MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 4525 , room for maneuver

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On the garbage mountain side, the life of the scavengers is very monotonous.

Simply put, in order to survive, I keep picking up junk every day.

Even one day of slack, the life they had barely maintained could fall apart completely!

For the wing people as managers, this is undoubtedly stable.

But for scavengers, this life is dull, hopeless, and has no end in sight.

Their lives have fallen into a vicious circle!

And it is in such an environment that the arrival of Ye Qingxuan and others has brought unprecedented excitement to such a group!

From the point of view of other scavengers, Ye Qingxuan and others are the same as them, they are all scavengers, half a catty.

To be honest, they could barely support themselves, but Ye Qingxuan and the others could barely survive by relying on the church's help. From this point of view, they could even be said to be stronger than Ye Qingxuan and others.

But it is such a group of people in need of help that from the first day of the garbage mountain, their differences have begun to show.

In retrospect, it seems that from the very beginning, these people never planned to earn a living by picking up garbage.

At first, all the scavengers here thought they were a joke.

As a result, who would have thought that this 'joke' broke the limitation of being a scavenger in a very short period of time, and almost became a garbage mountain in the South City Gate, and is recognized as the richest group of people?

This not only aroused the envy and envy of many people, but also made many scavengers start to think.

Even such a group of people who were in a worse situation than them at the beginning can get to this point, so can they do something?

As Ye Qingxuan and the others became more and more famous on the garbage mountain side, the tools they sold became more and more popular, and even scavengers in other areas became interested in them and began to understand them. , even want to buy.

But unfortunately there is no way.

Like I said before, it was too much trouble for scavengers in other areas to come over.

At the same time, for scavengers in other areas, how useful are these tools of Ye Qingxuan and the others? How amazing is that? In the end, it's still just at the level of 'hearing'.

Under this premise, let them just rely on a rumor and fight to lose a day's income, plus the cost of buying tools, go to Nanchengmen garbage mountain to buy a tool?

For the vast majority of scavengers who can barely make ends meet, the risk is too great, and they basically don't want to take this risk.

We are all scavengers, and scavengers generally know scavengers best.

Knowing the concerns of scavengers in other areas, and knowing that the other party is interested in these tools, and then looking at Ye Qingxuan's business, some scavengers on the Nancheng Gate side suddenly thought of a way to make money.

Originally, they wanted to buy more tools from Ye Qingxuan at a cheaper price with a strategy of favoring large quantities, and then specially shipped them to other areas and sold them to other areas at a higher price. Scavengers.

After going back and forth, they can make a lot of money.

As a result, what they didn't expect was that Ye Qingxuan didn't follow their plan at all, saying "don't bargain", which directly disrupted their original plan of course.

But the waste scavenger at that time had a bit of a meaning of 'the arrow is on the string and had to send it', mainly because he was reluctant to give up this way of making money.

At that time, they will sell it to scavengers in other areas at a higher price than the original price anyway, and Ye Qingxuan sells it to them at the original price, at most to make them earn less.

In a very short period of time, after he figured this out, the scavenger also gritted his teeth, bought the first batch of goods from Ye Qingxuan, and started his career as a second-order dealer.

However, he was obviously not the only one who thought of this way to make money.

In fact, many scavengers have thought of it on the garbage mountain side.

But to implement it, it requires a certain amount of strength.

After all, you can't travel that far, just to sell two or three shovels or picks in the next area?

No matter what, you have to have the entire seven or eight, or even more to make money.

But in this way, it is necessary to test whether their 'purchasing funds' are sufficient.

This led to the fact that on the garbage mountain side, only groups with a certain scale and strength could be the second-order traffickers.

In the Xiacheng District, about 30% of the human beings are all under the premise of being scavengers. There are not a few scavengers who have sufficient strength and want to make this kind of money on the garbage mountain of Nancheng Gate.

There are basically not many secrets on the garbage mountain side. After a group grabbed the first batch of goods in front of other groups, it seemed that some kind of chain reaction was formed, and various groups began to panic buying.

This caused Ye Qingxuan and the others to see an explosive rise in their next business.

Ye Qingxuan also knew the reason why such a situation was formed.

A very simple psychology, that is, everyone is afraid that Ye Qingxuan's goods here will be robbed, or that Ye Qingxuan sees that the business is so good, and directly increases the price.

At the same time, the group that gets the goods first will definitely be able to go to other areas to sell goods first.

Having experienced the situation on the Nanchengmen side, many scavengers know that the purchasing power of each area is limited.

The one that goes first will definitely be the easiest to sell, and the one that arrives later will be relatively difficult.

Combining these factors, UU reading is why everyone is so crazy.

Let's not talk about the concerns behind this group of second-order dealers, but it is basically impossible to buy out the goods.

Ye Qingxuan, who had foreseen this situation in advance, was not idle during the two days they rested before. Li Ke and the others were all making tools with all their strength.

In this regard, they can be regarded as practice makes perfect, and they also bought the tools that are handy, which greatly improves the efficiency of the whole production.

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Now they have enough stock in hand, just to make a lot of money!

By the way, from this step, Ye Qingxuan and the others began to collect money. After all, it is easier to get money for large orders.

Of course, if the money is not enough, they don't mind the other party using various parts to make up.

This is equivalent to invisibly lowering the purchase threshold and making the business more popular.

During this period of time, the one who bought the least bought five tools, got a piece of rags, packed a pack of tools, put them on their backs, and left.

And if you buy more, you will usually buy another scooter.

Tools can be pushed away directly on the trolley, making it easier and more efficient to move.

At that time, if scavengers in other districts want to buy scooters, they can also sell them directly and make a lot of money.

On the other hand, if the other party does not sell it, they can continue to use it by themselves, improving the efficiency of shipping, and it will not be a loss either.

Judging from the current situation, there are still many wise people among the scavengers.

Before, he was simply trapped in this dead end, unable to save himself.

And the arrival of Ye Qingxuan and the others disrupted the situation and allowed them to slowly move around...