MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 17 Have a meal

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Song Xian took half a day off after being drunk, Yuan Hong received a call and said, "Don't come here today, don't you still have to choose pictures for Miss Jiang? You chose the pictures at home."

She touched her slightly aching head and said, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Song Xian walked to the refrigerator as if sleepwalking, opened it, took out a bottle of ice water, poured a few mouthfuls of water, and finally regained consciousness. How did she come back last night and what did she do? She only remembered some , It seems that Jiang Liuyi has been getting out of the car to buy things for her, what did you buy?

Song Xian's head hurt again, she leaned against the sink, finished drinking the water, threw the bottle into the trash can, turned her head to look at the room, Jiang Liuyi was still awake.

Last night was so crazy, she just woke up and found that the sheets hadn't been changed, no wonder she was so uncomfortable after a night's sleep.

Song Xian rubbed her sore head and went back to the room. Jiang Liuyi was still asleep. A faint light came in from the door. Song Xian sat beside her and called Jiang Liuyi's name. Going back to her, Song Xian carried Jiang Liuyi to the other side, changed half of the sheets, and finally replaced the bed sheets with new ones. There were still traces of last night's madness in the room. Clothes and underwear were everywhere. She picked up her shirt and found The buttons are all broken.

"Song Xian, I can't solve it."

"Song Xian, I don't know how to untie it."

She didn't know what to think at that time, she just tore open the clothes like that, Jiang Liuyi heard the sound of the buttons snapping and followed suit, a good shirt, now only the top two buttons are left.

I don't know whether to say the quality is bad or they are too strong.

Song Xian threw all the clothes into the basket and stuffed them all into the washing machine. She went to the bathroom and took a shower while listening to the machine running. When she came out, Jiang Liuyi's phone kept ringing. She took the phone into the room and pushed Jiang Liuyi .

Jiang Liuyi opened her blank eyes to look at her, and Song Xian said, "Mobile phone."

She asked, "Who?"

Song Xian looked at the screen: "Your sister."

Jiang Liuyi was unresponsive for half a second, and answered the call with Song Xian holding the phone, and then Jiang Liubing's voice sounded: "Sister, why didn't you answer my call?"

She became conscious gradually, but her whole body was still weak, so she could only sit on Song Xian's back, resting her head on Song Xian's shoulder, and said to the phone, "What's the matter?"

Song Xian originally wanted her to take the phone by herself, seeing her exhausted look, she was silent for a few seconds, then the other end of the phone chattered: "I have something to do with you, do you know that my sister-in-law has returned to China?"

Her voice was loud and the room was quiet, so Song Xian must have heard it. Jiang Liuyi glanced at Song Xian, took the phone, and said sternly: "Jiang Liubing, you only have one sister-in-law, next time you talk nonsense, don't call me." phone."

Jiang Liubing was taken aback. Before she got married, she was always called Yu Bai's sister-in-law, and Jiang Liuyi didn't refute it. Why is her attitude so firm all of a sudden?

Of course, the new sister-in-law knows that a magazine artist who draws illustrations is just an ordinary person, and she is completely unworthy of her sister. Her sister is so protective.

What kind of ecstasy soup was poured.

She was a little angry, but she didn't dare to refute, so she could only grit her teeth: "Got it."

Jiang Liuyi was silent, as if she was angry, Jiang Liubing didn't dare to make a fuss, so she obediently said, "Sister, can you help me and sister-in-law—help me and Yu Bai?"

Jiang Liuyi frowned: "What did you say?"

"Didn't her studio just open? I want to go there."

There are only a handful of people in China under the guidance of Bai Ye. Yu Bai was specially reported as soon as he returned to China. There are also thresholds in the academic world. Needless to say, Bai Ye’s accomplishments and contributions in art can be shocked by just browsing Baidu Encyclopedia. At present, her two closed disciples are the most popular in the academic world, especially Shaniya, with bold and bright colors and changeable styles. A painting fetches a sky-high price, which is higher than Bai Ye's famous work.

Except for his two precious close-door disciples, the other six disciples, whose last position is also the chairman of the United States, are unmatched in the academic world.

As for Yu Bai, because she went to News and got Bai Ye’s guidance, her social status in the circle immediately changed. When she returned to China to open an art exhibition, everyone’s expectations were not up to par, so her studio was bombarded with calls as soon as she opened her studio. Yes, there are also applicants. Yu Bai revealed a bit of news before that Bai Ye might come over, so everyone inside and outside the circle attaches great importance to her art exhibition.

Originally, Jiang Liubing could go directly to Yu Bai and ask for a chance. Given the friendship between the Yu family and the Liu family for so many years, there must be no problem, but she wanted to match Jiang Liuyi and Yu Bai, so she deliberately said: "Sister, you don't know, I went to In the studio, the threshold has been stepped down, I have never seen Sister Yu Bai at all, sister, you don't know how powerful Sister Yu Bai is now, do you?"

Anyway, it must be better than Song Xian.

She searched for Song Xian's name after Jiang Liuyi got married, but found nothing, only some illustrations from magazines, which were still children's magazines. many.

In her opinion, Song Xian is also good-looking, and his career is not comparable to that of Yu Bai.

Her sister must have been hurt by Yu Bai, so she went out of her way to choose a meal replacement.

Jiang Liubing shook her head, and heard Jiang Liuyi say: "If you want to go, you can call Yu Bai."

"I called!" Jiang Liubing said, "But the phone has been busy all the time. She's been very busy recently. I heard from Sister Qiushui that you will cooperate. Then meet Sister Yu Bai and tell me."

Jiang Liuyi opened his mouth.

Her younger sister was a few years younger than her, and her grades were not good since she was a child. Her parents were so disappointed in her that they turned to raise Jiang Liubing. However, Jiang Liubing couldn't support her. painting.

Maybe it's because she has the same major as Yu Bai, she admires Yu Bai very much, and has a kind of blind girlish thinking. She used to be with Yu Bai, and she treated Yu Bai much better than her own sister.

Jiang Liubing shouted: "Sister?"

She came back to her senses: "Yeah."

Jiang Liubing said: "Did you hear that? Can you talk to Yu Bai for me?"

Jiang Liuyi held the phone: "Let's talk about it when we have a chance to meet."

"Don't have a chance!" Jiang Liubing said: "Sister Qiushui didn't tell you, did she ask you for lunch?"

Jiang Liuyi frowned: "Noon?"

Jiang Liu said quickly: "Yes, I just called Sister Qiushui. She said that she would discuss cooperation with you at noon. I have something to do and I can't go. Sister, can you talk to Sister Yu Bai for me?"

Jiang Liuyi said, "Understood."

"Sister is the best, I love you!" Jiang Liubing hung up the phone sweetly, Jiang Liuyi put the phone on the bedside table casually, Song Xian had already opened the curtains, the room was clean, there was no sign of madness last night , and the bed sheets were replaced with new ones. She looked up and looked outside the door, and she could see Song Xian's back sitting on the sofa through the gap.

Slender, with narrow shoulders, only wearing a pajamas, her hair is loose behind her, and her posture is lazy.

She went out and heard Song Xian ask, "Do you want to eat bread?"

Jiang Liuyi lowered her head and saw a bag of bread on the table in front of her. It was still a familiar shop logo. She knew that the owner of that shop was Gu Yuanyuan, who was Song Xian's friend.

She walked over and said, "I'm going to wash up first."

Song Xian nodded, Jiang Liuyi went into the bathroom and passed the balcony, saw the hanging clothes, there was a very conspicuous pink shirt, Song Xian's, the button was torn off by her, thinking of what happened last night, Jiang Liuyi cleared her throat , into the bathroom.

After a hangover, she was somewhat uncomfortable. She retched a few times while brushing her teeth, and walked out of the bathroom after tidying up. Song Xian turned her head: "Are you free? Come and choose a photo."

Just as Jiang Liuyi was about to speak, her phone rang, but she said helplessly, "Wait a minute."

Song Xian watched her enter the room and pick up the phone to answer the call, and said to the other end of the phone: "What time is it? Okay, I see."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone and walked out of the room. Song Xian still looked at her and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Qiu Shui asked me to go out and talk about cooperation."

Song Xian nodded: "Let's choose the photos first, and I'll fix them in the afternoon."

Jiang Liuyi looked at her watch, and there was still more than an hour before she booked a restaurant near their community, so she said, "Okay."

Song Xian showed her the photos one by one. In all fairness, the photos were all good. The makeup softened her deep facial features and sharp temperament, and she was a little more gentle in the photos. Jiang Liuyi asked: "What do you think are good?" ?”

Hearing this, Song Xian opened the second folder, which contained the photos she had selected professionally. After reading it, Jiang Liuyi said, "Just this group."

"Okay." Song Xian also had no objection, Jiang Liu Yixuan got up to change clothes, and when she came out, she saw Song Xian was seriously editing the picture, with a serious expression, she called: "Song Xian."

Song Xian looked up, Jiang Liuyi was wearing a long light orange dress and a long windbreaker, her hair was tied up, her bangs were pushed behind her ears, revealing her fair forehead, her eyes were facing each other, Jiang Liuyi said: "At noon I Have dinner with Qiushui, she wants to talk to me about the latest cooperation."

I can't say why, but Jiang Liuyi still emphasized it again, although he had already told Song Xian about it before.

Song Xian didn't understand, so he nodded, "Okay."

Jiang Liuyi asked: "Will I bring you food?"

Song Xian thought for a moment: "No need."

She just ate bread, she wasn't very hungry, besides, she was hungover yesterday, and now she has a bit of a headache, thinking about going to sleep after finishing the drawing.

Jiang Liuyi said loudly: "Then I'll go first."

Song Xian watched her leave the door, and the door slammed shut. She continued to sit in front of the computer and edit pictures. One after another, people in the group of colleagues began to show up, talking about the dinner last night. Are you sorry tonight?"

Faux pas? She and Jiang Liuyi were the ones who left last night, if they were being rude, they were also being rude.

Song Xian replied briefly: "No."

He Xiaoying: "It's fine if you don't have one."

Song Xian continued to edit the picture. After a while, someone sent her a message again. She thought it was He Xiaoying, but when she clicked on a photo, Gu Yuanyuan posted aggressively: [Fuck! Song Xian, look who I met! Isn't this Jiang Liuyi? The one opposite her is Yu Bai, right? What are they doing? Cheating on a date behind your back? ! Shameless! You see, they are still wearing couple outfits! 】

In the photo, Jiang Liuyi and Yu Bai are sitting face to face. Yu Bai's coat is light white. At first glance, they really look like couples.

Song Xian suddenly thought of Jiang Liuyi saying to her before leaving: "At noon, I will have dinner with Qiushui."

Now Lin Qiushui is replaced by Yu Bai.

Song Xian lowered his eyes, turned off the photo, and calmly replied to Gu Yuanyuan: "Understood."