MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1303 Don't do it

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The Battle of Colombia initiated by Da Xia seems to be a simple local war, but it has touched the entire global battlefield.

When Jack realized this, he couldn’t help but have a headache.

"Let me think about it again."

Jack can decisively abandon the Brasilia dynasty, does not mean that he can renege on the Spanish dynasty.

Not to mention that if the Dawson dynasty withdraws at this time, the Argentine region is in danger, whether it will affect the European battlefield thousands of miles away, and then affect the overall strategic layout of the silver hand.

Just by breaking the letter in Spain, it is possible that the Dawson Dynasty was rejected on the European continent.

This is too expensive!

"I think, we may be fooled. We shouldn't attack each other so early, let the big wolf in this summer, it's a big bargain." Jack regretted a bit.

"That's not what we can stop." Franklin was calm.

The hand of silver and the blue badge are confronted by the alliance. In essence, it is driven by profit, but it is the trend of the times. It is not one person, or which dynasty can block it.

Combining with interests will surely lead to confrontation because of interests.

"The big summer has a big game of chess." Jack was a little emotional.

When the global war hits now, no one wants to stop and can stop. All the dynasties are already in the game, and they can no longer get out.

"In any case, I still have to give it a try." Jack is ready to make a final stroke. "I know the Spanish side. If it is absolutely necessary to ask them to give up the Argentine region, we will give them a batch of firearms for free."

Compared with the big summer, although the population of the Dawson Dynasty is not dominant, the level of industrialization is not worse than that of the big summer. It also has the ability to make a large number of firearms and fight against the big summer.

Jack is preparing to release blood once in exchange for the understanding of the Spanish dynasty.

"In this case, it should be a small problem."

When Franklin saw this, he would no longer be persuaded to go down.

In the evening, the Dawson Dynasty sent 100,000 troops to the city of Panama to strengthen the defense of the city, ready to drag the Daxia army before the reinforcements arrived.

At this time, the Daxia Sanlu army was just starting out and just crossed the border.

The Colombian war has just begun.


May 18, Brasilia dynasty.

Although the Brasilia dynasty is vast, most of the areas are in tropical areas that are not suitable for human habitation. The population is concentrated in the narrow southern regions and coastal areas.

Rainwater in the rainforest is abundant, and the rainwater leaching is strong. The nutrients absorbed by the soil are difficult to preserve in large quantities, and the nutrients in the soil are quickly absorbed into the plants.

Therefore, the tropical rain forest soil is very poor, coupled with the absence of dry and wet seasons, disease ravages, river embankment and other factors, resulting in tropical rain forests are not suitable for the development of agriculture.

The northern part of the Brasilia dynasty, including the famous Amazon rainforest, is an inaccessible place.

In the game world, the vast and endless Amazon rainforest has become a natural defense barrier in the northern boundary of the Brasilia dynasty. So far, there is no army that can cross the entire rainforest.

Even the 200,000-strong army of the Dawson dynasty, who attacked the Indian Empire, first took the sea, and after arriving in São Paulo, they joined the Brasilia dynasty army and attacked the Indian Empire.

This is one of the reasons why Han Xin put all three major groups in the Colombian battlefield when they were in the lineup.

I want to go south from the Columbia area and attack the Brasilia dynasty. It is simply asking for trouble.

Brasilia, the royal palace.

The king of Brasilia, Leo, looked at the letter from the Dawson dynasty, and the whole body shivered: "The shameless! I turned my back on the covenant and dared to ask such unreasonable demands."

In the letter, Jack asked the Brasilia dynasty to cover the Dawson army to withdraw from the battlefield. At the same time, it sent no less than 300,000 troops to the Colombian region.

Leo has also learned about the offensive of the summer in the Columbia area. If the Dawson dynasty was only to withdraw from the Indian Empire, Rio could understand, but he did not expect Jack to be so insatiable.

"Really when we are jealous?" Leo was very angry.

"Your Majesty, angry, but I think, the Dawson Dynasty makes sense. Once the Colombian region is captured by the Big Summer, the next one may be our turn." Prime Minister reminded.

"What are you afraid of! The northern part of the kingdom is all rain forest. Can the big summer army fly over?" Leo was very confident. "Even if they took Colombia and controlled the Panama Canal, the Pacific Fleet of the Big Summer could not cross the canal. It’s not the southern part of the kingdom. If you say it again, you don’t necessarily have to meet each other.”

When I met each other, I cautiously asked, "Why are we withdrawing from the army?"

Leo shook his head. "Don't withdraw! Without them, this hard battle, we can still fight. Now, the Indian Empire's east line is almost unable to keep it. This is a godsend and must not be missed~www.novelbuddy. Com~Leo saw it very clearly. Missing this opportunity, the Brasilia dynasty may have no more days.

Instead of sending troops to Colombia to make wedding dresses for others, it is better to spurt the front line and increase the front line of the Indian Empire.

It is not impossible to conquer the capital of the Indian Empire, Cusco.

As long as you win this battle, the Brasilia dynasty will be on an equal footing with the Indian Empire, and no one can annex it.

"Your Majesty, in this case, are you not afraid of the revenge of the Dawson dynasty?"

Leo listened, and there was a slight taunting smile on the corner of his mouth. "Did you not see it? In order to hold the Colombian region, the Dawson dynasty has fallen to the point where we want to support it.

"In the face of this offensive of the big summer, they are now difficult to protect themselves, what revenge us?"

The prime minister is still not assured: "But when the war is over, once the Dawson dynasty has slowed down, then we are really isolated."

Leo smiled. "Who said no help? I can understand it. Looking at the world, whether it is the silver hand or the blue badge, it is not the opponent of Daxia. That is the real big back."

"What does it mean?" The horror was in doubt.

Leo got up and looked at the map of South America on the wall. He said lowly: "Daxia is strongly involved in South America, and the whole South American pattern will usher in a new round of reshuffle. At this time, we can't be faint."

In the past, Da Xia’s overseas battlefields gave people the impression that they were unfavorable. This time, Daxia suddenly invested a total of 750,000 troops in South America, which changed the power structure of South America.

In this regard, Rio looks very thorough.

I met each other, and my heart was faintly chilly. I seemed to understand my plans. When I came, I carefully asked, "So, how do we respond to the Dawson Dynasty?"