had been a carpenter all his life, it didn't mean he wasn't interested in knives.

A carpenter can live without nails, but he absolutely cannot live without iron tools such as axes, planes, hammers, and knives.

Jin Kemu!

It's just a pity that Shang Zhen threw away his first loot during his lifetime of fighting devils, leaving only a bayonet.

But when the company commander Hu Biao assembled his team and was lecturing, others listened carefully, but Shang Zhen was already thinking.

At this time, Shang Zhen was thinking about a very serious problem, that is, he suddenly found that he was not fainted!

He retrieved all the Japanese rifles, and held the Chinese rifles in his hands.

Although he didn't have that harmonious feeling of holding a rifle in his hand, he didn't feel fear either, instead he felt a sense of security.

How could this feeling be dizzy? It seems that the direction I was thinking before falling asleep tonight was wrong, so what is it that I am afraid of?

While Shang Zhen was thinking, UU reading www.uukanshu. com He didn't notice their battalion commander Zhang Lianjie appeared.

Zhang Lianjie didn't go to spy on the enemy because of the two gunshots, he just left with an excuse to give Hu Biao a chance to break open the warehouse lock.

Because he was the battalion commander, he couldn't do whatever he wanted. He had to obey the orders from above. He didn't dare to convey the orders directly to the soldiers in the original words. He just ordered the guns to be put in the armory.

The original words of the order he received were as follows: "Don't resist, don't move, put the gun in the warehouse, stand up to die, everyone will be benevolent, and sacrifice for the country!"

If he had learned the original words, the soldiers below would have to "coax" them to blow up the temple!

Grandma, what kind of order are these?

Zhang Lianjie is in his forties this year, and he has been in the army for more than 20 years, but this is the first time he has received such an order - wait for death and not let him resist!

He is the battalion commander, he has to consider the intentions above, but how do you ask him to convince the soldiers below?

So his Xiao Jiujiu got the gun first, and at this time he also received the order to break through, the emotional brigade commander didn't want to wait here to die! Zhang Lianjie had such a realization.

"Let's go, go to Dongshanzuizi!" Zhang Lianjie gave the order to break through with a wave of his hand.

Of course, Fengtian not only has troops stationed in the Beidaying Camp, but Dongshanzuizi is where the Beidaying Camp is located.

Only then did Shang Zhen get out of his thoughts, he held his bayonet in one hand and his unused rifle in the other, and began to trot mechanically with the team.

The first trophy that poor Shang Zhen got in his life was thrown away by him, and now there is only this half-loot, a Japanese-made 30-style bayonet.