MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1283 Southern Xinjiang

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Compared with the mighty naval equipment, the Army equipment of the M Empire is not enough to see.

The Ram battleship artillery is of extraordinary power, but there is no matching musket. This is the biggest weakness of the dark night army. Fortunately, they also have a black technology armor - Lahm armor.

This battle armor, like the Ram battleship, is the crystallization of the civilization of the empire, and it is also silver-white, with amazing defenses, and to a certain extent, it can resist the attack of the rifle.

This is very powerful!

The only regret is that the number of Ram armor is scarce, the raw materials produced are currently only available on the mainland, and the output is limited. Otherwise, the night empire is really invincible.

The combination of the Ram battleship and the Lame armor, in today's game world, determines that the night empire can control the ocean, but is unable to expedition to other continents, is a strategic defensive empire.

Fortunately, the territory of the mainland is vast, and Honda Guiyou has no great expansion ambitions.

Their strategic goal is to take the mainland as the core and rely on the sea power to carry out ocean trade and gradually expand the influence of the night empire.

This is in contradiction with the summer strategy of Daxia.


Fifteen thousand people landed on Oahu's dark night army, and 50,000 were slaves. They not only had no connection with Ram's armor, but only a simple leather armor. It was a real cannon fodder.

After landing, the slave army was forced to charge in front of it to consume enemy ammunition.


On the outskirts of Honolulu, Cao Yu arranged troops and temporarily built an artillery position. He was condescending and saw the enemy rushing up. Cao Yu did not hesitate and ordered the firing.

The artillery was left by the Pacific Fleet, and Hawaii County itself has no industrial base.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The slave army in front of the assault, under the bombardment of intensive artillery, flesh and blood, the broken limbs in the air splashing like a hell.

"The next wave!"

The commander of the dark night army did not move, and sent a batch of cannon fodder to the battlefield.

At the same time, an elite unit wearing Ram's armor was doing the final rest in the rear. Just waiting for the enemy artillery to stop, he immediately rushed to capture the enemy artillery positions.

The Daxia artillery has been improved several times. Today, it has been able to get rid of the backward and inefficient sliding front loading guns, but more advanced line guns. At the same time, the guns are improved, the guns are installed, and the launching speed is obviously improved.

Then assisted by the anti-rear device, the elastic gun frame is realized, the force acting on the gun frame is greatly reduced, the weight of the artillery is reduced, the artillery is not displaced when launching, and the launching speed is improved again.

The shells fired by the artillery also evolved from the original solid bombs to the more lethal grenades.

The newly developed grenade in Daxia uses explosives and composite fuzes to increase the weight of the projectile and improve the fragmentation of the grenade. Coupled with tools such as the perimeter sight, the goniometer and the fuze setting machine, the lethality of the artillery on the battlefield is explosive.

Artillery, officially boarded the war stage.

A few days ago, Daxia was ready to set up the Imperial Artillery Academy separately from the framework of the Imperial Army University, making the artillery unit a common force in the Great Summer Army.

The professors hired by the Artillery Academy are mainly based on aliens and are experts in reality.

In the eight years of Gaia, with the unlocking of the second industrial revolutionary technology tree, Daxia will conduct research on subdivisions based on existing artillery, such as mortars, flat-fire guns and anti-aircraft guns.

The role of artillery will only become more and more important and become the pinnacle of the sea on the battlefield.

In the face of such artillery positions, the slave army of the Dark Empire can be imagined, no matter how many are sent, they are ruthlessly smashed into slag.

The name of cannon fodder is worthy of its name.

The commander of the dark army met, and his expression was dignified. In just one hour of shelling, more than 6,000 slave soldiers were killed. Worst of all, he did not seem to feel that the enemy's position was weakened.

"Armenade, retreat ten miles, camp camp!"

The commander was very decisive. He realized that the enemy's firepower was much stronger than expected, and the purpose of the temptation had been achieved. If you want to take the enemy's position, you have to ask the court to send the artillery.

Only the artillery can fight against the artillery.


In the next few days, there was no big battle in Oahu.

The Dark Army tempted a little bit every day and then withdrew, and did not plan to make a general attack. They are waiting, waiting for the court to arrive at the artillery and then go to war.

Cao Yu did not idle, took the opportunity to reinforce the artillery positions, and even mobilized the engineering soldiers to build one small fortress one after another, to house the Musketeers and form a dense fire network.

Before the short-term match, the two sides will launch a contest of hot weapons.

On January 20th, when the battlefield in Hawaii fell into a stalemate, the Javanese battlefield, which has not been so eye-catching, has ushered in a decisive battle.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, the head of the First Army Corps of the South Xinjiang Army, the former Wu Zhuangyuan Niu Da, led the division to the Javanese Palace and declared the Battle of Java Island officially closed.

As predicted before the war, the Javanese ban, which was backward in equipment and lacked actual combat, was completely vulnerable to the Daxia army. They were unable to fight in the wild and could not hold the city baptized by gunfire.


In less than two weeks, Java Island was declared dead.

In this battle, the Daxia South Xinjiang Army and the Heluo Army only paid less than 20,000 casualties, killing nearly 200,000 people, and capturing more than 800,000 prisoners of war, setting the most brilliant record since the history of the Great Summer Army.

This also marks the official withdrawal of the army of pure cold weapons.

The Battle of Java Island was written into the game history.

This war has once again proved that the necessity of the disarmament of the great summer and the military reform proves that after the abolition of the soldiers, the overall strength of the army will not fall and become more horrible.

The Daxia disarmament, finally unimpeded, no more opposition.


Indian Empire, Cusco City.

After the news of the Battle of Java Island was revealed, it triggered a hot weapon storm on a global scale.

The European and American dynasties paid attention to the research and development of firearms. Their strength was comparable to that of Daxia. They were just a little surprised. As a traditional oriental dynasty, Daxia was also at the forefront of industrialization.

The most difficult thing is the Indian Empire.

This American dynasty that adheres to the Indian tradition, the recent days are really difficult. In the face of the Spanish dynasty and the Brasilia dynasty, it seems to be a little powerless.

The conviction of Huárez also began to waver.

The emperor realized that in today's booming hot weapons, if the empire is still sticking to tradition, it is finally feared that it can only be held together by tradition.

"The empire must change!"

At present, the Indian Empire has almost zero industrial base. It is impossible to make artillery and firearms in a short time.

The only way is to purchase arms from outside.

Looking at the world, with this strength, and willing to trade with the Indian Empire, only the big summer.

What made Huarez’s headache is that Gaia’s seven years, Da Xia once mentioned, willing to assist the Indian Empire to establish an industrial system, which was refused by Huárez.

I’m going to pick it up now, but I don’t know how much it will take.

"Even if you give up your face, this matter must be discussed. It is a big deal to sever some benefits."

Huárez has already had the consciousness of cutting meat.


On January 22, after conquering Java Island, He Luojun was ordered to go north and land on Sumatra Island to encircle the city of Patong.

In this way, let the ruthless Patong City army be worse.

Unlike the Wangcheng ban, the army of the Badong City is still an elite force, and it is also equipped with certain artillery and firearms. However, compared with the Daxia Army, the gap is still very obvious.

Under the siege of the three-way army, even with the support of aliens, Patong City finally failed to hold on.

On the 27th, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, after three days and three nights of fighting, the Patong City was conquered by the Daxia Army, which meant that the battle of Java was officially come to an end.

The Nanyang Theater completed the order of the court and seized Java before the Spring Festival.

This is really beautiful.

After conquering Java, the entire southern Xinjiang was attributed to the unification and was placed under the rule of Daxia.