MTL - There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem-Chapter 130 Wang

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The two of them sat down at the nearby small restaurant, ordered three dishes and one soup, and chatted while eating and talking. Half eaten, Wen Jia, wearing a sports jacket, rushed over with a small box.

"Xiao Rui." Wen Jiahe first greeted Xiao Rui, then smiled and looked at Ye Zhizhou, politely reaching out, "Hello, my name is Wen Jiahe, I will fix some paintings and paintings, thank you for your trust."

Ye Zhizhou was busy getting up and holding his hand, and introduced himself.

When the two sat down, Xiao Rui added a bowl of chopsticks to Wen Jiahe and asked for two more dishes. He asked, "Which welfare institution you went to to participate in the activity, see your ugly clothes."

“Studies of the S. Painting and Calligraphy Society have planned an activity to teach orphans to paint. I think they are sponsoring hardships and there are not enough people. They are going to help.” Wen Jia said with a good temper, carefully The activity suit, showing a small picture on the side of the dress to show him, smiled very proudly, "Look here, the smallest child of the orphanage painted for me, isn't it?"

"Look at your stupidity, look good, eat fast." Xiao Rui poured a glass of water on him, and handed a wet tissue. "The next time there are activities, call a few people, don't bother yourself, exhaust you." ""

"Not tired." Wen Jia and the paper towel wiped his hand and approached him and asked, "What are you going to mend? Show me."

"You stop." Xiao Rui pushed him away, and looked disgusted. "Don't look at this environment, what to eat in the place to eat, want to damage the pollution twice. Sit well, eat!"

Wen Jia and some embarrassed smiles, honestly sit down and start eating.

[Scanning is complete, healthy, no hidden diseases. There is no abnormal energy fluctuation in the brain, and mental energy has signs of awakening. Applicable remedy: Anshen Pills. ]

Ye Zhizhou looked at Wen Jiahe, who looked good and looked good, and some couldn’t figure it out. How can a person who is so kind and eager to be chased by a knife in the original plot? Is this also the means for the protagonist to come close to softening Wen Jiahe?

He couldn't help but carefully looked at the appearance of Jiahe, and bowed his head to poke open the system information, while slowly studying the meal, while studying the relationship between Wen Jia and the protagonist.

At the appraisal meeting, when the main character of the city b opened the store, the feelings went one step further and became friends. Then Wen Jia and, by chance, knew that the protagonist had been donating money to the poor students and donating materials to the mountain children... After that, the two I met occasionally in the funding activities of the orphanage... The kitten’s thing broke out, there was a blessing of life-saving, and the goodwill turned directly into love...

The protagonist really will vote for it and seize the opportunity.

Xiao Rui first solved the dinner in one step, and saw his slow and sloppy look. He was happy. "Small leaf, put chopsticks when you are full. No one forced you to finish eating, don't break your stomach."

When he returned to God, he found himself pulling the rice dumplings in a mess. He was busy eating three or two meals and asked after eating his mouth. "Rigo, do you and Jiahe often go to the orphanage to volunteer?" ?"

Xiao Rui shook his head. "I am busy and upside down. It doesn't count often. You and your brother are free to go. Why, you want to go?"

"I have a bunch of toys in my hand, I got it for free. I have been planning to send it to the orphanage, but I don't know much about it..." He pretended to be embarrassed and looked at Wen Jiahe and said, "Jia and Ge Do you have a familiar orphanage? I don't know the rules of donating materials, and whether toys are too impractical..."

"No, things that make children happy are practical." Wen Jia and his attitude to him are more than doubled, and he puts down the chopsticks and starts to turn the phone. "I have a familiar orphanage, you have toys. How many, what type is it? There are no rules for donating, but there are some procedures to be done. You can rest assured in this regard, I will help you solve it."

Ye Zhizhou grinned and stupid. "There is not much, just a big warehouse, a lot of kinds, doll trains, car puzzles, various balls, and some kind of small slides that are common in kindergartens." He also funded in the previous worlds. Through orphanages and welfare homes, there is a lot of space in this kind of things.

Xiao Rui’s action on drinking tea, Wen Jia and silently turned off the contact number of the small orphanage that was pulled out, opened the chat tool, and pulled out a large group built to facilitate the contact of the orphanages. "The leaflet, the children will thank you."

"My honor." Ye Zhizhou continued to laugh a little stupid. A warehouse toy, in exchange for the children's happiness and Wen Jiahe's friendship, value.

"Very happy?" The cold voice.

"Very happy." He nodded sillyly, then his neck was stiff and motionless.

Gu Yi reached out and touched his back neck, threateningly pinching. "This is what you said is very tired to rest at home? Say, when to steal it."

Ye Zhizhou squinted his face and honestly admit his mistake. "I'm sorry, I suddenly can't sleep, I just want to go out and turn..."

“When it comes out, do you need to toss your home monitoring first?”

"..." missteps, I know that I will not monitor it... I blame Xiaorui! Nothing to eat! Otherwise he must have returned home long ago!

Ye Zhizhou, who tried to make a shabu-shabu, secretly glanced at Xiao Rui and resolutely refused to admit that he was too stupid!

Xiao Rui was inexplicably stunned. Gu Yi, who looked at the black face, warmly greeted him. "You are a leaflet parent, hello, I am Xiao Rui, a friend that Xiao Ye just met. Have you eaten? Sit down and eat together?" ”

Wen Jiahe also politely and Gu Yi said hello.

Gu Yi pinched Ye Zhizhou's neck and his hands tightened tightly. His body was even more air-tight. He pulled his mouth and revealed a hard smile. He said, "Hello, I am a lover of Xiaozhou. Thank you for your hospitality, but it is already late. Now, we have to go home and say goodbye." After he finished holding Ye Zhizhou, he was left with an unpleasant breath.

Ye Zhizhou was too embarrassed to smile at them, and honestly followed the lover who was rumbling in the vinegar sea.

Xiao Ruimu sent the two to go far, raised their hands and rubbed their ears. "I just didn't get it wrong, lover?"

Wen Jiahe took out his mobile phone and pokeed the contact group of the orphanage and nodded. "I also listen to love."

"But they are not all men..."

Wen Jia and looked up at him, very serious.

Xiao Rui shut up, and some scratched his hair. "Haha, that, I forgot you too... cough, the leaflet doesn't look too big, how can I find the object so early, now the young man is jealous."

"When you are all of you, the boss is not small, but also a bachelor." Wen Jia and put away the mobile phone to take out the memo to record Ye Zhizhou's contact information and donation details, got up and mentioned a small box, "Go, go to your home, I Look at the landscape map."

"... don't think I didn't hear you say that I am playing bachelor, everyone is the same, you are not qualified to laugh at me." Xiao Rui got up and checked out, grabbed his suitcase and turned his mouth, pouting, "What are the baby?" So heavy, let's go, sleep late at me, I will stay up late for you."

Wen Jia and his hand licked his pocket and smiled. "Good, but I don't want to eat noodles. I want to drink porridge."

"It's hard to wait on you... well, drink porridge and porridge, raise your stomach, go home and cook for you!"

[Wen Jia and the love of the protagonist have dropped to 40%, please support the host. ]

Ye Zhizhou looked at the system prompts that popped up a little, and thought deeply. The charm of toys is so big? Wen Jiahe’s chances of falling in love suddenly dropped a bit. He did not remember that he had pitted the protagonist.

"Don't dare to go away, is itchy?"

The back neck was pinched, and then a warm breath went straight to the door. "Who are the two people? How do you know? You actually went to eat with strangers, and you are not afraid of being sold by people?"

Ye Zhizhou blinked, looked at his dark lacquered face carefully, and took a sip. "I have you, you will protect me."

Gu Yi stunned, and then he smacked him into his arms and took his ass. "Let's say good things, honestly explain what you did in the afternoon, do you have something to look at me."

The lover really eats this set... Ye Zhizhou blinks and smiles, then he said the thing of the soul flag without reservation. By the way, he took out an Anshen pill and stuffed him into his mouth. "When we finish this task, we can go back to heaven." , not happy?"

Gu Yi trusted the swallowed meatballs, frowned and thought, "What is the soul flag you said?"

"Bad things, I can't say concretely, you are a mortal now, the secret can't be leaked." Ye Zhizhou pretends to be high, making the poor and shabu-shabu*, "When you confessed to me, you said that you should take good care of me. As a result, you actually toss yourself into such a way that even the memory that is not easy to recover is gone."

Gu Yi really forgot to find the "one hundred ways to clean up the disobedient lover" and "a thousand strategies to adjust/teacher the disobedient pet" when he came over, and he was full of embarrassment and distress. "Sorry, it makes you so hard..." After he said that he was stunned, why did he just say it again?

Ye Zhizhou was close to his arms and took out a small note. "Let's go to this place and turn around, there is still a mission goal I have not touched."

Gu Yi took the note and then turned black.

Half an hour later, in front of the Haitian Club, the largest gold-splitting cave in the city.

Gu Yi stinks and tightens the clothes of Ye Zhizhou, and it is sinister. "If you find someone, you will come out, don't stay for a long time. Don't run around with me, do you know?"

"Know know." Ye Zhizhou took his hand and assured him, "I must hold your hand firmly and never leave you!"

Gu Yi's expression was a little better, and he took a deep breath and grabbed the urge to grab him into the bed and take him to the club.

In the second floor of the bar, Ye Zhizhou finally saw a standard dressed up in the dance floor.

[Scanning is complete, kidney deficiency. There is no abnormal energy fluctuation in the brain, and mental energy has signs of awakening. Applicable medicinal herbs: Yang Dan, Anshen Pills. ]

Kidney deficiency? Ye Zhizhou couldn't help but laugh, and this Wu Kaien was only twenty-one, but the kidney was lost.

The shape of the monster is very bright, and Ye Zhizhou is a dog demon in this life. He brings his own loved ones, and seduce people at that station. If there is a person who is not convinced by Gu Yi, it is estimated that he was blocked by the mad bee in the first second of entering the bar.

Perceived the sights that looked around, Gu Yi’s face was darker. After glanced at the people around him, he raised his hand and grabbed Ye’s mouth. “No smile, no hiding.” The people in their nest were jealous of others. It feels terrible, he wants to kill now.

However, there is always the courage to be afraid of death. Seeing that the tiger wants to brighten his claws, he has to go forward.

"Hey, beautiful." On behalf of Wu Kaien, under the reminder of a friend, he noticed Ye Zhizhou. He ran up and sipped his face with a glass of wine and made a slap in his hair. He used his eyes to discharge. "What do you want to drink? I treat you." ""

Well, this is just a child, can't be angry... Ye Zhizhou holds Gu Yi, and Wu Kaien hooks his finger.

Originally, there was a bit of Gu Yi’s heart in Wu Kai’s heart. He was a courageous person. He was very afraid of the provocative death of Gu Yi, and then excitedly joined in front of Ye Zhizhou. The thief flashed in his eyes. “What instructions does the beauty have?”

"This, for you." Ye Zhizhou took out a ball and handed it over. He had a long-term heart. "If you lose kidney, don't come out and play, it will be seen by the bad guys."

The expectation on the face of Vulcan was smashed, and he looked down at the meatballs and drummed his face.

"Raising pets, fishing, eating farmhouses, going to school, the days are actually very good, don't mess with yourself at a young age, go home, your aunt should worry." "This is my lover's phone. I want to experience the right way to relax. I can call you. I promise you to play better than now! Well, it is not kidney loss."

"They won't worry about me..." Wu Kaien muttered, and then said with a bad voice, "Is it because you have added drugs to this ball! I tell you, although I am mixed with Vulcan, I should not do anything." No... Hey!"

Ye Zhizhou took back the hand that hardly stuffed his meatballs, and smiled and said goodbye, "I wish you a happy evening tonight, see you back." After he finished pulling, he began to arbitrarily murder, and Gu Yi, who accidentally awakened his mental strength, strode forward. Go outside.

After returning to the car, he first gave Gu Yi a shot of Anshen Pill, and then took his face and kissed it hard. Gu Yi excitedly responded, and the spirit of popping up became more and more. Ye Zhizhou comfortably touched his hair and sighed in his heart. This vinegar jar, actually jealous and eaten to awaken the spirit, is no one.

For a long time, the violent mental power finally became peaceful. Gu Yi loosened Ye Zhizhou and looked at him for a while. He suddenly raised his hand and clicked on his eyelids. "Xiaozhou."

Ye Zhizhou calmed his breath and said it, then he stopped, "Oriental?"

"Yeah." Gu Yi hugged him, sniffing the smell of his body, closing his eyes with satisfaction, "Working hard."

Ye Zhizhou looked up to see his present expression, and his mood was pleasant. "Have you remembered?"

"A little bit." Gu Yi held down his head and kept him from looking up and gently touching his hair. "But it's enough to solve the guy in the club."

The surprise is weakened, "... how to solve it?"

"Marriage line." Gu Yi's voice is cold, and he has restored the appearance of the brain vinegar jar. "The guy who is not arbitrarily **** earlier is better."

The surprise disappeared completely, and Ye Zhizhou asked after a moment of silence. "Are you... just remember how to calculate the marriage line?"

This time, Gu Yi was silent.

The atmosphere was awkward, and Ye Zhizhou groaned and didn't hold it. He couldn't help but raise his hand and screamed. "I was so jealous that I felt awakened, and remembered how to calculate the marriage line. You, you are... remembered that the marriage line didn't remember me! The vinegar died!"

Gu Yi let him paste, and said with a serious face, "Who said that I didn't remember you, at least I know what Heaven is all about you to lie to me!"

Ye Zhizhou’s anger is misfiring.

The two of them had big eyes and small eyes, and they paused, tacitly approached, kissed and enmity, and each sat down to start wearing a seat belt.

"Go home, I bought you a delicious meal."
