MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 4337 , Energy distribution

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In the battlefield, the coalition forces quickly entered the battlefield at the right time. The terrifying long-range firepower made them directly attack the zerg army that surged up as soon as they entered the battlefield. In this most simple and rude way, a hand He took the dominance of this battle from the Zerg army as the offensive side to his own hands!

Maintaining the dense firepower formation that has been spread long ago, the coalition's offensive has undoubtedly just begun.

The troops on the scientific and technological side have basically all their continuous output capabilities online. Once this firepower is dumped, it will not stop in a short time.

At this moment, under this frantic bombardment of continuous firepower output, the advantage of the coalition forces is gradually increasing along with the dumping of firepower.

Of course, it is not yet time to relax.

In the face of their firepower, the Zerg army on the opposite side showed no signs of weakness. Countless Zergs gathered into wave after wave of worms, and they were still swept over them madly!

The Zerg army itself will consume the enemy's firepower in this way.

Therefore, there is undoubtedly no problem with the other party's approach at this time.

At the same time, depending on the situation, the commander of the Zerg side has not yet noticed that the coalition side has locked the target on the large number of worm nests distributed behind them.

With this as a prerequisite, the coalition forces did not intend to open fire immediately.

They also plan to reduce the size of the frontline zerg army first, so as to create a better environment for the mushroom bombs to be launched when Xu Yu leads the army to attack.

With such a purpose, among the coalition forces, the commanders of the various armies orderly commanded their respective armies, and carried out operations in accordance with the tactical plan confirmed at the meeting.

In this state, in accordance with the current strength of the coalition forces, it was really not that easy for the Zerg army to counterattack for a while.

So far, it has been crushed by the firepower of the coalition forces.

It can also be seen from this that, without the need to continue to hide the forces, according to the current size of the coalition forces, even if it is a direct face-to-face hard fight with the Zerg army, there is no problem at all.

After several rounds of counterattacks, after losing countless low-level Zergs, the commander of the opposite Zerg army should also be aware of this problem.

Although the number of war bugs in its hand is huge, and the production efficiency is basically full, this does not mean that it will think of nothing, and close its eyes and use war bugs to smash it.

This is not what a highly intelligent creature should have.

In this way, the originally ferocious Zerg army quickly made a move to shrink the defense.

At the same time, in the process of retreating, the intensity of the Zerg's forces also began to drastically decrease.

Needless to say, this move is undoubtedly to reduce the loss of Zerg's force.

This is indeed a very effective approach.

However, the Zerg commander is obviously not clear. The purpose of the coalition forces at this stage is to push the front line forward, and it is best to push directly to the Zerg army's defense line.

Because this is more conducive to their implementation of the next phase of the plan.

At this time, the Zerg army evacuated its troops and retreated, just as they wished!

Take a sigh of relief. At this stage, the coalition forces that do not want the Zerg army to notice too much are still maintaining a stable attack rhythm, chasing all the way, seizing this wave of opportunities, and furthering their strength against the Zerg army. Suppress.

The veterans are still very reliable at critical moments.

A wealth of experience and a strong enough heart can enable them to remain calm in this situation, so that they will not be confused because of tension.

At the same time, they were not fighting for nothing in the long battle with the Zerg army before.

With the arrival of the reinforcements, the pressure on the body has eased, allowing the generals to more easily perform operations and trials that they did not have enough energy to carry out before.

In this process, they have deliberately exposed flaws to the Zerg army many times to lure them.

However, the Zerg army failed to respond at the first time, and the response seemed a bit slow, and even a few times, they simply did not respond.

If the other party can respond, it shows that the Zerg party can undoubtedly discover the flaws they deliberately exposed.

But the response is slow, or even no response, there are two possibilities for causing this problem.

Either it didn't detect it in time or didn't notice it at all, or there was a problem in a certain command link of the army.

The former has nothing to say, if it is the latter, then this information is quite important to them.

It is basically impossible for an army that is too large to be commanded like an arm.

You order to continue, until the army begins to execute, in the meantime, there will be a certain degree of delay, and it is impossible to completely synchronize.

In addition, commanding the army is not just a matter of the commander's ability. It also depends on the timely cooperation and cooperation of the whole army.

Therefore, in an army like them, in addition to the highest commander, there are often generals of various levels to cooperate.

In terms of scale alone, the size of the Zerg army needless to say, it has surpassed all their known army.

Under this premise, they have also determined that the low-level warriors with the largest number are low-level creatures with basically no emotions and no ability to think.

This kind of soldiers has an advantage, that is, no matter what order you give, even if you let them go to death in pieces, they will honestly follow them, and it is absolutely impossible to do things that violate the orders of their superiors.

The disadvantage is that they are too stupid, but any tactics that require a little resilience are probably difficult to implement.

Even in the face of slightly more complicated commands, UU reading will not know what to do, which ultimately leads to a decrease in operational efficiency.

From this point of view, think back to the previous battle.

Although the attack of the Insect Swarm was huge and intensified, from the beginning to the end, the Zerg did not seem to have used any complicated tactics.

Although they will also sneak attacks and use some outflank and interception methods, but to say it, these are actually basic operations, and its core tactics have always been very simple and rude military tactics.

Under normal circumstances, as the pursuing party, in order to prevent the opponent from launching a counterattack, defensive measures must be done well.

This makes them have to spend part of their energy on defense during the pursuit.

This is more or less, it will reduce the efficiency and intensity of their commanding the army to launch the pursuit.

However, with the above information roughly determined, the Zergs cannot catch some small flaws anyway. As a result, their energy allocation can undoubtedly be adjusted slightly.

More energy can be devoted to chasing, instead of dealing with possible counterattacks.