MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 4409 , National attitudes

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In order to restore the image of the United States of Usai in the international community, and at the same time to restore their credibility, before issuing this application, the new president of the United States of Usai also sent out a'reflection' video specifically for various cosmic nations. , Trying to restore the image of some countries.

Of course, video content has little to do with ‘introspection’.

Those who have watched this video are more willing to call it a ‘bumping’ video.

Because the current president of the United States of America, the main thing he did in the video was to throw the pot to his predecessor and his predecessor...

But when it comes to this matter, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Because the United States of Usa was indeed a mess before the current president took office.

Therefore, let’s not talk about the evaluation of this video on the social networks of other cosmic countries. At least in the United States of Us, the response is quite good. Many citizens can recognize the current president’s this to a certain extent. The remarks.

And the current president, while applying to join the expeditionary force, also emphasized this matter a little bit.

To put it simply, those things were done by the former president and the former president. It has nothing to do with me. I am different from them.

Indeed, the replacement of the president will have a relatively obvious impact on a country’s policies.

The most obvious example is undoubtedly the Far East Federal State. The development of the Far East Federal State only picked up after Liu Junjie took office.

However, the situation in the United States of Usa is different from that of the Far Eastern Federal States.

The Far East Federal State is a federal state composed of multiple countries within a galaxy. It has a rich multinational culture and a deep cultural heritage, as well as a strong tolerance for these cultures.

The richness of culture has led to their rich and diverse thinking.

Therefore, presidents with different ideas have different development policies after taking office.

This makes that in the Far Eastern Federal States, the change of the president will constitute a fairly obvious change in the development policy of an entire country.

But Usa is different in the United States.

As I said before, whoever is the president of Usai United States basically cannot change their usual urination.

Because as a ‘upstart’ of the Fourth Universe, their culture is extremely ‘thin’, and there is no cultural heritage in themselves.

And a whole single and shallow thought and style go directly into the education system of the country.

In other words, these Yusai people were educated in this way since they were young.

Let’s not talk about the people at the bottom. According to the national conditions of the United States of America, if you can successfully climb to a high position, you must first be correct in your thinking, right?

Under normal circumstances, those who can run for president and are successfully elected are basically in this group of people.

This has also led to a situation in which within the United States of Usai, whoever is in power, has similar attitudes towards the outside world.

This time, the new president who just took office posted such a video. You can’t say that his thoughts have been corrected, but at least he has figured out one thing, that is, if the United States of America has been unable to restore it in the international community. Image, then they basically get cold.

After being beaten continuously, under pressure, he temporarily lowered his posture, which shows that the other party is not completely unaware.

Although this posture is not too low.

"What do you think?"

As the chairman, under normal circumstances, the internal meetings of the Seven Star Alliance are basically presided over by Ye Tianxiong.

Of course, this time is not an internal meeting.

Considering the particularity of the United States of Usai, Ye Tianxiong sent out invitations to teleconferences to all the cosmic nations that joined the expeditionary force.

This matter is not complicated. Generally, after explaining the situation, leaders of various countries will make a statement and vote, and a conclusion will be drawn soon.

However, the inner activities of the leaders of individual cosmic nations are rich.

Especially those doglegs from the United States of Usai.

Yes, they also joined the expeditionary army.

After all, after taking a bite back from the United States of Usa, they were completely separated from each other, and they were no match for each other.

However, the embarrassment was that the pattern in the Fourth Universe was already very clear at that time.

The forces other than them have basically formed the "Fourth Universe Strategic Alliance".

At that time, they unilaterally drew a clear line with the United States of Usai, but it did not mean that they would be able to successfully join the Fourth Universe Strategic Alliance.

In fact, they haven't been able to join in successfully yet.

This group of former dogs, now very diligent and active to join the expeditionary force, is nothing more than showing goodwill to the Seven Star Alliance and the Fourth Universe Strategic Alliance.

But now, Usai United States has done the same, without even thinking about it, this group of original doglegs must be the first to jump out to oppose it.

After tearing up their skin with Usi and United Kingdom, they are the people in the universe who want Usi and United Kingdom to die quickly.

The strength of the United States of Usa is above them, and if the other party does not die for a day, they will have no peace of mind for a day.

What if one day, the other party slows down and asks them to settle accounts after the autumn?

The little abacus in the minds of these guys, let alone Ye Tianxiong, the leaders of the countries who participated in this remote meeting are basically clear in their hearts.

And the appearance of the other party's jumpy feet is obviously not enough to affect their thoughts.

In fact, for most leaders, this matter doesn't matter at all.

Taking into account the current situation of Usai United Kingdom, this time the expedition, the opponent should not dare to die again.

Not only do you dare not die, you should even seize every opportunity to perform well and restore your image in the international community.

With this in mind, it doesn't matter if the opponent wants to join. After all, considering the military strength, the opponent still has a first-line level, which is considered a good combat power.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't join, the expeditionary force is not bad now.

So and so, considering some grievances and more leaders in the Fourth Universe, their attention this time is still on the leaders of the member states of the Fourth Universe Strategic Alliance, and they are quite a little bit of a show. the meaning of.

In this regard, those doglegs were really anxious. After their opposition was basically ignored, UU reading www.uukā began to fight hard against the leaders of the Fourth Universe headed by Zhao Heng and Liu Junjie. People persuaded, the state is called a hard work, basically it is to turn out all the black materials of the United States of Usa.

Let the leaders of the countries present another meal.

However, Liu Junjie doesn't eat this set much...

"I agree with the Union of Usai to join the expeditionary force."

After all, their Far Eastern Federal State is a big country with deep heritage, and Liu Junjie is not so petty. In the matter of expedition, he still focuses on the overall situation.

As long as it is good for the overall situation, he will not oppose it.

His remarks caused many leaders present to take another look at him.

After Liu Junjie expressed his opinion, Zhao Heng also immediately agreed. His two attitudes basically determined the attitude of the Fourth Universe Strategic Alliance.

And the leaders of other countries are not interested in antagonizing them.

In the end, the application of the United States of Usa was approved by voting.