MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 19 I covered this Xueba

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On the contrary, the main system rarely said that it would be a normal situation of delaying for dozens of days. Gu Yuan's application was submitted, and a reply was approved that day.

As a reserve worker, Gu Yuan still has to complete his job. Lu Deng led him to live in the main world for a week before setting off with him and sending the other person into the docking space.

Gu Yuan is still in the trial period and still has to rotate in various worlds, and continue to play the role of cannon fodder under the premise of blocking the memory. Once the trial period has passed, he can become a formal staff member and all previous memories will be automatically restored.

Watching Gu Yuan's figure disappeared into the starry sky, Lu Deng retracted his gaze, opened the virtual light curtain, and searched for the position where the other party was thrown into the world.

The content of the mission is to care for and save cannon fodder, improve cannon fodder treatment, and change the fate of cannon fodder. There is a lot of cannon fodder that needs to save destiny. The system has invested a lot of staff, and it is the same in which world to complete.

If you can find Gu Yuan's world exactly, even if the other party can't remember anything for a while, the task will be much easier to complete.

Thinking of the kiss and promise at the farewell, Lu Deng's palm lightly moved, the golden bell turned around his fingers, and the corners of his lips curled gently.

Naturally, it also ignored the system's always-talking buffer ring.

The scope of the search quickly narrowed, and the number of the target world was determined in a blink of an eye. Lu Deng's eyes were slightly bright. He just raised his hand and pressed it to confirm, but the urgent mechanical sound of the system was already sounding in his mind: "Host host-!"

The system is an auxiliary permission. The visible content range is wider than itself. It must be something you see.

Lu Deng raised his eyebrows a little, waited until the buffer of the new world was over, swept towards the text on the light screen, and the lip angle suddenly lagged slightly.

This is an upgraded world based on campus.

The protagonist is named Jiang Zhou, a student of the Department of Biological Sciences of Z University. He just entered school this year. With the talent and luck given by the protagonist's aura, he has won the highest honor in the scientific research community. The double income is a pure upgrade story of Su Shuang.

The cannon fodder that he needed to save was called Gu Chuanbai. He was the senior of Jiang Zhou's ancestors. He had the same gift and was very talented, but he had no luck with the protagonist.

Where there is light, there will be darkness, there are highly respected scholars, and naturally there are learning valves that take advantage of opportunities.

His mentor, Zhan Pei, is an associate professor in the Department of Biology. Not only was his opponent's graduate students driven by wanton oppression, but he also repeatedly suppressed Gu Chuanbai's thesis, maliciously obstructing him when he accidentally made new discoveries. The use of instruments must be approved at various levels, bribes are accepted at all times, and most of the salary for graduate internships must be paid.

Gu Chuanbai's family was mediocre. Under Zhan Pei's high pressure, he could only shorten the rest time repeatedly. Eventually, in an experiment, the instrument unexpectedly exploded due to excessive fatigue and was killed.

This incident did not cause much disturbance at the time, but laid the groundwork for subsequent plots.

When the protagonist Jiang Zhou sang along all the way to gain scientific research results, the mentor jumped out again and blocked the road. Jiang Zhou managed to pull out the old story of Gu Chuanbai that year, and attracted a lot of students who stood up to speak out. Finally, he forced the instructor to resign and rid him of a tumor in the scientific research community.

There are evil reports, but death can no longer be resurrected. The genius of that year has only regrets in people's mouths, and the interrupted experiments are unsustainable with that explosion.

Lu Deng dropped his eyes silently, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, his mood was complicated.

Compared with the previous world, the task of the current world is undoubtedly much easier to accomplish, but the point is not that.

This world belongs to the campus in the classification of the system. Since it is a campus, there must be homework. Since there is homework--

Lu Deng looked up and knocked on the system in his head: "Did those exercise books have not been successfully blown up?"

"Both are backed up in data mode and will not be blown up in the physical form. At that time, they will still be put in front of the host in different forms."

The mechanical sound also heard a distinct loss, and the system responded carefully, or concealed the cruel fact that the target person ’s wish was to accompany the host to do the homework: "In short, we still have to do homework ..."

Lu Deng nodded thoughtfully.

Since you can't start from the root, you can only try your best to reduce your workload through role adjustments. He has just passed his 20th birthday. The age range of the available characters is 18 to 24. Eight Chengdu students are still unable to escape the abyss of homework.

If there is really no way, you can only apply to sell kebabs at the entrance of the university, and then try to meet Gu Chuanbai by chance.

Skewers are also okay.

Lu Deng groaned for a long time, still first opened his own optional original characters, flipped one by one, his eyes fell on the last identity card.

Twenty-four-year-old, a newly-appointed professor of botany at zda, who has an independent laboratory and free discretionary funds, is a scholarly role with a high IQ.

The characters are generated in accordance with his own conditions. Lu Deng's intelligence and relevant knowledge reserves are sufficient to assume this person's design. It is probably not difficult to complete the task. I have a laboratory in my hand, maybe I can try to "raise" the other side in turn.

Although you only need to talk about public lectures, according to the level, you can be regarded as Gu Yuan's teacher. The other party must no longer supervise him to write his homework.

Lu Deng nodded with satisfaction, finally letting go of the idea of ​​selling grilled skewers, and slightly modified the shape of the schoolbag to be mature and outdated. The system is instructed to be prepared to step into the vortex and turn the data stream into the starry sky.


Under the tree-lined road, the light and shadow are scattered, and the summer sun is dazzling.

The young man with a schoolbag stood on the stone road, looked up at the exquisite and elegant teaching building, unbuttoned the two buttons on the neckline of his shirt, and carried his suitcase to the main building.

Z University is a well-known institution of higher learning in China with a strong academic atmosphere and a free and open style of study. It is an extremely desirable pure white ivory tower in the eyes of the outside world. Before Zhan Pei's misdeeds were revealed, no one could have imagined that such a thing would happen under the sun.

Pressed on the stone, suddenly shifted to one side, the land lamp was pulled back to stand in time, and rubbed the aching arm.

In order to meet the requirements of people, the suitcase is full of works and materials, and the weight is not light at all.

The mid-summer weather was hot, even the air was hot, and the broken hair between the foreheads had a thin layer of sweat. Lu Deng raised his hand and wiped it, pulling the cuffs up a few folds.

I wish I had drool.

The thought rose in his mind, and there was a quiet shadow beside him, the breeze was blowing, taking away a little sweat.

Lu Deng raised his head, and the tall young man blocked the white hot sunlight, smiling at him, took the suitcase, and passed the ice-cola held in the other hand: "I just bought it for you Now. "

Under the almost dazzling bright daylight, the young man's eyebrows were very handsome, more than half as tall as the land lamps, with short, lean hair, clear eyes, and sharp lips.

Although it was an accidental conversation, it was not so obtrusive because the tone and look were particularly sincere.

Eyes fell into the dark eyes of the smile, Lu Deng slammed into his heart, and his eyebrows opened a little unobservable arc. After taking Coca-Cola, the opening was still quite satisfactory: "Thank you, please--"

"My name is Chu Chuanbo, and I will study it this year, Department of Biology."

Already guessing what he wanted to ask, Gu Chuanbai laughed and held his suitcase in his hand easily: "Are you a freshman who just entered the college? I'm a university here, where do you want to go? I'll send you faster. "

The youth in front of him seemed to be the same age as him, and freshmen poured in in the beginning of the school season. It is also common to get lost. Although he is busy, it does not prevent him from helping.

It really is him.

Lu Deng pursed his lips, his smile flitted across his eyes, and a bit of starlight lit up under the dark eyes.

Now in the trial period, Gu Yuan will not carry the memories of the last world, and his personality will be fine-tuned according to people's settings. But looking at the youth in front of him, he still seemed to see the figure in his memory when he was young.

He hasn't been polished sharply by his destiny yet, showing his dazzling flying spirit, chic, confident and bright——

Just say 撩.

Gently shook the cold Coke can in the palm of his hand, quietly spreading a light arc between Lu Deng's eyebrows, thanked him warmly, reported his destination, and quickly followed him.

Gu Chuanbai's clothes are simple, t-shirts and jeans are half old, but they are clean and tidy. Arms carrying suitcases stretched beautiful and smooth muscle lines, and wheat-colored skin appeared healthy and shiny.

There was no extra ornament on his body, except for a thin red thread falling from his neck, and the pendant below was also properly hidden under his clothing.

Going all the way really thirsty, Lu Deng retracted his eyes secretly, opened the ring, and drank two colas.

Bubbles peculiar to carbonated beverages twitched in the throat, quickly extinguishing the summer heat, and the cold breath went straight down the chest, taking a snooze contentedly, and the summer heat of the body immediately dissipated.

Lu Deng squinted his eyes comfortably and relieved contentedly.

Dragging the suitcase on the stone road, Gu Chuanbai turned his eyes to the young man beside him, and his eyes showed a warm smile: "What's your name and which line is it?"

Being helpful is a virtue. In this hot summer without vending machines, Ice Cola is undoubtedly precious, and it is not something that anyone can give casually.

Gu Chuanbai didn't know him, but he felt uncomfortable looking at it inexplicably. It was like looking at a young brother he had known since childhood. He couldn't help but wanted to take care of it. The can of Coke had also been handed out before he responded.

Worse than drinking it yourself.

"My name is--"

Lu Deng looked up at him and was about to report his name. His eyes suddenly turned, and the corners of his lips suddenly softened: "Lu Jingmo, Department of Biology."

The system will help him bring the original character into the world and change the name easily. Chuanbai's bitter cold and Jingmo's temperate nature. Since he is a special professor specializing in botany, it's better to adapt the name to the role, and also to complement each other.

Although according to the opponent's point of view, even if they don't remember anything, even if they are called Lu Shaochuan, it will not have any effect, but according to the inertia of the plot world, it is more so. A guarantee.

Gu Chuanbai showed a little surprise, seeing him as if he was joking, could not help laughing, and nodded gently: "It sounds good."

Meeting the gentle light in his eyes, Lu Deng raised a smile between his eyebrows and passed Cola towards him.

The two drank a can of cola while chatting casually, walking on the stone road under the shade of the tree, and soon reached the administrative building.

Although Lu Jingmo is quiet and taciturn, he does not let the conversation fall into a deadlock of asking and answering questions. He will always give a proper and appropriate reply. Gu Chuanbai also gradually opened his voice box and introduced him to the characteristics of z.

"The street behind the school is very lively. There will be many stalls in the evening, selling everything. There are Internet cafes, there are ring shooting, there are roadside stalls, selling fried fried skewers, to be honest the taste is good-but not big Clean, we sometimes do it on our own, and the ovens and induction cookers in the lab still work well. "

The young man beside him was gentle and quiet. At first glance, he was a good student of standard, but he was afraid that he hadn't done anything illegal in these years.

He calmly instilled content that completely contradicted the laboratory rules, and Gu Chuanbai raised his hand to embrace his shoulder and patted it with a smile.

"Z University is open-minded and stresses democracy and freedom. As long as it is not too outdated, it will not require students to be too strict. I heard that graduate students are more relaxed in management, and they can come to me for dinner when they become familiar.

Lu Deng blinked, looked up at him, and nodded slightly.

At this time Gu Chuanbai was still so bright and hearty, she was still simply proud of her alma mater.

He would sneak over the wall and play a night game. He would cook a hot pot in a laboratory induction cooker. He would secretly use liquid nitrogen to make ice cream. Like boys.

He should always be like this.

Talented and passionate, he had a bright future.

The cold Coke was posted on the cheek, and the lights were shaking. Gu Chuanbai had dragged his suitcase to stand in front of the elevator and pressed the button to open the door.

Gu Chuanbai was a little worried when he saw him. He gave Coke to the other hand, and tried to measure the temperature between his forehead with the back of his hand: "Is it too hot? It will be cool soon. "

Meeting the light of concern in the ink pupil, Lu Deng converged and shook his head gently.

Wu Run's eyes re-solidified, and it seemed that he was indeed being distracted just now.

Gu Chuanbai breathed a sigh of relief, patted his shoulder with a smile, and deliberately said something: "Don't worry, I'm familiar here, I cover you."

He deliberately raised his jaw, deliberately made a bit rude, it really looks like the boss in this area.

Lu Deng couldn't help laughing, a bright smile spread along the lips of his brow and fell lightly into the bottom of Gu Chuanbai's pupil, causing his heartbeat to stop suddenly.

The elevator rang and the double doors opened slowly.

The author has something to say: [knock on the blackboard! The laboratory consciously abides by the laboratory rules! Do not imitate the content of the novel! 】

Gu daily illusion

# 兄长 似的 知识 感 #

Lu Deng: I am a teacher! Leave homework for Gu Yuan! q ^ q


Everyone rest assured that there will not be any advanced scientific research content, the highest difficulty is probably to use liquid nitrogen to make ice cream!

It will resume at 5 o'clock in the evening starting tomorrow (〃 \ '▽ \' 〃) Continue to send red envelopes today! !!

Thank you for your continued love (* / w\ *) and we will continue to work hard! !! !!

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