MTL - There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem-Chapter 164 Lovers from the true star

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"Calculated!" Ye Zhizhou looked up and smashed the broken hair and handed the white paper to the Oriental book. "But there is a problem I can't understand. Is the transferred soul flag new?"

The Oriental book shook his head. "Not counting, the transferred soul flag is recovered from the soul flag that has been removed, not new."

"Then your three..."

"The three counts are three different flags that want to plunder my soul."

Ye Zhizhou glanced at his handsome face, hehe, "The Soul Eater really loves you, and actually has three flags on you."

The oriental book raised his face and pinched his face.

"Don't pinch, my face will be swollen!" Ye Zhizhou turned his head and pointed his hand to the white paper in his hand. "Open the four false flags of the last world. We have a total of seventy-two flags." So there are nine left in the flag."

"Small continent is very powerful." The Oriental book took out the plaster on his face and put him in his arms. "The evil spirits have used the soul-eating scorpion to successfully reincarnate. At this time, it is bound to be badly hurt. Woke up."

"Then he will have memories?"

"Yes, the Soul Eater will hold on to the dark memories in his mind." The Oriental Book took out the mirror, poured in the spiritual power, and handed it to him. "Put the blood of the heart and the power of Dantian into the sky. In the future, it will be your life weapon. In the future, no matter where you go, it will never be separated from you."

Ye Zhizhou raised his eyebrows. "Is it so simple to refine the artifact?" It is hard to say that it is difficult in the novel.

"You are different from Tongtianjing. The recognition of the Lord has been completed in the first encounter. Now it is only a two-way settlement." The Oriental book explained in detail that there was a dark light in the eyes. "I originally wanted to use my own spiritual power to cast." A spiritual sword gives you a life weapon, but you have too many merits. The spirit sword is likely to directly transform the spirit at the moment of the conclusion with you. It is better to choose a stranger to run it again. The sky, although its attack power is basically not."

The abandoned Tiantian shocked the earthquake and then turned into two small double knives.

"Reluctantly available." The Oriental book put a pair of knives that were morphed into the sky, and the tone was a bit hard. "Well, take the blood of the heart and tie it with it, and then earn him into Dantian."

Ye Zhizhou squinted, the sour taste in the air is really awkward.

The Oriental book ignored his eyes, raised his hand to remove the bag head that he had already scattered, and took a comb from the storage bag to help him comb his hair.

Ye Zhizhou was soft again, and he retracted his eyes. Some of his strangers forced his heart to drop into the sky and muttered his face. Forget it, although this person is a vinegar essence, but after all, the old husband has been so many years, it is not too much to abandon.

After the blood dripped up, it immediately returned to the appearance of a small mirror, and then turned into a light spot and drilled into his dantian.

"I won't lose you anymore in the future." He patted his stomach and wondered, "But what is the purple space and the "Zi Xu Gong Fa"? What do you have?"

[Space and practice are the last masters of the Zixu real people to stay before the fall, only to those who have a relationship. ]

He touched his chin. "So, in a strict sense, my master should be this purple virtual person?"

[Yes, little master. ]

The movement of the oriental book combed his hair, and reached out to turn off the light screen in midair.

Ye Zhizhou's big eyes, "You can see even the light screen?!" Then how can he say bad things with Tongtian in the future?

The Oriental Book saw his thoughts at a glance and raised his hand and tapped his head. "I have already married you, and I am living with the same life. I can see things you see, and in turn, I You can also use the power." In fact, it is only a unilateral symbiosis, but this does not need to be specified.

With the same life?

Ye Zhizhou was surprised. "If anyone wants to kill you, I will not be your biggest weakness? No, then what symbiosis must be broken!"

"If the symbiosis is formed, unless you die, you can't stop." Oriental book made his hair, turned him over and kissed his forehead, smiling. "So you have to protect yourself."

[Do you use sensational Dan? ]

The smile on the face of the Oriental book was stiff, and once again raised his hand and turned off the light screen, letting the air cool, "Tongtian, you no longer need to disguise as a system."

The light screen flashed, and he was bold and he sang against him. [With the growth environment of the small master, the system setting can gain his trust and love. ]

Ye Zhizhou’s attention is a bit biased. “Why don’t you call me a host?”

The light screen disappeared, and the child's voice rang directly in the mind. "I have already recognized you as the master, and the owner is a purple virtual person, so you are a small master."

The soft and soft children’s voice heard Ye Zhouzhou’s refreshing from the head to the feet, and blinked and smiled. “That’s a shame for me. Are you sure this can break the symbiosis?”


The Oriental book looked down at him and his expression changed for a while. He regretted that he would accept the life-saving device. Seeing that he suddenly had more **** in his hand, he rushed over and crushed it.

"You!" Ye Zhizhou roared, and a cold voice changed out again, sneer, "I don't believe you can prevent a lifetime!"

The book of the East did not move, and he looked at him with a blank expression, and then forced the blood out of his forehead again. He said, "I don't believe that you can sleep for a lifetime."

The two men had big eyes and small eyes, and Ye Zhizhou blew up. After getting up and stepping on him, he ran to the still sleepy Su Shi and sat down, sulking.




Turned back with his back.

"Do you want to see my life weapon?"


"Thunder spirit can put fireworks."

The trick of swearing is really stupid! Ye Zhizhou turned around while he was abdomen.

From Qingcheng to Yucheng, Su Shi Yu Jian flew for a day and a night. After having the plug-in of the Oriental Book, it took only half a day for the three people to return to Qingcheng from the city. Su Shi finally woke up before arriving at the Qingcheng School, and then went to see the head with two people.

"This is..." The head of the scorpion scorpion put down the chess piece and rose up to look at the oriental book holding Ye Zhizhou. He asked, "Excuse me, this Taoist friend..."

"This Tianhe predecessor is the master of Xiaozhou!" Su Shi was busy interrupting his words and squeezing his eyes toward him. "The Tianhe Supreme has agreed to stay in the Qingcheng School to raise a small continent. Brother, I see the main peak. Ling Yunfeng is good, is it better to arrange the Tianhe Supreme?"

Xuan Zhongzi’s eyes on the Oriental Book changed instantly, but in the end it was the head of the work. It was much more stable than Su Shi, and soon it was restored to calmness. The courtesy of the Oriental Book was a courtesy of the younger generation. “It turned out to be Tianhe. Sayādaw, there is a long way to meet, and Xiaozhou will ask you later."

"You're welcome." The Oriental book gave him a half courtesy, swept him up and down, and suddenly took out the book and lost it. "The bottleneck in the realm has been ten years, and it is stagnation. This book may help you."

Xuan Zhongzi took the book and saw it. He saw the practice of a predecessor who had already soared. The heart couldn't help but jump for a few seconds. He was busy thanking him again.

Ye Zhizhou pulls the book of the East, "The soul flag, it should be fake again."

The Oriental Book took a look at the five flags that suddenly appeared on the top of Xuan Zhongzi’s head, and played a glimpse of the spiritual power. “The soul is rushing.”

Ye Zhizhou nodded and set a small abacus in his heart. Anxious to be anxious, will be revealed.

One month later, they found some false flags in other people in Qingcheng. A year later, Ye Zhizhou was promoted to the foundation period under the care of the Oriental Book, and then bid farewell to the sects and embarked on the journey of comprehension in the mainland.

Fifteen years have passed, and Ye Zhizhou, who has grown into a handsome young man, is awake from meditation, feels the flow of the aura of the whole body, and reveals a smile to the oriental book of the law, "Jie Dan succeeded."

"Yeah." The Oriental book touched his face before, and he bowed his head and kissed his forehead. He said, "The hundred-year-old comprehension sects started more than ten days later, and the top 100 winners above the Golden Age." It will be sent to the history of De Jong. This time there are dozens of comprehension sects from three continents. The outstanding comprehens who gather together are like stars, and the evil spirits will definitely not miss this opportunity."

Ye Zhizhou’s eyes turned and asked, “How many fake flags have we found?”


"That is to say, there are still eighteen flags..." He touched his chin, and he was somewhat interested. "Looking for the soul, is this going to make a true and false protagonist to guess?"

The Oriental Book took out a new refining robes for him, and his eyes flashed with a smile. "No guess, I have a way to tell."

Ye Zhizhou took off the old robe and put it on a new one. Hold him and kiss him. "I know, you are the best!"

The Oriental book hugged him and turned the light kiss into a deep kiss.

Ten days later, the two came to the location of the Greatbye Valley.

"A lot of people." Ye Zhizhou stood at the front end of the flying instrument and looked down, screaming. "All the hills near the valley have been inserted into the flag. Where do we live?"

The Oriental book also glanced at the valley below, frowning. "There are a lot of people coming here."

A carriage made of Shangpin Lingyu drove past the two sides and set off a small wind that was rolled up by the spirits.

“There are a lot of rich people.” Ye Zhizhou looked at the various flying instruments used by the repairers. He felt a bit dazzling. “A lot of rare refining materials, the carriage that just passed is good, I want to remove its wheels. ”

The Oriental book looks at him sideways, "Envy?"

Ye Zhizhou saw him so quickly shaking his head. "I don't envy you, I don't envy, Feijian is very good, simple and practical." Since coming to this world, the lover has got a kind of illness that likes to pile up baby on him, making people happy and crashing. . The lover loves to send something, you say no, lover is sad, if you want to go, the money bag to walk, the primary goal of killing the treasure, this label he really does not want!

The bells and bells, the distant jade car actually ran back, and then a familiar face explored, "Xiaozhou? Is it Xiaozhou?"

Ye Zhizhou looked at the face of the other person's Qing Jun carefully, and rushed forward in surprise. "Sand sand! You also come to participate in the big ratio? Are you coming to the head and the uncle?"

The oriental book eyes clasped his waist quickly, lest he fall off the flying weapon and fall down the valley... Although it seems quite difficult for the comprehension to fall.

"Come on, Master and Master are coming." Liusha answered, then looked at the Oriental Book, and his attitude was very respectful. "Tianhe predecessors, Master has succeeded in turning God, thank you for your gift many years ago."

The Oriental Book has a good impression of this person who is a good person. The attitude is very gentle and responds to his thanks.

Ye Zhizhou finally pulled into the wagon window and went to the happy road. "Where do you live with the uncle? Where are you living with me? When I settle down with Master, I will go to you."

"I will take you there now." Flowing sand raised his hand and touched his hair, and smiled softly. "Small continents are so big, they almost didn't recognize it. Wait a minute, I will say hello to my friend." "When I turned around and let the window open, I said a few words to the people in the car and took out Feijian and got off the bus."

The carriage went far, and the smile on Ye Zhizhou’s face faded. Looking at the oriental book, “Soul Flag.”

The Oriental book frowns, "How many? Whose body?" Saying a glance at the sand, seeing that there is no flag on his head, the expression eased.

"Seventeen." Ye Zhizhou said with a serious expression. "I just looked at the window and looked at it carefully. Two people, one eight, one nine, a total of seventeen flags."