MTL - There’s A Beauty-Chapter 91 . Livestock

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Youyi still remembers being taken to Ganquan Palace for the first time. The road is full of flowers and butterflies, and there are several red lanterns hanging under the corridor. Now only three months later, the place has become very deserted, and the rotten petals have fallen to the ground and left unattended, leaving red everywhere.

There is a bit of annoyance in blowing her nose, and she hurried a few steps under the cover of the old ghost's eyesight method, and finally reached the inner hall. Hui Fei was standing by the window and looking into the distance. Her face was no longer exquisite makeup and elegant smile. The eighth prince just came out of school, hurried in, and asked, "Mother-in-law, they all say that you have been demoted to Wupin Jianjun, is that true?"

Hui Fei turned around and slapped her away with a slap, "You still have a face? If you weren't involved, you wouldn't be sent by the emperor to attack Nanman. Has the court defeated Nanman for decades? The hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in your uncle's hand broke in, and before he returned to Beijing to report on his job, the emperor had sent three wills to reduce his crimes, and even walked and degraded. When he arrived in the capital, he might not be able to keep the five-grade supervisors . I and you have been planning for more than ten years, but in the end, it was all because of this incompetent thing! If you don't provoke Lao Qi, can we have today? "

"If you killed Lao Qi early, we would not have today! You are not cruel enough, but you blame me!" The eighth prince pushed away Hui Hui and turned away.

Hui Fei fainted, but couldn't ignore him and quickly asked the **** to chase him. She finally admitted that she did pick the wrong person. If she changed the old eight to the old seven, where would she now fall into such a situation. Although the evidence of that year has been completely erased, as long as the emperor has doubts, he can still cure you without any trace. The emperor is Dayan's heaven. He does whatever he wants, and he holds whatever he wants.

It now appears that he no longer intends to hold the Ganquan Palace. The derogation of his brother is a signal that it is his turn. Hui Fei was teetering, but fortunately she was supported by two maids before sitting on the ground. She didn't notice at all, a puppy ran past and chased the Eighth Prince.

With the help of the ghosts in the palace, you can easily get the jade pendant of the Eighth Prince and run towards Cining Palace. The eighth prince not only deeply hated Lao Qi, but also hated Lao Qi's puppies. He quickly set aside the palace chase and found a hidden corner to kill the dog after he caught up with it. He stepped on the meat and cut a dog. Claw, quietly sent to Lao Qi Palace, to see how he would be heartbroken.

Driven by the evil thoughts in his heart, he only knew the chase and did not notice that he had entered the realm of Cining Palace. The palace woman who guarded the Buddhist temple was aroused by the sound of the ghost, and it was worthy to pass him by, but she turned a blind eye because of the obstacles.

The queen mother was the emperor. After marrying in the palace at the age of eighteen, she became a widow at the age of twenty. , First obtained the support of courtiers. After Emperor Jingdi ascended the throne, she used a ritual Buddha to evade the other's liquidation, but she did not confess her fate. From time to time, she would stir up some waves in front of the harem.

At this moment, she was turning clouds and rain in the Buddhist hall with her brother, but she did not find a puppy sitting at the door watching. After a while, the puppy turned and left, throwing the jade in his mouth when he came to the step. Yu Peiding Ling Dangdang tumbling for a while, and eventually fell into the flower garden next to him. The puppies rushed away immediately and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Who is outside?" The queen mother and her brother stiffened for a moment, and then snapped sternly.

The lead-in maid was long overdue, but because of the blindness, she saw neither the puppy nor the eighth prince who was trapped in the back garden by a ghost. She hurried forward and trembled, "The queen mother-in-law, the slave-in-law was only taken away and was led away."

The Empress Dowager and the Grand Emperor Jingguo knew that the major events were not good, and quickly put on their clothes to check them out. Finally, they found a jade pendant in the flowerbed with the word "yong" inscribed on it.

"Ji Yongye?" The Queen Mother could not think of anyone other than the Eighth Prince.

The eighth prince who lifted the ghost from the wall, came to the Buddha Hall at this moment, and saluted him.

The Queen Mother squeezed a smile and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Going back to the grandmother, the old seven's dog was so abominable that he took away her grandson's jade. The grandson chased all the way and unknowingly entered the palace of Cining." The words rose, surprised, "The grandmother, It is this piece of jade. "

The queen mother returned Yu Pei and asked him to leave without asking anything. Yasukuni was still laughing at the last moment, but the next instant was murderous, "Do you believe his ghost words? Puppy, have you seen the puppy come in?"

The palace men shook their heads and said in a frightened voice, "Mr. Puppy, I don't even know how His Royal Highness came in."

The queen mother did not believe the old man's remarks, but she would not kill and kill her in her own palace, so she planned to arrange a few nails in the Ganquan palace, and slowly poisoned him.

Yasukuni shook his head, "It needs to be resolved sooner. If he tells Hui Fei the matter, and then tells the emperor, we are finished."

"Find someone to stare at him first. He and Hui Fei are now in a distressed situation, and finally managed to hold such a big handle on the Ai family, they will definitely come to deal with the Ai family. These people in the palace will not waste a sliver of opportunity, they must always seek The greatest benefit is to win. "The queen mother insisted," This scandal, but all the people who know the situation can not please, how the old eighth end depends on the mood of the emperor, Hui Fei will certainly be defeated, so they dare not say, is to You have to talk about it, it's best to use someone else's mouth. We still have time, don't worry. "

The Yasukuni thought about it and commanded, "You look at it, anyway, they can't be held by them. In this world, only dead people can keep their mouths tight."

"The sad family understands." The queen mother stepped forward and rubbed her brother's waist line vaguely.


It was almost dusk when you and the old ghost returned to Guangling Palace. Xiao Shunzi found that His Highness Seven fell asleep and took him to the bed-place, seeing that there was no figure of cricket outside the hall, and he was so frightened that he was sent away to find him. His Highness Seven was about to wake up, everyone was so anxious that they saw the puppies jumping out of the grass, and they were so excited that they saw tears in their eyes.

"My little ancestor, you can count it back! Where did you go, how did you get dirty?" Xiaoshunzi hugged him and instructed, "Hurry up and go quickly when His Highness doesn't wake up Burn a pot of hot water and wash it! This Lord is His Highness-Gen, if you know that we almost lost it, everyone in the palace will be beaten with a whip! "

When they remembered the big palace girl who was whipped, the people immediately separated.

Some people never let anyone other than the master, but today the body is covered with grass, dirt, and flower juice, and it is very dirty. If you don't let the little straight wash out, the master will be furious. He didn't dare to think about the scene, so he struggled a little bit and confessed.

After half an hour, the unwashed sister-in-law was quietly placed on the pillow of His Royal Highness Seven. The nervous palace man saw that His Royal Highness was still asleep, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, and then rushed out. The old ghost's palm floating on the top of the tent turned into a brown pill when he turned it over, and told him, "You want to find a way for your master to take the antidote, and then press him-rub the acupuncture points on the legs. I go, Yu A new batch of medicinal materials has just arrived in the pharmacy, and I have to pick and choose and hide the best. "

A howl counted as a promise.

The old ghost just woke up, and the seventh prince woke up and found himself lying on the bed- with an expression of tenseness. When he saw a squatting squatting next to a pillow and looked at himself, he slowed down, "I just fell asleep Alright? Who picked me up? "

Little Junko. There was a howl three times, and the short, fat claws were pounding under the pillow. Finally, a pill was pounded, and he drew it to the palm of the master with his mouth, then raised his face and looked eagerly.

"What is this? Where did you find it?" The seventh prince sat up halfway and pointed the pill at the setting sun repeatedly.

Youyi pointed his mouth with his claw, which meant that he ate it quickly, afraid he couldn't understand it, so he pretended that his hind legs were paralyzed, and he threw himself on the bed with two front paws, and opened his mouth after climbing a distance. , Stretched the neck, made a swallowing motion, and also made a humming sound, and then stood on his hind legs, jumping and ecstatic.

The seventh prince raised an eyebrow, unmoved.

There was a hawk around him, and he kept tapping his arm for taking medicine without stopping the fat and tender paws, urging him to swallow it quickly. Seeing that he still didn't understand, he performed according to the previous routine. Paralyzed, crawling, crawling, taking medicine, suddenly stood up, so happy! You should understand now? He ran back to his master, Wu Yo's eyes were full of hope.

The little dumplings crawled, rolled, and jumped. How could the seventh prince not understand? He was almost knotted with a smile in his heart, but on the face he pretended to be ignorant, but to cheat you to perform a few times. He loved the way he fluttered on his bed, so lively and energetic.

After seeing that the master was still still, he was finally anxious, crawling along his arm to the chest, holding the pill in his palm on his mouth, and then gently squeezing his two front paws-opening his lips and forcing to feed.

The seventh prince did not tilt his head to avoid, but did not open his teeth. He asked vaguely, "This pill can cure my legs?"

You ca n’t feed for a long time if you are fed for a long time. But he can understand the master, and no one will casually eat the pet's food into his stomach, especially the pill of unknown origin. He nodded again and again, his nose humming angrily.

"Where did you find it?" The Seventh Prince asked again.

You ca n’t explain clearly. You can only pat the master ’s lips with his short claws. At the end, he pats his cheek. Finally, he ca n’t. Back and forth, licking inside and out-licking his closed teeth until he licked.

Yes, that's it, don't close it again! He yelled loudly, then twisted his fart-strand into the collar, searching for pills.

Somehow, the seventh prince was licked by him, and his pale cheeks showed abnormal redness. He felt that two points on his chest were chopped up and down by him, very crisp-hemp, and quickly took him out. , Crying and laughing can not be authentic, "Don't make trouble if you have a meal, can't I eat it?" Then Luo took out the pills in his jacket and prepared to put them in his mouth, but stopped at the last moment.

Eat fast? He squinted at him because he was so anxious that his hair exploded unknowingly.

"How can I eat without water?" The seventh prince squeezed the tip of his pink nose, and then raised the voice to make the palace girl waiting outside the pour water.

Seeing that the water was coming, some feared that the master would regret it, and hurriedly rushed to hold the pills in his palm, and feed them mouth to mouth. The seventh prince did not resist either, but when he took the pill, he also contained the babies with the tongue in his tongue, so he drank water slowly.

After waiting for about two quarters of an hour, I felt that the medicine was working. Only when I was able to push the spiritual power, Ziwei emperor's energy, and merit Jinguang into the paws, I pressed the master-kneading point-tao vigorously. The seventh prince saw him stepping on his own leg. He thought he was playing, but unexpectedly there was a needle-like sting in the place where he was stepped on.

How could it feel? He was terrified and couldn't believe it. "Yes, what you give me is an antidote? Are you giving me a massage point?"

Youshen nodded again and again, the little tail twisted too cheerfully, and even the fart-stocks shook.

The seventh prince grasped his fat short tail and rubbed his fart-stock again, his voice was very sloppy, "Yes, are you a monster? You came to me for gratitude?"

Youyi shook his head first, then nodded again, because there was a mouthful that made him bark.

The seventh prince was a little confused, and he groaned for a moment and asked, "You are not a monster, but are you here to repay grace?" To be honest, he learned that you are not a monster. What he felt was not relaxation, but disappointment. In recent days, he often goes to find the story of some fairies repaying grace, and then thinks of you.

You have become-what would a person look like? When is it again? He even imagined many scenes, such as a white moonlight night, a white light flashed, and the fluffy dumplings that had been lying in his arms turned into a person, a stripe with snow-white hair, a beautiful face, and pink- tender Skin people. He is certainly young, and Wu Yan's eyes burst into tears because of fear, but because of the instinct of his intimate master, he kept digging into his arms. He hugged him, comforted softly, and kissed his forehead, cheeks, lips ...

These fantasies appeared more than once in the dream of the seventh prince, making him sweet and guilty. How could he have that kind of thought about his pet?

But what if there is a magpie really a fairy? How can an ordinary puppy be as smart as him? All kinds of questions have been in the heart of the seventh prince for a long time. At this moment, a negative answer has been obtained. Even if the two-legs are aware, there is no joy at all.

"You're so smart, how can you not be a monster?" The seventh prince tried to hold you, but he scratched his paw. His face faded for a moment, sadly, "Yes, don't guard me, even if you know you Monster, I won't hurt you. You see, I took the medicine you brought, which is enough to prove my trust in you, should you return me with the same trust? "

Youyi nodded helplessly, wondering why the master insisted on admitting to be a monster. But strangely, strangely, his fat claws were still pressed and rubbed diligently.

When the puppy nodded, the seventh prince glanced through a bright light and trembled, "You admit it? Are you really a monster? Can you become a-human?" He was thrown by the legs and inches that felt a inch by inch Behind my head.

There were three questions in a row, and I didn't know which one to answer, and his meaningless barking couldn't explain his current situation at all, so he could only choose to nod.

The seven princes who felt that they were about to fall into the abyss flew into the clouds and floated into the sky. No matter how mature he is, he is only a 13-year-old half-old boy, and it is almost impossible to restrain his ecstasy. His aunt is a fairy, who can turn into a person and stay with him forever. No one knows how he was crooked by the overwhelming despair when he learned from his youngest son that he had a life span of at most ten years. He even thought that he was poisoned and could not live long. It might be a lucky thing. In this way, he will be able to grow up with you, grow old together, and die together.

But now, he wants to live and live well, because there is a chance that you will live for a long time.

"When can you become a human?" He asked, muffled to the ecstasy and anxiety in his heart.

Someone press-knead and bark, indicating that they do not know. He also wanted to recover, but by no means now, at least after the master's legs are fully recovered.

The seventh prince automatically completes, "Yes, you are still young and light, maybe another two or three years will be enough. There is something, what do you become like a man? You are a fairy and you must be beautiful Peerless? "

Youyi was extremely confident in his IQ and appearance, and quickly nodded his head.

The seventh prince chuckled, his face flushed. When he was thirteen years old, the gift that surprised him the most was the concubine, and the moment that made him most happy was now. When he pressed-rubbed his legs-and rolled his belly on the mattress, he immediately picked him up and kissed his lips. The kiss was light and soft, showing an eager longing and restlessness.

He touched his slightly-feeling legs at will and wrapped them in his placket, then supported his upper body, moved to the wheelchair next to him, and slowly turned the wheel toward the desk. He grinds the ink, spreads out the rice paper, lifts the sheep, and groans, "Yes, after you become a human, is your hair black or white?"

Guessing that the master was going to make a portrait of himself, Yuji quickly drilled out of his jacket, followed his arm to the table, and used his short claws to point a thick black bench.

"Your hair is black?" The seventh prince was obviously a little surprised. He thought that the hair color of the hair was pure white, just like the hair color. But black is better and less noticeable.

"Are you round or sharp?" He asked again, and before he answered, he laughed first. "How can your round-bodied look have a sharp face, it must be round, and the cheek Bring some tender soft-meat. "

Youxi nodded frantically, trying to give the master a thumbs up, but it was a fat claw. But the seventh prince had realized it, and laughed lower and lower, and continued, "Your nose is not high or quite? Is your mouth big or small? Are your eyebrows a sword eyebrow or a curved eyebrow? Your eyes are round or phoenix?"

There was a mouthful of barks, and then he groaned in frustration.

The seventh prince rubbed his head, and his tone was extremely spoiled. "Understand, my sorrow must be high-quite courageous nose; the mouth is not small or small, the shape is beautiful, the lip color is a pale powder, like blooming in March The peach blossom; eyebrows ... "He deliberately prolonged the tone and laughed with squinting gaze," The eyebrows cannot be sword eyebrows, because they are too heroic and very different from yours. They should be pale and tangible, slightly A curved willow eyebrow. The eyes are round, the eyes are black and white, and the ends of the eyes are slightly up-up, very agile. "

all hit! Sure enough, there is a concubine! Yu was very surprised. He dipped some ink in his paw, drew two hearts on rice paper, and added two wings.

The seventh prince is enlightened, and he groaned with a few glances, "I have no colorful phoenix-flying wings, and my heart is a little bit better. Does this mean that my family has a good spirit?"

This is called Wen Caifeiran? Youyi could not help covering her face with her claws, expressing her shame, but printed a few dark plum blossoms on the white fluff, which made the seventh prince smile. With a smile, he thought about it for a while, and then started to draw slowly, first the outline, then the clothing, and then the facial features. The outline and clothing took only a quarter of an hour to complete, but the facial features were fully thoughtful. One place must have been thinking for a long time.

After half an hour, he put his pen down and stared at the painting. He had known for a long time that a puppet and a puppy were so cute and turned into a person who must be beautiful. However, seeing him really made him more shocked than he thought.

He stood a little farther, looking at the painting, and at the little dog that circled around the painting, his eyes diarrhea-a trace of burning. When the restlessness in his heart subsided, he asked mutely, "This painting is not like your human figure?"

Nod nodded, shook his head again, wiped off the ink on his paw slightly, and then added two light dots on both sides of his cheek.

The seventh prince's eyes brightened and he rejoiced, "This is a pear vortex? Do you still have two little pear vortexes?"

Based on speculation alone, the master can describe his appearance as eight-nine and inseparable from ten, and is very charming, as if he saw it with his own eyes. There was a scream, and he had to express his congratulations.

The seventh prince hugged the puppy, looked left and right on his face, and chuckled, "My family has a magpie who is indeed the cutest goblin in the world, and it still has a pair of little pear vortexes. When you become a person in the future , I'm going to poke. "And of course try it.

Pricking the pear vortex has always been the habit of the master, and he can't change it for a few years. Someone has already been used to it. He licked his face and licked his dog's paw again. The seventh prince Han-lived his pink-tender little paws, laughed loudly.

From that day on, a portrait was hung in the palace of the Seven Highnesses, and no one was allowed to touch it except the **** who was sweeping. It was also from this day that he became more and more cheerful and energetic. 2k novel reading network