MTL - The World of Gods Rises From the Zerg-Chapter 1461 respective progress

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  At this time, in the entire technological world, countless people are crazy about these dark creatures.

  Especially those existences whose family background is relatively average, after discovering that the energy cores of these dark creatures can be sold at a high price, for them at this time, they are naturally willing to work hard for these energy cores.

  If it was in the past, for them, everyone just started at the same level, so even though there was a certain need for money at that time, it was just that, and there were not so many things for them to use.

But now with the emergence of these energy cores, and with the emergence of energy cores at this time, they are actually thinking about making something through various technological means at this time to restore their energy. It can strengthen their strength recovery and practice progress.

   Therefore, at this time, most people naturally need to get these energy cores to sell, and then use them to buy those potions for restoring energy.

For the existence of those high-ranking families, they are actually using the experience potion at this time, but at this time, in addition to self-cultivation, they are specially absorbing the energy in these energy cores at this time, which can improve their strength. Rapid progress, and for those of ordinary origin, how to restore their experience is already a big problem at this time, so it is natural to try to make money, and then use it to buy these ordinary refined Potion, when the time comes so that I may be able to take one more rest during my daily practice, it seems that every day is just one more rest, but this time is known for several hours, I was mine from the beginning In terms of practice time, it is equivalent to adding several hours to their daily practice time, which increases the progress by tens of percent. This is already a huge improvement, so they will naturally not give up at this time such an opportunity.

And for those who have enough capital, the energy-replenishing potions that can be used every day are actually positive. Naturally, there is no way to continue to use them if they exceed this part. There is a drug resistance, so after this, relying on their heart, they naturally need to recover slowly, and during this recovery period, they naturally need to absorb the energy in these energy cores, so that their strength can be improved. It is advancing by leaps and bounds, so the needs between the two are just different at this time, for those. For ordinary people, at this time, it does not mean absorbing, the energy above the energy core has no effect on them, but because at this time, compared to absorbing themselves, it is better to sell it, in exchange for money, and then The medicine used to restore energy is even more useful to oneself.

Fortunately, there are countless planets in the entire scientific and technological world, and there are a lot of wilderness on these planets, and if you search carefully in these wilderness, you can still meet some newly born dark creatures, and then add If you look at governance performance, you can still gain a certain amount of energy cores. Although the value of energy cores also increases with their quality, even the lowest-level energy cores are obviously considered valuable to them. It's a very good harvest, so for most people at this time, all they need to do now is to kill these creatures as much as possible.

The amount of dark energy produced now is actually very large. Some time ago, after discovering that these dark energies flooded and caused a large number of dark creatures to appear, the third was to stop continuing to produce, but in the following time they The discovery of these dark energies can promote the appearance of dark creatures, so it is natural to dig wildly at this time, and then produce as many dark energies as possible in batches, so that dark energies can spread everywhere. will make. A large number of dark creatures appeared, and after they killed these dark creatures, they naturally obtained a large number of energy cores, which was obviously the most in line with their expectations.

In the past, those high-ranking households actually didn't mind the energy leaking out, because at that time they could only absorb so much energy, but since they discovered that this dark energy can be used for dark creatures, they are naturally The place where I was kept in captivity produced these dark energies, so that after these dark energies permeated, it was only in their imprisoned area, so that a large amount of dark energy was directly born at this time, and then it was imprisoned in a certain area. , cannot continue to spread outwards, so that the concentration of dark energy in this area is constantly increasing, causing a large amount of dark energy to be drawn in the same place in the subsequent time, and it will naturally occur after a certain period of time. And some dark creatures were born.

It's just that these dark creatures are weak, so these forces have no interest at all at this time, so they only commit suicide, but let him continue to stay in this dark area to absorb dark energy, making his strength stronger. Getting stronger and stronger, only when his strength reaches a certain level will he get his energy from this kill. If the core is like this, it will naturally maximize the benefits for them.

At this time, in addition to these families, the federal security is also producing these dark energies on a large scale at this time, and even in the entire federation, 90% of the energy is produced by them, so at this time, in addition to supplying Except for the energy practitioners one by one, the remaining dark energy basically spread out directly. I just didn't realize that such a thing would happen before, but now I discovered the specific role of these dark creatures Afterwards, they naturally had deeper thoughts, so at this time they will unscrupulously create dark energy here, and then let it diffuse out, causing a large number of dark creatures to be created, and the result can be imagined For them at this time. After a large number of dark creatures are mass-produced at once, only sand will be produced, and then the energy of the other party will be obtained. In the core situation, the overall strength of the Federation will continue to improve. Therefore, the speed of strength development at this time is naturally extremely fast.

For such things, at this time, Mr. Xu actually pays attention occasionally. After all, he still attaches great importance to the world of science fiction at this time, especially since he has his own seeds of destruction here, so he naturally wants to take a look at the other party. What is the progress of strength, and seeing that Zhao Cheng has reached the natural level in a short period of time, I can't help being surprised after implementing it. After all, those people in other places have to go through It took a long time, and after all kinds of four kills, it was extremely difficult to reach the natural state, and the movement was also very huge. On the other hand, the formation at this time basically did not experience too much fighting, nor did it experience any life-and-death battles , it's just that he practiced naturally, and then directly reached the level of a god, and even at this time his strength progressed extremely fast. On the other hand, his strength at this time is nothing in this world. After all, even though there is no dominator level in this world, and there are only a few ninth-level spiritual masters equivalent to the main city level, it is precisely because they do not have a dominator level at this time, which means that only these Several hosts are in charge there, which makes these people's strength increase at this time, which is actually very fast.

Especially at this time, it was discovered that although Zhao Cheng said that his strength had reached the level of a god, but at this moment in his spiritual food sea, he was still frantically transforming the surrounding dark power, and then absorbed it and transformed it into his own spiritual spirit. power, and then fill up one's own spiritual consciousness sea, so that the entire small spiritual world is expanding crazily at this time, perhaps at this time the speed has slowed down a lot, after all, the area of ​​the entire spiritual food sea at this time is larger than it used to be, many Under the circumstances, if you want to continue to grow, it is obviously not as easy as you imagined, but at this time it seems that the speed of improvement is slow, it is just because the base has increased. Generally speaking, the growth rate at this time Compared with the past, these spiritual strengths are naturally many times greater.

What's more important is that if you just continue to improve step by step, it will be obvious that it won't take too long to fill up your mental damage, and then you can start preparing to hit the seventh level. level, and the seventh level is the true **** level.

   It is precisely because of the rapid development of the strength caused by this time that at this time, Old Xu can't help but pay attention to him, when he is timid. In the real world, some of the top powerhouses of the nether world are constantly expanding outwards, but it is obvious that their progress is completely different from the growth of the technology world. In the past, the technology world, It's just that they put all their minds on technology, so they don't pay much attention to the hugeness, but since they saw the invasion of the nether world, especially when they saw that the other party had a higher level of existence, it was very difficult. It was obvious right away. The direction of development is such that in a short period of time they have not only made great progress in technology, but also made great progress in practice. In the past, the number of their nine-level spiritual masters was only a few That's all, but after this period of development, two eighth-level masters have been promoted to the ninth level. It is countless.

In view of this, Mr. Xu couldn't help guessing at this time. After the strength of the technological world has improved to a certain level, they will definitely take the initiative to remove the gap that was once sealed by themselves, and then take the initiative to attack with their troops. Once they come, they will naturally collide with the Nether World, and then they will have fun to watch.

At this time, Mr. Xu naturally didn't know that the Nether World passed through the real world as a transit, and then reached the technological world. He only thought that the Nether World directly chose the technological world as the target of their attacks, thinking that there was a direct connection between the two together.

On the other hand, the Netherworld at this time, since they gave up the temperamental world as their attack target, and put their targets elsewhere, especially those small and medium-sized webmasters, they have completely abandoned them at this time So much so that it gathered a huge force and began to fight those advanced civilizations directly on those battlefields, so that for Greece at this time, it was obvious that it had a huge impact.

Especially since the 8187 star field has been transformed into a new battlefield, there is no need to continue to release water after losing these reorganizations. At this time, the opponent puts a lot of power into this battlefield, so that even building After building their own city wall, it is obvious that they want to gather second-hand ones. Therefore, at this time, some reorganization is needed, and they start to frantically attack the surrounding undead creatures and ghost creatures, so in a short period of time, a large number of The dark creatures have been eliminated, and therefore the strength of some of my weak Zergs has naturally changed by leaps and bounds.

After all, he was also worried that the other party would be scared away by him in the past, so he made some of his creations high-quality. Although the other party frantically accumulated power in this area, all the power that came from the support was learned. These Zergs were devoured cleanly, making the power swallowed by the Zergs almost equal to the power replenished by the opponent at this time, it is just that the overall state is slightly downward, but this situation is for the opponent at this time. Naturally, I am not very clear about it, I just feel that at this time there is a fight between the two, and they even have a slight upper hand, but the specific situation is very obvious, and only I can know it when I am empty-handed.

Aben thought that this situation would continue like this, and that the line of defense would completely collapse like a frog boiled in warm water, but what Mr. Xu never expected was that the opponent seemed to be desperate at this time, and all of a sudden A large number of dark creatures and dark forces have been brought over, so that the darkness in the entire area at this time, the concentration of energy is rising rapidly. In addition to this, not only is the concentration of dark energy rising at this time, but with the influx of a large amount of dark energy, the dark area that was already compressed inward by the Zerg at this time has an outward continuation. The trend of expansion, even after learning these reorganizations at this time, is fighting the enemy bravely, but it is obvious that there is no way to stop this change for a while.

Fortunately, for these Zergs who lost, although they can't keep the amount of energy consumed by themselves and the amount of energy replenished by the opponent in a state of balance for a while, there is no need to continue at this time. In such a long period of time, he only needs to let his Zergs take care of the ghost creatures around him step by step. Their strength is getting stronger and stronger. It is conceivable that as long as they continue to split with confidence at that time, they will eventually Time will naturally make the strength more and more powerful, so for them at that time, it will take a certain amount of time to continue to swallow these ghost creatures, so that the strength between them will be out of balance, and it will not even be necessary at that time. Worried about the sudden growth in this area, the dark power has grown so much that the entire area continues to expand outwards, and in this way, the front is wet. The great situation that the Zerg had finally managed to make was clearly going to be in vain.

Fortunately, such a situation did not happen in the end. Although the other party frantically mobilized a large amount of dark power, making this piece of 187 star field slowly expand outwards, but at this time they lost the reorganization scenery The character of the character, the surrounding ghost creatures devoured each other's power, and then completed their own split in a short period of time, so that there seemed to be a huge gap between the two at this time, but that was just Xu Lao. The ground is already weak, so there is no need to continue to pretend now, and even if the opponent has a large number of ghost creatures and dark energy from the nether world as resources, after all, these Zergs who are weak at this time don't have to worry about the opponent's attack at all. Some things, so this is the process of the two constantly fighting, and the strength of the two has changed to a certain extent, leading to this time. The strength of the reorganization is rising rapidly, and the strength of Youmin Biology is also rising at the beginning, but when they are. After being killed by a large number of Zerg, even with these ghost creatures obtained from the nether world as supplements, it is obvious that there is no way to stop this decline, so that the two are rapidly collapsing in a short period of time. Being brought closer, so that at this time, it is an extremely headache for these people's livelihood, except for these reorganizations, no matter when they see it, it is very uncomfortable for them.

And at this time, how could they not know that the reason why they seemed to say that these creations were in a tie with their ghost creatures earlier was that they were weak and deliberately gave in, and now they finally put their fangs Let Lulu show it, but for the Nether World, when the 8187 star field has been selected as a battlefield, it is naturally impossible to give up your goal at this time, so that at this time it can only be so hard Forget it, even if they know that if they continue to fight each other like this at this time, the situation will become more and more unknown to them, but at this time they can only grit their teeth and walk to the dark.

Of course, a Nether Battlefield cannot be created casually, but after all, at this time, the Nether World is rich and powerful, especially after the scattered experiences have been resolved, so that when the battle is gathered, a large amount of power at this time is all Together, so that at this time, in addition to supporting some old station masters in the surrounding area, a new battlefield was re-practiced in 8187 Xinyu at this time, so that even if it was against Xu Nuo at this time In other words, it is obviously not so easy to solve it, so at this time, I can only let myself reorganize, continue to fight against the opponent, and slowly wear down the strength of the opponent, even if there is a lot of darkness from behind at this time Energy and ghost creatures are added. But at this time, after learning that these reorganizations are becoming more and more powerful, it means that the energy swallowed by them is naturally multiplying at this time, which makes it seem like a short while at this time. Darkness in the sentence. The total number of people is rising crazily, but it is only in a short period of time. When these reorganizations grow, it will be obvious at that time that these dark forces are just becoming their nutrients, and there is no way to continue Growing up so recklessly.

On the other hand, at this time, in the place where no one pays attention to the fifth-level civilization, although there was some movement at the beginning, all this was completely covered by the dark sky at this time. Or, at this time, the channel of the major scientific and technological events has been firmly blocked by people, so that at this time, in order to prevent some weak ghost creatures from approaching, so that there are still a few god-king level people nearby at this time. Nether creatures are stationed here, for fear of any unexpected situation. In the face of the attacks of some spiritual events and the bombing of lasers, for these top existences in the nether world, it will eventually cause certain damage. So much so that at this time, it can only be firmly sealed off without any accidents. After all, the size of the Nether World at this time is much worse than before.

Especially at this time, they themselves are fighting on multiple fronts, and the current situation is very difficult under the situation of being attacked by the enemy. If they go head-to-head with the world of science and technology at this time, it is obvious that the situation will be even more difficult for them. Critical, after all, the world of science and technology, although the nether world does not know its details at this time, it is obviously a world no lower than eighth level, and an eighth level world is already a top existence in the high-level world Obviously, at this time, they have opened up multiple battlefields and then provoke them. It is naturally a very unwise decision for such an existence, so that at this time they can only choose to completely block the passage, disconnect and use technology. Connections between worlds.

Although it is said that the connection with the world of science and technology is to be disconnected at this time, it does not affect that they continue to spread the dark energy in all directions through this asteroid at this time. Those planets are bordering, and all they need to do now is to spread out these dark forces bit by bit, and then bring these surrounding places into their own control. It seems that what they need to do at this time These things are a bit difficult, especially at this time, a lot of dark energy is paid as a price, but there is no income at all, but this is for the Netherworld, what they do is a big event in itself. It's a big game of chess, so it seems that there is a lot of preparatory work at this time, but in fact, when it is time to harvest, the ripe fruits that are harvested at that time are obviously extremely sweet.

Now they are even wishing not to encounter those surrounding planets at this time, because once they encounter planets, it is easy for them to be exposed directly, so what they need to do at this time is to keep a low profile as much as possible , Therefore, at this time, the dark energy is only slowly spreading in this void, and then infects this distortion.

  Although the Nether World is fighting with multiple regions at this time, where are you on each battlefield? But at this time, for them, even if it is just some energy exposed from the cracks in the nails, it is enough for them to do the preparatory work in the early stage. After all, there are not a few dark energies that seem to expand outward. But compared to the huge size of the entire Nether World, what is this?

For the current nether world, it is just thinking about improving step by step, so that they can have greater achievements in the future, and doing these small actions now is just hiding behind the scenes It's just some dark hands, and they have made certain preparations quietly. When the time comes, their savings will touch all aspects. In this way, even with other battlefield forces, they can completely pull up another line of defense without making a fuss. When they come out, the real world will be like a sieve full of holes in front of them. They can do whatever they want without being affected in the slightest.

For example, in this community where material civilization is located, it is just one of the huge volumes of the entire nether world at this time. In the past, the nether world naturally did not have such a large volume, but now with the small and medium-sized The battlefield is over, and at this time they except those who supply them. Except for the super-large battlefield, the remaining dark energy at this time, apart from being supplied within the Nether World itself, has already exceeded it, so that these forces are naturally not enough at this time. Possibly, leave it casually and do nothing, so it spreads out directly through such infiltration methods without making a fuss.

  Especially after occupying those small and medium-sized plane worlds that have been captured for a long time, for the current Nether World, on the one hand, their own expenditures have already been reduced, and on the other hand, they can be eliminated at any time. After the world was devoured, the amount of heaven and earth energy that can be produced in the netherworld every day is much higher than before, and these majority of energies are naturally insignificant for the current netherworld. Being able to spend more power and use it in other areas led to the fact that at this time, in addition to supplying those battlefields, at this time they supplied all of this power to these small strongholds, silently spreading it out, In this way, I thought about creating a few more strongholds bit by bit, and at that time it was obvious that the situation would naturally become different.

After all, it is a super-large ninth-level event, and it is different from the general ninth-level event. The reason why the Nether World seems to be a little stretched now is just because they are mainly experienced by those high-level civilizations at this time. It's just restrained. If their experience is fully gathered at this time, it is obvious that with the power of the nether world, it is obviously easy to attack any civilization or any event.

Even if it is to attack a top-level big world like the Science and Technology University, the world may not have enough strength. Before the war with the opponent, it is just a tentative attack, and at this time, the Minsheng is not at all. never thought about. The strength of the world of science and technology is actually so strong that he has suffered a big loss even if his consciousness is not bad. Even though the attack power of the world of science and technology is indeed very powerful, for the nether world, the most terrifying thing about oneself is that there are endless dark creatures and ghost creatures can be endless. Therefore, in these places where dark energy is everywhere, even technological weapons will be greatly reduced in power when facing them, so when there are a large number of dark creatures constantly rushing past, it is obvious that the situation is naturally very different.

It is precisely because of this that the Nether World will continue to deploy its backhands in various places at this time. It seems that all they are doing at this time is nothing more than spending a lot of power in vain, and in a short period of time, there is nothing to do. Can't get any benefits, but it seems that at this time they are just paying out their strength, but in fact, considering the size of the Nether World, the price they are paying now is nothing at all, but if they If you can completely occupy these places, then you will be able to take root and stabilize them directly. Later, you can naturally use them as your base, once as the center, and continue to expand in all directions. When they occupy a large amount of credit, they can directly increase their own size. In this way, the price that needs to be paid now will naturally be recovered hundreds of times, thousands of times, or even more. Therefore, at this time, it is obvious that the Netherworld will set a new banner.

To put it bluntly, because there are large areas in the Nether World, and in each of these large areas, each has a large number of zero veins, so for the Nether World at this time, through Ling Some of the dark power transformed by the veins is released in these places. In fact, it seems that this power has been released in vain at this time, but it is not directly dissipated. It is completely gone, so if If you want, the Nether World can recover this part of its power at any time, so generally speaking, for the Nether World, all that is done at this time is nothing more than an early investment. At that time, they can recover this part of their investment at any time. At most, they have made themselves pay a negligible price in this process. Obviously, for the Nether World, they can fully afford this loss. , so naturally you don't need to be too persistent in your heart, but if it is the result of their plan at this time. In other words, when the time comes to occupy these areas one by one, making them a new stronghold of the nether world, and when these nether creatures exist and continue to expand outward, it will be effortless at that time To occupy these places, it is obvious that for the Nether World, this is naturally what they dream of.

After all, for the current nether world, their strength is too strong at this time, and therefore their daily output is very large. At this time, some insignificant forces are deployed to expand outward, at most it is on their own. In her spare time, Wei Wei made some insignificant arrangements, which were obviously nothing to them, so that for the Netherworld at this time, all that she did at this time was at most a matter of mutual benefit between herself and that world. It's just a little bit of insignificant layout made by some people of advanced civilization during the battle. At this time, the Nether World actually didn't take it very seriously. As for how far these places can be expected to reach at this time, it is obvious. In fact, they themselves didn't put their minds on this at all, they just thought about this time and took advantage of this opportunity to make some preparations.

As far as the world of science and technology is concerned at this time, their only focus is to improve their own strength, so that they can find trouble in the Nether World. In the past, they have never forgotten that the people of the Nether World are in their world. Zhongyao showed his power, especially when the other party came to the back and swaggered away, but back then, they could only watch the other party leave. It seemed that under the attack of Aurora at that time, the other party released the past. The dark power is almost directly consumed by them, but for the existence in the nether world, those Nether Lords and Underworld Gods did not hurt their muscles and bones back then, at most they consumed a little bit of power. For Master, this is a complete shame and humiliation, so they who are used to being a blessing in their own world, how can they swallow this breath, but when their strength is not as good as others, what kind of thoughts are in their hearts at this time? It can only be buried deep in my heart like this. If there is an opportunity, how could they miss such an opportunity? Therefore, at this time, they are just silently accumulating. After they have achieved certain results, they will naturally find each other at the first time. Please find this place back. Regarding this point, any spiritual master at this time , although it is well known.

It's just because at this time they are very clear about how they despise the other party at this time, and they are not very clear at this time, so if they are not fully sure at this time, they naturally dare not go directly to the door, so the most urgent task now is Try to improve their strength as much as possible, and wait until their strength has fully grown, and then go to the door openly, and then naturally return the humiliation they suffered this time to the other party. At the same time, they can also use this opportunity to directly find trouble with the other party, and even occupy the world where the other party is located. In that case, they can even have more land and more dark forces by then.

Although I said that I suffered a little in front of these dark times, but for these spiritual masters, they have not forgotten that the effect of using this kind of natural dark energy for cultivation is very short. In comparison, the energies artificially created by them at this time are still a little bit worse after all. It seems that they are only a little bit worse, but after all, there are fundamentally different realms between the two. At that time, this gap was not a big deal, but the higher the realm existed at this time, the more clearly the difference between the two could be felt.

So if it is really possible to occupy the Nether World and enjoy the dark energy alone, then those high-level spiritual masters will naturally wish for it, so with this thought in mind at this time, For them, the following time is nothing more than quietly accumulating their own strength, so that they can reach a higher level when the time comes.

Now they actually don't need to worry too much at all, as long as they continue to accumulate so slowly, their strength will eventually be able to improve one day, and now with these dark energies as assistance, they The strength improvement progress is very fast, so at this time, all the spiritual masters put all their thoughts on how to improve their own strength. In addition to silently absorbing these dark energies in the practice of practice and improving their own strength, then In the short time, all they did was to enter the void to dig out those void substances, and then use these void substances to transform them into dark energy, so that their strength can increase faster, and even at this time, in fact These high-level spiritual masters are also trying to replace dark creatures so that the level of these dark creatures can be raised.

Although low-level energy cores are useless to them at this time, if they can cultivate high-level dark creatures at this time, they will naturally be able to obtain high-quality energy cores after killing zombies. Time will only be absorbed, and perhaps it will have a certain effect on them.