MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 4399 , The biggest issue

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The message that this galaxy embryo is conveying to him has become Luo Ji's biggest clue right now.

Or, if he can communicate with the embryo of this galaxy, then he may be able to find a galaxy or return to the main space in the communication with the other party.

With such thoughts in mind, he must analyze the meaning of those special fluctuations.

For this, Luo Ji needs a lot of samples.

In other words, he needs to collect more special fluctuations to reach a certain amount of data, and then compare, analyze and calculate them.

So as to decipher the ‘language’ of this galaxy embryo.

This will be a difficult job.

Luo Ji couldn't make sure for the time being whether his Void Computer and the energy in the spacecraft would last him until he successfully cracked it.

But to a certain extent, this arduous job might come just right for Luo Ji.

At least he can concentrate on this job now...

After adjusting his mentality, he took another look at Ye Qingxuan's dormant state. After that, the Void Computer ran at high speed, and Luo Ji officially started his arduous job.

At the same time, on the main space side, Ye Qingxuan's spacecraft set off from the border of the Elf Kingdom, launched a subspace shuttle, and embarked on the return journey back to the base camp of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

This is a hidden record on the side of their Ye's Chamber of Commerce located in the border branch of the Elven Kingdom.

At the same time, this record was also sent back to the border department of their Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

This is a normal process operation.

In the case of expressly passing through the site and performing the subspace shuttle, one site will inevitably register, and the other site will receive the message at the same time.

This is to make it easier to confirm whether the fleet has reached the destination safely.

In general, the time required to move between two sites is basically determined.

After all, there is no traffic jam in this subspace channel.

Although depending on the difference in spacecraft performance and the size of the fleet, the movement efficiency will be affected to a certain extent.

However, the station as the starting point will often take this into consideration when registering.

Therefore, the time error will not be too large, usually about a week.

Therefore, even if a fleet does not arrive at the destination accurately within the calculated time, the local authorities will not immediately start paying attention and investigating, but will make a judgment on this matter after a week or even two weeks. And investigation.

To confirm whether the other party encountered an emergency, broke away from the subspace channel and changed the navigation route, or something else happened...

But Ye Qingxuan was different. As the eldest lady of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce, the fleet she was in was of course the focus of attention.

Even according to the calculated time, a week before the other party's official arrival, the border department's system had already begun to remind them.

The closer to the calculation time, the more frequent the reminder.

But once it was the time for the calculation, the fleet of their eldest lady did not show up on time.

In this case, even if the staff think that this should only be a very common time error, it is not worth fussing about, but the news must be reported to the relevant department as soon as possible.

And after 24 hours, I will confirm the intelligence with the department and related personnel at the departure point.

Of course, at this stage, everyone does not appear to be too nervous, after all, they are still within the normal range.

Until the time got longer and longer, they gradually realized that their eldest lady and the accompanying fleet might really have something wrong...

This kind of anxiety erupted suddenly after reaching a certain point in time.

As the president of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce and Ye Qingxuan's father, Ye Tianxiong undoubtedly received the news at the first time, but he failed to confirm it in time.

At that time, he was at the Alliance Committee, holding an internal meeting of their Seven Star Alliance.

And the main content of the meeting was undoubtedly centered around the war with the Zerg.

Simply knocking it back and expelling it from the periphery of the Fourth Universe is obviously not enough to completely remove the threat from the Zerg.

What they need now is to continue to fight back. This is a very reasonable and correct idea.

At the same time, they can avoid this threat for a longer period of time.

But no matter how reasonable and correct the idea is, you have to face some practical problems...

For example, money and resources.

If they want to launch a further counterattack against the Zerg, just fight it all the way, then they will definitely embark on a huge expedition.

What they are going to is undoubtedly an unknown universe.

And this expedition will consume countless manpower and material resources, which is completely predictable.

The previous continuous battles with Zergs in the territory of the Republic of Vanega, UU Reading www. Obviously, the consumption of and their countries cannot be considered small. If a large-scale expedition is to be launched, their consumption will be further expanded.

Even for some front-line powers, they will put pressure on their own finances that cannot be ignored. At the same time, during the expedition, they will inevitably reduce the military power of their countries.

This has made leaders of various countries show a certain degree of hesitation.

After all, the former only burns money and has a certain degree of impact on the economic development of their countries, but the latter will reduce their national defense capabilities.

Even though the whole universe is still peaceful now, in fact, many cosmic countries have small frictions in daily life.

All they need to do is to give their enemies a chance, and these small frictions will soon evolve into a threatening war of aggression!

As the chairman of the committee, Ye Tianxiong couldn't be more clear about the affairs between countries in this universe. Of course, he knew what leaders of all countries were concerned about.

At the same time, they are also aware of the attitudes of leaders of various countries within their Seven Star Alliance.

A universe nation that can join the Seven Star Alliance naturally has a certain overall view.

They knew in their hearts that in the face of the threat of zerg from the outer universe, if they did not launch an expedition, there would be no way to cure them, and they would fall into a passive defense situation.

In other words, they are inherently inclined to expedition, otherwise they would be able to refuse from the beginning, and there is no need to participate in this meeting.

But the risks and costs of the expedition made them have to worry about it.

And this is also the biggest reason why leaders of all countries come to participate in this meeting!

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