MTL - They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes-Chapter 59 Operation

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There are many preparations that should be done before surgery, but there is very little that the patient needs to do in person.

Luo Chi was admitted to the hospital, apart from being pulled for a series of physical examinations and wearing a bunch of fragmented instrument leads, there was nothing else but bed rest as prescribed by the doctor.

Because he was too busy, Luo Chi couldn't help but ask Mr. Shadow to borrow a computer.

At this time, the ward was very quiet, and there was no one in the corridor.

It is a single ward itself. Although it is inevitable that there are humming instruments, medicines and disinfectant everywhere, the smell is also obvious, but the overall layout is still warm and comfortable enough.

The window was bright and clean, and the sunlight filtered in from the window, illuminating the room with a lazy warmth.

Ming Weiting was taken by Xun Zhen for the final preoperative notification. Luo Chi was sitting alone on the hospital bed playing with the computer. When he looked up, he saw Mr. Shadow's coat hanging on the hanger.

After Luo Chi woke up, he actually didn't need to see the coat to know that Mr. Shadow would come back, but this habit was still retained by Mingwei Pavilion.

Sometimes because he was weak or too tired, Luo Chi would fall asleep accidentally, and when he woke up, he would find that the coat was covered on him at some point.

Luo Chi likes those coats very much, and will be happy when he sees them. He tapped the keyboard with one hand, added this sentence to the letter to himself, and added parentheses after thinking about it.


Details, colon.

Luo Chi was concentrating on recalling, while skillfully typing on the keyboard.

After figuring out the possible consequences of the operation, Luo Chi went to consult a doctor, and also took the opportunity to search the Internet to find out how to convert short-term memory into long-term memory.

Those who will go to the Internet to search for this problem seem to be children and parents who are deeply troubled by their studies. Luo Chi followed a lot of videos, and even almost couldn't resist the temptation to buy an online course for memory teaching, and finally mastered the most basic method.

He retells everything he wants to remember with as much precision and detail as possible. The more detail and more vivid the effect, the better.

Luo Chi originally only wrote about the suit jacket, but after reciting it over and over several times, he slowly typed out the words "casual clothes".

Luo Chi sat for three minutes, looking at the words "casual clothes" on the screen.

He looked at the still blank screen, lowered his head again, and looked at his chest.

…Mr. Shadow in casual clothes.

Mr. Shadow, who was wearing casual clothes, followed his movements and tapped his chest lightly.

And then had a one-on-one exchange with his heart.

Then he spoke on behalf of the heart.

Then Mr. Shadow looked at him, then his heart beat a little for some reason, and then Mr. Shadow put his hand on his chest.

The fabric of the casual clothes gently folded his shirt.


Luo Chi pressed his chest, took a few deep breaths slowly, and sighed deeply.

He quietly lifted the quilt a little, temporarily lowered the air conditioner by half a degree, and looked at the thirteen "ah"s he pressed out on the screen.

no doubt.

Although I don't know how much memory will be lost, I don't know whether these long-term memories that have been transformed with great difficulty will be preserved or will be wiped out with the next operation.

I don't even know what's different about this, or where the mysterious power of this casual suit lies.

But when he woke up again, seeing these thirteen, he must have no way of understanding what he was thinking when he wrote the letter.

This memory has not been successfully translated into words.

When the head nurse came to the ward to check the data of the recording instrument and the water, Luo Chi tried to borrow pencils and sticky notes.

Luo Chi originally thought that he would have to give enough convincing reasons to guarantee that he would pay the money - but the development of things completely unexpectedly went smoothly.

Not only did he easily borrow a pen and paper, but he was also praised by the head nurse for his cooperation with the treatment, and received a reward toffee.

Luo Chi didn't expect this kind of development at all, sitting on the hospital bed, holding the piece of candy, his eyes widened.

"Everything is normal." The head nurse explained, "In the wards on this floor, patients with good indicators will be rewarded."

The people living here are all tumor patients waiting for surgery, and it is not the first time that they have received patients with special status. But this time, the whole nurse station no doubt liked this young man who was very cooperative, super polite, didn't talk much but liked to laugh.

The head nurse is approaching retirement age, and there is a son at home who is a few years older than him.

Looking at the young man who apparently didn't regain his senses, whispered "thank you", and his ears were turning red, the head nurse's heart softened even more: "When will the operation, will my family accompany you?"

Luo Chi slowly blinked his eyes, and then his eyes suddenly lit up particularly obviously, and nodded vigorously with the corners of his mouth pursed.

"Accompany." Luo Chi hadn't said that for a long time, and he was a little jerky when he spoke, "Someone."

He took a deep breath, and said it clearly and proudly: "Someone is waiting for me to get better."

The head nurse nodded, smiled and said softly, "Get better."

The head nurse clenched her fists to cheer him up: "Come on."

Luo Chi also clenched his fist: "Come on, come on."

The head nurse smiled even more, couldn't help rubbing his head, and especially rewarded him with a candy.

She asked about Luo Chi's physical condition, her tone was gentle and patient, and she especially praised Luo Chi for cooperating well with the treatment. An indwelling needle was also given to Luo Chi, and the technique was steady and light, and it didn't hurt at all.

Luo Chi waved away the head nurse, peeled off the two toffees and put them in his mouth, bulging his left and right cheeks together, humming a song while burying his head in sketching.

The hospital is so good.

He wants to apologize for his previous prejudice against the hospital, and he will write it down in a letter when he comes back.

In the future, you will need to protect your body and avoid going to the hospital, but you can come to see the head nurse. The head nurse said that when you can walk, remember to come back and tell them.

Now toffee has become the second best.

The next two days passed quickly.

Luo Chi got a thick stack of sticky notes, and when he had time, he immersed himself in sketching, and then stuffed it all in the middle of the guitar bag to hide it.

There were also several more letters, some for himself and some for Mr. Shadow.

Those thirteen "ah"s are still in brackets. Luo Chi still didn't want to delete it in the end, he decided to treat it as a mystery, and let himself after the operation explore more and more what was going on.

As for other things... Luo Chi himself did not expect that his ward could become so lively.

The cause is probably traced back to a little girl who ran to the wrong floor and ward. She was just seven years old this year, and she also had something growing in her head, waiting for an operation in the hospital.

The little girl's parents were so exhausted that they only discussed the condition with the doctor, and were accidentally overheard by the child. The little girl was afraid of the operation, so she cried so hard that she sneaked out of the ward when the adults were not paying attention.

Later, the nurse station downstairs received a call, and when she hurried upstairs to pick up her parents with her mad parents, the little girl was lying beside Luo Chi's bed and playing with him, I guess.

She didn't cry at all, was coaxed by Luo Chi so bravely, and jumped into her mother's arms. He raised his small arms arrogantly, and now he was going to find something in his head to fight.

Luo Chi was using chemotherapy drugs, leaning on Mr. Shadow's body and had no energy, and led her to shout the slogan in a super low voice: "Who will get better!"

"I'll be fine!"

The little girl shouted loudly, "Brother will get better!"

The little girl's parents were both pleasantly surprised and distressed, and thanked them with tears. Luo Chi also smiled and slowly shook his head, thanking the little girl earnestly.

The red-eyed mother carried the little girl back to the bed again. Luo Chi was held by Mr. Shadow, and slowly pulled the hook with the soft little hand, listening to the little girl saying to him, "No change in a hundred years".

Luo Chi decided to learn this too.

On the morning of the operation, Luo Chi also pulled the hook with the lucky fans: "It must not change for a hundred years."

His ideals changed rapidly, jumping from 93 years to 100 years in just a few days, but the idols and lucky fans obviously didn't think there was any problem at all.

Ming Weiting hooked his fingers, leaned over and touched his forehead lightly: "It will not change for a hundred years."

Mr. Shadow is still wearing that casual jacket today.

Mr. Shadow didn't fall asleep last night and kept watching him while sitting by the bed.

Mr. Shadow finally made a handicraft for him, a pavilion made of shells, next to his shell boat.

...he likes Mr. Shadow so much.

Luo Chi raised his hand to touch Mr. Shadow's eyes.

Ming Weiting was stunned for a moment, and let him touch it without dodging. When he realized that Luo Chi's strength was not enough, he took the initiative to lower his head.

Luo Chi slowly touched his eyelashes, pursed the corners of his mouth, and whispered, "See you later."

Ming Weiting nodded, and Wen Sheng followed him: "See you later."

Luo Chi had already had a preoperative injection. The drug has sedative and anti-anxiety effects, but this time he didn't feel any discomfort as if he had been injected with sedatives before, but he was a little reluctant to sleep.

These days, Luo Chi was reluctant to sleep every night.

He heard that repeating memory maintenance and strengthening exercises before going to bed has the best effect, although it is not clear whether what the person selling the class said is true... But at the bonfire party ten years ago, every picture was indeed engraved more and more. getting clearer.

He saw Aunt Ren. Auntie stood outside the crowd laughing at him, waving at him, cheering and applauding him loudly with everyone, and he was hugged tightly by Auntie along with the guitar.

He saw his conch, surrounded by the brightest star lights behind the reef, big smiling faces painted on the wet sand.

He saw a ship moored in the darkness of the harbor.

Luo Chi closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled bit by bit.

After that, he hadn't made another wish for ten years.

According to the online saying, the wish that has not been made for ten years should be enough to save a considerable amount of character. He doesn't know how much luck he has left - after all, everything these days is so lucky and like a dream, he almost thought he was dreaming... So the headache is really not difficult at all.

In the midst of the utterly obvious and real pain, he confirmed to himself the answer over and over again, that it was all true.

Everything that happened was real, not a dream, not a near-death hallucination drowned in the sea.

In fact, it is very logical. After all, how could he imagine such a good illusion by himself.

Luo Chi didn't know how much luck and character he had left, but he decided to use up all his stock and make one last wish of not being greedy at all.

If he really forgets a lot of least let him remember Aunt Ren and the bonfire burning by the sea.

That bonfire shone on Aunt Ren, on his guitar, on the conch behind the reef and on the stars in the sky. He was sitting by the campfire, his face hot from the fire, and when he stood up and looked up to breathe, he saw the boat moored by the water.

The boat was moored not far from the shore, and he could cross it by wading. It might be presumptuous for such a sudden visit, but that's okay, someone was waiting for him on the boat.

He would remember that there was a man on that ship with all the letters he wrote to himself ten years later.

He would read one by one, retrieve the memories that he had recited one by one, and then follow the guidelines of those letters to find other clues he had left behind.

He left himself a lot of clues, which can be slowly analyzed one by one.

At that time, he had to figure out why Mr. Shadow was beating so fast when he kissed the heart under his chest.