MTL - The World of Gods Rises From the Zerg-Chapter 1478 abyss falls

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  When Xu Luo knew that the abyss world was invading massively, his avatars of divine power were in the outer domain at this time, slashing and killing countless void demons.

   All along, Xu Luo knew very well that the world of the abyss was a serious threat to the world of the gods.

   So much so that at this time, there are abyssal battlefields in different places.

Each world sent top experts to sit there, just to defend against the approach of these abyssal world invaders, but what he never expected was to do everything possible to block these abyssal creatures, but at this time his own Instead, the base camp was stolen by the other party.

Once the savings in the abyss world really touches the continent of the gods, it means that the subsequent battlefield will take place in the continent of the gods, which is naturally unacceptable to the world of the gods, so originally one A top powerhouse can still sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, even in the face of it. When the void demons were in a panic, they didn't take this seriously at all, because for them, as long as there were no fundamental cards that directly threatened them, it meant that all threats could be directly imposed on them. ignored.

But the current situation is completely different. After all, the changes at this time happened directly in the land of the gods, which means that the threat will come to them very intuitively at this time. Those top powerhouses sitting next to him directly entered the Continent of the Gods at this time, instead of the situation in the affair at this time.

  Facing this situation at this time, how could those Void Demons give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Those Void Demons who had been accumulating strength before, began to invade the overall situation at this time, so that the situation in Outer Domain was also changing the situation at this time.

Especially at this time, when the avatars of the top gods start to be dispatched one by one, it means that the situation in the affair will lack the value of top combat power, so at this time, the personnel on the defense line are in Well-supported, the reason why they can continue to persevere is largely because of those avatars of gods who helped them take action and ease the pressure they faced. At this time, there are no such top powerhouses to testify, which means that at this time they It is completely possible to invade on a large scale without any worries, so for these void demons, it was just a tentative attack. The real top existence among them did not show up at all, and even the real existence was pitiful. .

After all, to put it bluntly, for these Void Demons, what they sent out were only some gods and the existence below. It seems that the number is huge, and they were killed earlier, very many, but for To these void demons, all of this is nothing more than a few small shrimps. In fact, no matter how much they lose, it is nothing worth mentioning in terms of the reduction in power for them. Therefore, at this time they began to invade Under the circumstances, it means that the real thing is starting at this time, and therefore the existence of the real **** king level can be found everywhere. As for the existence of those main gods, it is at this time to preside over the overall situation in each area.

In the absence of the **** level, at this time the existence of the main **** is already the highest existence on the battlefield. At this time, they become the commanders of the local battlefield, because it is very clear that they do not belong to each other at this time, which means For them at this time. Even if the main gods exist, they will not obey their commands at all. If this is the case, they have given up being other main gods at this time. They have nothing to do with each other at all. In this way, the main gods exist one by one at this time, and their respective commanders swung down by themselves. Under the situation where these void demons are constantly attacking, it is so difficult for the gods stationed on the defense line As well as for the troops in Hui County, the pressure doubled at this time.

When facing these void demons in front of themselves, the pressure they faced was already very huge. Now that these attack targets have been added all of a sudden, they are completely powerless to contend at this time. Therefore, we can only use some avatars of the gods inside to block the high-level void demons, thus giving them a chance to breathe, but it is obvious that at this time, as the void demons begin to invade on a large scale, we can continue at this time. If this stalemate continues, the situation will become more and more unfavorable for them, because it is very clear that these **** clones can help them for a while at this time, but **** clones are also clone spells after all, and only one two In the case of a large number of Void Demons at this time, when the Void Demons began to become more technical, with their small number, there was no way to stop these Void Demons for a long time.

At this time, they couldn't help it. At this time, some illusory **** clones shot in one direction, so that at this time, under the continuous rush of these divine power clones, these void demons in this direction did not exist at all. Being able to get one step closer, so that the avatars of the gods near this area encouraged by Xu Luo can be transferred to other places at this time. Although it is completely useless for the battlefield at this time, at least there are On Xu Luo's side, give them a chance to fight, so that these avatars will go to other places to help at this time, so that all places will not be completely defeated.

Compared to others who have been ignoring the gods around the left and right at this time, their hearts are very fresh at this time. It is precisely because of such a powerful neighbor as Xu Luo that they don't even need to mobilize themselves at this time. One soldier and one soldier. At this time, some divine power clones in Syria are on the battlefield, and they are constantly rushing to stop these void demons. This is a very good thing, which means that at this time, there is no need to go to the battlefield to fight.

Xu Luo didn't care much about these things at this time. With the void at this time, we began to invade the overall situation. For the entertainment at this time, it is actually just to let myself be able to obtain on the battlefield at this time. It's just more energy, let these avatars of my own divine power accumulate and destroy the divine power a little faster than at the beginning, so that at this time, as these avatars of divine power are constantly accumulating power, leading to this time The divine power in their bodies is growing rapidly. If they want to, they can gather these newly carried forces at this time to form a new branch. In this way, the divine power clone will be destroyed on the battlefield. The number will increase substantially, but the entertainment did not do so at this time, because to put it bluntly, as the void demons began to appear in the overall situation, these high-god-level destructive power avatars are needed at this time to face the opponent At that time, it was simply not enough to watch.

Therefore, the power accumulated on these divine power avatars before was only 10,000 units. At this time, he knew well that if this continues, some real Void Demons at the watch level in the dormitory will enter. After the field, these avatars of my divine power are obviously a thorn in the other side's eyes, and naturally I will forcibly get rid of these avatars of my own divine power. Therefore, Xu Luo will not give the opponent this chance at all at this time, but I started to integrate them on my own initiative.

In front of Xu Luo's avatars of divine power, after a new round of division, there are already 64 million avatars on the field at this time. It is conceivable that there are 64 million avatars of high **** level. , At this time, the area that can be covered on the battlefield is so vast. It is precisely because of these divine power avatars rushing everywhere that a large number of void demons are firmly blocked, so that a very long line of defense is directly destroyed. They were blocked, which led to the fact that at this time, the test **** avatars near this line of defense can spend money to help other places at this time, without worrying that after they leave at this time, these nearby lines of defense will be destroyed. Something unexpected happened.

To put it bluntly, having Xu Luo's 64 million divine power avatars here is equivalent to having 64 million highgods stationed here. Obviously, for these gods, this place will completely be the entire battlefield by then. The safest place above, if this is the case, what are they dissatisfied with at this time, so they are naturally full of confidence when they leave.

   It's just fake and he didn't do anything fake, because he is very aware of what he is at this time. The divine power avatar only has a little more than 10,000 divine powers. At this time, he directly gathered ten or ten together to fuse with each other, so that the number of their divine powers directly exceeded the limit of 100,000, and directly reached the level of a true god.

But at this time, the number suddenly decreased by ten times, but in fact, when ten or ten divine power avatars merged with each other at this time, it seemed that the number of manufacturers and them suddenly decreased by ten times, but it was shocking to others. Time is greater.

I learned these divine power avatars in the past, although there are a lot of them, but for others, they are just some big soldiers, and they don't pay much attention to them, but it seems that the divine power avatars are always present at this time. , blending with each other, so that the number of manufacturers is greatly reduced at this time, but the key point is that at this time, the strength of these divine power avatars has reached the level of true gods, which means that at this time there are more players on the field. Out, 6.4 million true gods.

  Although it is only entering and exiting the level of true gods, which is the lowest level among the levels of true gods, but with the addition of these avatars of divine power, what they possess is divine power of destruction, which is only for the purpose of destroying divine power at the same level. Any power that is arrogant and domineering will be suppressed by the destroying gods when facing him, so that detecting these divine power clones at this time is nothing more than reaching the level of the real body, but what you need to know is that they are all Xu Luo himself Therefore, Xu Luo's own fighting will is driving them on the table at this time, so naturally they cannot be treated as ordinary real avatars.

  So it seems that at this time, some void demons nearby began to invade the general situation, so that these divine power clones were given out, causing huge pressure, but the real situation was not the case.

   At this time, there are indeed a lot of them. The Void Demons approached, but when these Void Demons approached, what they saw at the sight was all the real-level divine power avatars, so that when the previous troops faced them at this time, they were directly attacked. Huge surveillance, no direct negotiation at all, at this time part of the power was eroded by the other party and transformed into a part of themselves, so that at this time they gave them a huge blow.

In addition, Xu Luo was not idle at all at this time. At this time, he directly let the 6 million divine power clones on the battlefield maintain the real level of power, and the remaining 400,000 were fused with each other at this time. As for the 400,000 true god-level avatars at this time, the number has decreased again at this time, and only 40,000 are left.

But although the number of them is only 40,000 at this time, their realm has reached the level of the **** king, so that when facing this scene at this time, it is obvious to the surrounding existence that it is natural It's extremely frightening, the 40,000 god-king-level clones are invincible at this time, so that no matter whether it is a true **** or a god-king level, they can walk sideways.

Although the number of Xu Luo's divine power avatars has decreased a lot at this time, it is because their realm level has improved a lot at this time that it seems that there are fewer in number at this time, but each of them can stand on their own. He was able to defend a large area by himself, so that he only saw these avatars of divine power at this time, and released his divine power to assist the area, so that the divine power of destruction directly spread over a large area at this time, causing those void demons to attack. , directly entered the area covered by the God of Destruction. At this time, there was no short-handed handover between the two sides. They just entered the area where the power of the God of Destruction spread, and then these void demons were already eroded by the Temple of Destruction. As a result, more than half of their power had been converted in a short period of time, so Xu Luo naturally took a huge advantage at this time.

The range covered by one or two divine power avatars is naturally not very large, but at this time there are too many destructive divine power avatars on the field, so that when each of them takes such actions, the divine power between them It has the same root and origin, so at this time, it is connected into a large area, covering the entire area, causing a large area of ​​​​void demons to rush into it, and then no waves can set off low-level construction. He was directly underestimated, the transformation was clean, and his level was slightly higher. At this time, he would suffer a big loss if he rushed into it. After paying a certain price, he stood out from the encirclement, but he didn't dare to continue to charge forward. He could only be Backing back, at least the aura on their bodies has weakened by at least half compared to the original heyday.

It seems that the number of these avatars at this time has decreased a lot compared to the original time, but at this time, the area that their single strength can cover is much larger than before. In fact, at this time, the divine power of 6 million real bodies The area covered by the avatars at this time is much larger than before, so as they continue to spread towards the surroundings, a large area is brought into their control, so at this time a large amount of void is either directly covered. They were intercepted and killed, and at this time, for those people in the defense line behind them, they were naturally like soldiers from the sky. It is already very huge, so that these existences even felt despair in their hearts at this time, but what they never expected was that when they fell into despair, after this procedure, these divine power avatars spread out. Come on, directly include them in the defensive range, so that there is no need to worry at all in a short time. These void demons will kill them thinking about them.

For such a situation, at this time Xu Luo actually didn't care much about what he cared about at this time, it was just to allow these divine power clones to continue to grow and develop, but at this time there were a lot of these divine power clones, but in fact If it falls directly to give. If they are completely linked together, their number will be further reduced by then. Therefore, although it is possible to produce a few clones of the main **** living in the level at this time, if the combat power is compared with these orthodox main gods dominating the level, After all, it is not as good. After all, these reorganizations of my own are nothing more than arms and creatures. How can I compare with these top gods?

But at this time, by devouring these void demons and continuously accumulating power, after such a long time, it is necessary to continuously devour and transform the other party's power. At this time, it has finally achieved certain results. This is naturally a very surprising thing, and if it continues like this at this time, he is very confident in his heart. At this time, when the number of his divine power clones is increasing, he will absorb and transform them at that time. Compared with the past, the efficiency will naturally increase significantly.

He still had a certain amount of restraint earlier, for fear that he would be too outstanding and scare away these void demons. Now that the opponent is taking the initiative to join the army, it means taking over for Greece at this time. After coming down, I can finally enter the hunting time to eat and devour the power of these void demons without worrying about scaring them away.

In fact, because the level of these void demons sent by the other party was not very high, so for Xu Luo, the power to devour these void demons still needs to be slowly accumulated for a long time , to be able to accumulate a unit of divine power, but now that the high-level void demons are starting to end, at this time, in addition to spreading out some of their destructive divine power casually, forming a black mist, the surrounding area , and then these void demons are rushing in, so that he doesn't even need to do anything at this time, just simply transform the opponent's power with contempt, and he can get several units of divine power at once. It's just the harvest of a certain divine power avatar. At this time, there are so many divine power avatars scattered in various areas on the battlefield, and a considerable amount of divine power can be transformed anytime and anywhere.

  The reason for this is precisely because there are a lot of levels of spiritual appreciation. The Void Demon has entered the arena, which is why the speed is so fast. After all, most of the previous encounters were void demons at the Golden Legendary level. It seems that there are a lot of them, but there are millions of them, and the Golden Legend The level is nothing more than the real level of one or two. It is conceivable how slow the filial daughter is, but the current situation has finally been alleviated.

At this time, there are a large number of void demons on the field, after all, they are mainly at the golden legendary level, but in the past, only a small amount of natural levels were mixed in, but the difference between now and the past is that at this time, the number is mixed. The natural level of the gods and a small number of true gods and **** kings. Although the number is not as many as imagined, the existence of these creatures is already sending out a signal. Because of their existence, they are only limited to For entertainment, the avatar of the divine power of destruction at the level of the real body is swayed at this time, a black mist, and then the void demons within the envelope of this area cannot persist for too long at all. The cost of being absorbed by this piece of divine power that turned into a black room, so that it became a part of its own pillar, although this is just a little appetizer, but swallowing this power at this time, after all, these divine power clones are rapidly growing. . One's own strength, and the real big head is naturally. These are at the level of true gods and kings. Even if you just despise the other party and transform a little bit of insignificant power, it is already very impressive in terms of gains.

Although the number of divine power avatars did not continue to increase due to the destruction at this time, for Xu Luo at this time, the amount of divine power contained in the bodies of these destructive divine power avatars has been continuously increasing. At this time, he is also happy to see the success, let these avatars of his divine power, have been silently accumulating power to launch an impact towards a higher level, if One day, I will have more avatars of some divine power, and their individual strength has directly reached the level of the main **** king. It may be a more interesting thing at the level, although these are just some avatars of divine power, so there is no body. What rules and regulations, but the net added value is the amount of divine power, which is already a very scary number here. If one day Xu Luo absorbs this terrifying divine power into his body, and completely integrates it one after another to support it , it's easy for him. It is only one step away from transcendence when the acupoints are pushed to the peak level of domination. Although this is only the completion of the energy level, for any **** level, what they need to do is the completion of many aspects, just the completion of power It itself is a part of it, which means that at this time, Xu Luo can complete the accumulation of time in a short period of time. It is conceivable how fast this speed of progress is.

Even though we know that at this time, those abyssal creatures have already killed on the continent of the gods, the entertainment industry doesn't care about it at all at this time, because at this time its root is in the eastern region, and it is only a short distance away from the southern region itself. There is a long distance, and in addition to this, it is largely because of the development and growth of my own territory at this time, which is no longer comparable to what I used to be, even this one. When the divine creatures come to destroy the Holy See, those feathered creatures will suffer a big loss for these creatures. When I just implemented it, there are many top powerhouses in my area. There was a battle there, so it was a very disadvantageous thing for these void demons to come to the past.

After all, the difference between the destruction of the Holy See and other places is that on the one hand, the destruction of the Holy See supports many powerful people to testify; This leads to emptiness inside yourself, which is why these abyssal creatures did not form effective resistance when they called you over at this time, and they attacked the cities one by one, so that at this time, the erosion between several nearby areas Yes, so it seems that these Xianning avatars have come over at this time, but it is obvious that they are abyssal creatures at this time, and under the circumstances that they have already established a firm foothold, it means that in the future world, these abyssal creatures are simply It is impossible to be beaten back easily, even if these avatars of the gods personally come forward at this time to kill all the abyssal creatures on the field, but as long as there is no connection with the abyss world that can be blocked, it will be natural at that time. There will be a steady stream of abyssal power and abyssal creatures coming, so for them this is the time. What needs to be faced is not just these abyssal creatures, but the entire abyssal world behind them.

But at this time, because the avatars of the gods have already rushed over, there is no need for Xu Luo to pay too much attention to them at this time. After all, this is the basic disk of many gods, which means that they are more concerned about this place at this time. Everyone should pay more attention to it. If this is the case, these gods are obviously more concerned than themselves. If you are familiar with it, why should you focus on these abyssal creatures? Pay more attention to your divine power soaring, and watch them deal with the approaching void demons in large swaths at this time, until all the powers that devoured the other party, so that at this time, the power recorded by these divine power avatars of yourself is getting more and more powerful. Many, although there is still a relatively long distance to reach the level of the **** king, but if the painstaking efforts are to continue to go on like this silently, one day it will be able to reach it, even if at this time some of my divine power The avatar has not been able to reach the level of the **** king, it needs to be like this. If they were blended together at that time, it would be easy to achieve this goal.

The 40,000 **** king avatars on the field have been scattered in various places at this time. As long as the opponent has a **** king level, these **** king values ​​and divine power avatars will naturally come forward to give Stop it, even if it's just these avatars of the **** king, they just reached the level of the **** king, in fact they are just hovering on the edge, but it seems that they are just entering the level of the **** king at this time, but in terms of combat ability, Compared with the old-fashioned **** king, it might as well give way.

To put it bluntly, at this time, after learning these divine power avatars, it is just that the physical quantity has reached the standard, and the provincial quantity has reached the standard of the **** king, but it does not mean that the level of power that I hope to be able to deliver at this time is just Only the level of the Sunshine Provincial Network exists as a dominant level at this time. Xu Luo himself has also experienced many battles, so the combat experience and the level of control over power are not comparable to the level of the **** king. Because of this, he was able to fight when the power of the gods was not comparable to that of others. Use combat skills and other aspects to compete with the opponent, so that your combat power will increase exponentially, so that when you face these out-of-control demons at this time, you can firmly suppress the opponent.

So don't look at it at this time, the amount of divine power is less than that of the opponent, but in fact, in terms of realm level, they are actually more advanced than these Void Demons at the level of God King, so that at this time Regardless of their combat skills, they are almost always suppressed and beaten in other aspects. The reason is that they don't have to worry about the opponent at all, and they will directly use the power level to suppress people. After all, there are still a small number of Void Demons who died at the peak level.

Ah, since Void Olma at the level of the **** king was directly blocked by the divine power avatar at this time, it is conceivable that those real levels in the subsequent world faced these divine power avatars, and they were also massacred one-sidedly , what's more, at this time, they are all deep-level divine power avatars. Compared with those void nightmares distributed in twos and threes at the spiritual level in all directions, they themselves have absolute suppression in number.

As for this time, the number of void nightmares is also more than imagined, but after all, most of them are low-level existences at this time. For Xu Luo, at this time, these avatars of his divine power only need a small divine beast to go down. At this time, a large number of void demons have been directly beheaded, so their numerical advantage at this time is basically ineffective. Without any advantage.

On the contrary, it is because there are enough void nightmares at this time, so that when they rush over with mighty force, you don't need to worry too much after learning it, you only need to move towards them. Throw it over, and then kill these void demons, devour their strength and replenish your own consumption, so that these void demons are just regarded as their own recovery products at this time.

Anyway, at this time, there is no need to worry too much about many things in the Gods Continent, so that for Xu Luo at this time, in the following world, he mainly puts his own experience on these battlefields above.

Don't look at the abyssal creatures that have entered the land of the gods at this time, but for Shura, in the focus of his destruction at this time, there are a large number of gods lurking there, so even at this time The opponent is fighting head-on, and with his own strength, he has enough confidence to be able to contend with these voice creatures on the continent of the gods, not to mention that the ones entering at this time are just an advance force of abyssal creatures. Among them, there are not many high-level existences, so it is not to mention that it has caused too much impact on some creatures like myself.

Especially at this time, the existence of the universe itself makes the power of light favor at this time, so that they don't have to worry about the erosive power of these abyssal creatures at this time, so it is conceivable that for Greece at this time, then In the short time, I am just developing my own power silently. Of course, if I can not expose my power at this time, it is obvious that for scholars, this is naturally something I wish for.

After all, at this time, he is just silently accumulating his own power, and it is a good thing to be able to expose his profits later. The earlier he is exposed, the more vulnerable he is to being attacked by the gods around him. Don't worry, in that case, it will be more difficult to support what you want to do in the future, so at this time Xu Luo is just completing his own things step by step, as for other things Things have nothing to do with him at this time.

But anyway, at this time, the center of the abyssal creatures is the things that spread throughout the Gods Continent. At this time, Xu Luo has finally received the attention of everyone, so it is unreasonable for him to do nothing at this time, and therefore at this time he only However, it is unheard of to send some of his own people out. After all, it is nothing to others when he sends some people there at this time. The main reason is that the eastern region where the procedure is located and the The distance between the southern regions is very far, and there are many regions in the middle. In fact, it is Xu Luo. It is obviously very inconvenient to slap people to wake them up. A top powerhouse used to represent the attitude of losing himself, so at this time, anyone who faces loss like this naturally has nothing to say.

He said that the person in charge sent out at this time has reached the natural level. After many years of star rain and sunshine, this time is a free city of stars, which can be used as a promised devout believer. It also represents Xu Luo's own will, so luckily at this time, please bring a few people over on behalf of the Holy See, it seems that the number of people is very small, compared with other people, they are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands at every turn At this time, there were only a few of them, and obviously, in terms of momentum, they were naturally much weaker, but at this time, no one dared to underestimate him, let alone underestimate him Behind the destruction of the Holy See.

On the one hand, it's because of his weak hand, and his personal prestige has already been established among many gods, so no one dares to underestimate him when facing him; The existence of becoming a **** is not the existence of those who believe in becoming a god, so at this time on the continent of the gods, on the one hand, there is no restriction when he makes a move, and on the other hand, he can be in the continent of the gods forever If the above exists, it means that if he offends him at this time, if some of their gods are targeted by such a top **** in the future world, it will obviously be difficult for them to move an inch. Time will naturally not offend such a terrifying existence.

A **** who can unscrupulously explode his power on the land of the gods without worrying about being targeted by the will of the world of the gods only exists, which is already very terrifying in itself, and here can also show the strength of Xu Luo's hand Attitude, so every **** is naturally a human machine, how can you not see how you should make a choice at this time? Therefore, at this time, they are just dispatching people step by step to target these abyssal creatures, beheading them and silently eradicating their power. No **** has any opinion on this at this time. To put it bluntly, it's just them All that needs to be done is to erode the power of these abyssal creatures little by little, so that the opponent cannot continue to expand outward in the future world, and transform more creatures into abyssal creatures. At this time, they need to beheaded These abyssal creatures, in addition. On the one hand, it is mainly to purify these abyssal forces. Only in the world after this will there be no need to worry about these abyssal forces continuing to remain and causing huge harm to the entire world of gods. The most important thing is to It is necessary to seal the portal that is the source of these abyssal powers. Only after this can you sit back and relax and don't have to worry about the power of the abyss world coming again.