MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 149 Bailian Space

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The lights dazzled in front of the eyes instantly, and every place was illuminated clearly.

"No wonder you didn't find it all around. I told you to hide here."

The doctor raised an eyebrow, looked at the two figures in the corner, sneered dismissively, and walked towards them.

Under the long-term physical and mental torture of these experimental products, most of them have little combat power. Even if you didn't know how to escape, it was just a matter of letting the laboratory personnel worry about the secret leak, and it would not cause much alarm.

The doctor swaggered over and picked up a laser gun: "Okay, No. 9 and No. 50-I'm a little bit acquainted, I'm not ready to go back with me ..."

Before his words fell, he was swept across the body by a sudden pain. Before he could scream out in pain, the young man who had been guarded rushed forward and pressed his head under the experimental table.

"Come on!"

Hearing the number, Gu Yuan did not dare to relax at all, firmly restrained the doctor, and realized that he was still struggling to get up again. He turned his elbow toward the ridge of his chest, and the current was released without any care.

The doctor was speechless while covering his mouth, and was even more powerless to speak. He had been convulsed by electric current during the struggle, and moaned with a low muffled sound, and collapsed weakly into a pool.

Lu Zhiguang still stood still.

Gu Yuan was so anxious that he couldn't worry about calling his name here. I had to pull the electronic handcuffs in hand, copy the doctor firmly, and circle the person in his arms again. According to the discussion between the two, open the most corner window and leap through the dark cover. Go on.

The body in my arms was no longer taut, but it was still cold and scary. The arms in my arms were so cold that it hurt.

Gu Yuan couldn't bear to urge him again, but carefully dropped by the bumps outside the wall, trying his best to avoid the searchlights from time to time, and managed to hide temporarily in the bush outside the building.

Seeing a dazzling beam of light hitting directly, Gu Yuan ducked empty when he avoided, his body slammed down.

Gu Yuan could not help but feel cold, and was about to send Lu Zhiguang first to settle down temporarily, but the flexible vines had quickly tangled up.

"Persistent light?"

Gu Yuan was steadily pulled by the vines, Gu Yuan didn't know whether he was happy or worried, he lowered his head and spoke softly, guarding his back with one hand: "Are you okay?"

Lu Zhiguang lifted his head from his chest, his eyes still not thinking, but he was no longer pale as in the laboratory, and even bent his eyes slightly at him.

Gu Yuan bowed his head and kissed him. He was dropped on the ground by the vines and was about to drill into the woods. Lu Zhiguang had already jumped from his arms, changed his direction by holding his hand, and submerged in another. In the forest full of thorns.

"Be careful--"

Gu Yuan yelled at him, about to take off his clothes and cover him, but Lu Zhiguang had dragged him into it.

The sharp thorns should be softened quickly when they touch, and they will automatically open a passage to both sides. Fireflies bounced around in front of them, and the two ran forward all the way. Numerous exotic plants had been born all the way behind, and the rear lane was firmly sealed.

I don't know how far it has been before Lu Deng finally slowed down.

The two are still adolescents with long-term imprisonment and malnutrition. They all felt pressure when they ran fast. They each supported their knees and panted. Although the weather was cold, sweat still slipped down the forehead.

Land lanterns still have to manipulate plants along the way, consuming more power, trying to level the breath, and the familiar warm chest has been wrapped up from behind.

"I'm fine ..."

He noticed that the lover behind him was about to take off his clothes and gave him his head. Lu Deng looked up and was about to open his mouth. He had been tightly wrapped in Gu Yuan's jacket and hugged his arms against the trunk.

The warm palms rubbed against the back, ironing away every trace of anxiety and fear. The lantern gradually relaxed, and pulled out two bottles of the vitality recovery agent from the pitcher plant, opened one and handed it over: "I didn't find a pass ..."

"It's very useful to get these, we'll look elsewhere."

Gu Yuan lowered his head and kissed his sweaty forehead, twisted his sweat with the palm of his hand, and then whispered, "We won't go to that place again, shall we?"

Lu Deng's body suddenly tightened, and he looked up at him wistfully.

Gu Yuan didn't elaborate any more, just grabbed him and slowly stroked his back, promising to lower his head softly, "No more ..."

With a stiff spine under his palm, the young Lu Zhiguang is far thinner and thinner than any other world can see. Even holding it in his arms is as light as possible.

Gu Yuan wrapped his clothes tightly for him and didn't say any more.

Lu Zhiguang's body could not find any scars, but those scars could not be ignored in front of him. It was already a long-standing past, but dripping with the freshest dripping blood.

He remembers the boy he first met.

I didn't even talk so often, I only knew that I looked down and smiled, but I was no stranger to prison and punishment. The soft and quiet pure black eyes will not have any fluctuations due to the serious injury that is almost enough to die, but they will cry in his arms and cry out of breath after the two men almost wipe their shoulders and miss them.

He suddenly didn't dare to imagine what Lu Zhiguang was thinking at that time.

Suddenly, the body in his arms moved slightly. Gu Yuan quickly lowered his head and was about to ask him what he wanted, but Lu Zhiguang had hugged him tightly, and raised his head and kissed him seriously.

Gu Yuan hesitated, and quickly extended his arms to stabilize him, and bowed his head and held his breath in response.

Lu Zhiguang did not deepen the kiss, but just touched it seriously on his lips. After the temperature completely dissipated the cold that was blown by the night wind, I bent the soft-shaped eyebrows with satisfaction, slightly released my arm, and leaned forward: "I'm fine."

Being with your lover, even if you go through all the nightmares again, is enough to turn these nightmares into the most gentle and stable habitat.

No matter what time, someone will hug him.

This feeling was so good that he wanted him to go through it a hundred more times.

"You don't have to go."

Lu Deng smiled at him, water vapor came up, and he tried his best to wink, fumbling with ten fingers, and the heat of his palm was hotter than his eyes.

While in the laboratory, he was instantly disturbed by the voice of the doctor—he was here for more than ten years from birth, tortured over and over in an ignorant childhood. The deep memories planted by the abusers are not so easy to erase.

At that time, even if the doctor spoke to let him lie on the dissection table and break his arm to check the recovery, he might do it instinctively.

The instinctive reaction planted by long-term orders and cruel punishment has always been dormant in the nerves of the body. When he discovered all this, he did have instinctual fear and helplessness.

But now it is no longer.

It turns out that the doctor who seems to be omnipotent in his memory will be so vulnerable that he can be easily knocked down by a boy-like lover. There was never enough time for rebellion to rise.

——He didn't realize until now that neither himself nor Gu Yuan was a fragile experiment in memory. They had already gone through so many difficulties side by side. Such a base would not stop them at all.

The land lantern was buried in his arms, and the knot in his heart was completely spread out, leaving only the extremely tense and tired to cry and laugh.

Gu Yuan was a little worried. He wanted to see his condition. As soon as he raised his hand, he was gently held. The steady strength passed through the palm of his hand.

"We don't need a pass anymore ... take a good night's sleep and we'll break out tomorrow."

This idea is really crazy, but once it emerges, it is hard to suppress. Lu Deng's heartbeat was quick, and he looked up at him: "Can you?"

Gu Yuanwei was surprised, sitting and holding him upright, confirming softly: "Just break out?"

The little lover in the impression has always been quiet and secure. When there is little impulse, it seems that the uncle Xiaohuang who played the stage and finally made Lu Zhiguang, who has always been too quiet, was agitated by the youth's vitality.

Gu Yuan couldn't help but smile, but still intentionally waited for his reply.

Lu Deng's face was hot, but he gripped his hand more and more, raised his head and said, "Just break out."

There was a bright light under his eyes, Gu Yuan laughed softly and lowered his head and kissed his forehead: "Tomorrow is too wasteful of time, don't do it now."

He was serious, not at all joking.

Lu Deng slightly raised his head, Gu Yuan already stood upright with a smile, and poked twice at the fireflies on one side. When the disc was bitten, he closed it in time, copied it, and placed it gently on the top of Lu Zhiguang's head: go."

Lu Deng's head was covered with a small fluffy light group, her clear black eyes widened slightly, and she couldn't look back. She had been copied by Gu Yuan in her arms, and she went out in the right direction.

The way out of the institute was unexpectedly good.

Although the garrison is tight, the strength of both people has not been known to have been baptized in several worlds. Lu Zhiguang knew the terrain here and took Gu Yuan to the left and right for several times. He never missed it. He easily got rid of the ordinary siege and rushed out all the way.

The defenders are just virtual illusions, and their combat power is not worse than real people, but their reactions are much more fixed. Gu Yuan completely let go, and cooperated with Lu Zhiguang, leaving the core area in the sound of high-risk alarms in the base, and rushing far to the periphery of the base.

"This base is very tightly armed. The general is probably a very powerful person. We need to be careful."

The area of ​​the base was not small, and the two of them did not have much delay along the way. It took them nearly three days to rush here by supplementing the medicine.

After all, physical strength should not be too optimistic. It is better to stop and rest for a while. Gu Yuan caught two pheasants back, plucked the two rare and rare pheasants, turned the barbecue on the fire, and blinked half-jokingly at him: It ’s a bit uncomfortable to eat. ”

There was also a smile on the corner of Lu Deng's lips, holding a twig of oranges with a root poke, slowly roasting at the edge of the bonfire, quietly watching her lover leaning against him.

"He leads the protagonist system. It should be a real human outside. Recently, the rules have been newly changed. Humans need to take out the system allocated in the system world and submit their skill points to sell their deeds ..."

Although he often transfers some experience points to the other party as compensation, listening to his own system, those experience points transferred are used to squander the purchase of snacks in the system mall. Now the protagonist's experience points are still not enough. of.

As for why to take out a system that is not allowed to eat, but also to train the personal training training process and use electric shock to force the daily laps out of the system, probably only the protagonist himself knows.

The oranges were hot, and the light slowly blown off the air, carefully peeling off the thin paper, and passed half of it to Gu Yuan: "But our experience point is enough, as long as we pass the assessment."

His own system has been happily holding a deed to show off, saying that it needs to customize a higher-level body than a sweeping robot. Lu Deng didn't quite understand the aesthetics of their systematic flow. He simply wrapped up 100,000 points of experience in the past and picked it up by himself, so he didn't worry too much.

The real and virtual worlds are always different. For the system's native data, the yearning for the outside world is always stronger than humans.

Although Lu Deng grew up in the real world, he never brought home friends in the system. When he thought of taking Gu Yuan home to meet the parents, his eyes brightened a bit, and his lips were secretly tilted. Up.

Gu Yuan has never seen what the outside world looks like. He listened to him, but also smiled slightly, raised his hands and rubbed his hair: "Then I have to find a job as soon as possible-your parents Anything you like? Maybe start preparing now. "

Lu Deng blinked his eyes and looked up, the warm flames jumped lively in his eyes, spreading the bright fireworks: "I think ..."

He was still thinking, but Lin Wai suddenly heard the tracking noise.

Gu Yuan's heart jumped, and in a blink of an eye, he stood up and extinguished the fire quickly. Lu Deng has also jumped up and listened carefully, but the eyebrows became more and more tight. The vines in the hands entangled them together and leapt towards the treetops.

This situation is really weird.

Gu Yuan laid the enchantment of electric current all around, and Lu Deng also planted a circle of bloodthirsty vine seedlings. It should not be supposed to be so close.

Neither of them was careless. Usually, even if someone was a little closer, they would immediately notice it together, but this was the second time that they were forced to be unaware.

Gu Yuan tightened Meifeng, still thinking about what was going on, and there was already a chaser rushing in below.

A figure of a general's costume appeared under the tree. He looked at the chicken legs that had just been grilled. His dark black eyebrows were raised, and a glimmer of satisfaction flashed under his eyes. Search!"

The two crouched on the tree, their hearts beat slightly, but they held their breath firmly.

There was no flame under the tree, and there were only black silhouettes. Lu Deng blinked and leaned down to take a closer look. Seeing that his body was unstable, Gu Yuan tightened his arm in time to protect the person. His fingertips tapped the next line of code in his palm: Try your luck. "

In an instant, Gu Yuan faintly gave birth to the idea of ​​going out to attract firepower, letting Lu Zhiguang think of a way to get out, the words had once reached his mouth, but swallowed back.

The two rushed out all the way, more and more bright flashes in those quiet eyes, bolder and bolder, more and more smiles, he was looking in the eyes.

If all this is really a projection of Lu Zhiguang's memory-even if he dare not think about this possibility that is almost the truth, he still reminds himself over and over again that this is the only way to completely remove his lover Dark chance.

He couldn't just make a claim because of his impulsive thoughts, and re-cast a new shadow on Lu Zhiguang in this memory.

Lu Deng looked at him slightly, looked back at him, and the light from the bottom of his eyes jumped softly. He clenched the hand silently and nodded his head slightly.

Gu Yuan kept him in his arms, and looked at the movement below, condensing his spirits, and exploring the route to escape. Just out of my mind, a flash of sharpness suddenly flashed in my mind, Lu Zhiguang instinctively swept back, and a laser shot straight through the branches where the two were hiding.

"Be careful!"

Realizing that Lu Zhiguang wanted to move behind him, Gu Yuan's arms hugged him firmly, stepped on his feet, jumped, jumped, and fell to the ground.

The two were still young, and the tall figure of the general stood coldly in front of them, almost already having a sharp contrast. Gu Yuan didn't think much about it, pulled the landing light to avoid the second laser beam, and released a lightning to split the trunk, which instantly ignited the blazing fire.

The scorching heat rushed towards the face, forcing people to close their eyes fiercely.

The general stepped back two steps, a flash of strange light flashed in his eyes, and actually abandoned the gun and rushed towards them.

In the last days, everyone has abilities, and most of them who can become generals have strong personal combat capabilities.

Gu Yuan didn't dare to relax. He guarded Lu Zhiguang behind him, raised his hand to block the general's arm, and clashed with the opponent.

The general's skill was truly outstanding.

The ability to release the current disappeared after encountering the opponent. Gu Yuan faintly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't have much time to think about it. He just fought to resist. Although he was easily relaxed on the ground by the general, he also stubbornly snatched the cap from his head.

The general had always been easy and free to deal with, and he was caught off guard by raising his hat and raising his eyebrows. It was almost necessary to take a real action, but the land lamp had flew straight from the side.

"Persistent light!"

Gu Yuan hurriedly made a noise, just about to tell him to hide, but watched as Lu Zhiguang actually ran to the two of them and stood still, hesitated for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and rushed to the general and hugged him His arms forbid him to move again: "Oh ...!"

Gu Yuan: ...

Gu Yuan :? !!

Gu Yuan raised his head stupidly, faced with the anxiety in the dark eyes, hesitated for a while, raised his arms trembling, and put the military cap in the hairline back into the already dangerous middle-aged general.

The author has something to say: Regrets · What parents like · Make good relationships · General: | 艸?;)


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