MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 4354 , Cooperation and investment

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The next morning, on the day of meeting Huo Qiguang, under the double reminder of Luo Ji and Cerelia, Ye Qingxuan finally got up at 7 o'clock in the morning and started washing.

In the meantime, according to Luo Ji, a large number of news media had all gathered at five o'clock in the morning, and they were in place at the door of the hotel where they were staying.

In addition, there are a large number of nearby people coming to join in the fun.

Ye Qingxuan was not surprised by this battle, or he was used to it.

After all, the meeting between his own leader and the representative of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce, for Karen Bell, is a proper event that needs to be followed up and reported throughout.

It is impossible for Karen Bell's media to let go of this news.

At the same time, in addition to the ordinary Karen Bell media, there is also a special official media that will follow Ye Qingxuan and Huo Qiguang throughout the entire process, recording and reporting the entire process of their meetings and conversations.

As soon as he walked to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, the crowd outside had already boiled, which clearly showed the welcome of the Karen Bell public to Ye Qingxuan.

Putting on a decent formal attire with a signature smile, Ye Qingxuan, who entered the business mode, wore a flashlight that could dazzle people's eyes. She waved to the people who welcomed her on both sides, while her face remained unchanged. Walk towards the spaceship that has been parked directly opposite.

The schedule for this day is still very full.

After all, neither side is idler, so it is natural to pursue an efficiency maximization.

Under this premise, the first arrangement for the whole day is to have breakfast with Huo Qiguang and discuss some cooperation matters between Karen Bell and the Yeh Chamber of Commerce so far.

The specific location was set at the presidential palace in the capital of Karen Bell.

This was established after the establishment of the presidential election system.

It is a facility similar to an official residence. The current president and his family live here. At the same time, the president’s office is also set up inside to facilitate protection.

This time, Huo Qiguang personally greeted Ye Qingxuan outside the presidential palace to show his sincerity.

After stepping off the spaceship, with the formal handshake between the two, the surrounding flashing lights suddenly became more violent.

"Long time no see, Miss Ye."

"Long time no see, Your Excellency President."

After a simple greeting, Huo Qiguang made a gesture of ‘please’.

The two walked quickly towards the presidential palace. Obviously, neither Huo Qiguang nor Ye Qingxuan liked the continuous frantic bombardment of flashing lights.

After entering the presidential palace, only the official media was able to continue filming, and the whole state suddenly became much better.

The chefs at the Presidential Palace are basically not bad, and the deliciousness of the food is beyond doubt.

However, the two people at the table obviously did not pay their attention to the delicious and rich breakfast. The center of the whole topic has always been around some cooperation matters between Karen Bell and the Yip Chamber of Commerce. .

So far, the cooperation between Yip's Chamber of Commerce and Karen Bell is actually far from in-depth cooperation.

Think about it, it took more than two years from the establishment of a cooperative relationship between the two of them.

At this time, at most, both of them have just finished getting acquainted with each other.

After only cooperating for a while, will you directly start in-depth cooperation with the other party? Then their Ye's Chamber of Commerce is a little too big.

At the same time, to be more blunt, cooperation is that both parties have something to do with each other, and that is cooperation.

But what does Karen Bell have?

It's not so much cooperation, it's better to say that their Ye's Chamber of Commerce invested in Karen Bell.

Among them, the main reason for choosing Karen Bell for investment was not because of the importance of Karen Bell's market, but because the Seven Star Alliance needed to use Karen Bell to enter the third universe at that time.

If you look at the market alone, for the giant Yip's Chamber of Commerce, Karen Bell's market is really not enough to require them to invest exclusively.

Although investment does not make you lose money, it actually doesn't make much money.

Especially in the first few years, when they came here to set up a business, the initial investment also required a lot of costs, which made the profit even less.

The overall income of each industry has only started to increase steadily until the last two quarters.

In this way, for the Yip's Chamber of Commerce, Karen Bell is definitely not a good investment target, and the overall price/performance ratio is too low.

But for Huo Qiguang, president of Karen Bell, he naturally hopes that the Yeh Chamber of Commerce can continue to increase investment here, and even develop some in-depth cooperation with them.

After all, according to the cooperation agreement, the Yip’s Chamber of Commerce entered their Karenbel industry, and their Karenbel officials have injected capital. They are half state-owned enterprises, and the economic benefits that can bring them to Karenbel far exceed other industries. , And don’t worry about suddenly going beyond their control.

But now Karen Bell's move, to put it bluntly, is to hug Ye's Chamber of Commerce's thighs and take off.

In this wave, Ye Qingxuan knew what the other party was thinking about.

But for this matter, she obviously does not have much enthusiasm.

Of course, it does not mean that there is no intention to continue investing at all.

In other words, the follow-up investment of Karen Bell must be continued.

After all, this is the first site of their Seven Star Alliance in the Third Universe. Naturally, it is to be built a little more sturdy. It will not be easy to be taken down by other forces when you talk about something casually. In this case, this site exists. The value of is too low.

In addition, if you take a long-term view, UU reading takes into account the coordinate position of Karen Bell, and in the future, Karen Bell will be able to become the cosmic country within their alliance, and the first An important trade transfer station for the trade between the three universes,

And such an important trade transfer station, as long as it is operated a little and don't do stupid things, it can basically develop into a planetary trade area of ​​sufficient scale.

Once it has successfully developed to this point, the economic value in it will be great.

With this as a prerequisite, entering the Ye's Chamber of Commerce in Karenbel's layout in advance will surely be able to pick extremely rich fruits by then.

As for now, it's an early investment.

In fact, at this stage, the Ye's Chamber of Commerce cannot be regarded as completely doing ‘poverty alleviation’ work there.

Because they invested in Karen Bell, this move to assist Karen Bell's development was out of the collective interests of the Seven Star Alliance.

So on the Alliance Committee, they will actually be given a certain degree of financial compensation.

If you count this compensation, the investment this time can still be regarded as a small profit.