MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 4340 Fire

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The army advanced and pressed beyond the Zerg’s defense line, and the coalition forces did not rush to launch an offensive immediately.

Although at this stage, the dominance of the entire battle has completely fallen into their hands, the offensive momentum is now vigorous, and morale is also high, so we should hurry up and launch an offensive against the Zerg defense line.

But it’s not...

First of all, the Zerg army abandoned a quarter of its troops, let the army get rid of their pursuit troops, and withdrew the line of defense ahead of time.

Therefore, on the defensive side, the Zerg side is definitely ready to attack in advance.

The coalition forces pursued all the way. Although their offensive momentum and morale were high in this wave, the continuous secretion of adrenaline made the soldiers temporarily forget their fatigue, but this does not mean that they are really not tired.

In this state, once a strong attack is launched, if the opponent's commander's level is very low, there is nothing to say.

On the contrary, if they encounter a somewhat qualified army commander, they are very likely to be hit head-on at this time!

Such and such, experienced commanders, at this time, should know how to take appropriate rest according to the situation, so that the soldiers who are chasing down all the way can adjust their own state.

The preliminary decision is that the rest period is one week.

Even if the Zerg army is strong in producing troops, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to replenish a quarter of its previously lost force within a week.

But for the coalition forces that have been pursuing it all the way, a week of rest is enough!

Of course, the plan was so planned, but the commander of the Zerg Army obviously didn't intend to make it easy for them.

As soon as the coalition forces did not immediately launch an offensive, the Cerebrate Commander knew that the coalition forces must be rested.

So they immediately sent waves of low-level soldiers and insects to their positions and launched a harassment offensive, making it clear that they just didn't want them to have a good rest.

Fortunately, after the Zerg’s broken troops were resolved, the coalition commanders who knew that they could not catch up with the large troops also slowed down their pursuit momentum to a certain extent, allowing their troops to be adjusted to a certain extent.

The current state of the army cannot be said to be very good, but it is not bad. At least it is not a problem to deal with this level of harassment offensive.

The Zerg commander on the opposite side should also know that his army is currently in poor condition. The main troops are all shrunk behind the battle line. They are recuperating. They are all small-scale low-level soldiers and have no plans to invest much in harassment tactics.

But even so, the harassment tactics of the Zerg side have tangible effects, which cannot be denied.

A week passed quickly, and with the endless harassment from the Zerg army, the coalition obviously had no plans to rest for a while.

The offensive order was issued, and the army spread out its formation, and soon launched an offensive against the Zerg’s line of defense.

Although from the overall style, the Zerg army is obviously better at offensive, but now facing the coalition offensive, the Zerg army is backed by the defensive line. This defensive battle is actually decent.

After several rounds of offensive, although the coalition forces had a fierce offensive, they basically attacked the opponents all the way, but they couldn't change the fact that they were unable to break through the opposing defense line for a long time.

In this situation, the whole heart of the commander of the Cerebral Worm on the side of the Zerg was completely put back in his stomach.

According to their Void Zerg's troop-producing ability, as long as this line of defense can be maintained, then through the defensive advantage, the forces they lost before can quickly be made up.

But the Cerebral worm commander is obviously not clear. From the beginning, the coalition forces did not intend to fight them slowly...

After several rounds of offensive and further consuming the defensive force of the Zerg army, the main event soon came.

The launcher dedicated to mushroom bombs has long been deployed in the rear.

As the host here, the generals of the coalition army, tentatively handed over the official firing order to General Rhine.

Pressing the communication button with the rear missile unit, at this moment, General Rhine's mood is not unrelenting.

But he also knew that he couldn't drop the chain at this point.

After taking a deep breath, General Rhine calmed down his emotions, and finally gave the order...

"Execute Plan One."

At this moment, the order was officially issued, and the missile unit, which had always been on standby at the rear, started loading mushroom bombs at the fastest speed...

"All launchers are loaded."



In an instant, a series of mushroom bombs flew out frantically on the coalition side.

Since this wave is the reason for the adoption of inertial guidance, the calculation of the trajectory of the mushroom bomb attack becomes even more important.

On their own territory in the Republic of Vanegas, coupled with the precise coordinate position, theoretically speaking, the attack trajectory of the mushroom bomb will never be a problem. U U Reading

However, just in case, when calculating the attack trajectory, the coalition forces hired the machine family with the strongest computing power at present and put up a hand to ensure that it is foolproof!

Now officially launched, the mushroom bombs crossed the battlefield at an astonishing speed, directly attacking the locked coordinates.

During this process, the insect nest located on the side of the Zerg, closest to the defense line, should have discovered the existence of mushroom bombs. Above the nest, the huge biological stand immediately unfolded to form a shield to resist the mushroom bombs from the coalition forces. s attack.

At that moment, the moment the Zerg’s biological standpoint collided with the mushroom bomb, the mushroom bomb on the coalition side suddenly exploded with an astonishing super explosion.

The shock of the horrible explosion spread, crazily squeezing the position of the creature blocking it.

Worm’s nest is undoubtedly extremely important to the Zerg’s side. Therefore, they set a biological position to protect the worm’s nest, and the strength is naturally not bad.

However, the offensive on the coalition side, of course, could not end there. This first mushroom bomb was just the beginning. The subsequent successive mushroom bombs quickly fell down. Faced with the continuous explosion of mushroom bombs, the Zerg’s side The biological stance quickly became overwhelmed and collapsed like a fragile glass.

At this moment, without the obstacle of the biological position, the subsequent mushroom bombs directly hit the top of the insect nest.

The energy impact of the explosion easily disintegrated the surface, and launched a completely indiscriminate crazy bombardment of that entire area!

As the explosion energy surges, it constantly rises, like a fireball that soars into the sky, forming a mushroom cloud after another.

The nest of the Zerg’s side, under the blossoming mushroom cloud, completely collapsed! Under the impact of explosive energy, it turned into a piece of scorched earth!