MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 4333 , During the investigation...

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In the next round of confrontation with the Zerg army, the reinforcements of the Seven Star Alliance did not directly attack.

After all, these Zergs are also wise.

That being the case, they are naturally looking for a better time to give the opposite party a big ‘surprise! ’

Exposing the strength of reinforcements in advance is too uneconomical for them.

However, the reconnaissance troops of the mechanical race had already mixed in the troops after their two clashes, and quietly exited.

The situation on the battlefield was chaotic. During the infiltration process, individual micro-reconnaissance robots were affected by fire. It is inevitable that they would die before leaving the army, but this did not seem to arouse the vigilance of the Zerg.

After all, most of the coalition forces are weapons and equipment on the technological side, and more than 90% of Zergs are estimated to have insufficient intelligence to distinguish the differences between these technological equipment.

In the eyes of those Zergs, those miniature reconnaissance robots are at best the debris of those huge interstellar warships.

At the end of a round of battle, the generals who temporarily repelled the worm tide. This time, compared to caring about the situation of their troops, everyone's attention was undoubtedly more focused on the miniature reconnaissance robots of the mechanical race.

In this battle, the highest commander of the machine clan is called ‘No. 4327’.

Unlike their common wisdom race, the mechanical race itself does not seem to have the concept of a name, or that it cannot understand this behavior.

If it is only for making individual distinctions, ‘numbering’ is undoubtedly a more efficient and clear method.

Don't worry about this problem. In the brief exchanges, the generals have realized that the most comfortable way of communication is to communicate with the machine race, and to go straight.

Engaging in some twists and turns with the machine clan, in the end, it was just boring.

At this moment, in the face of questions from generals from all sides, No. 4327 gave a very simple answer.

Tell everyone that their reconnaissance robot has successfully passed through the battlefield and sneaked into the rear of the Zerg army.

Because of the fall of nearly a quarter of the territory of the Republic of Vanega.

Therefore, behind this battlefield, there is a considerable area that was originally the territory of the Republic of Vanega, but now you don’t need to look at it to know that it must have been invaded by a Zerg, and there is even a high possibility that it has become a Zerg. Of the lair.

With this in mind, in order to increase the efficiency of the reconnaissance robot on the side of the machine clan.

As the commander-in-chief of the border of the Vanegas Republic, General Rhein directly provided detailed maps of this part of the area to the machine clan.

And directly inform them, in these areas, which locations are suitable for stationing or use as bases, and then combined with the big data calculation of the machine family, it is enough to greatly improve the efficiency of the reconnaissance robot.

The improvement of operational efficiency can allow reconnaissance robots to do more things when energy is limited.

After that, within a long period of time, the scouting robot of the Mechanic Race successfully found a zerg's lair behind the battlefield of the Zerg army!

Quietly sneaking into the Zerg's nest, the internal structure of this nest is intricate, and it is shrouded in a special biological magnetic field, which constitutes a lot of interference with the detection equipment of the detection robot.

Before putting it, no matter what the complexity of the Zerg’s nest is, according to the technology of the machine clan, this detection radar will also be able to sweep you clearly.

However, the bio-magnetic field with strong interference has a huge impact on the performance of the detection radar, causing the entire detection range to be compressed to one-sixth of the original.

Moreover, the deeper the zerg nest, the more serious the magnetic interference. When it reaches the deepest point, even according to the technological capabilities of the mechanical clan, the detection radar of their detection robot is basically useless.

This situation undoubtedly greatly reduces the operational efficiency of the investigative robot, and at the same time increases the energy consumption in a disguised form.

After the basic detection is completed, it is still because of the interference of the biological magnetic field. The detection robot must leave a certain range of the Zerg's nest before it can smoothly send the detected intelligence data back to the main brain of their mechanical race.

At this moment, in the conference room on the frontline battlefield of the Republic of Vanegas, the intelligence data returned by the surveillance robots and the internal pictures of the Zerg’s nest captured by them are being put out completely using the equipment of their mechanical clan. .

Of course, in this process, as the representative and supreme commander of the mechanical tribe, the number 4327 naturally gave a relatively detailed explanation of some information.

One thing that needs to be emphasized a little bit is undoubtedly the strong magnetic field that exists in the Zerg’s nest.

For the existence of these biological magnetic fields, the coalition forces have actually experienced it firsthand in previous battles.

After all, the coalition forces are basically technological civilization with technological development as the core. Therefore, once there is magnetic interference and equipment is affected, they can immediately find out.

Even to speak of it, their investigative robots are unable to perform this task, and magnetic field interference is also a problem that cannot be ignored. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

If you build a space battleship with enough internal space and the equipment specifications will not be greatly limited by space, then the performance can definitely be pulled up, and the magnetic field interference of the Zerg army will naturally be able to withstand it.

But the problem is that this detection robot, considering its concealment, is also designed to allow it to enter all kinds of small spaces, which are all made smaller.

And if this is small, you must make some sacrifices in performance.

Do you say you are lowering its investigative ability? Or reduce its endurance?

Or is it to say that both sides are lowered and the whole is more balanced?

But the reality is that, limited by their own scientific and technological capabilities, no matter how they adjust, their detection robots, facing the opponent in front of them, will not be able to successfully complete the task.

At present, all over the world, with the current situation, can complete the task, and it has indeed produced results in a short period of time, that is the detection robot of the machine family.

"Oh hell, are they all worm eggs? How disgusting!"

At this moment, what is shown in the image is definitely a scene that can make the scalp numb in the intensive phobia, even if a normal person sees it, it will feel extremely nauseous!

According to the intelligence returned by the investigating robot, it was a room deep in the Worm Nest.

The bottom is covered with a large piece of slime blanket, which is packed with yellow-green egg-like objects. They are in a translucent state, and you can vaguely see the hatching worms inside.

Moreover, these worm eggs are like breathing, with a specific frequency, and they keep beating there...

The lord of the ten thousand worlds who like civilization, please collect it: () The lord of the ten thousand worlds of civilization has the fastest update speed.