MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 4376 , Raid

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In such a relatively narrow space, it is actually not a wise approach to hold large forces to fight in groups.

The limited space in itself will become even narrower due to the grouping of large forces.

Eventually, the movement of the large forces was restricted, and they were forced to enter a state where they could only continue to hold groups and passively defend.

Just like it is now.

The current situation, at first glance, faced with the high-speed bursts of their Yanlong laser cannons, the zergs that swarmed up were shot and killed instantly.

But in fact, facing the endless attacks of Zergs, their large forces were basically trapped in this area.

From the beginning of the attack to the present, after several rounds of firefighting, their large forces have basically not moved.

As a rapid assault force, being dragged into such a situation by the Zerg, it can only be said to be a failure.

But to a certain extent, it is also helpless.

For them, this meteorite belt is an unknown area, and it also contains magnetic field interference, which affects the normal operation of their smart devices.

In the face of the Zerg who are more familiar with this complex environment, if they act separately, there is a great possibility that they will be directly in danger and pay a heavy price for it.

This factor forced them to choose a group operation in the early stage.

Therefore, the current situation is somewhat within their expectations.

So, they still have some coping methods...

While the peripheral soldiers used the firepower of the Yanlong laser cannon to resist the attack of zergs, the dwarven armored soldiers on the inner side had already quickly switched their firepower equipment.

After that, with an order, in the crystal barrel, a bunch of amazing dark red energy beams burst out!

Their highest priority target is not the Zergs that are siege to them, but the large meteorites that are distributed around and they just have the ability to destroy them.

As mentioned earlier, every dwarven armored soldier has rich combat experience.

When fighting in the void environment, sometimes it is inevitable to encounter some meteorites.

Regarding the question of what level of meteorites can be destroyed by the weapons in their own hands, every dwarven armored soldier has no doubt in his mind.

If there is no environment, then use firepower to create an environment!

Attack the ones that can be crushed. As long as this part of the meteorite is crushed on a large scale, the activity space in the area where they are located will quickly open up.

"Pioneer Team One, Team Two, Team Three! Push it out! Press it with firepower! Team Four, Team Five, Team Six are ready to pick up!"

"The support troops pay attention to the movement of the vanguard troops and provide support at any time!"

"The firepower has spread out the No. 4 formation and continues to destroy the meteorites in the area!"

Within the dwarven armored unit, there is undoubtedly a more detailed division of units according to the equipment configuration and responsibilities.

Facing the strong pressure of the Zerg ambush before, the dwarven armored unit, as an outsider, was under defensive pressure, and its formation inevitably suffered a large-scale compression.

This will result in normal combat operations when only armored soldiers in the outer area of ​​the formation and a small number of internal soldiers can carry out normal combat operations.

The rest of the soldiers will be forced by the limited space and will basically be unable to conduct normal operations, or in other words, simply can't fight.

For this reason, they must quickly open up the situation so that this part of their wasted and idle combat power can be put into the battle as soon as possible and begin to play their due value.

With a large number of meteorites being shattered by thermonuclear energy shells, the open space created gave the vanguard room for extrapolation.

And the extrapolation of the vanguard forces can make the internal space of their armored units open up.

More armored soldiers can start to play their due value!

In this state, the firepower of the dwarven armored forces quickly increased, bringing even more tyrannical blows to the stray worms that came up to the siege.

Originally in that series of ambushes, relying on the advantage of the home field, the Zerg had the upper hand. At this moment, facing the increasing firepower output of the dwarven armored units, their advantages are being constantly reduced. .

The situation here was undoubtedly quickly reported back to the opposing commander.

At this point in the battle, the armored unit on the opposite side has already shown good firepower.

If you want to mobilize troops from the frontline battlefield to return support, then obviously, you need to give orders now.

Otherwise, it is obviously impossible to wait until the armored forces on the opposite side come in before giving orders.

Of course, if you think about it optimistically, the forces left behind may be enough to encircle and kill the armored force that came in from the enemy.

In fact, the troops behind them are indeed not small.

This planet as a frontline stronghold is also extremely important to their Void Zerg.

How can such an important stronghold planet be garrisoned without garrisoning troops?

Even to speak of it, the scale of the left-behind troops is still very impressive, and many of them are high-level units of the Void Zerg, which can be said to be full of strength.

As his thoughts flew around, the commander on the side of the Void Zerg already had an opinion in his heart.

The subsequent garrison forces quickly broke out and began to confront each other with the dwarven armored forces of the Dark Iron Empire in the meteorite belt.

Relying on the tyrannical output firepower of the technological side-heating weapon, the dwarven armored unit is not worthy of them in a short period of time.

Directly use the purest firepower output, and start a frontal firepower duel with the Zerg who is constantly sweeping over.

When the scale of the Zerg on this side reached a certain level, they responded normally and became more and more strenuous, and the dwarven armored unit quickly sent a strong signal with the equipment provided by the machine race.

After receiving the signal, the Yanhuang Empire troops who were dormant in another place at that time quickly slammed out, from another point, directly towards this Needless to say, this In a wave, the rapid assault troops did not choose to concentrate all their forces to launch an offensive.

Instead, he chose to act separately and took a more offensive approach.

For such a key frontline stronghold, it was anticipated in advance that the Zerg’s garrison force would certainly not be less, and at the same time the opponent should not be so stupid as to come out.

The coalition forces that had prepared for a rapid assault force, with the help of the Black Iron Empire dwarf armored unit, pulled another wave of garrison forces on the opposite side, and successfully contained them.

At the same time, considering that the troops of the Yanhuang Empire frequently joined the battle before, if the battle is delayed, the Zerg will definitely be prepared.

Therefore, some of the troops headed by Nanhuangjun Xu Yu are fighting on the frontal battlefield at this time, attracting the attention of the Zerg army.

And the sudden attack task here was the responsibility of another fierce general in the army, Zhou Xian.

It can also be seen from this that for this wave of sudden attacks, the coalition forces can be said to have made sufficient preparations!