MTL - The White-Haired Imperial Concubine-Chapter 20 Imperial palace

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020 Admission to the Palace (This chapter is free)

Two days later, Wuxiaomen, the second largest assassination organization in the rivers and lakes, was wiped out. All the people disappeared from the rivers and lakes. Zongzheng Wuyou never used any court power. No one knows how he did it. Regarding the assassination case, because the king did not pursue it, he finally left it behind.

Manzhe stayed at Li Wangfu like this for ten days. For the most part, Zongzheng's worry-free looks cold, as if the coldness had already penetrated the bone marrow, and occasionally approached her, but did not act excessively. Zongzheng is no longer tempted everywhere, and getting along is not as difficult as she imagined.

In the garden where she lives, he named it Manxiang Pavilion. Every day he will play a game with her and listen to her about the world he is not familiar with. He will be very quiet. Even when it comes to planes and bombs, he There is no wave, and few questions are raised.

On the morning of the day, the wind and the sun were shining, and the two of them faced each other in the courtyard. The best West Lake Longjing, full of fragrance. She took a sip of tea and suddenly thought of something, and asked: "No worries, you were in the tea garden that day ... what did you order if you ordered all the fruit tea?"

Zong Zheng had no worries for a moment, then thought about it, and thought: "You know there is a kind of tea, no, it should be ... a drink. It tastes bitter, but it's a bit sweet ... dark in color ... "

Bitter and sweet, dark? "coffee?"

"Coffee ... Brown ...?" Zongzheng repeated without worry, his voice was very light and very slow, as if trying to remember something. After a long time, he nodded and said, "It seems ... is called coffee! My mother, who likes to drink before she got sick. At that time, I ... I was four years old and didn't understand why she liked the taste "Mother said: Suffering is sweet, like life. Even though my heart is bitter, there is still a bit of sweetness. And he is the sweetness of his mother's life. But now, he just feels life is bitter and endless.

Zong Zheng's worry-free tone added a touch of imperceptible sadness, and he rarely mentioned his mother. Manchan looked at his eyes immersed in memories, and behind the cold was the pain of Si Yi, which made people distressed. Hearing that Zongzheng's worry-free mother Yun Guifei was the first beauty in the kingdom of heaven. She died 13 years ago. She favored the harem for several years. Later, due to civil disturbances in the imperial court, the emperor was in order to balance the situation. Depression is a disease. Before the emperor invited the world's famous doctors three years later, his condition had just improved, but he suddenly died.

This man, who seems to care nothing, actually had rich feelings, right? That's why he likes to listen to her talk about the twenty-first century as a comfort to him. He hopes that his mother can leave this world and return to another world and live a good life. How much should he love his mother? !! What kind of scars are hidden in his heart will make him so cold.

"Seven brother!" The Nine Prince shook his hand fan, strode toward them, and found a seat. Seeing Zongzheng's worry-free complexion, he raised his eyebrows and laughed, "Why ?! Why did I stop talking when I came? Li Yue, what were you just talking about, wouldn't you be saying bad things about me?" "

The corners of his lips were slightly raised and he smiled softly. After living in the palace, it is common and familiar, and simple gifts are avoided. Zong Zheng drank tea without worry, only when he didn't hear it.

The ninth prince asked for nothing and was not upset. Slowly poured a glass of water for himself, Fang said: "Today is the day of the triumph of the Imperial Army, and it can be lively outside! I heard that the Father Emperor is going to seal the Fu as a 'General of the Great Patriotic Army'. Dear lords, Qiqi, it looks like you're going to the palace again! "

Leaning on his chair, Zongzheng looked at him lazily and said, "He is sealed up, what can I do?"

The ninth prince said: "Of course it does matter. At that time, the 200,000 army was trapped, and it was almost annihilated. If it was not your 7th brother's trick, he would have a chance to make a contribution!"

Zongzheng sneered without worries, faintly taunted: "Even without me, he can break the enemy and defeat Beiyi Kingdom, defeat Huanglong, and return triumphantly."

The ninth prince froze and asked, "No, right? If it was something he could do himself, why would he ask the court for help?"

Zongzheng sipped a cup of tea without worry, and looked coldly, "If I didn't share half of his credit, do you think ... that he would return after victory and be able to take over the power of the three armed forces?"

Manyu just didn't listen, and secretly said in his heart: If this is the case, the rumored general is regarded as courageous and motivated. He can't help but understand tactics, but also knows power. In this way, both the defeat of Beiyi Kingdom and the imperial suspicion of the emperor can be defeated. If the Emperor has a little ambition, he will grant him the power of the Israeli army. This person is not easy! Zongzheng has no distance from it, but can see everything so thoroughly according to the change of form. If these two people become hostile one day, I don't know who wins?

The ninth prince is also a person who understands at a glance. He frowned and said, "The original Fu Fu's mind is so deep! Brother Qi, you have to think of a way. It is not a good thing that this military power is in his hands. In case he has a different heart ... "

Zong Zheng said in a worry-free voice, "Someone will worry about these things!"

The ninth prince saw him indifferent and stopped with interest. Hold the tea cup to drink, before handing it to the lips, inadvertently fell to the hand holding the cup, slender fingers, white as jade, warm yellow light reflects the pale pink nails, looks radiant, think Hold that hand in your palm and care for it. As soon as his eyes lighted up, he didn't think much about it. He took her hand, put it together to appreciate it, and exclaimed, "I only discovered today that Li Yue's hands are so beautiful!"

It didn't feel like anything. After all, in the past, shaking hands was a normal etiquette. Zong Zheng's eyes sank without worry, as the nine princes kept getting closer, a face was almost stuck to the woman's hand, and she had no intention of breaking away. He looked up at the sky, and suddenly felt that the weather was a little stuffy today, making his heart panic for no reason. After pouring a cup of tea and drinking it in one sip, the herbal tea really has a bitter taste than the freshly brewed tea. With a frown on his sword, he lowered the cup in his hand, and he felt a little heavy without realizing it. He froze slightly and looked up at him strangely.

The Nine Prince didn't seem to hear it, still researching her hands, as if thinking about something, and suddenly said, "Ah ?! It seems like a while ago, I also saw a woman with a beautiful hand! Who is it ... ... I think about it ... "

Manxian was shocked. Just over two months ago, he had praised her hand from the gate of Wangfu!

Withdrawing his hand without a trace, the nine emperor was still trying to remember, at this time, a loud cry came from the door: "The imperial decree arrives-from the king!"

As soon as the 9th Prince heard this, he immediately forgot what he was thinking about, and then smiled back: "Seven brother, let me say, look ... here!"

Zong Zheng glanced coldly at the door without a worry, his expression blank. When Chen Gong came in, he brazenly declared and did not wait for Wang to kneel. He knew that he could not wait even if he did.

The imperative is nothing more than the fact that Zongzheng Wuyou offered to retreat from the enemy. Zong Zheng sneered anxiously and said to Chen Gong: "When you talk back, say that it is what the king said, don't call me into the palace afterwards, it is my greatest reward!"

Chen Gonggong heard a "thump" kneeling, and lowered his head tightly, his voice revealing a sense of oldness, saying: "Old slaves dare not! Your majesty has a purpose, wait for the old slave to declare his will, and need to kneel in the palace The prince entered the palace. I also hope that the lord will read the old slaves who have been dedicated to serving the concubine and the prince for many years, and understand the old bone of the lord, so don't let your lord breathe, enter the palace earlier! " Once one of the most trusted people around Yun Guifei, she was transferred to the Emperor Lin after her death.

He's here again! Last time was Lao Jiu, and this time it was Father-in-law Chen. Who will be next time? Zong Zheng worries his eyebrows, his eyes are cold, his tea cup is clenched tightly, and he is forced to hear only a bang, the cup is crushed, and the celadon pieces are deeply pierced into the palm and between his fingers, tingling Into the heart, he was already numb and unconscious. With a wave of his hand, he threw the broken porcelain cup out fiercely. Blue and white porcelain pieces hit the white floor tiles and shattered into thinner pieces, with red bloodshot, shocking.

"Qi brother, what are you doing?" The ninth prince was frightened, and quickly swept past. He wanted to look at the injuries on his hand, but he swung back.

"Master, why are you suffering?" Chen Gongchen's eyes were all red, and he sighed helplessly.

There was a shock, and she saw her for the first time. Obviously it should be the expression of anger, but in his eyes nothing could be seen except apathy and coldness. What kind of pain is buried in his heart, and he needs to hurt himself in order to relieve his pain by hurting himself? Her heart seemed to be touched, and a little pain spread out in small pieces. Children's attachment to their parents is innate, they will long for the warmth of their parents, and hope to get their love and care. But why does Zongzheng worrylessly have such a deep hatred and disgust for the favor of the Emperor?

Zong Zheng looked at his hands without worrying, only faintly looked at the father-in-law, Shen Sheng asked: "What words did he tell you to say?"

Gong Chen lowered his head and still felt the heavy pressure from above his head. He sighed, his eyes raised with sorrow and helplessness, and said, "Master, Your Majesty has his own difficulties. He loves you! No one can match the feelings of the mother-in-law, what happened then ... "2k novel reading network