MTL - This Infinite World is Shameless-Chapter 1522

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"Hehe, do you want to threaten me?"

Li Changsheng turned his head to one side and snorted coldly, fully showing his indifference and disdain for capitalist imperialism.

"Don't dream, I, someone Li, is the kind of person who is greedy for life and fears death!"


Chapter 154 Oh my god, I've done my best

Oops, seeing Li Changsheng's stubborn appearance, there were quite a few people in the family organization at that time in a hurry.

That can't be done, if this Li Changsheng refuses to cooperate, his own Lord Bamei and that Miss Nemo will die!

Thinking of this, there's nothing you can do, you can only try to use some despicable means.

Of course, um, although it is a despicable method, in fact, according to their thoughts, at most, they think of some torture.

Li Changsheng, after all, is a well-informed person!

When I saw the tools they took out, I knew it at the time.

This group of people must be too stupid, and they know that they use violence to force others to agree with them. Can't they have a good discussion? Or use a more advanced method!

Seeing those hot red soldering irons, as well as the temporarily found vise, they were getting closer and closer to him.

The expression on Li Changsheng's face was not at all flustered, he knew that he must not reveal his inner timidity at this time.

Not only that, Li Changsheng still maintained his fearless state, snorted coldly, and raised his head bravely.

Immediately afterwards, he rebuked the minions in this group of dark organizations with just words.

"Humph! Stop dreaming, as long as you don't threaten me with the lives of my companions, no matter how many other tortures come, I won't give in!"


Just as she was about to press the hot red soldering iron on Li Changsheng's face, Iberita couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this.

After thinking about it for a while, I figured out the logic.

Followed closely, I thought it was okay, I didn't hear it at all, anyway, I have to teach this man a lesson!

After all, when he cried and said that he couldn't come again, he didn't plan to take it, so this is called the present world newspaper, and it's a tat.

But after all, there are still people in the organization who are very concerned about the safety of the two wounded, especially Yan, this strong ghost woman quickly grabbed Iberita's wrist.

"Wait, stop first!"

"Stop what? Let me go. I told you that this man is very cheap! If you don't give him a hard lesson, he will never cooperate with us obediently."

"Stop talking, I won't let you joke about our monarch's life!"

He glared at the other party with no face at all, then turned to look at Li Changsheng, and tried to threaten:

"Well, if you are not willing to cooperate with us to save people, we will kill your companions."

At the same time, Li Changsheng certainly couldn't put the hot red iron on his face, so at this time he could only borrow the donkey.

But even if he borrowed the donkey, Li Changsheng still didn't let go of his compulsion easily, he snorted coldly, like a warrior fighting against power.

"I really can't believe that you guys are so vicious, that you can even think of using my companions to threaten me. If that's the case, then I have to cooperate with you!"

At the same time, after hearing this, Sarah Hood and Witch Katz couldn't help but glance at each other, and the two girls twitched the corners of their mouths at the same time.

Invariably, I thought: This man is really shameless, obviously you reminded us, okay?

But after all, this was related to the safety of their companions, so the two little girls did not expose Li Changsheng's ugly face.

At the same time, the people of the ghost clan also arrested Li Changsheng, forcing him to save people quickly.

And at this time, Li Changsheng could only look at his companion who was also arrested on the other side, especially Romano, whose expression seemed a little out of place.

After all, this girl was also deceived by Li Changsheng last time, um, maybe it's a little bit of recollection now, and the look on Li Changsheng's expression is not quite right.

"Romano, I have to cooperate with them because of you. I love you!"

"Ha ha!"


Hearing this sneer, Li Changsheng knew it was over, but it didn't matter, Li Changsheng felt that he might be able to come back.

Of course, um, with Romano, this can be discussed later.

To be honest, Li Changsheng also felt that he was very innocent. After all, as a peerless beauty, Romano was so easy to deceive.

It was obvious that this girl had a problem with her own IQ, and Li Changsheng couldn't be blamed entirely.

Well, of course, maybe this girl's IQ is not a problem, the main reason is that this girl is quite superstitious, so feudal superstition is not necessary!

Leaving aside the issue of feudal superstition, in order to respond to the call of the family organization, um, Li Changsheng also had to start treatment.

Still maintaining that righteous and awe-inspiring look, he turned his head to look at the people of the ghost clan. After all, they asked Li Changsheng to treat his monarch first.

"It's okay if you want me to treat it, but you have to promise me two conditions!"

"What conditions? Hurry up and say!"

"First, I can't hurt my companions, and we must ensure their safety! Second, when I am treating, give me a quiet environment and a room big enough for me."

"The first request is fine, but the second one is not. You need to be treated under our noses!"

"No, if you don't agree with my second condition, then I can't cure it!"

"Hurry up and treat, or we will kill your companions now!"

"You guys, would you give me some face? Respect my dignity as a doctor!"

"Hehe, hurry up, either heal, or we'll kill your companions now!"

"You are so sure that you won't save me any face at all?!"

"That's right!"

"That's nothing to talk about!"

"That's right!"
