MTL - The World That Tao Rules-Chapter 7054 Tianzun friend

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"Oh?" Tianzun looked at Jiang Yun with interest: "Why don't we need to prepare deliberately?"

"Tell me in detail!"

Facing the gazes of Tianzun and Ji Kongfan, Jiang Yun knew very well in his heart that these two were deliberately perfecting themselves!

As these two people, they must have their own thoughts on this life-and-death situation.

Especially Tianzun!

As the true No. 1 powerhouse of Dao Xingtiandi, even Dao Zun and the Master of All Spirits are afraid of her. Since she dares to kill the tree demon without hesitation, and accepts the challenge of foreign monks, how could she possibly There is no plan to deal with it.

What's more, whether it is outside or inside the bureau, Tianzun is always awake, and he is the clearest about the whole situation of Daoxing Tiandi.

Then, she must also consider that one day, Daoxing Tiandi will face a large-scale attack by monks from outside the territory.

Even Jiang Yun suspected that Tianzun had secretly made various preparations in these years.

The reason why I have to ask myself now is simply because I have obtained the treasure of Dao Xingtiandi, and it is also considered by most people to be the person most likely to become a detached powerhouse!

After calming down and carefully sorting out his thoughts in his mind, Jiang Yun then continued: "Although the strength of the monks from outside the realm is strong, it is absolutely impossible to directly level our real realm."

"Let's not say anything else, just in terms of number, it is impossible for the monks from outside the Immortal Realm to enter the real realm all at once."

"They can only come in in batches."

"Moreover, they should gather people from their respective Taoist realms, which will take a certain amount of time."

"Therefore, if this war really starts, it will definitely last for a long time and will not end in a short time."

"As for us, in addition to our weak strength, there is another biggest drawback, that is, people are not in harmony."

"Since ancient times, the real realm has been in a situation where the three venerables stand on top of each other. Even if the earth venerable and the human venerable are now out of power, the estrangement between the three respective subordinates cannot be eliminated in a short period of time."

"Even if there is Tianzun's force to suppress you, let them prepare how to prepare, except for your subordinates, I believe that the subordinates of the earth and the human will be obedient, keep watching."

"When you really fight with the monks outside the territory, there will also be situations where they fight each other and defect to the enemy and betray."

"Therefore, we don't need to let everyone prepare for the battle and prepare for the attack of the monks from outside the territory."

"We just need to tell them the news and let them decide for themselves what to do."

"Since it's a war, there are bound to be casualties!"

"When we have experienced one or several wars, and there are casualties, everyone can realize that if we don't unite, we will really die, then we can really work together to fight against the outside world."

After listening to Jiang Yun's words, Tianzun smiled slightly: "This should be the experience you got from Dreamland!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun looked at Tianzun and said, "It's all thanks to the three of you that gave me this experience."

"It doesn't matter about me!" Tianzun waved his hand and said: "I have always protected you, even the person who protects you!"

The grievances between Tianzun and Mengyu, in fact, until now, it is not clear.

It is said that Tianzun is going to destroy the dream domain, but she is secretly protecting Jiang Yun and the people who are related to Jiang Yun.

If it weren't for Tianzun, Jiang Yun was not sure whether the little beasts, Xueqing and others would have already died in the battle between Earthzun and Humanzun against Mengyu.

But if it is said that Tianzun is protecting the dream domain, it is not necessarily the case.

After all, when Earth Venerable attacked Dreamland, Heavenly Venerate also fought with Gu Bu Lao and Jiang Yun who was in the last reincarnation.

He even forced Jiang Yun, who was in the last reincarnation, to explode himself!

However, at this time, Jiang Yun will naturally not mention these things deliberately.

After a pause, Jiang Yun continued: "Although we don't need to prepare deliberately, it's not really doing nothing."

"If the monks outside the territory want to attack the Guantian Temple, there are only two ways. One is from the chaos airspace, through the network of the avenues and the five elements barrier."

"The other way is this place outside the law."

"If we can hold on to these two paths, that can at least take some initiative and buy us a longer time."

Tianzun nodded and said: "Yes, the passage between the land outside the law and the Guantian Palace was opened by the monk from Ten Tiangan."

"It's a pity that his space power is extremely powerful, he escaped too fast, and I never caught up with him."

"Well, I'll stay in the place outside the law for a while to see if I can find the passage, find the monk who worked for ten days, and destroy it."

"As for the Five Elements Barrier, since you mentioned it, you should have already been there, why don't you run again?"

Jiang Yun said hesitantly, "I still want to get the Dreamland back first."

"If my master can improve his strength and help Senior Ji and the others stabilize their current cultivation realm, then our overall strength will be much stronger."

Now, Ji Kongfan and the others are all strong in the source realm. If they can maintain this realm forever, it will be of great help to Daoxing the world.

This point, Tianzun is naturally very clear.

That's why she agreed with Jiang Yun to take the memory of the Master of All Souls to find Ancient Bu Lao.

Even Tianzun has such hopes!

"Okay!" Tianzun pondered: "Besides you, I have no one else to send, so I can only separate a clone and go to the Five Elements Barrier."

Having said that, another woman came out of Tianzun's body, and said to Jiang Yun: "You and me will turn back to the real realm first, and I will let the ancient demon give you the dream realm."

At this moment, Ji Kongfan suddenly said: "Earth Zun and Ren Zun escaped, Tian Zun had better find them quickly."

"I suspect that if the extraterritorial monks really come, the two of them will most likely choose to join the extraterritorial."

Tianzun smiled coldly: "The two of them are nothing to worry about."

"What's more, their strength has also been forcibly upgraded, and maybe they have been beaten back to their original shape now!"

After leaving this sentence, Tianzun's clone will leave Jiang Yun directly.

And Jiang Yun hurriedly said: "Wait, Tianzun, I think, can this vortex space be incorporated into my Dao world."

Although Jiang Yun knew that Tianzun would definitely set up the vortex space properly, if he could leave the vortex space with him, then Ji Kongfan and the others would be relatively safer.

The most important thing is that when you return to the real realm and rescue the master, you can let the master enter here directly.

It should be somewhat helpful for the master to integrate the memory of the master of all spirits and improve his strength.

Tianzun pondered for a while and said, "Also!"

"Then I'll let the clone stay with you. I'll go see if I can find the guy who did it for ten days."

The deity of Tianzun walked away, and Ji Kongfan said: "Then I will enter the crack first, and call me anytime when you need me."

As Ji Kongfan entered the crack, Jiang Yun also sat down cross-legged.

Seeing that Tianzun's clone did not pay attention to himself, Jiang Yun said to Xia Ruliu, "Senior Xia, has the relationship between you and the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits been cut off?"

"No!" Xia Ruliu replied softly.

Jiang Yun thought for a while and said, "Then, are you staying temporarily, or will I find an opportunity to send you out after I enter the extrajudicial land for a while?"

"I..." Xia Ruliu paused, then stammered, "I, I want to see your master."

Jiang Yun knew that Xia Ruliu still couldn't really be ruthless and completely cut off the relationship between her and the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits.

In this regard, Jiang Yun can only agree: "Okay!"

Xia Ruliu continued: "Well, let me go, I want to chat with Tianzun."

Jiang Yun said with some worry: "Will Tianzun be bad for you?"

Xia Ruliu smiled and said, "No, I am friends with Tianzun!"

Since Xia Ruliu was sure that Tianzun would not be against her, Jiang Yun would naturally not stop her.

Therefore, Jiang Yun looked at Tianzun's avatar and said, "Tianzun, there is a friend of yours who wants to meet you."