MTL - The Whole Dynasty Spoils the Tyrant’s Two-and-a-Half-Year-Old Daughter-Chapter 457 Crying too much, I have a problem with my eyes

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  Chapter 457 Crying too hard, I have a problem with my eyes

When the imperial concubine came over, she saw Jun Ning crying silently. Jing Shu was kneeling beside her. Jing Shu wanted to coax her, but she was afraid of annoying her, so she hesitated a few times and gave up. Jing Shu simply stayed with Jun Ning cried together.

  Emperor Yongning loved Jingshu very much during his lifetime. What good things do he think about besides his daughter, but his granddaughter who is about the same age as her daughter.

  Jingshu has been blessed by Emperor Yongning these years, so that in the days when the former prince is gone, her life is not much different from before. The basic necessities of life are the same as before, and you can enter and leave the palace at will.

  At this moment, Jing Shu said that she was crying because she was infected by Jun Ning's emotions, and she meant to be with Jun Ning in it, but the little girl's sadness is also emotional!

  The little girl's crying face was blurred, and she was still muttering: "Grandfather, have you gone to find your father? Are you never coming back again? Jingshu misses you so much, and misses her father very much!"

   "After you go over there to see my father, can you tell my father? I miss him, please ask him to entrust me with a dream?"

   "Grandpa Huang, my granddaughter will burn a lot of paper money for you, please help Jing Shu to complete this matter!"

  Jing Shu said, and kept putting the paper money in her hand into the brazier, all the paper money was on fire, and the flames were getting higher and higher, reflecting her fair little face flushing.

  Jun Ning: "..."

   Queen Mother: "..."

  What is this girl talking about.

  The concubines, princes, ministers, and servants all looked at Jing Shu puzzledly, with a bit of speechlessness in their seemingly humble expressions.

  What occasion is this? The little Princess seems to be as old as the Holy Majesty, why is it so unseemly? Look, what are you talking about?

   Not serious at all.

  Jun Ning wiped away her tears, cast a glance at Jing Shu, and signaled her to speak carefully in such an occasion, so as not to leave people talking and be laughed at.

  Jing Shu's eyes were full of tears, she didn't know if she understood Jun Ning's words, she raised her eyes to look at Jun Ning, and then stopped talking.

  She cried, crying regardless.

  Although the people around were also crying, and seemed to be very sad about the death of Emperor Yongning, but no one cried louder than Jing Shu, full of true feelings than Jing Shu.

  Jun Ning took the little girl's hand and said, "Be careful that you will damage your eyes from crying."

   "Little aunt, the imperial doctor who asked you for the Ping An pulse today said that your eyes are crying like this, and I'm afraid you won't be able to read the memorial later. But you don't care, so what does Jing Shu care about?"

   "Jing Shu doesn't need to read the memorial, and she doesn't worry about crying her eyes out."

"All right!"

  Jun Ning didn't persuade her any more, and let Jing Shu cry.

  She knew that Jing Shu was crying like this at the moment, not only because her father was gone, but also because the little girl thought of her father.

Although the little girl has pretended very well these years, and she didn't tell anyone she missed her father, but from the details of some things, she can still see that she misses her father very much, and a small opportunity can make her Very sad. Not to mention, today, her father's father has also left.

  The aunt and nephew kept vigil for three days without slacking off for a moment.

  Jun Ning lost a lot of weight, her eye sockets sunken a little, and she looked haggard. Jingshu was no exception, Yuanyuan's face was very gloomy.

  On the day of the funeral, as a woman, Jun Ning didn't need to carry the coffin for Emperor Yongning by herself. In addition, she had so many brothers, although they were all useless, carrying the coffin was no problem. However, she still carried it herself, in the name of the new emperor.

  Jun Yu was afraid that she would not have enough strength and would hurt herself too much, so she stepped forward to help her.

  Jun Yu was very considerate, he just stood behind Jun Ning to help, never more than half a point.

  Jun Ning didn't pay much attention to this delicate position.

   A group of people carried the coffin of Emperor Yongning onto nine horses and walked side by side. It was a majestic carriage. Then I saw him off thousands of miles away and went to the imperial mausoleum.

  It was supposed to be the beginning of spring when it suddenly started snowing, the sky was gray, and the snow was flying all over the sky, but the people who came out to see Emperor Yongning for a ride had already filled up both sides of the street.

   Firstly, they wanted to take the opportunity to witness the demeanor of the legendary empress, who would not give way to men, and secondly, they wanted to give Emperor Yongning a ride from the bottom of their hearts.

  Emperor Yongning was also a generation of emperors at any rate. He had no great achievements, but he also had no major demerits.

  After death, the people came out to see him off.

  The see-off line was very long, with no end in sight.

  And everyone in the team lowered their heads and silently followed the people in front, looking very heavy.

  In the long line, there was a strong sense of sadness.

  When the common people saw Jun Ning, who was not short in stature but not tall among the princes, who was following in front of the coffin, they all widened their eyes and looked carefully in excitement.

   It is said that before the war between the two armies, the Empress singled out Marshal Fei, the leader of the Northern Xia Dynasty. Everyone had no hope for her to win, but she won, not to mention a very decent win, and even got Marshal Fei to marry him.

  Women who have always been out of the gate, but not in the second door, immediately boiled when they heard about it!

  The empress wins for the girls, she is simply their benchmark! She is simply a heroine among women!

  Whoever says that women are not as good as Lang, everyone will bring up the matter of the empress singled out Marshal Fei, and no one will dare to talk nonsense.

  The empress won all the women in the world.

  People who have never met Princess Anle, Fuguihua, think that the empress is so fierce that she must be a big, thick, rough woman who can single out the enemy's commander.

  Who knows only when he sees it, the empress is slim, fair and beautiful.

  Just looking at her appearance, I can't tell how different she is from the other women, but in her eyes, even if she is mourning Emperor Yongning, one can see the majesty and extraordinaryness in her eyes.

   As expected of someone who can be an empress.

  Eastern Chu State has a female emperor, blessing!

  Master Huguosi was right when he said that the little princess is a lucky star!

   And the empress is only less than twenty years old this year, and she has achieved such an achievement.

  Her future is immeasurable!

   Some people even vaguely felt that the empress would definitely be able to push Eastern Chu Kingdom to a new height.

  With this in mind, someone in the crowd shouted.

   "Long live the Holy Spirit, long live, long live!"

   All echoes echoed, echoing voices sounded from all directions.

   "Long live the Holy Spirit, long live, long live!"

   "Long live the Holy Spirit, long live, long live!"


  Emperor Yongning's funeral, these people were so excited that they knelt on both sides of the street and saluted Jun Ning to say hello? Looking at it, it seems that there is nothing wrong, but Jun Ning just feels that something is wrong.

  At this time, it is not suitable to shout like this.

  But those who don’t know it are not to blame.

  Jun Ning didn't care too much, and let them call.

  After burying Emperor Yongning, although Jun Ning didn't cry again in front of others, she still cried a few times secretly.

Every time she went to court, had lunch, reviewed memorials, and went to the Imperial Garden to digest food after dinner, she would always think of Emperor Yongning by her side... Then she couldn't control herself, broke down, and cried loudly stand up.

  She cried so much that one day her vision suddenly became a little blurred. When she read Chen Gong's booklet, she was very distressed and couldn't make out the words on it.

  Reading characters is the same as reading ghost symbols, but I can’t see them very clearly.

  After being reminded by the imperial physician of the seriousness of the problem, she restrained her emotions. After taking medicine for several days, the eyes gradually recovered.

  But she didn't finish processing the documents that needed to be dealt with urgently before. It was delayed for a few days, and the corresponding matters were inevitably delayed.

   Caused a certain loss.

  She felt ashamed, and remembered the lesson of this incident. She never cried because she thought of her father, and tried not to let herself get sick.

  She works hard every day to ensure that under her leadership, the East Chu Kingdom performs its duties and all the gates operate in order.

   Day after day, year after year.

   It seems that only a month has passed, and everyone has gotten used to the death of Emperor Yongning.

   Half a year has passed, and there are not many people who regret the death of Emperor Yongning.

  One year passed, the Empress Dowager's hair was half gray, but she no longer mentioned Emperor Yongning. She and several concubines often got together to play cards, and lived a leisurely life.

  Three years have passed, and Jun Ning, as the emperor, removed the filial obedience after the burial of Emperor Yongning, but only the outer ones were removed.

  For the clothes inside the royal robe, she never wears the yellow color reserved for emperors, nor the pink color that women love to wear. She always wears plain white bottom clothes.

  In her heart, where no one else could see her, she silently kept her filial piety for Emperor Yongning. It seems that in this way, it can be pretended that the father is not too far away from her.


  Qi Xiao fought several big victories in three years, destroying the three neighboring countries in a row, and established the status of Eastern Chu as the great northern hegemon. Under such power and influence, the small country in the south survived in name only, which is nothing to worry about.

   It is worth considering why Qi Xiao didn't come back after the battle?

  He seems to be afraid of facing anything, and he is afraid to face anything, and he is deliberately avoiding it.

  Jun Ning knew what he was avoiding, she was avoiding her.

  But the ministers didn't think so. This morning, one by one, they all became noisy.

   "What's the matter with Little General Qi? Why did the Holy Majesty call him back to court many times after winning so many victories? What does he want to do?"

   "Now his wings are hardened, and he has won more battles than his father before he was alive. He is glorious. Could it be that he doesn't want to be inferior to others? He wants to support himself and become king?"

   "If he wants to do this, the court's food and horse supplies should be cut off immediately."

   "Look, he has no food, no horses, what kind of storms can he make?"

  The ministers were expressing their opinions one by one. They looked very angry, and their voices were full of hatred for Qi Xiao, resentment for Qi Xiao, and dissatisfaction for Qi Xiao...

  Even though Qi Xiao just didn't come back, he didn't commit any treasonous crimes, and he didn't show any wolfish ambition... They still hate him now, and they all nailed Qi Xiao to the pillar of shame early.

   Wishing they could drown Qi Xiao by spitting on each other.

  Jun Ning can understand them.

  They were all thinking about the future of Eastern Chu, but they didn't know about the things between her and Qi Xiao... That's why they were so excited. When Qi Xiao came back, their anger disappeared.

   Not only will it disappear, their anger will also be transformed into praise, look up, admiration, surrender...

  It's just a matter of time.

  So, this matter is not a cause for concern.

  The ministers and workers were all in a hurry, and the captain said: "Your Majesty, please continue to order and call General Qi back as soon as possible?"

Another minister at the side seconded: "Your Majesty, if one decree is not enough, then three decrees in succession. After all, General Qi is your husband. Seeing that you have issued three decrees in a row, he will definitely think that there is something wrong with you. Because he is worried about you, he will definitely come back as soon as possible!"

   There was also an outrageous voice saying: "No matter how bad it is, Your Majesty, just say that you are pregnant, and he must come back."

  Jun Ning: "..."

Pregnant? What kind of bad idea is this?

  She and Qi Xiao haven't seen each other for three years, and there is only one Fei Yuyu in the harem, who has been under house arrest. She looked at Fei Yuzhen from time to time, but she just placed people in the past to make people look at Fei Yuyu.

  There is nothing between her and Fei Yuyu.

  If it is reported that she is pregnant, everyone will think that she is pregnant with Fei Yuyu's child.

  Qi Xiao is her serious husband, although he doesn't like her, but this matter will make him, a serious husband, disgraceful.

  Will he be happy to hear it?

   Obviously not!

  Jun Ning waved his hand, denying these bad ideas.

  Let her think about it herself, and see if she has any good ideas that can not damage the reputation of their husband and wife, and can call Qi Xiao back as soon as possible.

  She herself is not in a hurry for Qi Xiao to come back, but she has to refer to the opinions of the ministers, and she also has to worry about the voices of the people, so she can't let them go.

  Otherwise, if someone appears and uses this matter to sow discord and make a big fuss, it will be bad.

  (end of this chapter)