MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 4424 , Advance can attack, retreat can defend

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There is no need to say how important a good opening is to a battle.

The side that lost in the opening game has a high probability of being pulled into the opponent's fighting rhythm, being continuously suppressed, and paying a huge price in the process.

Even for races like their Void Zerg who are good at fighting protracted wars of attrition, the influence of the opening advantage cannot be ignored.

And the opening of this round undoubtedly made Balsa uncomfortable.

Although this battle has just begun, according to Baltha's experience, at this time, it is undoubtedly already anticipated in advance the price they will have to pay because of this wave of defeat.

Coupled with the existence of the orc army, all kinds of unfavorable factors are superimposed together, so that at this time, Baltha's heart has a little retreat.

It's not that it is afraid, but that it intends to stop losses in time.

If it bites the bullet and hits the opponent abruptly, it definitely does.

Balsa is very confident about this.

But the problem is that it makes no sense to fight like this.

Knowing that this battle is not good for them, it is not a wise choice to insist on fighting.

For the Void Zerg, it is the first time that they have confronted the orcs' troops, which makes them far from understanding the existence of the orcs.

If we say that through the previous actions, Balsa successfully contained Leviathan.

At the beginning, you don’t need to create a clear advantage for yourself. Even if it’s just a tie, Baltha is willing to fight for the current situation, continue to fight, pay some military price, and explore the details of the opposing orc army. Nothing bad.

But the current situation, obviously did not meet its expectations.

Then look at their current location.

After the frontline planet on top of the front line was taken away by the opposite side, they had already lost the front line at the forefront.

After that, their entire army of the Void Zerg shrank the defense line and retreated a long distance.

Of course, this is not to say that the situation is not good.

To some extent, retreating to this planet will become more flexible for them.

If the front line is still there, considering that strategic value, they will definitely stand firm, instead limiting the use of some actions and tactics.

After losing that line of defense, the line of defense that the army retreated is actually not that important to them.

Can hold, of course the best.

But if you can't hold it, just retreat and give up, Baltha won't have any pressure.

It is not to say that this planetary line of defense has fallen, and the enemy has hit their doorstep. Judging from the interstellar position, it is still very early.

In other words, they are now in a flexible position where they can advance, retreat, and defend.

"Good fellow, is it so easy to retreat?! The commander on the opposite side ordered the retreat!"

After the orc army attacked, the other units of their expeditionary army, seeing an opportunity, also immediately fought from another position on the outer battlefield.

With the explosive firepower, coupled with the offensive of the orc army, the whole situation has obviously fallen to their side, and the advantage is not small.

However, before they could seize this opportunity and continue to expand their advantages, some transfers from the opposite side caused Zhou Yi's vigilance.

Among the generals, Zhou Yi can be said to be the one who has played against Baltha the most and also knows the opponent best.

Others may not have noticed it yet, but he has vaguely noticed some clues.

Of course, this judgment has a lot of intuition.

Although Zhou Yi believed in his own intuition in this field, this time it was too much involved, so he did not dare to make a judgment. He decided to wait and see if he could find something more clear. Signal.

As the opposing actions continued to unfold, Zhou Yi's grasp in his heart became greater and greater.

Just when Zhouyi had completely determined that it was going to be proposed, Dominique Adolf's voice rang before him in the internal communication channels of their military commanders.

Needless to say, the other party can see it too.

Among the generals, Dominique Adolf’s experience with Balsa was not as good as that of Zhou Yi, but it was also extremely rich. Coupled with the blessing of his own years of experience in commanding troops, it also made him aware of it faster than other generals. at this point.

Facing this situation, Zhou Yi bluffed twice, his expression was slightly embarrassed, but in the end he said nothing.

During this period, I was reminded by Dominic Adolf that the expeditionary army, who realized this, quickly adjusted its tactics internally, and began to outflank the Zerg army that was about to evacuate.

Even if there is no way to stop them completely, but at least let them expand the results as much as possible, anyway, it will not be in vain.

In this expeditionary army, the generals who can be commanders in chief have good abilities.

To put it simply, everyone is professional. At this time, it is natural to know what to do.

Even if the tacit understanding between them is limited, as long as the ideas are consistent and the command is correct, they can always cooperate so one or two times.

Ordinary troops, this wave should be beaten obediently.

Since you all want to run away, it is definitely inevitable to be hit by the other side chasing butt.

But Bartha's methods are indeed powerful.

In the previous battles, due to the fact that the expeditionary army had many top commanders in command of the battle, the combat style of the expeditionary army was also complicated and changeable. Balsa, who was not aware of this before, was often unpredictable there. He suffered a disadvantage in his commanding style, and his playing was quite uncomfortable.

However, while this arrangement has advantages, it naturally also has disadvantages that cannot be ignored.

That is, in the case of limited mutual understanding, it is difficult to improve the coordination between different forces of UU reading in a short period of time.

With this as a prerequisite, it is not difficult for a veteran commander like Baltha to catch their flaws.

This wave of evacuation, Balsa undoubtedly anticipated this situation in advance.

At this moment, while making the Void Burrower around him ready to **** it away at any time, Baltha himself did not panic at all, commanding the Zerg army through the neural network to fight, seizing a flaw, and leaving the gap in a wave. .

In this regard, the expeditionary army is also reluctant.

Although the outflanking and interception were broken, there were still means of hunting down.

Headed by the raiding troops of the Elf Kingdom, the high-mobility troops in the expeditionary army bite the emergency-evacuated Zerg army, chasing them all the way, killing them all the way!

However, due to the relatively limited strength of the troops and the fact that the opponents withdrew very simply, after the distance, they did not turn back to fight with them at all, which made the current achievements of the pursuit troops relatively limited.