MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 4533 , buy shares

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After a period of time, the other forces around did not come to them directly.

It seems that this person who can be the boss of a party basically still has some brains.

Luo Ji and the others beat up Wade's No. 30 thugs in the street. Let's not talk about other aspects, this fist is definitely hard enough.

In Xiacheng District, the level of force value is undoubtedly a very important measure.

Under this premise, the next morning, the news that Wade followed the new boss came out.

The former boss of the black market became a younger brother to the new boss who beat him up. This matter will inevitably be laughed at by many people, and Wade can really pull his face.

And in the case that Wade can pull this face, this news is not a good thing for other forces who have been thinking about this site.

The reason is very simple. Originally, the new boss was in the top position, and the position of the black market boss was changed. Originally, they all followed the thugs of the old boss. Basically, they would not all stay there. Nine times out of ten, they were scattered, which gave other forces an opportunity to intervene. .

But once the former boss returns, the former boss can gather his own people in time.

Although it is possible to leave some people, at least about half of them can be left.

Originally, Wade, the boss, was not bad, and he was never stingy with the people under his hands, which was regarded as gaining a lot of popularity.

Although Wade is defeated now, considering this point, there should be many younger brothers who are willing to continue to follow him.

In the next few days, this conjecture was quickly confirmed.

Among the more than 100 people who followed Wade before, 81 people have expressed their willingness to continue to follow Wade and serve as the new boss. In addition, there are 35 people who are still hesitating. Give a clear answer, as for the rest, naturally they all left.

If you are still hesitating, leave it alone, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan are already very surprised that 81 people are sure to stay.

It seems that Wade, the boss, did a good job.

For this situation, some people may feel apprehensive, thinking that the eighty-one younger brothers are actually all following Wade.

At that time, in this gang, Wade's speech, I am afraid that it is not better than their boss, who speaks.

But Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan didn't really care, or they were so confident in themselves that they weren't afraid of this happening.

After confirming this, it is undoubtedly a good thing for them to be able to confirm that 81 people are left.

After all, the area of ​​this black market is not small, directly occupying a block.

Although Luo Ji and the others are powerful, their manpower is limited, and they can't handle it by themselves.

At this time, the value of those 81 people was revealed.

As for the remaining people who were determined to leave, or even left, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan did not plan to keep them.

After all, people's minds have already been decided, so it doesn't make sense for you to stay.

Of course, there is a more important reason because those people are thugs. They basically know Wade about everyone's situation, and there are no talents worthy of their special efforts to retain.

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At this very moment, in Luo Ji's office, the former gang stronghold, Luo Ji was flipping through another report at hand.

This report mainly records the economic situation of the original gang.

At the same time, Wade actually took out all the money he had collected from the protection fees over the years. This was something that neither Luo Ji nor Ye Qingxuan thought of.

After all, gangs like this charge protection fees. To put it bluntly, the protection fee is collected. The boss takes out a part to give a point to the younger brother under his command, and the rest is put into his pocket and it is done. There is basically no plan.

But Wade is different. Although most of them can't keep accounting due to the particularity of vellum, but basically, Wade knows the monthly expenses.

In fact, his monthly expenses are generally similar, so he only needs to remember which months have special extra expenses, which is relatively simple to remember.

It can't be said that it can be directly accurate to one to two digits, but he can tell how much it cost and where it was spent.

The report in front of me is written on it.

Looking at these records, if there is no fraud, then Wade himself does not have the habit of spending extravagantly. At the same time, he is also very good to these little brothers under his hands. He is never stingy and will not spend most of his money. Putting it in his own pocket is also the main reason why so many younger brothers are willing to follow him.

Among the power leaders, Wade is absolutely generous to his younger brother.

As a result of this, he has not saved much money over the years.

This made Ye Qingxuan and others, who made a lot of money because of the large-scale wholesale of Erdao dealers, found out that they were actually a little richer than Wade...

This happens, not because Wade is too poor, but because Ye Qingxuan and the others are too rich recently.

Don't think that the little money in the scavenger's pocket is worthless.

It's a very simple truth, the people of the whole country, as long as everyone gives you a dollar, you can become a rich man in The number of scavengers, although only accounts for % of the total population of Xiacheng District Thirty or so, but Ye Qingxuan took more than one dollar from their pockets.

Returning to the topic, Wade's actions this time are still high-profile, and Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan's evaluation of him in their hearts has risen again.

"This money, even if you are a shareholder."

While speaking, Luo Ji was not hypocritical, and directly accepted all the money that Wade brought over.

Although they are richer than Wade now, considering the general living standards of the people in the lower city, the amount of money in Wade's pocket is still not small.

Since they want to start business and develop in this neighborhood, the initial capital must be indispensable. The more capital on hand, the faster the development.

Originally, according to their original thoughts, they really didn't plan to let anyone get involved in their business, but Wade's performance made them change their minds.

They don't know what the future will be. Assuming that they will continue to survive in this lower city in the future, Wade will undoubtedly be a good help for them.

Taking this into account, it is not a bad thing to pull the other party into shares and further bind the other party's assets to them.

Later, through Luo Ji's simple explanation, after figuring out what 'joining shares' means, Wade was surprised by the new boss's willingness to let himself directly take a share of the pie, and at the same time, he was even more determined in his heart. idea.

Follow the new boss, oh no, it should be called the boss.

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