MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 20 to feel

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"Go back to the room?" Jiang Liuyi was stunned for a moment: "Go back to the room and say?"

Song Xian's tone was serious: "Of course."

Jiang Liuyi nodded in bewilderment, and returned to the room with a half-embraced Song Xian. Just as she was about to tell Song Xian about Lin Qiushui, she blocked her lips. She had somewhat forgotten how it turned into a fish-and-water relationship.

It's too natural, like two **** of dry firewood will burn when they are close together.

Jiang Liuyi burned the fire until Song Xian fell asleep, she got out of bed and poured water, the warm water relieved her dry throat, and she felt much more comfortable immediately. She was sitting on the sofa with a cup in her hand, her collarbone hurt a little, and when she touched it, it seemed that there was a tooth mark, which was bitten by Song Xian.

The phone screen lit up, it was Lin Qiushui's caller, she didn't reply Lin Qiushui all day, she couldn't sit still, and sent her several messages.

Jiang Liuyi held her mobile phone and stood by the window, watching the busy traffic downstairs and the bright lights. After a while, she replied to Lin Qiushui: "I was busy this afternoon, so I didn't see it. I told Yu Bai and asked her to choose a style." send you."

Lin Qiushui held up his mobile phone in silence, Yu Bai was clamoring to have dinner alone with Jiang Liuyi, she happened to have something to do, so she made an appointment for the two of them, thinking that Yu Bai would seize this opportunity, but no matter how it looked, it looked like Jiang Liuyi push further.

Maybe he is angry, angry that Yu Bai has been away for so many years.

There is love only when there is anger.

Lin Qiushui sighed softly, and she sent Jiang Liuyi: [Understood, have you been to the company these days? 】

Before Jiang Liuyi got married, she always stayed in the company's piano practice room, but this time she returned to China, she didn't seem to have been here. Lin Qiushui guessed that it was because of Qian Shen's relationship, so she sent another message: [Qian Shen is not here. 】

Jiang Liuyi lowered her head, watched quietly for a while before typing: 【Not going. 】

You can practice piano anywhere, and you don't have to go to the company. Another point is that she doesn't really want to face Lin Qiushui now.

Lin Qiushui thought she was tired, and comforted her: 【Then you should rest at home these few days. 】

There was no reply from that end.

Jiang Liuyi closed the chat box with Lin Qiushui, opened Zhao Yuebai's avatar, tapped, the phone vibrated, she retracted her finger, Zhao Yuebai had already sent a message: [? 】

She typed: [I accidentally touched it. 】

Zhao Yuebai: [What are you doing? 】

Jiang Liuyi: 【Drink water. 】

She posted that she was still puzzled by Song Xian's performance today, so she simply asked Zhao Yuebai: [So why did she go back to the room? 】

Zhao Yuebai: […]

Zhao Yuebai: [Hey, Yiyi, you are so stupid. When you are unhappy, you always do something to numb yourself, such as drinking, right? 】

Jiang Liuyi: 【Yes. 】

Zhao Yuebai: 【That's it. Your wife is in this situation now. She is unhappy and can't show it too clearly. She just numbs herself like this. Besides, with you, wouldn't it be better to feel your existence? 】


It turned out to be like this, Jiang Liuyi suddenly realized, no wonder Song Xian liked to enter the room with her so much.

Before she could type, Zhao Yuebai sent another message: [So, Yiyi, be honest, have you let go of Yu Bai now? If not, then I think you are hurting your wife right now. 】

Jiang Liuyi was stunned for a few seconds when she saw this sentence.

Have you let go of Yu Bai?

She should have put it down a long time ago. After Yu Bai left, she drank heavily. The time she drank the most was admitted to the hospital. Of course she also heard the phone call. Will she give up? Won't.

She booked a plane ticket overnight and flew to Newes. Through a wall, she saw Yu Bai chatting and laughing with her new classmates, and she didn't look uncomfortable at all.

Lin Qiushui asked if she was hurt by that phone call, but in fact she was stabbed by Yu Bai's attitude.

It was like a knife stabbing hard at the softest part of her heart. From then on, she never mentioned Yu Bai. At first, she was afraid of pain. Later, she gradually learned not to care. When she heard Yu Bai's name again, she became a A friend I haven't seen for several years.

Throbbing, joyful, the idea of ​​long-term dependence has been completely broken with Yu Bai's departure, so she chose to marry Song Xian.

She lowered her eyes and typed word by word: "Put it down."

Zhao Yuebai's eyes turned red inexplicably when she saw this sentence, and her nose suddenly became sore. She should know how much Jiang Liuyi likes Yu Bai. She and Jiang Liuyi had the best relationship when they were in school, because Jiang Liuyi liked Yu Bai. Playing the piano, she often came to her house as a guest. When Jiang Liuyi wanted to confess his love to Yu Bai, his friends suggested seven or eight ideas, and in the end Jiang Liuyi chose a low-key one, so their relationship was not suitable from the beginning.

Because Yu Bai likes to make public.

At that time, she didn't understand, she thought being together meant being together well, she still remembers asking Jiang Liuyi once: "Why do you like Yu Bai?"

Jiang Liuyi thought for a long time before saying: "Do you still remember that Yu Bai was injured for me?"

She nodded: "Remember, is it because of this? Liu Yi, feelings are not gratitude, they don't have to be repaid in this way."

Jiang Liuyi looked at her and smiled, shaking her head: "Of course it's more than that, but at that moment, I think I should treat her well."

Said sincerely focused.

She did it, Jiang Liuyi is wholeheartedly good to Yu Bai, among their group of friends, none of them know that Jiang Liuyi's heart is on Yu Bai's body, and they are happy to see the results when it is cold and rainy.

No one expected that this vigorous love would become like this now.

Qian Shen said that Jiang Liuyi was all to blame for his unfeeling, she would rather find someone to marry than wait for Yu Bai, of course she was not happy, Yu Bai was distressed by the group of them as a princess, but who would love Jiang Liuyi?

After breaking up for so long, how did Jiang Liuyi get here? Have these friends thought about it?

They don't.

In the past, she thought that Jiang Liuyi still liked Yu Bai, so she let the two of them get in touch and never talked too much. Now that she knew that Jiang Liuyi had let go of Yu Bai, she was relieved, but also emotional.

Zhao Yuebai: 【It's good to let go, Yiyi, do you still remember that time when Yu Bai got hurt for you? 】

Jiang Liuyi frowned: [What's wrong? 】

Zhao Yuebai: [Actually, I have thought many times, if I was the one who got there first, I would do the same. 】

Jiang Liuyi frowned even more when she saw this news, and Zhao Yuebai found out that there was ambiguity and immediately explained: [Don't get me wrong, I just think this is what a friend should do, if I was the one who blocked it for you, there wouldn't be so many of you It's a fart with Yu Bai. 】

In this way, Jiang Liuyi will not be emotionally hurt and be unhappy for several years.

Jiang Liuyi bowed her head, and would return to her after she was silent: 【I know, thanks. 】

Zhao Yuebai: [Thank you, you remember to buy some expensive gifts on my birthday, oh, by the way, don't forget to bring your wife, she doesn't feel safe now, you have to pay attention. 】

Jiang Liuyi couldn't hold back, and asked her: 【How to increase the sense of security? 】

Zhao Yuebai: [That's not easy, let her feel your presence more. 】

Seeing these words, Jiang Liuyi nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly felt very relaxed, perhaps because of what she said to Zhao Yuebai.

Have you let go of Yu Bai?

She let it go.

Jiang Liuyi finished drinking the water in the glass, turned her head and went back to the room, Song Xian didn't know when she had changed the sheets, Jiang Liuyi found that she was too attached to some things, such as the finished sheets, no matter how sleepy she was , have to be changed, sometimes I fell asleep and woke up to find that I was lying on a clean sheet.

This little cleanliness Jiang Liuyi likes it very much.

She went to bed and lifted the quilt, and Song Xian slept on her side with her back to her. After she lay down, she thought of Zhao Yuebai's words, so that she could feel her own existence more.

Holding it should be considered a feeling, right?

Song Xian woke up and found being hugged. No wonder she always felt uncomfortable in her dream. She twisted her waist and felt pain everywhere, sore and painful. When she turned her head, Jiang Liuyi also woke up.

She didn't ask why the posture was like this, and thought that the two hugged each other accidentally.

Jiang Liuyi rubbed her hair: "Are you going to work today?"

Song Xian walked to the closet only to realize that the light was not turned on. She opened the curtains, and the sunlight came in through the gap, filling the room with light. Song Xian said, "Go to work."

She casually took a light blue professional suit, a hip-covering skirt, a pair of long, slender and straight legs, without stockings, Jiang Liuyi muttered: "Isn't it cold?"

It's already October.

Song Xian put on his coat and calmly replied, "It's not cold."

Jiang Liuyi asked again: "Then you take pictures..."

Song Xian tilted his head: "There is no filming today."

Jiang Liuyi said, "Oh."

Song Xian changed her clothes and went to the bathroom to wash up. After a while, she came out to put on makeup, and her movements were skillful. Seeing that she was busy, Jiang Liuyi stepped on her slippers and got out of bed. After thinking about it, she would warm up the bread for Song Xian first.

Song Xian walked out of the room and saw Jiang Liuyi was making milk, she was stunned in front of the cooking counter, married Jiang Liuyi for so long, it was the first time to see her wake up early in the morning and busy in the kitchen.

In the past, Jiang Liuyi was either sleeping or had already left in the morning, so she was usually the only one in the kitchen in the morning.

Now that there are suddenly more people in the familiar place, Song Xian is still not used to it.

Jiang Liuyi held up the cup: "Come over for breakfast."

Song Xian nodded: "Here we are."

Jiang Liuyi put the milk in front of her table, Song Xian turned her head and saw that she put the bread flat on the plate, buttered it, put sliced ​​ham, put a fried egg, and covered it with another piece of bread.

It's like a hamburger.

Song Xian only needs two pieces of bread and a cup of milk in the morning. How can it be so complicated? The butter has never been opened.

Unexpectedly, bread with butter is quite fragrant.

Song Xian took another bite, and Jiang Liuyi asked, "How is it?"

"It's pretty good." Song Xian praised her, and Jiang Liuyi's heart was full of wonderful joy, it was finally extraordinary.

She thought of Zhao Yuebai, and said, "Zhao Yuebai's birthday, would you like to choose a dress?"

Song Xian lowered his head to eat the bread, chewed it in small bites, raised his eyes and said, "I'll go buy one after get off work."

Jiang Liuyi asked: "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Song Xian thought for a moment: "Let's talk about it after get off work."

Jiang Liu Yimo.

After breakfast, Song Xian went to the sofa to clean up the computer. Sunlight leaped in from the window and fell on Song Xian. She had a good figure and a quiet temperament. Jiang Liuyi suddenly called out: "Song Xian."

Song Xian was just packing up and getting ready to go to work, when he heard Jiang Liuyi calling and turned his head: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Liu Yichui clasped one hand, her heart beat a few beats faster, she and Song Xian looked at each other for a few seconds, then suddenly walked in front of Song Xian, reaching out to hug her.

Can you feel her now?