MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1320 Chu Wang

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Just after New Year's Day, the Daxia court issued an insignificant appointment and dismissal.

Yan Ling, Secretary of the Secrets Club Lang Ouyang Bingsheng, a student of the Secrets of the Cabinet, is responsible for coordination and liaison between the Cabinet and the four major institutions.

Binger's authority is very flexible.

It is equal to that Ouyang Yu gave Binger a broader stage. He could walk between the cabinet and the four major institutions, familiar with the operation of the court and prepare for the future succession.

This process will last at least two years.

Ouyang Yu did spare no effort in the training of Binger, and Binger did not let him down.

Brother and sister, cooperate with each other.


On January 5, the capital.

Ouyang Yu presided over the annual military and political debate.

Compared with the 24 ministers who participated in the conference last year, two newcomers have been added this year, namely, the late Atlantic Fleet Admiral Zhou Yu and the Xijiang Dufeng Prisoner.

As a recorder, Ouyang Bing, a newcomer of the Secret Wenge, sat in the corner of the conference room.

Having said that, the eyes of the 26 ministers still inadvertently swept through the corner, examining the well-dressed, calm and restrained Tingting girl, thoughtful in her eyes.

The ministers have guessed a few points about the arrangement of His Majesty.

Yesterday, the imperial court released a list of the promotion of the new year's title, and the promotion of the imperial dust to the third-class marquis did indeed trigger a wave of waves, but the real focus is still on the long princess Ouyang Bing.

The princess was enshrined as the king of Chu and became the first king of the Daxia.

Prior to this, there were six princes in Daxia, namely Qin Wang Fusu, Han Wang Liu Fuling, Yan Wang Yang Jian, Tang Wang Li Zhi, Song Wang Zhao Guangyi and Xiao Ming Wang Zhu Yun.

Anyone knows that these six princes are only superficial and have no real power.

The princess is different. As the only sister-in-law who is under the sire, this time is not only a slogan, but also one of the four most distinguished titles of "Jin, Qin, Qi, Chu". The meaning is not ordinary.

A few days ago, the Princess was promoted to the Bachelor of Secrets, responsible for coordination and liaison between the Cabinet and the four major institutions. To be honest, this appointment gave the ministers some doubts.

After all, the Secretary of the Secrets is only four products, how to be such a heavy responsibility. As for the identity of the imperial princess, there is no blessing on the official court of the court, but it will bring a little bit of bad influence.

It was only yesterday that the ministers suddenly realized.

If the princess is a princess of the king of Chu and a bachelor of secrets, then all problems will be solved.

For this arrangement of His Majesty, the Minister of the DPRK has a heart and doubts. For example, wise men like Jiang Shang, Zhang Liang, etc., can naturally comprehend one or two, knowing that his Majesty is deploying for the hope of the planet.

Ministers who do not understand will not retort.

In fact, as long as the Majesty Princess went to Qiongzhou County to observe politics, there were already signs.

Two years of Qiongzhou County Guanzheng, one year of secret Wenge trainee, has already let the ministers gradually accept the reality of the imperial princess into the imperial court, because it is gradual, the heart of rejection is naturally much less.

Before the start of Da Yi, the Cabinet and the Military Aircraft Division made a simple summary report on the implementation of the strategy set by Da Yi.

In the eight years of Gaia's situation, the judgment made by Zhang Liang in the State of the Union address is basically the same.

The two hands of the silver hand and the blue badge launched a life-and-death struggle, giving the big summer a trip to the Quartet, the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, and expanding the battle with South Africa in one fell swoop.

The key is to win two large overseas territories. However, Daxia only launched two wars of situation. Whether it is war consumption or military casualties, it is small and pitiful.

With this, it is the strong deterrent that Daxia has built around the world, and its superb strategic layout.

If such weightlifting is light, it will really envy other dynasties.

Take the Dawson Dynasty as an example, and tried their best to lay down the sparsely populated Maple Dynasty, but lost the Colombian region and lost the strong ally of the Brasilia dynasty.

Whether it is really earned, or two.

Not to mention the European dynasties, in order to win the Germanic dynasty, they soon went to the country and fought for a year. It was still a tie.

"You said that you don't have a pocket!"

The reality is this, the stronger the stronger, the weaker.

The big summer developed to the present, the volume is amazing, like a giant, just like snowballing, just rolling, the territory of expansion is difficult for other dynasties to back.

Even more frightening is that the giant is still full of energy, far from the limit.

The Daxia Army has a total of eight major theaters. In the eight years of Gaia, in addition to the American theater and the African theater, the remaining six major theaters are basically self-cultivating.

It is foreseeable that by the nine years of Gaia, the six major theaters will release amazing energy.

With the establishment of the Metropolitan Government and the rapid expansion of the African capital, the territory of the Great Summer is becoming more and more perfect. If you count the base city, Daxia has territory on five continents.

The title of the global empire is deserved.

At the same time global chaos, also gave the opportunity for the big summer industry to take off.

In terms of internal affairs, in addition to the smooth revocation of the government and the completion of institutional streamlining, it has achieved remarkable results in the fields of industry, education, transportation, sports, and press and publication.

From the original economy to the top, and now everywhere.

The efficient internal system, back to the army, let the Pacific Fleet complete the dressup in advance, Nirvana rebirth, in one fell swoop became the world's first naval fleet of all kinds of ironclad ships.

The world's first fleet, the non-Pacific fleet is none other than.

The once-fighting night fleet was once again stepped on and did not dare to harass South Xinjiang.

After the replacement of the Pacific Fleet, the next fleet of replacements is just the Atlantic fleet that has just recovered. This is one of the reasons why Zhou Yu attended the ceremony.

Compared with the Pacific Fleet, in view of the development situation of the European and American dynasties, the Atlantic Fleet actually shoulders a higher mission and the challenge is the biggest.

Therefore, it is very necessary to change the Atlantic fleet as soon as possible.

At the same time, the court has initiated the formation of the Mediterranean Fleet, and is tentatively scheduled to be two formations, specializing in the inspection of the Mediterranean Sea to strengthen the empire's right to sea in the Mediterranean.

In this way, it is also a little pressure on the Atlantic fleet.

The specific formation time is expected to wait until the Atlantic fleet has been replaced.

Fortunately, with the current industrialization level and scale of Daxia, it takes only half a year for the Atlantic Fleet to be completely renewed and become a presence comparable to the Pacific Fleet.

By that time, Dasha has already had some shaken maritime hegemony, which will be established again.

Of course, with the advancement of global industrialization, the fleets of European and American dynasties are also being upgraded. It is unlikely that Da Xia would like to dominate the global sea power as before.